Item 4 - East Sussex County Council

Item 4 - East Sussex County Council Item 4 - East Sussex County Council
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(immediately in front or behind the bus) in thestraight ahead lane. Using the Real TimeInformation system to give buses priority atsignalised junctions and pedestrian crossings wouldhelp to improve the reliability of bus services alongSeaside.Bus buildouts along Seaside cause congestion andshould be removedNumber of pedestrians crossings between Archeryand Seaside roundabout contributes to congestion11 These were installed to prevent vehicles parking atthe bus stops and so that passengers, especiallythe elderly and parents with buggies, would nothave to squeeze between parked vehicles to boardbuses. The proposed Eastbourne Parking schemewould allow a higher level of enforcement in thetown and at bus stops. The provision of busbuildouts could be reviewed in light of the improvedparking enforcement and consideration would begiven to their removal.4 The new signalised pedestrian crossings calledPuffin crossings also make use of technology toreduce delays to traffic. The crossings have sensorswhich detect when pedestrians are crossing theroad or waiting to cross the road. The sensors canextend or reduce the amount of time pedestriansneed to cross the road, so if pedestrians cross theroad quickly, the Puffin crossing sensors detectsthis and changes the lights to green to traffic assoon as it is safe do so. The sensors can alsodetect when pedestrians have decided not to crossthe road or have crossed before the lights havechanged and can cancel the pedestrian crossingdemand. This avoids traffic being stoppedneedlessly.6

ParkingOne-wayRoadsSpeedTableParking in the area is already a big problem andcould get worse if the bus lane implemented.Loss of parking spaces on Seaside wouldinconvenience local residents and could be unsafeat night, if people have further to walk.Probably case for making Addingham Road onewayIf Barden & Addingham Roads made one-wayRedoubt Road may become busier and it isopposite the proposed relocated bus stop & shelter.Speed tables required at various locations includingAvondale Road end of Gilbert Road, Leslie StreeThe pedestrian crossings along Seaside also havea central island, which means pedestrians cross theroad in two halves. This can mean pedestrians cancross in gaps in the traffic flow or could stop trafficin one direction at a time. In both instances thiswould reduce delays to traffic along Seaside.9 There are already no waiting restrictions preventingparking along Seaside between Beamsley Roadand Barden Road and both options would notchange this situation. However, under Option 1 theexisting parking along Seaside between BardenRoad and Redoubt Road would be retained. Thiswould involve some minor carriageway wideningalong Seaside between Barden Road andAddingham Road, to maintain safe traffic flow,although a 2 metre wide footpath would be retained.9213Speed table in Gilbert Road not needed 3Rat Running Speed table will not stop vehicles speeding up 2 The bus lane would reallocate road space in favour7

(immediately in front or behind the bus) in thestraight ahead lane. Using the Real TimeInformation system to give buses priority atsignalised junctions and pedestrian crossings wouldhelp to improve the reliability of bus services alongSeaside.Bus buildouts along Seaside cause congestion andshould be removedNumber of pedestrians crossings between Archeryand Seaside roundabout contributes to congestion11 These were installed to prevent vehicles parking atthe bus stops and so that passengers, especiallythe elderly and parents with buggies, would nothave to squeeze between parked vehicles to boardbuses. The proposed <strong>East</strong>bourne Parking schemewould allow a higher level of enforcement in thetown and at bus stops. The provision of busbuildouts could be reviewed in light of the improvedparking enforcement and consideration would begiven to their removal.4 The new signalised pedestrian crossings calledPuffin crossings also make use of technology toreduce delays to traffic. The crossings have sensorswhich detect when pedestrians are crossing theroad or waiting to cross the road. The sensors canextend or reduce the amount of time pedestriansneed to cross the road, so if pedestrians cross theroad quickly, the Puffin crossing sensors detectsthis and changes the lights to green to traffic assoon as it is safe do so. The sensors can alsodetect when pedestrians have decided not to crossthe road or have crossed before the lights havechanged and can cancel the pedestrian crossingdemand. This avoids traffic being stoppedneedlessly.6

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