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q u a r t e r l y m a g a z i n eKDN No. 1505 (7892)Co. No 203361-T4th QUARTER OCT-DEC 2006...because life is to be enjoyed!a happy community startswith the family’s comfort and security

4th Quarter; October - December 2006contentsRegularsFeatures4-5NewsmakerInspired by a Dream tobecome an Inspiration8-<strong>10</strong>Just Gems<strong>Resort</strong> Living in the City6GadgetsTechnologically Enhanced12-13Collector’s ItemsIndulging in theAutomotive World…21-35Seen & Heard38-41NewsflashThe Palms16-18FlairThe Ritual of Relaxation55-59StyleTop <strong>10</strong> Gift Ideas forHim and Her43-47Your Entertainment GatewayMovies, TV Serials,Books & Music50-52GleaningsAround the World Experiencewith National Geography…60-61Suite Living at The Tropics64From the Kitchen66Laughter Therapy67Facilities at <strong>Tropicana</strong>The Address, 4th Quarter; October - December 2006 1

the coverYBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Danny TanGroup Chief Executive OfficerPK PohGroup Managing DirectorHerman TanGeneral ManagerA HAPPY COMMUNITY STARTS WITHTHE FAMILY’S COMFORT AND SECURITYCover PhotoYB Dato’ Dr Awang AdekDatin Latifah Mohd YusofAll views, questions, news inquiries onadvertisements should be addressed to:Head OfficeCommunications & Promotions Department3 rd Floor, Wisma Dijaya, 1A Jalan SS20/1,Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia.Tel: 603-77<strong>10</strong> <strong>10</strong>18Fax: 603-7725 3035Email: corpcomm@dijayacorp.comWebsite: www.dijaya.com.myAll inquiries related to Clubhouse (e.g. operationhours, facilities, golf/banquet rates & activities)should be addressed to:ClubhouseGeneral ManagerJalan Kelab <strong>Tropicana</strong><strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> & <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong>474<strong>10</strong> Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.Tel: 603-7804 8888Fax: 603-7804 3688Email: gm@tropicanagolf.comWebsite: www.tropicanagolf.comCover CrewAdvisor & Interviewer : Serena LimArt Director : Vincent LaiAssociate Editor / Writer : GunaprasathPhotographer : WilliamThe Address magazine is published by <strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> & <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong> Berhad. The views and opinions expressed orimplied in The Address are those of the authors or contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of <strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong>& <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong>, its directors or editorial staff. Information compiled is correct at the time of print.All rights reserved, ©2005 by <strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> & <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong> Berhad. All materials published remain the propertyof <strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> & <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong> Berhad.Transparencies, CDs or films submitted for publication are sent at the owner’s own risk and while every care is taken,The Address nor its agents accepts any liability for loss or damage.Editorial:Communications & Promotions DepartmentDijaya Corporation BerhadAssociate Editor, Contributors & Designersfrom UPP Advertising Sdn Bhd:Gunaprasath (Associate Editor)Sean Lai (Production Manager)Reinert Lee (Junior Art Director)Yun See (Designer)Rachael Sarah (Contributing Writer)Morgan Felix (Contributing Writer)Printer:United Print Process Sdn Bhd

MessageGROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR’S MESSAGEAll too soon, we are at the cusp of another brand new year. As I write this message, it is three daysbefore Christmas.It is also that time of the year, whatever our station in life, to look back at 2006. Some might wantto relive, with more than a tinge of nostalgia, their triumphs and successes. Others would reflect onwhat they could have done better, and learn from it. We pass one phase, and inexorably move on tothe next. Starting off by going to school, we then take our first job, or start a business, and before weknow it, the years have flown by, and we are staring at retirement, and preparing to enter yet anotherphase - the golden years. Such is the fleeting nature of life, and emphasizes the importance of theexhortation – carpe diem!As the countries of the world move into 2007 (in succession, according to their respective time zones),Malaysia will be galloping into it with a GDP growth of just a shade below 6%, according to popularestimates. Oil prices have eased and stabilised and inflation is back down to just over 3%. Our stockmarket has come alive, with the blue-chips driving up the KLCI to re-test the psychological 1<strong>10</strong>0barrier again. Hopefully, this time the second and third liners which are mainly held by the public willrise in tandem, and with that, the ‘feel-good’ factor will soon be back. Higher consumption and moreproperty investment will then result, provided interest rates remain steady and benign.While on the subject of properties, Dijaya’s latest launch of The Tropics Serviced Apartments projectin PJ has achieved a creditable 45% sales just after 3 weeks. This is quite heartening in the currentlacklustre market where investors’ sentiments are somewhat subdued. The Casa Indah 1 project inDamansara Indah has also caught the market’s interest. Located next to the Seri Selangor golf course,our purchasers who have just moved in are receiving tempting offers that are 30% higher than theiroriginal purchase price. Phase 2, which contains improved features and refinements, has just beenlaunched, and sales are picking up. Do go and check out the above projects!Back at the Club, we have much good news. The new gym extension has become a big hit amongfitness buffs. They simply love the new equipment, layout and the fantastic view of the huge swimmingpool. On the culinary front, January will see the opening of new F&B outlets featuring traditional chargrilledcuisine, French modern western delight and northern Indian food. For entertainment, theyoung at heart will soon enjoy the new and spacious fun pub with snooker, pool and karaoke facilities.There’s also a spacious dance studio located next to it. The elderly and infirmed are also not forgotten,as we have installed a lift just for your use. <strong>Tropicana</strong> members and their guests have never had it sogood, as we continue to expand and improve our facilities beyond what is required or listed in yourmembership prospectus.Despite the daily afternoon torrential rains over the past 3 months, our golf course is holding uprather well, compared to many other premium courses. This is due to the extensive undergrounddrainage that we installed two years ago. Plans are afoot to do more, once the rains ease off. Withthe changing and rather unpredictable weather pattern nowadays, we just have to continue to makemore preparations for nature’s next onslaught as best as we can.In the Newsmaker column this time, we are featuring YB Dato’ Dr Awang Adek, who needs nointroduction. Read about how, from the backwaters of an obscure village in Kelantan, he was ableto overcome all odds and reach the lofty heights of a brilliant academic and politic career. And yet,despite his success, he has not forgotten his roots. Reading his story reminds me of Kassey Kassem’ssignature parting phrase – reach for the stars, but keep your feet on the ground.May 2007 be a wonderful year for one and all, and I would like to wish all our members, associates andfriends a resounding, “Gong Xi Fa Cai” in the coming Year of the Pig!PK POHGroup Managing DirectorThe Address, 4th Quarter; October - December 2006 3

NewsmakerInspiredby a dream to become anInspirationto othersMany a time, we hear of successstories about those who workhard at achieving their goals andto become somebody in society.Here’s the story about a wellknownman who followed hisdream with the inspiration fromthe ‘fathers’ of Malaysia.YB Dato’ Dr Awang Adek,known nationally andinternationally as ourDeputy Minister of FinanceII wasn’t born with a silverspoon. In fact, he camefrom a family of 9 siblingsback in Bachok, Kelantan; asmall fishing village in theoutskirts, where povertywas a fact of life. His eldersister sacrificed her studiesafter Primary 6, due tofinancial reasons, and wasobligated to work in orderIto keep the family going.4

InspirationIn a house by the village they lived, without electricity andsometimes without even proper food. This set a goal in Dato’Awang’s mind. He was determined not to live that kind of lifeand to provide more for his family one day.He studied hard at Sekolah Kebangsaan Perupok, andobtained a place at a boarding school in Ipoh called SekolahTuanku Abdul Rahman, to complete his secondary education.Due to hard work and dedication to his studies, he excelled,earning him a place at Drew University, New Jersey, in theUnited States, where he furthered his studies in the field ofeconomics.Returning to his village after graduation, Dato’ Awang wasn’tsatisfied with his accomplishments. Though people aroundhim were urging him to engage in a job, his mind was set onfurthering his studies. Unfortunately, it was difficult at thatpoint of time to get a sponsorship. After umpteen attemptsat writing to various organizations for assistance, a doorfinally opened. Dato’ Awang, being the optimist that he is,grabbed the scholarship offered by Universiti Sains Malaysia,Penang to pursue his Ph.D at Wharton School, University ofPennsylvania Philadelphia – the same university that DonaldTrump attended.Next Step…With excellent grades and a set goal, Dato’ Awang returnedto Malaysia soon after he graduated and was offered a job atUniversiti Sains Malaysia to teach economics. Then came 1985,and his life took a change, for the better.Bank Negara extended an offer to this gracious, unassumingman, to work as a Senior Economist. It was indeed an honouras Bank Negara only hires the best of the best as they needoutstanding individuals to gain the trust of the public. Thisgave Dato’ Awang an opportunity to work in a high profileand respected organisation where he moved up the corporateladder to become Assistant Governor in 1996.After working for 17 years in Bank Negara, he took optionalretirement in 2001 to be active in politics. In 2002, he wasappointed Chairman of Tenaga Nasional Bhd. After contestingin the General Election in 2004, and winning the Parliamentaryseat in Bachok, which was the first time in history by an UMNOcandidate, he was appointed Deputy Minister.During the interview, Dato’ Awang remembered his difficultiesduring his first few years of holding his family together,financially. He had to sell his old Ford Cortina for a measlyRM3000 in order to put his two children through kindergarten.InspiredTimes were hard, but they pulled through, thanks to hisdetermination to make things work.by a dream to become anby a dream to become anHis inspiration in life were Malaysian Prime Ministers such asTunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Abdul Razak. He has alwayslooked highly at them for what they have done for ourcountry.Today, Dato’ Awang Adek is the Deputy Finance Ministerof Malaysia, a position that allows him to contribute to thecountry’s progress. The reason why Dato’ Awang steppedinto the political arena was simply to make things better forhis village and other rural parts of Malaysia so that the newgeneration need not lead the life he hadback when he was growing up. Today, with his contributions,there will soon be a hospital as well as a university in Bachok,Kelantan.The <strong>Tropicana</strong> Experience…Dato’ Awang Adek and his supportive wife, Datin Latifah MohdYusof, together with their five children, Abdul Aziz, Norjasara,Ahmad Azran, Nur Ain dan Nur Nadira and his two sisters-inlaw,live in a beautiful bungalow at the Green Acres precinctof <strong>Tropicana</strong> - not to forget their huge cat that is twice thesize of Garfield and their neighbour’s cat that simply will notgo home. Their simple house is elegantly designed with afine timber concept, bringing an authentic and rustic homelyatmosphere to their living quarters. Tastefully laid out for theease of their children, you wouldn’t find many different levelsof flooring in their chosen layout.Dato’ Awang and family moved to <strong>Tropicana</strong> some time back,after concluding that their house they were living in then wastoo small. They used to live in a semi-detached house in SS3,Petaling Jaya, which became too small for the 9 of them.His views on his choice of a home were simple. The securityhas to be good for his family. When he first entered <strong>Tropicana</strong>,he was impressed by the alert security staff that patrols everynook and cranny of the <strong>Resort</strong>. Friendly, sincere and alert, theseguards are a perfect combination for the serene ambience in<strong>Tropicana</strong>. Friends and neighbours living in <strong>Tropicana</strong> areanother source of enjoyment for him whenever they can gettogether.The family loves the multitude of facilities at the club, andDato’ Awang Adek tries to get in a game of golf when hehas the time. Sometimes, during his rest days, he would gettogether with some friends and enjoy a ‘nasi lemak’ at the<strong>Golf</strong>er’s Terrace Lounge; these are simple but meaningfulmoments that he savours and enjoys.That, then, is Dato’ Awang Adek - a man who remembershis simple roots even after reaching such lofty heights ofachievements.The Address, 4th Quarter; October - December 2006 5

GadgetsTechnologically Enhanced by GunaprasathTechnology has indeed taken a leap forward in today’s world. With mobile devices thatare basically computers in our pockets to music carried around in tiny devices, today’stechnology is much to scream about. Read on further to be in line with what otherinteresting items are there in the market.Speak, your TV is listeningSmarthome has the InVoca 3.0Voice-Activate IR Remote Controlthat enables you to bark commandsat the idiot box sitting in the livingroom. This unique device utilizesyour voice to perform a variety offunctions over various householdentertainment devices such as theTV, a DVD player, a VCR (there arestill some people who use those?),a cable box, a satellite receiver, andeven your very own home theatresystem.Powered by a quartet of AA batteries,the InVoca 3.0 can be programmedto control a maximum of four deviceswhile learning the voice commandsof up to four different users. It is alsosmart enough to perform multi-stepmacro commands, while using thevoice-activated channel scan optiondoesn’t require you to lift a singlefi nger to surf channels. Somebodyshould do a research and see whouses more energy - the one who talksor the one who clicks.There is a grand total of 25 singlewordcommands which can beprogrammed into the InVoca 3.0,excluding the additional 25 multi-stepcommands. You also don’t need toworry about dead batteries everagain if you pair up the InVoca 3.0with rechargeable AA Ni-Cd or Ni-MHbatteries which are sold separately.All you need to do is to leave it on thecharging base when it is not in use,offering you an ever constant streamof power just before you hit the couchto watch your favourite show. TheInVoca 3.0 retails at an affordableUSD47.Ecopod e1 Home RecyclingCentre brings greeninitiative homeThe world’s getting warmer with allthe gas guzzlers that are sitting inour garage, so why not bring somerecycling initiative home with theEcopod e1 Home Recycling Centrein order to ease the load on MotherNature? Designed by BMW Designworks, the Ecopod looks like ahigh-tech waste bin but it is actuallya pretty simple device by itself. ThisHome Recycling Centre enablesyou to dispose of an aluminiumcan or plastic bottle through thetop opening, where stepping on thestep at the bottom will compact therecently disposed trash into a moremanageable size.There are also three separate,removable bins inside the Ecopode1 itself which are used for separateitems such as glass, paper, and otherrecyclable items. This makes it easierto manage your trash, and is a greathelp when it comes to differentiatingthe type of trash at the waste centre.The Ecopod e1 costs quite a fairbit though - for USD309 you get a31″ x 16″ x 21″ appliance that weighsapproximately 50 pounds.Is the USD309 worth forking outfor something that crushes plasticbottles and tin cans on your behalf,with separate compartments fordifferent trash? Some people begto differ, as it takes very little effortto crush aluminium cans, whilethe more cost effective method forseparating your trash would behaving three differently-labelledwaste bins in your home. Do takenote of several drawbacks though- the Ecopod e1 does not work withcommon iterations of 2-litre, 1-litre,and 24 ounce plastic bottles. The ballis basically in the consumer’s court.ISIS Adventure Puzzle BallThose of you who love puzzlegames would sure like to occupyyour time on the tube, bus, or evenwhile waiting for your wife to finishher shopping. A good mind bogglingpuzzle that you will defi nitely fallin love with is the ISIS AdventurePuzzle Ball. This unique puzzle isclaimed to be the hardest puzzle ofall time, where cracking the code isnearly impossible to do. I guess thanmeans the traditional Rubik Cubeand tons of Sudoku tiles you seeeveryday are child’s play comparedto the ISIS. As an added incentiveto get your brain juices fl owing, thedesigners of ISIS have even put upsome cold, hard cash for grabs - onlyif you’re smart and wily enough tobreak the ISIS code.This interactive mind puzzle requiresthe player to open an alloy ball.You’ll have to use all your creativeand lateral thinking power amassedthroughout your years of puzzlesolving in order to open the ballwhich is made from many layers thatare all covered in ancient Egyptianhieroglyphics. As with the proverbialPyramid and its treasure within, yoursuccess will reveal a special keywithin with a number stamped on it.This key can be used to open one ofthe ISIS golden pyramids which arehidden throughout the UK. You willthen be able to fi nd a gold coin that’sworth a whooping USD855 and abunch of silver coins that can be soldfor USD34 a pop.With millions of possible combinationsto try out, you are guaranteed to havea headache inducing time. This isa puzzle game that targets seriouspuzzle connoisseurs only as it retailsfor USD171, which is hardly thecheapest puzzle game in the market.I wonder if the key within is physicalas it would be easier to just use sometools to break open the ISIS ball andgrab that stash.Never Late again…The Neverlate 7-day Alarm ClockRadio is the only alarm clock thataccommodates your daily routine.Seven individual alarms allow youto enter your weekly schedule once- days of fussing with alarm settingsevery night before bed are over!“Set it and forget it” and never sleepthrough an important meeting again!Day off on Friday? No problem. Turnthe alarm off for just that day withoutaffecting the rest of your wakeschedule.In addition to its unique functionality,the Neverlate sounds great too!Its unique design allows the mainspeaker to be mounted upside-downso that sound is emitted out of theopening in the front of unit for betterclarity and deeper bass!Customizable snooze duration,sleep timer, choice of buzzer or radiofor waking … it’s all in there. TheNeverlate even allows you to easilytap the “Nap” button so you can takea quick afternoon power-nap withoutdisrupting your usual settings.The innovative QuickReview functionreminds you of the next upcomingalarm. Simply tap the “Snooze /Alarm Review” button for an instantconfi rmation. There’s never anydoubt that you got your settingscorrect with the Neverlate.Graceful curves and stylish roundsmake the Neverlate 7-day AlarmClock Radio stand out in a crowdof bland devices available on themarket, and fit in with the moresophisticated style, today. Modernand classic at the same time, theNeverlate 7-day Alarm Clock Radiois the perfect complement to yoursurroundings.Neverlate. Because getting out ofbed in the morning is hard enough.This unique piece of necessity retailsat only USD68.40.6

Just Gems<strong>Resort</strong> Livingin the CityEver wished you could take a small slice of vacation paradisehome with you? A patch of verdant rainforest, the magic ofshowering in the rain, or the tranquillity of water aroundyou? Well, why not step into Casa Indah 2 condominiums andexperience prestigious resort living in the city; complete withcomprehensive amenities and conveniences.Located in Damansara Indah <strong>Resort</strong> Homes, which is next to the award-winning <strong>Tropicana</strong><strong>Golf</strong> & <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong> in Petaling Jaya and developed by the Dijaya Group, Casa Indah 2condominiums come close on the heel of the sellout Casa Indah 1 condominiums launched inAugust 2003. The first phase has been fully completed and happy purchasers are being handedtheir keys to move into their dream homes - with 30% capital appreciation!8

Style and serenity of Casa Indah 1 condominiums are best captured by this night sceneIn response to the overwhelming demand for Casa Indah 1, Dijaya Group launched Casa Indah 2 and has already sold morethan 80 percent of the first of high-rise Block A. At Casa Indah 2, 391 new purchasers will also be enjoying the gloriousand unobstructed panoramic views of charming landscaping with gentle streams, undulating fairways and lakes of SeriSelangor <strong>Golf</strong> Course, and the green tops of conserved forests, as also seen at Casa Indah 1.The Address, 4th Quarter; October - December 2006 9

More enhanced features and amenitiesGreat golf course view Even the bathroom has a view! Trendy living space Cosy master bedroomUnique, Attractive Condominium DesignsCasa Indah 2 showcases contemporary designs with simple,clean, and fuss-free lines, synonymous with condominium living.Residents will enjoy privacy in a peaceful environment as high-risecondominium blocks house only eight units per floor, and low-riseblocks have only 3 to 5 duplex units per floor. Purchasers can selecttheir new haven from 12 different layout designs with large practicalbuilt up space ranging from 1,160 to a spacious 1,519 square feet.Prices of standard units are from RM248,900.As a resident of a Casa Indah 2 condominiums, you can experiencebreathtaking views from the sanctuary of your living, dining andbathroom. Each condominium unit is designed with a resort-styledmaster bathroom which comes equipped with a ‘rain’ shower. Someunits even come with a large glass panel window for an excellent andrelaxing outdoor view. The master bedroom provides ample spacefor a walk-in wardrobe; and the unit layout designs offer flexibility asall types have living space that can be easily converted into a studyor spare room. Each unit also comes with a spacious wet and drykitchen.Exclusive Luxury, Worry-Free LivingIf you opt to explore the outdoors, you will find that there is alwayssomething for everyone. For a little fun in the sun, splash aroundin the swimming and wading pools or play catch at the children’splayground. If you need to break into a serious sweat, the wellequippedgym will get your heart rate going while your eyes takein the beautiful views of the golf course. Other convenient facilitiesavailable at Casa Indah 2 include a multi-purpose hall for privatefunctions, nursery, a cafeteria and shops.Away from or in the sanctuary of your home, you can concentrate onthe task at hand, knowing well that your safety needs are well lookedafter. Armed with a multi-tier security system, card access controltechnology will be applied to ensure that only authorised personscan access into the condominiums. To further boost safety, there willbe 24-hour patrolling security around the designated areas.Easy Accessibility, Excellent InvestmentStrategically located in the heart of Damansara, Petaling Jaya, CasaIndah 2 is connected to major destinations within Klang Valley via theNKVE, LDP, Penchala Link and Sprint Highway; offering easy access toamenities and conveniences for your leisure, educational, shoppingas well as healthcare needs, i.e. One Utama Shopping Centre, Tesco,Ikano, Ikea, The Curve, Segi College, Sri KDU School, Cineleisure andthe list goes on.The final phase of the exclusive Casa Indah condominiumsdevelopment within the up-market Damansara Indah <strong>Resort</strong> Homesis set to be a rewarding investment opportunity. Given its primelocation of being next to FIABCI award-winning <strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> &<strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong> and Casa Indah 1 - which has seen property valueappreciated by more than 30 percent over three years, Casa Indah 2 isexpected to gain handsomely from the upward trend.Visit Casa Indah 2 Today!Visit our show unit today or for moreinformation, please contact us at 03-77282018 (office hours), 03-7963 4202 (showunit) or log on to www.dijaya.com.my<strong>10</strong>

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