Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa

Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa


(Všetky údaje su v tisícoch eur, pokiaľ nie je uvedené inak.)25. Daň z príjmov31. 12. 2009 31. 12. 2008Splatná daň 74 195Odložená daň (Poznámka 17) 356 -192Dodatočná daň z príjmu 1 -Daň celkom 431 3Daň Spoločnosti zo zisku pred zdanením sa líši od teoretickej sumy, ktorá vznikne použitímsadzby dane aplikovateľnej na zisky Spoločnosti nasledovne:31. 12. 2009 31. 12. 2008Zisk pred zdanením 565 -1 208Daň z príjmov vypočítaná sadzbou dane (19%) 107 -230Daňovo neuznateľné náklady 594 265Výnosy nepodliehajúce dani -272 -32Dodatočná daň minulé obdobia 1 -Daňový náklad/(výnos) 431 3Sadzba dane bola v roku 2009 19% (2008: 19%).26. Peňažné toky z prevádzkovej činnosti31. 12. 2009 31. 12. 2008Výročná správa 2009 I Annual Report 2009 KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa a.s., Vienna Insurance GroupZisk pred zdanením 565 -1 208Odpisy hmotného a nehmotného majetku 577 524Zmena stavu hmotného a nehmotného majetku - -Zmena stavu finančných aktív -15 820 -12 211Zmena stavu pohľadávok 1 549 2 376Zmena stavu časovo rozlíšených obst. Nákladov 799 804Zmena stavu aktív vyplývajúcich zo zaistenia 2 085 -1 668Zmena záväzkov z poistných zmlúv 5 001 11 073Zmena stavu ostatných záväzkov -1 262 -1 490Peňažné toky z prevádzkovej činnosti -6 506 -1 803Spoločnosť klasifikuje peňažné toky z nákupov a predajov finančných aktív ako investičnépeňažné toky.27. Podmienené záväzkyVzhľadom na to, že mnohé oblasti slovenského daňového práva dovoľujú viac ako jednu interpretáciu(hlavne transferové oceňovanie), daňové orgány sa môžu rozhodnúť dodaniť niektoréčinnosti Spoločnosti, pri ktorých sa Spoločnosť domnieva, že by nemali byť zdanené. Daňovéorgány nekontrolovali zdaňovacie obdobia rokov 2009, 2008, 2007 a 2006, a preto existuje rizikouvalenia dodatočnej dane. Manažment Spoločnosti si nie je vedomý skutočností, ktoré bymohli viesť k významným nákladom v budúcnosti. Zdaňovacie obdobia za roky 2009, 2008, 2007a 2006 môžu byť predmetom daňovej kontroly až do rokov 2014, 2013, 2012, respektíve 2011.194

(All amount are in thousands of Euros, unless stated otherwise)25. Income taxYear ended 31 December 2009 2008Tax due 74 195Deferred tax (Note 17) 356 (192)Under accrued income tax 1 -Total 431 3The tax on the Company’s profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would ariseusing the tax rate applicable to profits of the Company, as follows:Year ended 31 December 2009 2008Profit before tax 565 (1,208)Income tax calculated using the 19% tax rate 107 (230)Tax-non-deductible expenses 594 265Non-taxable income (272) (32)Additional tax for previous periods 1 -Tax expense 431 3The income tax rate was 19% (2008: 19%).26. Cash flow from operating activitiesYear ended 31 December 2009 2008Profit (loss) before tax 565 (1,208)Depreciation and amortization of non-current assets 577 524Movements in tangible and intangible assets - -Movements in financial assets (15,820) (12,211)Movements in receivables 1,549 2,376Movements in deferred acquisition costs 799 804Movements in reinsurance assets 2,085 (1,668)Movements in liabilities from insurance contracts 5,001 11,073Movements in other liabilities (1,262) (1,490)Net cash from operating activities (6,506) (1,803)The Company classifies the cash flows from the sale and purchase of financial assets as cashflows from operations.27. Contingent liabilitiesSince some provisions of Slovak legislation allow for more than one interpretation, the taxauthorities may decide to tax certain business activities that the Company believes should not betaxed. The 2009, 2008, 2007, and 2006 taxation periods were not subject to a tax audit. Therefore,there is a risk of additional imposition of tax. The management of the Company is not aware of anycircumstances in this respect that may lead to significant costs in the future. The mentioned taxationperiods could be subject examination by the tax authorities in 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011.Ročná účtovná závierka a komentár I Company Accounts195

(All amount are in thousands of Euros, unless stated otherwise)25. Income taxYear ended 31 December <strong>2009</strong> 2008Tax due 74 195Deferred tax (Note 17) 356 (192)Under accrued income tax 1 -Total 431 3The tax on the Company’s profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would ariseusing the tax rate applicable to profits of the Company, as follows:Year ended 31 December <strong>2009</strong> 2008Profit before tax 565 (1,208)Income tax calculated using the 19% tax rate 107 (230)Tax-non-deductible expenses 594 265Non-taxable income (272) (32)Additional tax for previous periods 1 -Tax expense 431 3The income tax rate was 19% (2008: 19%).26. Cash flow from operating activitiesYear ended 31 December <strong>2009</strong> 2008Profit (loss) before tax 565 (1,208)Depreciation and amortization of non-current assets 577 524Movements in tangible and intangible assets - -Movements in financial assets (15,820) (12,211)Movements in receivables 1,549 2,376Movements in deferred acquisition costs 799 804Movements in reinsurance assets 2,085 (1,668)Movements in liabilities from insurance contracts 5,001 11,073Movements in other liabilities (1,262) (1,490)Net cash from operating activities (6,506) (1,803)The Company classifies the cash flows from the sale and purchase of financial assets as cashflows from operations.27. Contingent liabilitiesSince some provisions of Slovak legislation allow for more than one interpretation, the taxauthorities may decide to tax certain business activities that the Company believes should not betaxed. The <strong>2009</strong>, 2008, 2007, and 2006 taxation periods were not subject to a tax audit. Therefore,there is a risk of additional imposition of tax. The management of the Company is not aware of anycircumstances in this respect that may lead to significant costs in the future. The mentioned taxationperiods could be subject examination by the tax authorities in 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011.Ročná účtovná závierka a komentár I Company Accounts195

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