Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa

Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa


(Všetky údaje su v tisícoch eur, pokiaľ nie je uvedené inak.)Novela nebude mať nijaký dopad na účtovnú závierku Spoločnosti. Novela ešte nebola schválenáEurópskou úniou.Klasifikácia emisií odberných práv - novela IAS 32, Finančné nástroje: zverejnenie a prezentácia(vydaná v októbri 2009; účinná pre ročné účtovné obdobia začínajúce 1. februára 2010 aleboneskôr). Novela oslobodzuje účtovné jednotky od povinnosti klasifikovať určité emisie odbernýchpráv na akcie s výnosmi denominovanými v cudzích menách ako finančné deriváty. Novela bolaschválená Európskou Úniou v decembri 2009.Novela IAS 24, Zverejnenia týkajúce sa spriaznených osôb (vydaná v novembri 2009; účinnápre ročné účtovné obdobia začínajúce 1. januára 2011 alebo neskôr). Novelizácia IAS 24 z roku2009 obsahuje: (a) zjednodušenie definície spriaznenej osoby, objasňujúc jej zamýšľaný význama eliminujúc nezrovnalosti vyplývajúce z definície a (b) čiastočné oslobodenie od povinnosti vyhovieťpožiadavkám na zverejňovanie pre štátne a vládne organizácie. Spoločnosť v súčasnostiposudzuje, aký dopad bude mať novelizovaný štandard na jej účtovnú závierku. Novela ešte nebolaschválená Európskou úniou.IFRS 9, Finančné nástroje, časť 1: Klasifikácia a Oceňovanie, účinný od 1. januára 2013. IFRS9 bol vydaný v novembri 2009 a nahrádza časti IAS 39, ktoré upravujú klasifikáciu a oceňovaniefinančného majetku. Základné charakteristiky štandardu sú:• Finančný majetok bude klasifikovaný do dvoch kategórií pre účely ocenenia: majetok oceňovanýreálnou hodnotou a majetok oceňovaný v amortizovanej hodnote metódou efektívnejúrokovej miery. Klasifikácia bude musieť byť uskutočnená v čase obstarania finančnéhomajetku a závisí od obchodného modelu pre riadenie finančných nástrojov a charakteristíkzmluvných peňažných tokov daného finančného majetku.• Finančný majetok bude oceňovaný v amortizovanej hodnote metódou efektívnej úrokovej mierylen ak pôjde o dlhový finančný nástroj a zároveň (i) cieľom obchodného modelu účtovnejjednotky je vlastníť tento majetok za účelom zinkasovania jeho zmluvných peňažných tokova (ii) zmluvné peňažné toky predstavujú len platby istiny a úrokov (t.j. finančný nástroj má lenzákladné úverové charakteristiky). Všetky ostatné dlhové nástroje budú oceňované v reálnejhodnote pričom výsledok precenenia ovplyvní zisk alebo stratu.Výročná správa 2009 I Annual Report 2009 KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa a.s., Vienna Insurance Group• Akcie a obchodné podiely budú oceňované v reálnej hodnote. Akcie držané na obchodovaniebudú preceňované s vplyvom na zisk alebo stratu. Účtovná jednotka sa bude môcť jednorazovoa neodvolateľne v čase obstarania rozhodnúť pre preceňovanie ostatných akcií a obchodnýchpodielov (i) s vplyvom na zisk alebo stratu alebo (ii) s vplyvom na ostatný súhrnnýzisk alebo stratu. Reklasifikácia alebo recyklovanie precenenia do zisku alebo straty v časepredaja alebo zníženia hodnoty nebude možná. Uvedené rozhodnutie o klasifikácii bude možnéuskutočniť samostatne pre každú obstaranú investíciu do akcií alebo obchodných podielov.Dividendy budú vykázané s vplyvom na zisk alebo stratu v prípade, že predstavujú výnos zinvestície a nie vrátenie investície.IFRIC 19, Nahradenie finančných záväzkov majetkovými nástrojmi (účinná pre ročné účtovnéobdobia začínajúce 1. júla 2010 alebo neskôr. Tento IFRIC vysvetľuje účtovanie v prípade, žespoločnosť znovu dohodne podmienky dlhu tak, že záväzok je dlžníkom nahradený vydaním majetkovýchnástrojov veriteľovi. Výnos alebo strata sa vykáže vo výkaze ziskov a strát ako rozdielmedzi skutočnou hodnotou majetkového nástroja a jeho účtovnou hodnotou. Spoločnosť v súčasnostiposudzuje, aký dopad bude mať novelizovaný štandard na jej účtovnú závierku. IFRIC 19ešte nebol schválený Európskou úniou.Predplatky minimálnych podmienok financovania - novela IFRIC 14 (účinná pre ročné účtovnéobdobia začínajúce 1. januára 2011 alebo neskôr). Novela bude mať minimálny dopad, keďže savzťahuje len na spoločnosti od ktorých sa vyžaduje odviesť minimálne príspevky financovania dovopred určených penzijných fondov. Tým sa odstránil neúmyselný dôsledok IFRIC 14 spojený sdobrovoľnými penzijnými predplatkami pri minimálnych podmienkach financovania. IFRIC 14 eštenebol schválený Európskou úniou.108Novela IFRS 1, Prvá aplikácia Medzinárodných štandardov finančného výkazníctva (účinnáod 1. januára 2010 alebo neskôr). Táto novela sa týka možnosti uplatniť výnimku z všeobecných

(All amount are in thousands of Euros, unless stated otherwise)Classification of Rights Issues – Amendment to IAS 32, Financial Instruments: Presentation(effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 February 2010). The amendment exemptscertain rights issues of shares with proceeds denominated in foreign currencies from classificationas financial derivatives. The Company is currently assessing the impact of the amendment onits financial statements. The amendment has been adopted by the EU.IAS 24, Related Party Disclosures (amended November 2009, effective for annual periods beginningon or after 1 January 2011). IAS 24 was revised in 2009 by: (a) simplifying the definition ofa related party, clarifying its intended meaning and eliminating inconsistencies from the definitionand by (b) providing a partial exemption from the disclosure requirements for government-relatedentities. The Company is currently assessing the impact of the amended standard on disclosuresin its financial statements. The amendment has not yet been adopted by the EU.IFRS 9, Financial Instruments (issued in November 2009, effective for annual periods beginningon or after 1 January 2013, with earlier application permitted). IFRS 9 replaces those partsof IAS 39 relating to the classification and measurement of financial assets. Key features are asfollows:• Financial assets are required to be classified into two measurement categories: those to bemeasured subsequently at fair value, and those to be measured subsequently at amortizedcost. The decision is to be made at initial recognition. The classification depends on the entity’sbusiness model for managing its financial instruments and the contractual cash flow characteristicsof the instrument.• An instrument is subsequently measured at amortized cost only if it is a debt instrument andboth (i) the objective of the entity’s business model is to hold the asset to collect the contractualcash flows, and (ii) the asset’s contractual cash flows represent only payments of principaland interest (that is, it has only “basic loan features”). All other debt instruments are to bemeasured at fair value through profit or loss.• All equity instruments are to be measured subsequently at fair value. Equity instruments thatare held for trading will be measured at fair value through profit or loss. For all other equityinvestments, an irrevocable election can be made at initial recognition, to recognize unrealizedand realized fair value gains and losses through equity rather than profit or loss. There is to beno recycling of fair value gains and losses to profit or loss. This election may be made on aninstrument-by-instrument basis. Dividends are to be presented in profit or loss, as long as theyrepresent a return on investment. The Company is considering the implications of the standard,the impact on the Group and the timing of its adoption by the Company. The amendmenthas not yet been adopted by the EU.IFRIC 19, Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with equity Instruments (effective for annual periodsbeginning on or after 1 July 2010). This IFRIC clarifies the accounting when an entity renegotiatesthe terms of its debt with the result that the liability is extinguished through the debtorissuing its own equity instruments to the creditor. A gain or loss is recognized in the profit and lossaccount based on the fair value of the equity instruments compared to the carrying amount of thedebt. The amendment has not yet been adopted by the EU.Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement – Amendment to IFRIC 14 (effective for annualperiods beginning on or after 1 January 2011). This amendment will have a limited impact asit applies only to companies that are required to make minimum funding contributions to a definedbenefit pension plan. It removes an unintended consequence of IFRIC 14 related to voluntarypension prepayments when there is a minimum funding requirement. The amendment has not yetbeen adopted by the EU.Limited exemption from comparative IFRS 7 disclosures for first-time adopters - Amendmentto IFRS 1 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2010). Existing IFRS preparerswere granted relief from presenting comparative information for the new disclosures required bythe March 2009 amendments to IFRS 7 ‘Financial Instruments: Disclosures’. This amendment toIFRS 1 provides first-time adopters with the same transition provisions as included in the amendmentto IFRS 7. The amendment has not yet been adopted by the EU.Ročná účtovná závierka a komentár I Company Accounts109

(All amount are in thousands of Euros, unless stated otherwise)Classification of Rights Issues – Amendment to IAS 32, Financial Instruments: Presentation(effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 February 2010). The amendment exemptscertain rights issues of shares with proceeds denominated in foreign currencies from classificationas financial derivatives. The Company is currently assessing the impact of the amendment onits financial statements. The amendment has been adopted by the EU.IAS 24, Related Party Disclosures (amended November <strong>2009</strong>, effective for annual periods beginningon or after 1 January 2011). IAS 24 was revised in <strong>2009</strong> by: (a) simplifying the definition ofa related party, clarifying its intended meaning and eliminating inconsistencies from the definitionand by (b) providing a partial exemption from the disclosure requirements for government-relatedentities. The Company is currently assessing the impact of the amended standard on disclosuresin its financial statements. The amendment has not yet been adopted by the EU.IFRS 9, Financial Instruments (issued in November <strong>2009</strong>, effective for annual periods beginningon or after 1 January 2013, with earlier application permitted). IFRS 9 replaces those partsof IAS 39 relating to the classification and measurement of financial assets. Key features are asfollows:• Financial assets are required to be classified into two measurement categories: those to bemeasured subsequently at fair value, and those to be measured subsequently at amortizedcost. The decision is to be made at initial recognition. The classification depends on the entity’sbusiness model for managing its financial instruments and the contractual cash flow characteristicsof the instrument.• An instrument is subsequently measured at amortized cost only if it is a debt instrument andboth (i) the objective of the entity’s business model is to hold the asset to collect the contractualcash flows, and (ii) the asset’s contractual cash flows represent only payments of principaland interest (that is, it has only “basic loan features”). All other debt instruments are to bemeasured at fair value through profit or loss.• All equity instruments are to be measured subsequently at fair value. Equity instruments thatare held for trading will be measured at fair value through profit or loss. For all other equityinvestments, an irrevocable election can be made at initial recognition, to recognize unrealizedand realized fair value gains and losses through equity rather than profit or loss. There is to beno recycling of fair value gains and losses to profit or loss. This election may be made on aninstrument-by-instrument basis. Dividends are to be presented in profit or loss, as long as theyrepresent a return on investment. The Company is considering the implications of the standard,the impact on the Group and the timing of its adoption by the Company. The amendmenthas not yet been adopted by the EU.IFRIC 19, Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with equity Instruments (effective for annual periodsbeginning on or after 1 July 2010). This IFRIC clarifies the accounting when an entity renegotiatesthe terms of its debt with the result that the liability is extinguished through the debtorissuing its own equity instruments to the creditor. A gain or loss is recognized in the profit and lossaccount based on the fair value of the equity instruments compared to the carrying amount of thedebt. The amendment has not yet been adopted by the EU.Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement – Amendment to IFRIC 14 (effective for annualperiods beginning on or after 1 January 2011). This amendment will have a limited impact asit applies only to companies that are required to make minimum funding contributions to a definedbenefit pension plan. It removes an unintended consequence of IFRIC 14 related to voluntarypension prepayments when there is a minimum funding requirement. The amendment has not yetbeen adopted by the EU.Limited exemption from comparative IFRS 7 disclosures for first-time adopters - Amendmentto IFRS 1 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2010). Existing IFRS preparerswere granted relief from presenting comparative information for the new disclosures required bythe March <strong>2009</strong> amendments to IFRS 7 ‘Financial Instruments: Disclosures’. This amendment toIFRS 1 provides first-time adopters with the same transition provisions as included in the amendmentto IFRS 7. The amendment has not yet been adopted by the EU.Ročná účtovná závierka a komentár I Company Accounts109

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