Labour Code 2012 - Government of Montserrat

Labour Code 2012 - Government of Montserrat

Labour Code 2012 - Government of Montserrat


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MONTSERRATLABOUR CODE, <strong>2012</strong>No. 20 <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong>(2) The notification to the <strong>Labour</strong> Commissioner shallstate—(a) the number and categories <strong>of</strong> employees to beterminated;(b) the reasons for that action;(c) the period over which the termination is to takeplace;(d) whether there has been any consultation with a tradeunion, any other representative <strong>of</strong> the employees orwith the employees themselves to mitigate theeffects <strong>of</strong> the redundancy; and(e) the results <strong>of</strong> the consultation.(3) The <strong>Labour</strong> Commissioner shall, as soon as possibleafter receipt <strong>of</strong> the notification under subsection (1),inform the Minister <strong>of</strong> its contents.(4) An employer who terminates the employment <strong>of</strong> anemployee on the grounds <strong>of</strong> redundancy shall givepreference to the re- employment <strong>of</strong> that employee if heor she decides to hire a person, within a period <strong>of</strong> 12months from the date <strong>of</strong> the termination, to performduties that are the same or substantially the same asthose that were formerly performed by the employee,and shall make every reasonable effort to notify thatemployee <strong>of</strong> the vacancy.PART 6—SEVERANCE PAYMENTS, GRATUITY ANDSERVICE CHARGE75. Redundancy(1) Where an employee’s employment contract isterminated on grounds <strong>of</strong> redundancy, he or she isentitled to severance pay from his or her employercalculated as follows—(a) where the employee has worked for more than 1year but less than 5 years, he or she shall be paid 2weeks pay for every year <strong>of</strong> completed service;48

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