DALI manual - Tridonic

DALI manual - Tridonic

DALI manual - Tridonic


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.c<strong>DALI</strong> x/e-touchPANEL 02Colour operating modeAll colours of the RGB colour space are the result of the addition of the basic colours red, green and blue (RGB). For abetter representation of white light an additional white light source is used (RGBW colour mixing).The colour control ofa lighting system is performed in the Colour operating mode. The Colour operating mode is different from the standardBasic operating mode with respect to the grouping of the operating devices.In the x-touch software, each RGB-/RGBW operating device is assigned to the colour scale (red, green, blue, white) ofa zone. Four zones with 4 colour scales are available. The colour scale of a zone corresponds to a group. In the Homemenu, the white light can be switched and dimmed via groups 1 to 4.The table shows the assignment of the 16 groups to the four colours of the individual zones. Zone assignment isautomatically controlled by the software.W(hite) R(ed) G(reen) B(lue)Zone 1 1 5 6 7Zone 2 2 8 9 10Zone 3 3 11 12 13Zone 4 4 14 15 16Typical application examples for the Colour operating mode are rooms where mainly RGBW operating devices areused to implement freely design colour changes and colour effects, e.g. in shop windows, bars and exhibition spaces.You can define a maximum of4 zones with the 4 colours red, green, blue and white with a total of 128 devices16 scenes for white light8 colour scenes99 sequences7 schedules1 schedule listPlug operating modeWith the Plug operating mode only one zone is used with the groups 1-4. The groups represent the colours red, green,blue and white. The assignment to a group is done via a connector on the operating device. The classification intoscenes is not possible.<strong>DALI</strong> Manual | 08-2013 | en48 / 93

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