Nahant Harbor Review - Nahant, Massachusetts USA

Nahant Harbor Review - Nahant, Massachusetts USA

Nahant Harbor Review - Nahant, Massachusetts USA


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NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 3Fourth of July activitiesBy Jen McCarthyIt is going to be a busy holiday weekend in <strong>Nahant</strong>. The annual Horribles Paradewill start off the holiday weekend, on Saturday, July 3rd, at 6:00 p.m. All are invited toattend. Awards will be given to those who dress up in costume, as well as those whodecorate their bikes, scooters, or carriages. The parade will begin on Spring Road andwill march to the Flash Road Playground.After the parade, hotdogs, pizza, ice cream and drinks will be served.On the Fourth of July morning, the annual Furbush Road Race will start off the day,followed by the races for children and adults.All of the races will start down by the fire station. The Furbush Road Race will startwith registration at 7:30 a.m. and the other races will start at 9:30 a.m.Finally, at 9:00 p.m. from Bailey’s Hill, our annual fireworks display will begin. Itis always a great weekend, filled with lots of fun, food and excitement. We hope youhave a happy and safe holiday and summer.Summer Park ProgramBy Jen McCarthyThe Recreation Commission is pleased to announce that it will be sponsoring itssummer park program. The tot-lot program will begin on Tuesday, July 6th, and willcontinue for six weeks, until August 13th, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Monday throughFriday. Each day, arts and crafts, sports and games will be offered for free. All childrenare welcome to attend, but children 5 and under need to be accompanied by a guardian.We had many local teens apply for jobs and we were able to hire five for this year’sprogram. We are looking forward to a great summer program under the direction of SueRosa. For more information, please call Jen McCarthy at 781-592-5272, or send anemail to nahantrec@hotmail.comLet’s Make Some Noise at the <strong>Nahant</strong> Horrible’sParade and Cookout!The <strong>Nahant</strong> Horrible’s Parade is scheduled for Saturday, July 3rd. The parade startsat the entrance to the dump on Spring Road, at 6:00 p.m. Registration will begin at 5:30p.m. All kids and babies are invited to dress up in a fun, or patriotic, costume and marchwith us to the Flash Road playground. Decorated bikes, scooters, wagons and strollersare also encouraged. This year, we want everyone to hear us coming, so bring yourmusical instruments, shakers and noise-makers to the parade. All participants will get aprize and ice cream. Following the parade will be a cookout, with hotdogs, chips anddrinks. Come join us, for this fun family event!Dennis Forbush Memorial Road Race on July 4thThe 31st Annual Dennis Forbush Memorial Road Race will begin promptly at 8 amon Sunday, July 4th. Registration opens at 7:15 am and there is no entry fee. The threemile race begins in front of the <strong>Nahant</strong> Fire Station at 67 Flash Rd. and goes past thegolf course on Emerald Rd., past the wharf, up the hill on Willow St., past the VillageChurch, around Forty Steps, then returns down Wharf St., and back to the fire stationalong Valley Rd. There will also be a one mile race for ages 16 and under. Walkers willbegin the course at 7:30am. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each category.Dennis Forbush was a <strong>Nahant</strong> native who was killed in a car accident on October 1,1976. He was active in the organization of <strong>Nahant</strong>’s 4th of July events and many othercommunity activities. His friends organized the first Dennis Forbush Memorial RoadRace on July 4, 1980.This unofficial race is sponsored by the town and all runners are welcome. Wehope you will wake up early and join in this fun, healthy way to start the holiday!Double WinnerMy sister, Helen Mayo’s friend, Peter Santa Maria, bought us tickets to the <strong>Nahant</strong>Lion’s Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast, which we enjoyed very much.I bought chances for the raffle and won a gift certificate donated by Beth from TheBeach Combers Hair Salon on <strong>Nahant</strong> Road.She did a beautiful job on my hair and I would like to thank her for her generousgift to the <strong>Nahant</strong> Lions.—Mary Giannattasio, <strong>Nahant</strong>An InvitationAre you new in <strong>Nahant</strong>? Seeking a new churchhome? Or, are you lonely? Bored? Want to give back tothe community? Then the <strong>Nahant</strong> Village Church is theplace for you! The members of the <strong>Nahant</strong> Village Churchrepresents a Union of all Protestant church groups in<strong>Nahant</strong>. We invite you to share in our fellowship andworship, to make this your church home and to call uponus for service.Please visit the Village Church’s web site atwww.nahantvillagechurch.org, or call 781-581-1202, formore information.The <strong>Nahant</strong> Village is affiliated with the UnitedChurch of Christ, a progressive Protestant denominationwith roots in the founding of our country.<strong>Nahant</strong> Fish & Lobster Co.Open Noon to 6:00 p.m. Everyday!TANO BARLETTAPhone (781) 581-3545FAX (781) 581-6996www.BuyALobster.com157 <strong>Nahant</strong> Rd • PO Box 38 • <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908Daras FramingThe Keepsake that makestime stand still.Custom Work at competitive prices.Kosta Daras781-599-6897QUALITY MODULAR HOMESAdvancedBuildingConceptsJoseph Moccia73 Little <strong>Nahant</strong> Road<strong>Nahant</strong>, <strong>Massachusetts</strong> 01908(781) 581-8888 / FAX (781) 581-8800ADVANCED.BUILDING.CONCEPTS@COMCAST.NETWet Today ... Dry Tomorrow!With Drying, Speed Matters!Real Dry, Real Fast with New Thermal Energy Drying (Heat)Means Less Damage and is Insurance ApprovedEmergency Response • 24 hoursFOXDirect Insurance Billing• Fire, Smoke & Soot • Puffbacks• Carpet Upholstery & Rug CleaningDick Fox, <strong>Nahant</strong> Resident781-592-0552Toll Free 1-800-369-4121CLEANING &RESTORATION35 Years FamilyOwned & Operated17 Simmons Road<strong>Nahant</strong>, MA

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 6The <strong>Nahant</strong> Dory Club NewsThe gods, who rule sailboat racing at the Dory Club,did not show favor on the initial PHRF cruising boat raceof 2010. Zeus, god of the sky and rain, did make a cameoappearance on June 12th, with some scattered showers,while Aelus, god of the wind and son of Poseidon, stayedhome with his father, to watch the World Cup. The FrostBite Race, scheduled for June 12th, was postponed untilJune 20th. The results will appear next month.July will be a busy racing and social month at theDory Club. Sundays will see the Town Class and otherOne Design boats racing. Tuesdays are dedicated toadults, teaching their kids sailing, as part of the Family/Kids Program. Thursday will combine Dory Club and<strong>Nahant</strong> Sailing Program races, in both One Design andPHRF boats.In addition, the Sailing Program has reinstituted anAdult Racing Program, using their fleet of Rhodes 19s.Interested parties should call either Philip Kersten (781)595-4901, or Chris Liscio (781) 595-3759.The PHRF Fleet will hold its annual Chowder Raceon Saturday, July 3rd. The Town Class sailors will holdthe Wilson Tibbo Memorial Race the next day, July 4th.On Friday the 16th, the Social Committee is hosting awine and cheese party, for all members and a Full MoonParty on Sunday, the 25th.The fifth annual King of Clubs Regatta will be heldon Saturday, July 24th, at the Swampscott Yacht Club.Last year, for the first time since its inception, a club otherthan the Dory Club, won the team-racing trophy. Sailorsfrom the Dory Club, Lynn Yacht Club and SwampscottYacht Club, will compete for the King of Clubs Trophyand bragging rights, for the next twelve months. Thewinner also gets the honor of hosting the event, thefollowing year.A reminder that members interested in racing shouldcall Nick Strange (781)581-2631, for Town Class information,John Fulghum (781)599-3259, for Lasers andOptimist Prams, and Bob Cusack (781) 581-1159, for thecruising boats.The Social Committee is also working on severalguest speakers, but details have not been finalized. Membersshould check the Club’s web site, http://www.doryclub.org/, for more details.Please patronize our advertisers.Thank you.Enjoy the Fourth!If your birdfeeding area is messy, we can offerseed out of the hull, such assunflower chips, or a blendof hull-less seeds, such asWild Birds Unlimited No-MessBlend. Hulled foods leave muchless mess and debris below feedersand are well-suited for usearound patios and decks.Read about the incredible Mockingbird athttp://whatbird.wbu.com/obj/158/_/Northern_Mockingbird.aspxWild Birds Unlimited301 Newbury St., Rte 1 N • Come see our new store!Danvers, MA • (978) 774-9819 • www.wbu.comOpen 7 Days: Mon-Sat: 10-6 • Sun: Noon-4<strong>Nahant</strong> Woman’s Club 2010 Woman’s Club 2010Scholarship WinnerCongratulations to Juliana Liscio (photo below), who was awarded the 2010<strong>Nahant</strong> Woman’s Club $1,000 scholarship. Juliana will be attending the University ofDelaware, Honors Program this fall. She plans to major in Biomedical Science, orBiology, with a minor in one of the arts. She hopes to go to medical school, with theultimate goal of becoming a surgeon. The proud tradition of annual scholarship awardswas started more than 60 years ago — in 1948.Submitted by Marrit Hastings<strong>Nahant</strong> Garden Club NewsThe <strong>Nahant</strong> Garden Club, hosted by Laurie Meagher, Jeannie Delaney, LisaScourtas and Helen Clements, with helpers Betsy Barreda and Pat Adolph, organized awonderful Annual Meeting, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, on June 10, 2010. Theyplanned a spectacular raffle. Our speaker, Robin Murphy, of Wareham, absolutelydazzled the gathering with her beautiful quilts. She made five flower arrangements tocomplement the quilts which were raffled off, as were extra flowers. The meeting waswell attended and we all had a delicious lunch and a very good time. Our honored guest,Sandi Peaslee, President of the Northeastern District of the Garden Club Federation of<strong>Massachusetts</strong>, had a wonderful time and is enjoying the flowers she brought home.As an update to the June <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> report on the Spring Plant Sale, held onMay 29, 2010, plant sale chairwoman, Linda Jenkins, happily gives her summary. “Thisyear’s plant sale was a huge success, due in part to the most generous donations of plantsand seedlings from our members’ gardens. The weather was lovely, the plant donationsmany and the members helped tirelessly.” She wishes to thank teacher and mentorMarie Ford and the entire “Garden team” consisting of Lisa Perella, Joanne Delulis,Harriet Steeves, Betsy Wachtel Barreda, Mary Jane Cusack, Sheridan Maguire, EdieHunnewell, Diana Brandi, Pam Motley, Nancy Whitman, Joanne Bryanos, JeannieDelaney, Muriel Webster, Helen Clements, Deb Gates, Suzanne Hamill, Lissa Stempekand M.L.Cort, for her unique photography. Linda did a wonderful job organizing a plantsale, which broke all records for revenue, even as she planned her daughter’s wedding ofJune 12th. If she has forgotten to thank anyone, she can be forgiven.During the plant sale, Maddie Davis and her helpers did a wonderful job for the<strong>Nahant</strong> Memorial Day observance, by making beautiful wreaths for the cemetery. We aregrateful to her for making these donations every year.Finally, plans are in progress for the Fall garden event/plant sale. The event,Porches, Patios and Peaceful Decks, will take place on September 11, 2010, from 10:00to 4:00, rain or shine. Details will follow.Keep the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> coming to your door! Subscribe to<strong>Nahant</strong> Home Delivery today! Thank you.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 7News From the Johnson SchoolBy Diane Mulcahy, PrincipalThe school year is quickly coming to a close. The students are enjoying the end-ofthe-yearactivities. Field Day was held Tuesday, June 8th. Tuesday was a beautiful day.Lori Nugent, Shawn Cummings and a team of wonderful, dedicated parent volunteers,planned a grand day for students and teachers. The sixth-graders particularly enjoyed thetraditional water balloon fight with the fifth-graders also following tradition and pickingup the field. We’re grateful for the community support for Field Day. The Tides Restaurantsupplied the food for lunch, the Knights of Columbus donated water and juice, theMt. Vernon Restaurant supplied the grill, and the DPW supported us with the logistics ofthe day. Thank you for the continuing support to our school.The Sixth Grade Moving-On Ceremony was held on Wednesday evening, June16th, at the Johnson School. Family and friends joined the School Committee, to celebratethis milestone for the eighteen sixth-grade students. Olivia Cooke, as class president,made remarks, which opened the ceremony. Several Johnson School students wonawards, including the Citizenship Award, presented by the American Legion, to LindaDeCicco and Ryan Cole. Olivia Cooke won the Lowland Math Award and was presentedwith a commendation from the State House, for her recital of the Gettysburg Address.Corey Bleau, Olivia Cooke, Liam Devereaux and Peter Doyle were presented withPresidential Academic Excellence Awards. Simon Klee was presented the PresidentialAchievement Award.The Johnson School was awarded a $4,085 grant from the Hardscrabble EducationFund, a fund of the Essex County Community Foundation (ECCF). Johnson School willuse the funds to Integrate Technology in the Math Curriculum. These funds will purchasean Eno board, for the 5/6 grades math program. We are most appreciative of thefunds, which will allow us to broaden our technology base. The Hardscrabble EducationFund promotes and supports academic achievement in pre-collegiate, public schools inBeverly, Lynn, Marblehead, Salem, Swampscott and <strong>Nahant</strong>, by issuing grants to teachers,schools, or districts, primarily in the fields of Mathematics, Science and English.ECCF was established in January, of 1999, to increase local philanthropy and providesupport to non-profit organizations, located in and serving Essex County. The Foundationoffers all the philanthropic, grant-making, financial and tax expertise needed toengage in effective, inspired, charitable giving. ECCF stewards over 80 charitable fundsand has awarded over $8 million in grants to local organizations. To learn more aboutECCF, please visit www.eccf.org.Two Johnson School students, Jackie and Thomas Frisoli, took advantage of thebeautiful weather and parade watchers, to have a lemonade stand, during Monday’sMemorial Day Parade. The brother and sister team raised $70, for equipment for thePhysical Education program. Mrs. Spencer will put the money to good use, buyingequipment she will use next year. Thank you Thomas, a first grade student in Ms.Brown’s class, and Jackie, a third grader in Mrs. Durant’s class, for donating your timeand effort to our phys. ed. program.With generous donations from the PTO, our 6th grade students were all able toparticipate in a new CPR program this year, led by our school nurse, Cheryl DiLisio andour Phys. Ed teacher, Mrs. Spencer. The students worked hard to learn the informationand techniques and received an American Heart Association certification card, valid fortwo years! Also, with funding from the PTO, many staff members were able to receiveFirst Aid Training, under the instruction of Mrs. Spencer. We now have 12 staff memberscertified in First Aid and 15 CPR/AED certified staff! Thank you, PTO, for fundingthese staff initiatives.<strong>Nahant</strong> Police Officer Armand Conti visited our school, early in June, to discusssafety with all of our students at the Johnson School. He has been working as a liaisonwith our school crisis team and has been compiling a lot of information and refining histechnological skills, to present some great safety-related information to our students. Thestudents were very attentive that day and asked a lot of really good questions. Some ofhis topics were beach, boating and water safety, bicycle and pedestrian safety, trafficrules and the <strong>Massachusetts</strong> Helmet Law, internet/computer and cell-phone awarenessand safety, cyber bullying/cyber safety, and communicating with others with courtesy.We hope to expand on these topics and have him present during the school yearagain. When you see Officer Conti around town this summer, or anytime, say “hello”and thank him for all of his hard work and interest in helping us at our school!The last day of school was Thursday, June 17th. Students and staff will hopefullyenjoy a happy, safe and restful summer!<strong>Nahant</strong> Teachers Defer NegotiationsThe <strong>Nahant</strong> Teachers’ Association (NTA), has agreedto continue with their current contract, due to expire thisAugust, until August 31, 2011. This decision by the NTAis a very significant step in assisting with the fiscal year2011 budget constraints, as it maintains the current salaryschedules and working conditions, for one additional year.The NTA Co-Presidents, Ms. Peever and Ms. Durant,attended the May 25th School Committee meeting, atwhich time the <strong>Nahant</strong> School Committee voted unanimouslyto approve this extension.This joint action allows the Johnson School tocontinue its current programming, without the majorinterruptions and disruptions facing many communities, in<strong>Massachusetts</strong>. This decision, combined with TownMeeting approval of the school budget for 2010-2011,will allow the initiatives in the new, five-year, StrategicPlan, to move forward on its current timetable.Christmas Parade ScholarshipRecipientsCongratulations to our 5 recipients of the ChristmasParade Scholarships. We wish them well and success intheir futures. Juliana Lisco, attending the University ofDelaware, Thomas Ball, attending the University of NewHampshire, Thomas Walsh III, attending <strong>Massachusetts</strong>Maritime Academy, Kyle Taylor, attending the Universityof Michigan and David Wilson Jr., attending RochesterInstitute of Technology.Good Luck and enjoy the experience. You willsucceed!!!Submitted by Roz PuleoDonald Savino and SonsMasonry/Landscape ContractorsWalls • Patios • Walkways • Driveways • Drains • PlantingsFamily owned & operated since 1947 • Licensed & Insured781-581-0289Keep the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> coming to your door! Subscribe to<strong>Nahant</strong> Home Delivery today! Thank you.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 8For Better HealthSummer Classes& Workshops:Creative Dance, Hip Hop,Modern Dance, BallroomStretch & ToneContact Sallee 781-599-1476sallee@dancedimensions.orgWedding Prep, Private lessons,Personal Fitness availableIncreasing Creativity ThroughMovement Workshop TMBe more creative!July 9-10, 2010“Now I have courage toexpress all those thingswhich are inside myself.”S.L.Ages 14 to 99.Beginners to professionals welcome.www.dlorien.com/creativityCENTER OF THOUGHTProfessional Hypnotherapy • <strong>Nahant</strong>, MACall for a Free Consultation:781-593-4222www.CenterOfThought.comJuliette@CenterOfThought.comJuliette GuidaraCertified Clinical HypnotherapistCertified, Complementary Medical HypnotismCertified, Removing Imprints• Stop Smoking • Lose Weight • and much more •To advertise in the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>,call 781-592-4148or email donna @nahant.com.ARE YOU GETTING PHYSICAL THERAPY?• Do you see the same therapist each time?• Does your therapist provide hands-ontreatment, or is he/she seeing severalpatients at one time?Experience the difference atNorth Shore Physical TherapyFor more information, please call:NorthShorePhysicalTherapyMAIN OFFICE:Marblehead781-631-8250Swampscott781-592-2773Salem978-910-0486Exercise After-BurnBy Sallee Slagle, Director, Dance DimensionsYou may have heard that you continue to burn calories after exercise. There areeven claims that one type of exercise gives you the “burn” longer and many claim youwill burn fat after your workout. There is little research to support these specific claims,though. Research has shown that exercise can increase your calorie burn, even after youstop, but no one can say if these are fat calories, or carbohydrate. To date, limited researchexists, but findings have revealed different factors that influence “after-burn.”First of all, let’s define “after-burn” as the amount of calories continuing to beburned after an exercise session or workout period. It is measured by the amount ofadditional oxygen consumed while in exercise recovery, returning to normal resting, preexerciselevels. The body can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 48 hours to fully recover.The amount of calories and the duration of the burn is variable and subject toseveral factors that have been identified.In cardiovascular exercise, intensity is the factor that has the greatest effect on afterburn.As intensity during exercise is increased so is the after-burn duration and amountof calories. Lower intensity activities still produced over 3 hours of after-burn while highintensity produced over 10 hours. If a person is “fit” the body will recover faster. Pleasenote that exercise intensity should be monitored and increased only when you are physicallyready. Please consult your physician especially if you have any medical conditions.Also, duration of exercise has an effect on the after-burn. The longer you exercise,the more calories continued to burn for longer duration post-exercise. So aerobic exerciseintensity and duration influences the after-burn effect.Studies also showed that intervals of intense aerobic training, such as 15 minutes, 2times, produced greater burn than, 30 minutes in one session. Also 1 minute high intensity,done 20 times in a workout period, also showed increased results.When lifting weights, it was found that lifting heavier weights with less repetitions,produced the greatest afterburn. This is also how you create more muscle, which may, ormay not, be desirable. Women who don’t want to have “bulky” muscles, should stick tolighter weights with more repetitions. Weight lifting, or any type of resistance training,such as with tubing/elastic bands, water resistance, or even use of body weight andgravity, should be a part of every fitness regime. Building muscle, or if your older,maintaining muscle mass, is very important. It helps keep metabolism high. It is recommendedto do resistance training 2x a week as well as cardiovascular and stretchingexercises.If you exercise regularly, you are already wise. This information is to keep youeducated, as new claims may arise and can be confusing. All exercise includes somerecovery time and your body continues to burn additional calories, during this recoveryperiod. If your exercise routine is at a plateau, try adding greater challenge, but alwaysdo so gradually, at your own pace and fitness level. Be a wise with your exercise.Conway Joins Walk for RespectThe Jack Conway Realtor, Swampscott office sales team, recently took part in the3rd Annual Community Walk for Respect. As part of the Swampscott Task Force forRespect for Human Differencesand the NorthshoreCommunities, the Conwayagents greeted all the walkersat a table.“This was an outstandingevent and a chance for usto see all of our friends in theNorth Shore community,”said manager Tim Knowlton.“Conway is a company that’scommitted to getting involvedand this a great opportunityfor that.”Knowlton was joined byagents Ronnie Northrop, LisaScourtas, Marlene Badalatoand Paula Bouchard. All ofthe proceeds of the eventwent back to the schools and the community toward support of anti-bias education.Photo: The Conway-Swampscott team work a table at the 3rd Annual CommunityWalk for Respect.Submitted by Al Becker

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 9Weekend WarriorBy Susan Cadigan, LMT, CNMT, NCTMB,<strong>Nahant</strong> Therapeutic MassageTherapeutic massage often blends different applicationsand techniques of body work, to help eliminate pain,dysfunction, stress and tension. The goal is to alleviate thediscomfort and allow room for the body (and mind) toheal. By combining the different styles, a thorough, layerby-layerlifting of tension and sources of pain and discomfortcan be had, in a comfortable and soothing manner.With the warm weather here, our weekend warrior activitieshave increased and we tend to do too much, too soon,leaving us to wonder the next day, “What was I thinking?”Not enough rest between workouts can lead tochronic overload in the muscles. Frequently, we get knots,or spasms, in our legs and shoulders, from overuse and ifnot massaged, or left on their own, they are prone tobecome hypertonic. A hypertonic muscle is a muscle thatis constantly working—sort of held in a sustained contraction.This soft tissue dysfunction can lead to other naggingissues, over time. The distressed muscle tissue consumesmore oxygen and energy and gathers more nerve irritatingwaste products (lactic acid). Because the muscle is notpumping and performing normally, the circulation isdecreased and the muscle starts to harden (ischemia),which begins another cycle of pain and discomfort. Theknot, or hypertonic area, tends to pull on the attachmentsto the supporting tissues and ligaments, as well as thejoint capsule. The increased and uneven pressure cancreate excessive wear in the joint and speed up degeneration.Muscles that are too tight, or knotted, can compressnerves that travel between, or through, the area and cantrigger feelings of pins and needles, or buzzing-tinglingsensations.When working on an area that feels too hard, orfibrous, a minute or so of gentle warming to the area, withSwedish techniques, is applied. The knots are then gentlymilked, plied apart and detangled, with the slow, deepneuromuscular techniques. To encourage the muscle toregain its length and deactivate the contraction, the tissueis nudged slowly and deeply, by adding the myofascialmobilization along-side the neuromuscular therapy. Thetherapeutic approach is like having a good conversation.One must listen, observe and respond, with full attentionand awareness.Thank you for entrusting me with yourselves andloved ones. I am truly grateful. A safe and happy summerto you.Susan Cadigan is licensed and nationally certified intherapeutic massage & bodywork. She holds a diploma inadvanced massage therapy and is certified in myofascialand neuromuscular therapy. <strong>Nahant</strong> Therapeutic Massageis located in the center of town in the Community Center;41 Valley Road. Ms. Cadigan may be reached on her cellphone: 617-240-4252, or you may leave a message on theoffice phone: 781-780-3733. For more information,please visit www.nahantmassage.comHELP WANTEDThe <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> needs a Sales Rep.to cover the Lynn and Swampscott areas.Generous commission schedule. Gas allowance.Work from your own home, on your ownschedule. Call Donna at 781-592-4148or email donna@nahant.comQ & A with North Shore Physical TherapyBy Susan Finigan, NSPTQ. I need to find an alternative to walking on land, because my knees and hips arehurting when I walk on land. What can I do to stay fit?A. Water reduces the effects of gravity, provides support around the submergedbody, and decreases compression forces on the joints and spine. Aquatic physical therapyis a comprehensive therapeutic approach, that uses aquatic exercises designed to aid inthe rehabilitation of various conditions and medical diagnoses. Each individualizedprogram consists of specific components: warm-up, stretching, muscular strength andendurance, cardiovascular, and a cool-down, or relaxation. The therapist and patientestablish goals and develop a plan with emphasis on an independent program. Thisprogram is used outside their aquatic therapy visits, for continued strengthening and painmanagement. Once their therapy is completed, many patients are able to transition towater exercise programs offered at various aquatic facilities, or continue to work on theirown exercise program. The benefits of aquatic therapy include: the promotion of muscularrelaxation, reduction of pain sensitivity, decrease in muscle spasm, reduction ofgravitational forces to assist with walking, increase the ease of joint movement, increasein muscular strength, increase peripheral circulation, increased respiratory musclestrength, increased cardiac function and improved body awareness, balance and trunkstabilityWater provides buoyancy, allowing joints to move more freely and also provides aforce (resistance) to move against. Moving against the resistance of the water can improvestrength in weak muscles. Due to hydrostatic pressure, respiratory muscles arestrengthened by working against the resistance of the water during inspiration. This sameforce helps expiration, key for asthma and emphysema sufferers. Dilation of bloodvessels increases in warm water, increasing venous return and moving tissue fluidsthrough the injured structures. Circulation is increased by this redistribution of blood tothe extremities.Many orthopedic conditions respond well to aquatic therapy. These include arthritis,low-back pain, joint replacements, knee, shoulder and ankle surgeries and shoulderinjuries. Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, stroke and balance/gait disturbances,can benefit from aquatic therapy, as well. Fibromyalgia syndrome patients maybe able to successfully exercise in water, due to its gentler environment. They can gainmuscle strength and endurance, receive pain relief and experience relaxation of musclespasms.If you have questions concerning back pain, balance, or other physical concerns,discuss this with your doctor, or physical therapist. The water may be a gentler environmentfor you to gain strength, experience less pain, and reach your rehabilitation goals.North Shore Physical Therapy has been offering aquatic physical therapy for 3 yearsand currently sees patients Tuesday and Thursday mornings, by appointment. Please seeyour doctor for a prescription and schedule your evaluation with our office. If you havequestions on aquatic therapy, please call our office in Marblehead, 781-631-8250.NAHANT CLASSIFIED ADSGot something for sale or do you want something?Reach all <strong>Nahant</strong>! Put it in the <strong>Nahant</strong> Classified ads!1” X 2 COLUMN BOXOnly $25.00Send text by email to donna@nahant.com, or drop in the<strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> box, at Equitable Bank in <strong>Nahant</strong>.TheDEADLINEfor theAugust issueof the <strong>Nahant</strong><strong>Harbor</strong><strong>Review</strong> isJULY 15th.Luis Ortiz, Licensed Massage TherapistCall today and receive 15% off your massage/Refer a friend and receive 25% off your next visit!Call us at 857-891-0257 or E-mail nahantlmt@gmail.comBy Appointment only. Offering the following services:Swedish relaxation massage • Deep tissue massageHot stone therapyWe welcome clients at a convenient Swampscottlocation. Gift certificates are available.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 10An Invitation fromClifton Lutheran ChurchAll are welcome to the Clifton Lutheran ChurchWorship Service and Sunday School, beginning at 10:00a.m. and to the Coffee Hour, at 11:00 a.m.<strong>Nahant</strong>’s own Victor DalPozzal is the Music Directorat the Clifton Lutheran Church, located at 150 HumphreyStreet, in Marblehead. During the summer, in the absenceof the choir, he will be offering a guest musician, eachweek.If you do not have a church home, you are invited tojoin Victor, at the Clifton Lutheran Church, inMarblehead.For more information, please visit the CliftonLutheran Church web site, at www.cliftonlutheran.org, orcall (781) 631-4379.Submitted by Joyce Lofmark[wlofmark@verizon.net]Subscribe to Home Delivery today. Only $20.PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONSATTENTION! All <strong>Nahant</strong> Business Owners!The <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> needs more advertisers!REACH ALL NAHANTonce a month, in one place.To advertise in the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>,call 781-592-4148, or email donna @nahant.com.PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS TOKEEP THE HARBOR REVIEW COMING TO YOU.T Painting ainting & Cleaning IncJwith KELLY RILEYVoice, Piano, Guitar, BassAll Ages / All LevelsSummer DiscountExperienced Teacher | Berklee Alum.617.699.6243 | web: kellyriley.netINTERIOR & EXTERIORPower Washing • Gutter CleaningOutside Window CleaningCommercial/Residential/IndustrialRafael (617) 678-3605 • Tony (617) 678-3604TJPaintingCleaning@hotmail.comExcellent References • Free Estimates • Fully InsuredNAHANT CLASSIFIED ADSGot something for sale or do you want something?Reach all <strong>Nahant</strong>! Put it in the <strong>Nahant</strong> Classified ads!1” X 2 COLUMN BOXOnly $25.00Send text by email to donna@nahant.com, or drop inthe <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> box, at Equitable Bank in <strong>Nahant</strong>.Summer Reading Program 2010 at the <strong>Nahant</strong> LibraryBy Rita Stepanova, Children’s LibrarianWhat is man’s impact on nature? How to decrease pollution? How to keep the skyblue, trees green, and water clean? These challenging questions create an unlimitedpotential for exploration, for the participants of the Children’s Summer Reading Program“Go Green at the <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library,” at the Library from June 23rd to August20th. The <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library is located at 15 Pleasant Street in <strong>Nahant</strong>.“Song and Stories of the Whole Earth,” with Parents’ Choice Award-winningperformers Davis Bates & Roger Tincknell, begin the celebration of the Summer ReadingProgram, on June 23rd, at 3:00 p.m.Subsequently, the <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library presents Mad Science® of Greater Boston,four incredible interactive workshops: “Science of Magic,” “ Life in the Sea,” “The Dirtof Garbage” and “Laser Light” on Wednesdays, June 30th, July 21st, July 28th, andAugust 4th, at 10:30 a.m.The famous Hampstead Stage Company will perform the play, “Alice in Wonderland”at the library on Wednesday, July 14th, at 3:00 p.m.Then, Matt Gabriel’s Animal World Experience, with live animals, many of whichwere rescued and adopted by Mr. Gabriel, invites children and families, on Thursday,August 12th, at 3:00 p.m.The Library Kung Fu will conclude the celebration of the Summer Reading Programon Friday, August 20, at noon.As usual, the <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library offers the book collection for any sphere ofinterest, age, and taste. Please look for the library postings and updates about othersummer reading activities.Our story hour program “Read with Your Kids,” for children, aged 2 to 5, is availableon Thursdays, at 11:00 a.m. Parents can call a week in advance, to request thebooks they would like read to the children.To participate in Summer Reading, call 781-581-0306, or drop in to register andpick up your Reading Record form. Borrow library books to read, fill out your ReadingRecord, include your name, age, and telephone number, bring the completed form to thelibrary by August 12, and collect your prizes, such as bookmarks or special pencils.Certificates will be awarded to active participants, who read 10, or more books. Thewinners will be eligible for the “Read and Win” awards and will get a prize-surprise.Go Green at Your Library is sponsored, or funded, by <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library, the<strong>Massachusetts</strong> Regional Library System, the Boston Bruins, and the <strong>Massachusetts</strong>Board of Library Commissioners, the <strong>Nahant</strong> Cultural Council, a local agency supportedby the MA Cultural Council, the Friends of the <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library, Ms. Lucy LowellGrimm, and the <strong>Nahant</strong> Knights of Columbus.Read & Win program awards are sponsored by the Topsfield Fair. The Librarythanks all contributors to the Summer Program.All programs are free. The Library encourages everyone to “go green” and, twentyyears from now, expects the participants of the Summer Reading Program “Go Green atthe <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library” to generate creative scientific ideas, to find effective solutionsto the Earth’s environmental problems.<strong>Nahant</strong> Soccer Camp BeginsAugust 9th.<strong>Nahant</strong> Soccer and <strong>Nahant</strong> Recreation will be hosting a soccer camp, beginning theweek of August 9th, at the Flash Road soccer field in <strong>Nahant</strong>. It will be a 4-day camp,with Friday, August 13th, as the rain date.Nicholas Padovani, Impact Soccer Director of Coaching, will be directing thecamp. Coach Padovani is one of the most respected coaches in the region. He is holderof a USSF “A” license and a NSCAA nationally-licensed coach. Mr. Padovani is a 3-time College Coach of the Year and has led teams to 14 College League championships.Many of the kids know Coach Nick, from the <strong>Nahant</strong> Saturday-morning clinic.The camp will offer a safe, fun atmosphere, with a good player-to-coach ratio. Thefocus of the camp will be about core technical development, to help improve yourchild’s confidence and level of play.Junior mini-camp, for 4-7-year-olds, will cost each player $65 and run from 9:00 to10:30 a.m. Junior half-day camp for 6-7-year-olds, will cost $125 and run from 9:00 a.m.to noon. Full day clinic for 8-14-year-olds, will cost each player $190 and run from 9:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Registration forms can be downloaded from nahantsoccer.org. Please submit thecompleted forms, along with a check made payable to “<strong>Nahant</strong> Youth Soccer,” to SusanRosa at 37 Wharf Street, <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908. If you have any questions, please email, orcall Sue at (781)842-2448, or susancrosa@hotmail.com.Submitted by Alexander Eaton

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 11Update from NortheasternUniversity’s Marine Science CenterSubmitted by Carole McCauleySummer Cinema by the SeaPlease join us at the Northeastern University MarineScience Center, for our film series, currently taking place,in lieu of monthly lectures, for the duration of the summer.The remaining marine-related documentaries aretentatively slated for showing:Tues., July 27: “The Fish Belong to the People”Director Will Hyler will present this feature lengthdocumentary, which follows a group of family fishermen,in Port Clyde, Maine, as they work to save their fishinggrounds from government, market structure, and themselves.Tuesday, August 31: “The End of the Line”A selection of the 2009 Sundance, Toronto, andSeattle Film Festivals and narrated by Ted Danson. Thisfilm delves beyond the surface of the seas, to reveal atroubling truth beneath: an ocean increasingly empty offish, impacted by decades of overexploitation.Please note that these events are free and open to thepublic. Screening will take place in the Murphy Bunker,and will begin at 7:00 p.m. and popcorn will be served,beginning at 6:30. There is no need to RSVP. These filmswill vary between 1-2 hours in length and may be followedby an optional discussion, led by the film’s producerand/or an expert in the subject area.Open HouseMark your calendars for this year’s Marine ScienceCenter Open House, on Saturday, September 18th, from10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The annual event, which will alsobe featured on the Essex Heritage “Trails and Sails” eventcalendar this year, will enable visitors to experience thearea’s dramatic and pristine, rocky shore environment, aswell as the opportunity to visit teaching facilities andresearch laboratories. Hands-on marine science activitiesand touch tanks will be available, as well as demonstrations,presentations and tours around the Murphy Bunker,labs and East Point.Letter to the EditorOn the morning of June 12th, I visited the <strong>Nahant</strong>Community Garden, behind the Johnson School. Forthose who may not be aware of the existence of thegarden: It was established through a Community PreservationAct grant of $10,000, approved by Town Meetingvoters, in 2009. Under the leadership of Paul Caira and asmall, but dedicated committee, the garden has literallyborne fruit (or at least produce). Apparently, the day Ivisited, was the first day on which vegetables could beharvested. It was impressive to see the number of residentswho came to view the garden and obtain vegetables.In my opinion, the system of giving back to the residentsof <strong>Nahant</strong> (most of whom gave small contributions to beused for the garden, in the future) demonstrated a mostappropriate usage of CPA funds.It is my understanding that residents can obtain smallamounts of available produce every Saturday, at 11:00a.m. (donations optional).I encourage all <strong>Nahant</strong>ers to visit our CommunityGarden and thank Paul and the members of the committee,for providing us with this latest example of the<strong>Nahant</strong> spirit. Thank you, Bernie Yadoff<strong>Nahant</strong> Village Church Awards 2010 ElizabethPeterson Palmer Scholarship to Sam LivingstonThe ElizabethPeterson Palmer Scholarship,awarded annuallyto a graduating highschool senior, waspresented to SamuelDunbar Livingstonduring the <strong>Nahant</strong>Village Church Sundayworship service on June13. Sam, son of Dunbarand Mary Livingston, 60Wharf Street, <strong>Nahant</strong>,graduated from St.George’s School inMiddletown, RhodeIsland.Sam was baptizedat the <strong>Nahant</strong> VillageChurch, attended SundaySchool through grammarschool and junior highschool, and served as anacolyte, junior deaconand scripture reader.For the past fouryears, Sam attended St. George’s School, an independent boarding school inMiddletown, Rhode Island, where he was an Honor Roll student every semester. Samwas designated an “AP Scholar with Honor” by the College Board, recognizing highscores on four Advanced Placement exams - Latin, Biology, English, and US History.Sam is a musician, studying piano for more than 10 years. He also sang tenor in theSt. George’s chapel choir. His performance of Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 wasrecognized at St. George’s with an Arete Award, given by the school for exceptionalmerit.Sam was a varsity athlete in tennis and squash, and he served as captain of theVarsity Tennis team. He was also a Prefect, responsible for counseling dormitory residentsand participating in management of the dorm. Sam was Managing Editor of theschool newspaper - the Red & White. He started as a reporter and he worked his way upto Managing Editor in his senior year, editing most of the stories, helping to lay out thepaper and continuing to write feature articles.Sam will attend Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, in the fall. He plans tomajor in Public Policy and Law, an interdisciplinary program, examining how legal,economic, political and social systems interact.Submitted by William CrawfordThe above photo is of the <strong>Nahant</strong> Students who were recognized at the NorthShore Chamber of Commerce Annual Scholars Recognition Dinner, whichhonored seniors who graduated in the top 5% of their class. The dinner was held inMay at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Danvers. Pictured from left to right; Patty Silva,Julie Liscio, Amelia Antrim and Kate Hall.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 12Let’s Green Up <strong>Nahant</strong>!A forum for sharing environmental innovations and ideas that can lead to a healthier earth.<strong>Nahant</strong>...Watch Your Ship Sail In!beyond! 12’ ceilings,marble fireplaces,dramatic foyer andstaircase. Potential formultiple buildable lots.$998.000Architecturallysignificant 12 room, 6br manse sited on over1.2 acres of rollingwooded land with viewsof <strong>Nahant</strong> Bay and781-593-6111<strong>Nahant</strong> Bi-Annual Real Estate Sales& Listing ReportSubmitted by Caroline Gardiner-O’ConnorFrom January 1st, 2010 to June 17th, 2010, thecurrent number of properties sold is eight, with five underagreement. Four were single family homes, which sold inthe $138,000 to $1,871,000 price range, with five underagreement in the price range of $349,000 to $699,000.The remaining four were condomiminums in the pricerange of $140,000 to $212,000 with two under agreementin the price range of $129,900 to $ 154,900. There is onemulti-family home currently under agreement for$334,700.Of the thirty-eight properties currently listed, 26 aresingle family homes in the price range of $189,900 to$2,200,000. There are four condominiums available in theprice range of $119,900 to $420,000. There are fivemulti-family housing units on the market in the pricerange of $599,000 to $1,200,000.Two listings are for land in the price range of$998,000 to $1,200,000 and one commercial property islisted at $1,200,000.The information gathered is from the North ShoreMultiple Listing Service and does not reflect any For Saleby Owner transactions made.Should you care to have more detailed informationon any of the above, or would like to know the value ofyour home at this time, please give me a call, 617-240-7688, or email: Caroline@gardineroconnor.com.Offshore Oil & Gas Drillingby Jack Clarke, <strong>Massachusetts</strong> Audubon SocietyMass Audubon opposes the exploration, development and production of oiland gas on the federally-controlled Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), off the <strong>Massachusetts</strong>coast. We believe such activities would threaten critical ocean wildlifeand habitat and would present an unacceptable risk to the fishery resources of oneof the world’s premier fishing grounds, at Georges Bank. In addition to GeorgesBank, we believe these activities should be precluded from offshore areas, within100 miles of the Bay State coast, as well as the Stellwagen Bank National MarineSanctuary (map attached.) Georges Bank, Stellwagen Bank and nearshore oceanwaters are the most sensitive and important marine resources to the environmentand economy of the Bay State and must be protected.This position is consistent with Mass Audubon’s long and active history onthis critical conservation issue, dating to the early 1980s, when limited exploratorydrilling took place on the OCS and federal plans were advanced for a moreexpansive drilling program.However since that time, Congress and various Presidents have placed temporarybans on offshore drilling. Mass Audubon has supported those bans andwhen they expired or were revoked, we advocated for their reinstatement.In light of the Spring 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil crises, Senator Scott Brownand Congressman Ed Markey, will be filing legislation, to address offshore oiland gas drilling, along with spill-prevention measures. Mass Audubon will workwith our leaders in Washington, DC, to ensure that <strong>Massachusetts</strong> ocean watersare fully protected.For more information see http://www.massaudubon.org.Submitted by Polly Bradley, for Safer Waters in <strong>Massachusetts</strong> (SWIM)<strong>Nahant</strong>: A Garden of ArtPicture the perfect summer day in <strong>Nahant</strong>. A gentle sea breeze whispering throughthe tall grass along the beach. The gulls singing overhead as a boat’s engine is heard inthe distance, muted by the gently rolling surf. Add to that engaging music, lively conversation,fine food, fine wine and an inspiring location. Finish the thought with originalworks of art featuring <strong>Nahant</strong>’s natural beauty done by notable Boston and North Shoreartists and you have an unforgettable experience by the sea.<strong>Nahant</strong> resident and former gallery owner, Laura Erlich, has invited several localandnationally-known artists, to create on canvas a collection of bold and exciting seascapesof <strong>Nahant</strong>. These spectacular pieces of art will be for sale on the day of this eventwith a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Society’s oral history project. The artworkwill be presented in various sizes, mediums and price ranges. One priceless piece of artwill be offered at auction during the event, created for this event and generously donatedby internationally known artist Norman Laliberte. “<strong>Nahant</strong>: A Garden of Art” will beheld on Sunday July 25, 2010, from 2 - 5 p.m. on the grounds of the Laliberte home at 51Cliff Street, courtesy of Laurel and Norman LaLiberte. Admission is $25 per person. Forreservations, please send your check to the <strong>Nahant</strong> Historical Society at 41 Valley Roadby Wednesday July 21st.Proceeds from the event benefit the Society’s Oral History Program, “Tell us yourstory.” Now in its 31st year, over 200 oral histories have been recorded by Calantha Searsas the interviewer. These priceless audiotapes have been copied into digital format forsafekeeping, and the task of transcribing from audio to written form recently begun bySuzanne Hamill, the Society’s very able Clerk. Visitors to the Historical Society canenjoy listening to the tapes thanks to the set up provided by Robert Wilson, who alsoimplemented the digital transfer. The oral history conservation project is under theguidance of Board member Chris Matthias.www.townofnahant.com

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 13Let’s Green Up <strong>Nahant</strong>!A forum for sharing environmental innovations and ideas that can lead to a healthier earth.SWIM Shortsby Polly Bradley, Safer Waters in <strong>Massachusetts</strong> (SWIM)Safer Waters in <strong>Massachusetts</strong> (SWIM) will meet on Monday, July 12th, at7:00 p.m., at Northeastern University Marine Science Center, East Point, <strong>Nahant</strong>.All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.This is the time of year that SWIM was made for. We literally can go for aSWIM and we are down there on the sand and along the rocks, appreciating andobserving our environment, in an intimate way that most of us don’t do yearround.So for <strong>Nahant</strong>’s environmental advocates, summer is a time to carefullyand caringly assess our course, for the following seasons. At our July 12th meeting,we’ll be looking at what SWIM can do, to think globally, act locally.The gusher in the Gulf of Mexico has been on everyone’s mind. I can’t thinkof it as a “spill” — it’s more than that. Once, when I was a little girl in Oklahoma,I saw a gusher, a real gusher, a black fountain dancing into the sky. I hope neveragain to see a gusher — or a tornado. Vive <strong>Nahant</strong>!The <strong>Massachusetts</strong> Audubon Society has released an excellent statement onoil and gas drilling in <strong>Massachusetts</strong>. See the MassAudubon article in this issue ofthe <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>.Is it my imagination, or is energy subsuming environment? The cabinet-levelposition in Washington is now “Energy and the Environment.” The same thinghas happened on the state level with the creation of the <strong>Massachusetts</strong> ExecutiveEvery Wednesday NightQuizo trivia • 8:30 p.m.Win great prizes ...1/2 price Appetizers • Drink specialsLYNNWAY SPORTSCENTER497 Lynnway, Rte 1A, Lynn MA 01905781-595-5700www.lynnwaysportscenter.comCarolineYour “GO”Team...we GOthe distancefor you...JimWe prefer to see our “Sold Signs” inyour yard, rather than “For Sale” signs.Find out how we find those buyersfor your home...Have a great SUMMER!Caroline & Jim, <strong>Nahant</strong>, MACaroline: 617-240-7688Email: Caroline@gardineroconnor.comWebsite: www.gardineroconnor.comOffice of Energy and the Environment. Critical as renewable energy is to protectingthe environment, energy alone won’t take the place of saving forests fromclearcutting, saving fish from overfishing, saving birds by saving marshland,slowing down human population growth and protecting our parks from bothneglect and overuse.I’d like to see a new Civilian Conservation Corps, to put young people towork restoring our parks, rebuilding our infrastructure and cleaningup the mess in the Gulf. A much better boost to the economythan doling out welfare and rescuing banks!The drawing of the SWIM clothesline (pdf) is by Emily Pottsand the small SWIM logo is by Charlotte Moore.Please patronize our advertisers.If it weren’t for them, therewould NOT be a<strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>. Thanks!Help keep the <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> coming to your door!Become a Home Delivery Subscriber today!Thank you...

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 14HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICESRoofs • SidingKitchens • BathsMARIO SPINUCCI(781) 581-6266 Off.WILSON BROS. CONSTRUCTIONcan improve your present home orbuild your dream house withquality work at a fair price.Your Fine Home Deserves the Best!581-1359Fully Licensed and Insured • Mass. H.I.C. #104593INSURANCE REPLACEMENTS • MIRRORS • TABLE TOPSGLASS FOR EVERY PURPOSE • SCREEN REPLACEMENTINSULATED UNITS & REPLACEMENT WINDOWSGLASS FOR SHOWER AND TUB ENCLOSURESMcCarthy Glass Co., Inc.AUTO GLASS • STORE FRONT CONSTRUCTIONPLEXIGLASS TM and LEXAN TM752 WESTERN AVE. (781) 598-5610W. LYNN, MA 01905 FAX (781) 598-6080OVER 50 YEARS IN BUSINESSHIC#152808 • CSL#086453 • EPA Certified RRP Lead-Safe RemodelingM.S. CONSTRUCTIONQuality Building & RemodelingResidential & CommercialFully Licensedand Insured12 Sunset Road<strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908www.msconstructiongc.comBruce Tarney LandscapingLawn Maintenance • Plantings • SodStone Walls • Paved WalkwaysMasonry RepairsOver 17-years in <strong>Nahant</strong>.781-596-1347Kitchens & BathsDecoratingRemodelingDormers • DecksAdditions“ONE CALL DOES IT ALL”FAX (781) 598-9215 • CELL (781) 888-1111stephen@galaxycontractors.com • www.galaxycontractors.comCelebrating 25 Years June 2010Now accepting NEW clients. Call,HAVEAHAPPY&SAFEFOURTHStand-by Generator Installation • Electrical ConstructionResidential • Industrial • Commercial • MarineVoice — Cable TV — ComputerMaster ElectriciansLicense # A11221LYNNNAHANTPOULIN ELECTRIC CO. INC.J.P. CONSTRUCTION CO.GENERAL CONTRACTORQuality Building & RemodelingKitchens • Baths • Additions• Decks • Roofing781-581-7077 LICENSED& INSUREDMA CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LIC. #049833 • MA HOME IMPROVE. CONTR. REG. #107527MICHAEL RUSSO, JR.PLUMBING & HEATING CO., INC.COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL, FIRE SPRINKLER WORK“Serving the <strong>Nahant</strong> community.”www.michaelrussoplumbing.comTELEPHONE (781) 595-2732 • FAX (781) 596-2330MICHAEL RUSSO, JR.PRESIDENTMASTER PLUMBER LIC. #8027MASTER PIPE FITTER #24479SPRINKLER CONT. LIC. #4462HANDYMAN“No Job Too Small”Steve LermanEdwardPoulinIrving Way, <strong>Nahant</strong>, MATel/Fax 781-581-1186Serving The North Shore Since 1980<strong>Nahant</strong>, MA781-592-3223Harmony Tile CompanyDoing business for 25 years.Floors • WallsTub Enclosures • BacksplashesRepairs • RegroutingLes Tarmy(781) 596-7100www.jpconco.comInsured • Free EstimatesAll work guaranteed.PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS • SAVE PAGE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 15DREAMS ARE NOT BLACKOR WHITEIn the old days,Black womenBrought up white children.Today, I,A white girl, babysitA black child,My little, curly Cherub.Her eyes are brightLike May sunshine.Her skin is soft as silk.When she smilesViolet rosesFlush her cheeks.She dreams of becoming a pianist,And I—a surgeon.(Dreams are not black or white)Little brown fingers closeOver my pink onesCreatingA butterfly with striped wings.By our commandThe butterflyBegins to flyAnd with itour dreams...ROZI THEOHARI, 1998TAKE ALTERNATIVE ROUTE AND GET “$5,000”Well Islanders, it looks like we be sportin’ a new BECAUSEWAY (because wedefinitely need one). Our crack reporter, Mae I. Barjen went to the informational meetingat our Town Hall, on June 2nd and left with quite a smile. THE GOOD NEWS: the newcauseway will give our little rock quite a positive first impression for visitors and residentsalike, featuring new drainage, center barriers, green areas and antique light poleswith no windmills adorning them. You all can thank Isle of <strong>Nahant</strong> Pate‘ CEO, ClaudeMywhey, for convincing the DCR to forget about those cute little windmills, in order tosave our fine, feathered friends that could enter smiling and exit as extra lean fine grind.(The Tudor Cocktail Ice Co. feels Mr. Mywhey had an ulterior motive for his concern ofour fine feathered friends, less geese for his pate‘ manufacturing plant located in ourPreservation Trust Lifeboat Station).THE BAD NEWS: It’s gonna take “3” years for this project, (going by past historyof other state run projects aka the big dig), but we know they have done their homeworkand we’re sure it will come in on time? The state engineers have even researched thetraffic impact and have asked us to SEEK ALTERNATE ROUTE when entering andexiting our island.The Tudor Cocktail Ice Co has, as usual, come to the aid of our concerned residents.The Tudors will give a 3-year FREE PASS for unlimited rides on the Town TransitSystem, run by TUDOR TRANSIT AUTHORITY, located at the corner of Willow Rd.and Wharf St. The system connects <strong>Nahant</strong> with Lynn, the Commuter Rail and the BlueLine. The pass will also include unlimited complimentary visits to the Tudor TransitAuthority “Club Cah,” featuring the new recipe: 24 oz. COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO.Along with the pass, THE FIRST 150 ISLANDERS THAT DONATE $100 TOTHE MITCHELL’S CAHNAH BLOCK PARTY, WILL RECEIVE A RAFFLE TICKET.THERE ARE ONLY 150 TICKETS SOLD (GREAT ODDS, A 30 TO 1 SHOT).The 1st PRIZE IS $5,000, 2nd PRIZE IS $1,000, AND THERE ARE THREE 3rdPRIZES OF $500.THE RAFFLE WILL BE DRAWN ON THE NIGHT OF THE 6th ANNUALBLOCK PARTY AT 9:00 p.m., ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH. ALL THE PRO-CEEDS FOR THE EVENT WILL BE SPLIT EVENLY BETWEEN 5 ISLAND KIDGROUPS (<strong>Nahant</strong> Little League, <strong>Nahant</strong> Sailing Program, <strong>Nahant</strong> Soccer League, theJohnson School PTO and the <strong>Nahant</strong> Education Foundation).CALL 617-543-3942 FOR RAFFLE TICKETSThe Official <strong>Nahant</strong> DoryClub DecalSUBMITTED BY PONSIE TUDORBoating enthusiasts all over the country display theirYacht Club Burgees on their vehicles.Show your pride in our <strong>Nahant</strong> Dory Club.There are the full-colored stickers available to allthrough Rob Scanlan, Marine Surveyor.Like the NHT, HOOMPA & NAHANT RESIDENTCAUSEWAY TOLL PASS stickers, there is no charge forthese stickers; never has been, never will be. The towngaff’s us enough for the beach stickers and winter parkingstickers.Submitted by Rob Scanlan, Marine Surveyoryacht1ship@aol.com781-595-6225

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 16Useless Information...By Ray Barron<strong>Nahant</strong>’s July Birthday BabiesJuly 1: Amy Carpenter-Gadon,JeanDevereaux, Chu XianFeng, Carol Hayes, LiamJenkins, Patrick Jenkins,George Mazareas, PaulMurphy, John Ryder,Timothy Smith,July 2: JoanColantuoni, MatthewFitzpatrick, BridgitHoulihan, SheridanMaguire, Elaine Mavros,Pamela Oesterlin, WilliamPalmer, MichaelQuigley, Quinn PaulSainato, GeraldineScigliano JeanenneVangrouw, James Ward, Jr.,July 3: JohnDelaney, Lisa Laurano,Juliana Liscio, MatthewMorse, Charles Pritchard,Wylie Roossien, NicoleMarie Ross, ElizabethSherlock, MarilynStevens, Ryszard Wabno,Justice Wright,July 4th: Jean Botta,Daniel Donahue, JulieForgione, PaulJamgotchian, TeresaKaplan, Stephen Lerman,John McDonough,Rosemarie Moody, HughMosher, Pamela Strong,July 5: UlrikeBauder, Achilles Bryanos,Daniel Forster, RyanGooding, AshiwanKumar, Michele Maher,Eleni Mazareas, CharlesRiley, Jr., Jeanne Savage,July 6: JamesBasford, MargaretForrest, JessieannJohnson, Ryan Kane,James Osborne, Jr.,Marianna Pezaris,July 7: StephenBulpett, Gregg Callahan,Dimitrios Christoforidis,Helen Clements, WalterGoode, Joseph Machera,Kevin Meagher, PaulaPascucci, CarolynPorfert, Eric Reiser,Allison Russell, CaseyShanahan,July 8: Dena Kivett,Tiara Palmer, TylerPeterson,July 9: DevinDenham, Joannis Glavas,Kyle Spencer, MarcoVasquez,July 10: ScottGrieves, Pamela Lessor,Sarah Walsh Mellen,Charles Messina,Seaside Business Servicesin <strong>Nahant</strong>Desktop Publishing & WordsmithingProofreading • Editing • Page LayoutBusiness Writing • Creative WritingProcedure & Policy HandbooksBusiness ManualsCatalogs • Newsletters • FlyersSpecializing inProduct Photography & Photo EditingOver 30 years experience in businesswriting and editing.For more info, call Donna Lee Hanlon,• 781-592-4148 •Suzanne Provencher,Janet Taylor,July 11: JohnBeaulieu, MargaretBigler, Samantha Gray,Betty Macarelli, DeborahNoah, Daniel O’Connor,Conor Olmstead, CharlesSanphy, Manuel Santos,Lauren Schiffenhaus,Janice Taylor, DorisThompkins, MaryWalters,July 12: LindaCastetter, Stephanie Dent,Robert Emery, RyleighHatfield, Shannon Kelley,Cynthia Mazareas,Cadenci McNair-Labrecque, MichaelMeyer, Edith Robinson,David Walsh,July 13: RichardAlfonsi, Anna DiMascio,Brendan Donovan,Clifford Flynn, SharilynGasparrelli, PaulKalapinski, Anne MarieListon, Karen Marshall,Lori Nugent, Julia EvelynOswald, Madeline Tanen,July 14: RobertBelanger, MichaelSpring, Thomas Walsh,Jr., Gene Yoon,July 15: RexAntrim, MichaelFringuelli, JulietteGuidara, Margaret Lewis,William Mantzoukas,Daniel McMackin,Heather Meitner, TheresaRiddle, Edward Sheehan,Rita Tsokanis,July 16: RainerBauder, AbigailCaggiano, Parker Cook,Stephen Dickenson,Jaeson Dubrovay,Eleanor John,July 17: KatherineBurke, AnthonyCaloggero, SusanCaloggero, NoreneGachinard, Cal Hastings,Mark McBride, MargaretSilva, VichaiThienprayoon,July 18: JohnAnderson, KatherineCollins, Ilona Connor,Heather Doucette, RobertSullo, Dean Warren,July 19: StephenCarr, Coleen O’Leary,Peter Rogal, MargaridaTorchiana,July 20: JulieBryanos, Zane Eskandar,Sylviane Poulin, MarkAdam Schiffenhaus, Jr.,July 21: GerardAlimenti, RonaldBuckley, RichardCapozzi, Lisa Eaton,Peter John, Joseph Klink,Alexa Krauter, AnneO’Brien, Sarah Quigley,Patricia Sullivan, ValerieVentura,July 22: KostaDaras, Paul Delaney,Valeriy Kostenko, GregoryMarie, PaulMcCormack, MilesPorter O’Neil, KatherineWalker, CarolWasserman,July 23: LindaDiBenedetto, Heidi Fiore,Peter Foukal, AnnaGreene, Robert Hunt,Valerie King, DavidMarshall, Blanca Munoz,Stephen Pasinski, AshleyPaula, Barbara Powers,Andrew Sigourney,July 24: JeanneAdamo, JaniceBrathwaite, JamesCashman, SebastianFlacke, Katelyn Henry,Roger Kautz, DebraMahoney, WilliamMogan, Melinda Noonan,Isabella Raffaele, BrianRobinson, Robert Ross,Michael Urany,July 25: DavidCarter, DeborahCashman, MichaelCutillo, Albert Divenuti,Jr., James Mellen,July 26: VictoriaBauder, Richard Behen,Joanne Bryanos, MatthewCanty, Elizabeth Johnson,Sui Chang Li, WarrenMayhew, ElizabethQuinn,July 27: BruceBennett, Gina DiGangi,Taylor Anne Eaton, RitaMitchell, John Nichols,Clifford O’Neill, GloriaO’Shea,July 28: FrancisBarile, Matthew Colson,Elaine DiGangi, RobertDoran, Michael Georges,Emma Greene, MiriamMangold, JosephMcGinn, John Ryan,Timothy Shockro,July 29: KellyGrady, Olivia Herman,Simon Klee, JoanneLaubner, Kevin Maguire,Christopher Pantano,Olympia Wiggin,July 30: ClaireCollins, Diane Desmond,Kathleen Eaton, TimothyLong, Katherine Lowell,Thomas Mercurio, DavidMoran, CarolineMunnelly, RyanProvencher, OctaviaRandolph, Steven St.Ives, Nichole Yannetty,July 31: AmanndaBartram, Bridget Brewer,Katharine Carter, SharonFlint, Michael Flynn,Clare Hynes, KatherineIrvine and AnthonyKallianiotes.Happy Birthday!Have a Safe Fourth!Thanks for the emails. If you wish to have your Birthday included on themonthly list, or don’t want your name included, please make your wishes known.Just send an email to donna@nahant.com. Thank you!

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 172010 SUBSCRIPTION DRIVEAhoy, <strong>Nahant</strong>ers! This is the second subscription drive for 2010. The first was in February. I am most grateful and thank those who renewed andadded a little extra. Thanks, also, for the notes of encouragement and the stories about how an article in the <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> had impacted your life. Itis very gratifiying to know that people read and need the information contained within these few pages. So, once again, “Many thanks!” to everyonewho took the time to send a check to renew their subscription for 2010.The Subscribers List has been updated, as of June 15th, 2010. The date after the name is the subscription renewal date. As you can see, there aremany ready to renew. Summer is here, so now is a really good time to renew your subscription to help out the paper. Many people forget their renewaldate. So, if you plan to renew for 2010, please use the 2010 subscription envelope that was enclosed in the previous issue, or use your own envelopeand help me save some time and money by not including a subscription envelope. You can mail your subscription to the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>, POBox 88, OR save a stamp and drop the envelope in the <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> box, on the Teller’s counter, inside the <strong>Nahant</strong> Equitable Cooperative Bank, on<strong>Nahant</strong> Road..Everyone, please check for your name and if I have made an error, or an omission, please let me know. You can send me a note, or an email to:donna@nahant.com and it will be corrected. Expired subscriber’s names will be removed for the next publishing of the subscribers and supporterslist. Thanks for continuing to support and subscribe to your community newspaper. Enjoy the summer!!! Donna Lee Hanlon, EditorAnd now, the SUBSCRIBERS…Patricia Adolph (8/11), Fred Ahern (2/10), Robert & Christine Alexander (2/11), Jerry Alimenti (8/11), Margaret Antrim (9/10), Sherri A. April(5-11), Lisa Arena (1/11), Patricia Aswad (8/11), Kathleen Atkinson (3/10),Suzanne & Richard Bailey (9/11), Meggan Bailey (2/10), Joseph J. Balsama (10/11), Susan Bannon (4/11), Jeanne Baranek-Olmstead (2/11),Deborah Barnes (4/11), Tess Bauta(2/10), Barbara Beatty & Michael Meyer (1/10), Nathan & Lisa Bell (9/10), John A Benson Family (1/11), Roger &Lynne Berkowitz (2/10), Elizabeth & Daniel Berman (2/11), Joseph M Bertorelli (1/11), Paul Bertrand (2/10), Ken Bibber (1/11), Marsha & MichaelBillias (2/10), Penny T. Billias (3/11), Christopher Black (3/11), C & P Bolthrunis (5/11), Doris Bongiorno (2/11), June M. Borys (6/11), RobertBranga (2/11), Cynthia Bradley-Young (4/11), Scott Bradley (4/11), Polly & Larry Bradley (4/11), Randolph Bradley (4/11), Edward Brown (2/10),David & Anne Bromer (8/10), Norma Brooks (10/10), Joanne Bryanos (8/10), Judith Bryant (2/11), Jeannie Buckley (9/10), John J. Buckley (8/10),Kathy Burns & John Condon (2/11), Chuck Butera (2/10),James & Susan Caccivio (7/10), Paul & Elaine Caira (8/11), Caggiano Family (2/10), Candace Cahill (2/10), Barbara Cant & Henry Dunn (8/10), Nancy Cantelmo & Mike Rauworth (6/10), Victor & Marion Capano (7/10), Kenneth Carangelo (7/12), John & Catherine Carr (3/10), Joseph &June Carmody (2/11), David & Katherine Carter (8/10), Rev. John P Casey (2/11), Frances Casey (1/12), Jim & Debbie Cashman (2/11), MurielCastronova (2/11), Malcolm Chamberlain (2/12), Linda Christoforidis (2/11), Helen Clements (2/11), Thomas & Patricia Clements (2/11), JaneCollins (2/10), Collins Family (5/10), Arthur Collins (7/10), Judith A. Conn (2/12), Dave & Molly Conlin (12/09), Patrick Conlin (12/09), SeamusConlin (12/09), Luke Conlin (12/09), Kim & Mark Conway (2/11), Bob & Carmella Cormier (1/11), Alice Cort & Dr. Bruce Walker (2/11), HelenCort (2/11), Rev. Robert B. Costello (2/11), Tom & Cindy Costin (7/10), Suzanne Cox (2/11), Claire Crane (1/11), William & Carol Crawford (4/11),Robert & Mary Jane Cusack (11/10), Kathleen Cutting (1/11),Barbara D’Amico (2/11), Paul & Josephine D’Amico , Joe & Jan Dantona (2/11), Charles Dean (8/10), Frank & Jo Ann DeIulis (7/11), Bob &Pat DelCastillo (8/10), Inge DeLuca (7/11), Catherine Demidenko (2/10), Roger & Diana DeMinico (2/11), Patricia Demit (2/11), Susan DePaolo (2/11), Jean DeSilvestri (2/11), David & Elizabeth Desmond (8/11), Dan & Robin deStefano (2/11), Peter & Barbara Devens (7/11), Franco & PetraDiCostanzo (2/10), John K. Dineen (2/10), Thomas & Carol Doherty (11/10), James & Janet Dolan (3/10), Sean Dolan (4/11), Robert & CindyDonahue (8/11), E. Thom & Mary Donahue (2/11), Yvonne Donovan, (9/10), Robert & Lorraine Doran (2/11), Mark & Michelle Dougherty (2/11),Brian & Maria Douillette (12/09), Anna Dragon (2/11), Michael & Diane Dunfee, H. Dunn Family (8/10),Maureen Edison (2/11), Julia Elassaad (12/10), Mary Jane English (11/10), Lollie Ennis (2/11), Jacob & Laura Erlich (6/10), Kristina Etter (8/10), Chris Eveleigh (4/10), Linda Eveleigh (4/10), Douglas & Linda Eveleigh (4/10), Constantine & Mary Evos (2/11),Karen Falat (11/10), Kathryn Famulari (11/10), David Fitzpatrick (2-11), David & Janet Flaherty (2/11), Michael & Jamie Flynn (1/11), BethFoley (8/10), Katee Foley (8/10), Neil & Ellie Foley (8/10), Sean Foley (8/10), Karl & Nancy Forsell (11/10), William Forster (10/10), Peter &Elisabeth Foukal (5/11), Carolyn Fowle (2/12), Kevin Freeman (2/11), Joanne Fucile (1/10), John R. Fulghum (10/11), Susan Fulghum (2/11),Sharilyn Gasparrelli (7/12), Russell C. & Joyce Gaudet (7/12), MarciaGaudet (8/10), Kenneth L. Gavin (7/10), Bernadette M. Gaynor (1/10),Brenda Gaynor (9/11), MichaelGeorges (7/10), John & Nora Gergely (2/12), Ron & Jean Gerstenhaber (4/11), Jonathan Gilman & Octavia Randolph(8/11), Yanni & Maria Glavas (2/11), The Godwin Family (2/10), Betty Gooding (2/11), Michael Golding (3/10), Estelle Goodell (10/10), LeslieGould (3/10), Michael Goyetche (7/10), Adolph Graciale (3/10), Michael Gray (2/10), Charlotte Grimm (9/10), Lucy Grimm (9/10), Sara Grimm (9/10), Bob & Gail Guiney (2/10), Meral Gunduz (2/11),Gordon & Linda Hall (2/11), George & Alice Hall (2/11), Jeff & Jan Hall (7/10), Bill & Kathie Hatfield (2/10), Peg & Henry Hanagan (2/11),Joseph Haskell (4/11), Cal & Marrit Hastings (2/12), Laurence Heidebrecht (5/10), Susan Hendrickson (2/11), Robert Herne (7/10), Pat Hickey (3/11), Lea & Mal Hill (8/10), Don & Barbara Hodges (7/10), Shirley Hoffman (12/10), T. Rose Holdcraft (2/11), Laura Hollingsworth (2/11), Al &Patricia Hosker (10/10), Jim & Jean Hosker (1/10), James & Janice Hubbard (12/10), Francis Hudson Family (2/11), H. Hollis Hunnewell (2/11),Jean Inglis (2/10), Ioven Abbady Family (7/10), Robert & Phyllis Irvine (1/11),Mrs. J. Richard Jackson (12/10), Sue James (1/10), Carl & Linda Jenkins (7/11), Edward & Elizabeth Johnson (9/11), Elizabeth B. Johnson (11/10), Pat Johnson & Bonnie Strong (5/10), Tom & Dottie Johnson (1/10), Phil & Trudy Joyce (1/11),Joseph Kane (1/10), Susan Kane (3/10), Virginia Kane (1/10), Mike Karevich (3/11), Stephen & Stacey Kasper (6/10), Kevin M. Kay (1/11),Martin & Judy Keenan (2/11), John & Martha Keller (1/10), Christine & Doug F. Kendall (3/11), John & Virginia Kerr (4/10), Susan Kerr (4/10),Henry Kettell (2/11), G. Khatsurnov & Lydia Gruzdeva (1/10), Bill &Valerie King (7/10), M/M William R. Kinley (3/11), J. L. Kirkman (8/10), Rich& Jean Kirouac (6/10), Joseph Klink (6/10), Adrian Kohn (7/10), Jim Konowitz (8/11), George & Kaly Koukounaris (1/11),Norman Laliberte (7/10), Lila LaMalfa (3/10), Joe & Bonnie Lamando (7/10), James & Gina Lang (7/10), Joanne &Paul Laubner (1/10), JonLauck (8/10), Mrs. Miles Leavitt (3/10), Mary & Eugene LeBlanc (3/11), Douglas Lemle (6/10), Paul & Michelle Lenzi (7/10), Roberta & StephenLerman (2/10), Marion Lester (10/10), Alan P. Lewis (10/10), Dana P. Lewis (10/10), Jeffrey E. Lewis (10/10), Lea D. Lewis (10/10), Mayland P.Lewis, Jr. (2/11), Robert Lewis (12/10), Joyce Libbey (10/10), Thomas & Claire Loftus (1/11), Joyce Loguercio (4/11), Lombard & Angiulo (7/09),Richard & Jane Lombard (12/10), Edward Lonergan (2/10), Mickey & Cora Long (6/10), Madeline Long (1/10), John & Eleanor Lowell (7/11), Joan& Ralph Lowell(12/11), William F. & Mary Jo Ludke (4/11), Niyom Lue (6/10), Lynn Area Chamber of Commerce (3/10),Continued on the next page.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 182010 SUBSCRIPTION DRIVECarl & Linda Maccario (7/10), Gregory & Patricia MacDonald (1/11), Franco & Rose Macera (2/12), Kevin & Terri Maguire (1/11), SusanMaguire (2/11), Mirjana & Stojan Maksimovic (4/11), Peter Malatesta (2/11), Richard Malatesta (2/11), Cynthia Manning (8-10), William & CynthiaMantzoukas (2/12), Edwin & Anna Manzano (11/11), Dennis & Joyce Maroney (7/10), Marie C. Martin (12/10), Ruth Maurer (6/11), PatriciaMcArdle (2/11), Francis L. McCain, Jr. (3/10), John & Linda McCarthy (5/10), Ted & Val McCarthy (8/10), Lee McClain (3-11), Elaina McCormack(2/11), Donald McCormack (12/09), Shaun McCormack (12/09), Bob & Gina McCoy (7/10), Jim McCurdy & Carole Keller (2/11), Patricia McDevitt(3/10), Ruth McDonald (8/10), Noel & Mary Lou McGinn (5/11), Mary McGranahan & Lou Bentsen (7/10), Michael & Lisa McGrath (4/10), KevinMcKay, Dan & Candace McMackin (2/10), Kevin & Margaret Meagher (7/11), Dolores Merlino (2/10), Ernest & Mary Messina (5/10), LauraMichaud (7/10), Michael Michaud (2/11), George & Mary Lou Mihovan (4/11), Mary Jane Mitchell (2/11), Joseph & Judi Moccia (2/10), William &Lana Mogan (2/11), Ellen Morse (7/10), Paul & Pamela Morse (1/10), Pamela Motley (10/10), Rev. Teri Motley (5/10), Herb & Teri Motley (1/11),Robert & June Munnelly (2/11), Mike & Sally Murray (5/11),Richard & Mary Nagle (4/11), <strong>Nahant</strong> Associates (1/10), <strong>Nahant</strong> Dory Club (11/10), <strong>Nahant</strong> Historical Society (2/14), <strong>Nahant</strong> Housing Authority(2/10), <strong>Nahant</strong> Knights of Columbus (2/11), John & Stacie Nardizzi (1/10), Helen Niosi (7/10) , Mark & Dawn Nocera (8/10), Kevin & Lori Nugent(6/10),Thomas O’Connor (7/10), Olympic Construction (7/10), Mary Beth O’Malley (12/10), Matthew & Joanna O’Neil (2/10), David & ArleneO’Neill (2/10), Muriel O’Neill (3/11), John & Elizabeth Olson (3/13),Nicole Passanisi (11/10), Jay Patch (9/10), Meg Pelley (4/10), Lisa Perella (7/10), Dianes Georgia & Walter Perepelitza (9/10), Ann-MargrethPeterson (2/11), Edwin Peterson III (2/11), Linda Peterson (7/10), Natalie R. Petrovick (9/11), David Phelps (7/10), Margaret Piccola (7/10), Meg Pier(7/10), Bill & Linda Pivacek (1/10), Patricia Podrug (2/11), Donald J. Polcaro (11/10), Norma Poole (6/11), Greg & Colleen Poth (6/10), Maurice C.& Sylviane Poulin (11/10), Barbara Powers (2/11), Ernest John Priftakis (2/11), Roz & Andy Puleo (1/10), Wayne & Mary Ann Putnam (2/11),Antonella P. Raffaele (1/10), Joanna Reardon (2/11), Bruce & Gailanne Reeh (3/11), Carrie Reilly (3/11), Sandy Rhodes (2/10), Wallace &Theresa Riddle III (2/11), Sara F. Riley (7/11), Chris & Nina Rogers (2/11), Edie Roland (2/11), Robert Roland 5/10, John & Alice Roy (4/11), Phil &Allison Russell (6/10),Arturo Saavedra-Lauzon (1/10), Victoria Salomon (2/10), Martin A. Samuels (11/10), Hugh Samson (1/10), Charles & Carol Sanphy (9/10),Manny & Sue Santos (7/10), Dorothy Santosuosso (7/10), Sheryl Savino (7/10), James & Karen Savino (1/10), William Savino & Pauline Holworth(2/11), Dolores Scanlan (1/11), Marc & Deborah Schepens (2/11), Ann Schiffenhaus (3/10), Effie Taylor Schmidt (7/11), Dexter Schultz (7/10), Bill& Mary Ellen Schumann (1/20), Paul & Nancy Sciaba (5/11), Robert Scigliano (7/11), Calantha Sears (1/11), Judith Shea (2/11), Walter Sheppard (1/10), Jean Sigourney (1/11), Bob & Peggy Silva (1/11), Thomas & Catherine Silva (2/11), Anita Smith (2/11), Tom & Eleanor Smith (5/11), MaggieSmith (1/10), Richard Snyder (7/10), Anastasia Sofronas (2/11), Jayne Solimine (2/11), Mrs Christine Sonis (2/11), Aaron & Nicole Soule (1/10),Lynne M. Spencer (2/11), Noel Spinney-Costin (7/10), Antonette Spinucci (2/11), Karen Stanford (2/10), Robert & Judith Stanford (2/10), Frederick&Maria Stanley (6/11), Bob & Harriet Steeves (3/11), Ellen Steeves (3/11), M/M Donald E. Steeves(3/11), M/M Robert A. Steeves (3/11), LissaStempek (2/11), Edward & Antonia Steriti (3/11), Vincent & Steriti (6/10), Rich & Chris Stevens (6/10), Joseph Stoddard, Jr. & Paul Mouratidis (12/11), Nicholas Strange (12/09), Ron & Martha Strout (1/10), Patricia Sullivan (2/11), Joanne & Neal Sullivan (2/10), Steve & Ruthanne Switzer (6/10), Bill & Margy Szczawinski (4/11), Gretchen Szczechowicz (2/10),Linda Tanfani (6/10), Ed & Suzanne Tarlov (7/11), Paul Taylor (2/10), Scott & Lynn Tidd (6/10), Loreen Tirrell & Lou Wallach (5/11),Rosemarie Tirrell (1/10), Ruth Titus (7/10), Paul & Margaret Tobin (6/10), Tiffany Tran (7/11), Kenneth C. Turino (2/11),Gwen Upton (3/11), Edward A. Ustaszewski (1/11),Sean Valenti (4/11), Mary E. Valeria (7/10), Robert & Nancy Vallee (11/10), Michael Veccia (1/10), John VanMaanen (11/11), Michael Veccia (1/10), Isabell VanMerlin (1/11),Betsy Wachtel (7/10), William & Victoria Waite, M/M George Wallett (3/11), Richard Ward (7/10), David Webster (5/10), John L. & MurielWebster (5/10), Janice Weiskel (7/11), John & Maria Welsh (6/11), James & Emlen Wheeler (4/10), Pauline White (7/10), Nancy Reid Whitman (5/11), Nancy Wilson (2/10), Art & Mary Wilson (3/11),David Yench (6/10), Rudolf Zuckerstatter. (2/11)A Beautiful WeddingMariana Rauworth, of <strong>Nahant</strong> and Joseph McCarthy, of Woburn, were married onJune 4, 2010, on Cinnamon Bay USVI, before 30 family members and friends, includingtheir one-year-old son, Brayden.Mariana’s proud parents, Nancy Cantelmo and Mike Rauworth, were joined byother <strong>Nahant</strong>ers, including the Crawford and Reeh families.Wedding guests stayed on the campground, in the hotel, in a rented villa, or on asailboat. A wonderful time was had by all, especially Brayden!

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 19In MemoryJohn “Jack” T. McCarthyof McCarthy GlassMarch 15, 1929 - June 20, 2010John T.” Jack” McCarthy, 81 years, of <strong>Nahant</strong>, died at his residence on Sunday,June 20, 2010, surrounded by his loving family. He was the devoted husband of thelate Agnes M. (Shanahan) McCarthy, who died in February of this year, after havingshared 61 years of loving marriage.John was born in Lynn, <strong>Massachusetts</strong>, son of the late Denis and Julia(Hennessey) McCarthy, both of Ireland. He was raised and educated in Lynn. Havingattended Sacred Heart Elementary and St. Mary’s Boys High School, he graduatedfrom Lynn Classical High School in 1947. During his senior year, he was the lead-offbatter and center fielder for the famous Lynn Classical state championship baseballteam, whose title game was played at Fenway Park, where he played alongside thelegendary Harry Agganis and under the leadership of Coach William I. Joyce.Mr. McCarthy was a founder of McCarthy Glass Company, Inc. of Lynn, over 60years ago, where he continued to work alongside his daughter and son-in-law, untilhis death. He was a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Knights ofColumbus. He was a member and past president of the Shoe City Golf League, wherehe fostered many lasting friendships.Mr. McCarthy was a most contented resident of the Town of <strong>Nahant</strong> for the past43 years.Mr. McCarthy is survived by his daughter, Colleen M. Powers and her husband,Timothy, of Lynn, his son, Attorney Kevin S. McCarthy and his wife, Susan(Lombard) McCarthy, of <strong>Nahant</strong>, as well as his grandson, Paul T. Powers and hiswife, Kristin (Connick) Powers, of Lynn and his great-grandson, Trevor J. Powers,also of Lynn. He was the brother of the late Dennis McCarthy, Mary Dunn, HelenSchnurbush, Rita Whelan and Clare Williams. He was the uncle to numerous niecesand nephews.His funeral was held on Friday, June 25, 2010, followed by a funeral mass in St.Mary’s Church, Lynn and cremation in Harmony Grove Crematory. Donations in lieuof flowers, may be made to the Lynn Cancer Association, Inc., P.O. Box 3153,Peabody, MA 01960.Kevin R. Marsh, 52June 11, 2010Formerly of <strong>Nahant</strong>Kevin R. Marsh, age 52, of Rochester, NH, passed away peacefully on Friday,June 11, 2010, surrounded by his mother and children. The son of Patricia (Wescott)Hyde of The Villages, FL and Richard Marsh of Acton, ME, he was born in Lynn andwas raised in <strong>Nahant</strong>. He was a graduate ofLynn Classical High School, Class of 1975.He was employed as a machinist, for United Welding and General Electric Co.,for several years, before starting his own carpeting business, Ryan’s Rug. He waslater the founder and operator of Rymar Flooring. Kevin was a hard-working, devotedcraftsman, who loved his work and proudly passed his ambitions down to hisson, Ryan.As a young man, he was an avid and talented athlete. He loved being outdoorsand enjoyed the ocean and camping, joys he shared with his children. He was a loverof seafood, billiards and historical facts. He loved nature and animals, especially hisboxer, Loomis.Kevin was the proud father of Melissa A. Marsh of Boston, Ryan M. Marsh ofPortsmouth, NH, and Jessica L. Marsh of Billerica, MA. He was grandfather to ShaunMichael Sauchuk, Christian Sauchuk, and Sophie Marsh. He is also survived by hisformer wife, Kathleen Marsh Lopez of Lynnfield, MA, and his former partner AmyHarrigan and her children, Casey and Kage, of Brookfield, NH. He was the brother ofthe late Brent D. Marsh.His Funeral Service was held at the Church of the Holy Name, 60 MonumentAve., Swampscott. Interment in Puritan Lawn Memorial Park, Peabody. Donations inKevin’s memory may be sentto Kaplan Family Hospice House, 78 Liberty St., Danvers, MA 01923.Jen McCarthy for <strong>Nahant</strong>(Continued from page 1.) 2010. In addition to my townresponsibilities, I am a Girl Scout Leader. I was namedVolunteer of the Year, for the Ocean Bay Girl ScoutCouncil. Being a Girl Scout Leader is one of my favoritethings. Not only does it allow me time to spend with mydaughter, it allows me to teach young girls about theimportance of community service and being involved inthe town, in which they live. I am really proud to say thatI’ve spent almost half of my life, so far, engaged in ourcommunity.My education began by attending all three <strong>Nahant</strong>Schools: J.T. Wilson, Valley Road and Johnson. I was inthe first eighth-grade class to attend Swampscott, formiddle and high school. Afterwards, I attended SalemState College, graduating with a degree in ElementaryEducation. I worked at the Johnson School for 5 years,first as an aide in the kindergarten and first grade classrooms,and then as a Title One Teacher. I have spent thelast 12 years teaching in the City of Lynn.I know how hard families of <strong>Nahant</strong> work to just stayafloat. I am the daughter of lobstermen and the granddaughterof a sailor. I know the importance of the Wharfto our community. I am the wife of a construction worker.I understand the delicate balance between progress andconservation. Finally, and most importantly, I am a parent.I understand and share the concerns that many of theparents in town have about the Johnson School. I shareyour concern for our children’s safety and know theimportance of quality programming and education for ourchildren.I have an innate knowledge of <strong>Nahant</strong> and feelthat I have a lot to offer the town. Anyone, who has everworked in the public school system, can tell you thataccomplishing great things, with little resources, is a jobrequirement. Over the past five years, I have written andreceived many grants, to make my students and schoolsucceed in these tough financial times. I would like toexplore more grant writing opportunities for the Town of<strong>Nahant</strong>. There is money out there, we just need to go andget it. As we move through the 21st century, we are seeingthat the world is changing and it is changing very fast.Amazing advancements in technology as well as inalterative energy are being made daily. Our country isfacing financial chaos; foreclosures and unemploymentare at an all time high. We need to address these problemsas a community and be proactive in our approach. Anissue that is really close to home and will affect us all, isthe causeway project. Our elected officials will need tomonitor this project very closely and be in constantcommunication with the Department of Conservation andRecreation. We must communicate to them the needs andwants of our townspeople.After seventeen years of service to the town, I stillwant to do more for <strong>Nahant</strong>. Running for selectmanallows me to further my commitment to our town. As yourselectman, I promise to listen to each and every citizen of<strong>Nahant</strong>. I want to hear what you think about our town,what works and what may need improvement. I promiseto maintain the trust and respect of others and to act in themost ethical manner at all times, as well as to hold allmunicipal officials, employees and volunteers to the samehigh ethical standards.While my family has been serving <strong>Nahant</strong> for generations,I think my dedication speaks for itself. I am a<strong>Nahant</strong>er. I am willing to put politics aside and do what isbest for our town. As the election nears, I would ask youto consider me, Jennifer McCarthy, as the Town of<strong>Nahant</strong>’s next selectmen. Thank you.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 20NAHANT PUZZLE PAGEThe Twain Shall Meetby Rick KennedyACROSS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161 It's usually servedwith lobster4 Brewer's need8 Non-pro?12 Highway headache17 Rights grp.19 Between ports20 Domestic21 Quick round oftennis23 It's a gas24 Picture on adesktop25 Wait26 Texas border city27 Start of a MarkTwain quote31 Make lace33 Possessivepronoun34 Flushed35 Before, to Byron36 Spot in the Seine37 Small egg39 German borderriver41 La ___ Tar Pits43 Narc's org.44 False stories45 Craze47 Hale50 Part 2 of quote53 Lens cover?57 __ Lanka58 One-named singer59 Native NewZealander60 Pickle63 Prefix with -plasm65 Sobbed67 "Jeopardy!"offering68 Draft picks?70 Belief71 Part 3 of quote72 Temp. reducers74 Caterpillarconstruction75 " " " " "77 Cross inscription79 Dark81 2004 biopic thatwas a Best Picturenominee82 Register83 Actor Quinn85 Battery size86 Believed88 Part 4 of quote94 Study of verse96 Ballroom dance97 Brummell orBridges98 Includes in an e-mailing101 Complain102 Gangsters' guns103 "Sanford and Son"setting17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 2627 28 29 3031 32 33 34 35 3637 38 39 40 41 42 4344 45 46 47 48 4950 51 52 53 54 55 5657 58 5960 61 62 63 64 65 66 6768 69 70 71 72 73 7475 76 77 78 79 80 8182 83 84 8586 87 88 89 90 91 92 9394 95 96 9798 99 100 101 102 103104 105 106 107 108 109110 111 112 113 114 115 116117 118 119 120 121 122123 124 125 126127 128 129 130With special thanks to Bob Risch and E.J. Breen104 Historical time105 Practice pugilism106 Noted pugilist107 Hoopla109 Ballpark fig.110 End of quote117 First name inaviation118 Kennedy Centerfocus, with "the"119 Preposition120 Surmounting123 Take offense at124 Life stories, forshort125 Etcher's need126 Reverse, e.g.127 Way out West?128 Agile129 Spike130 Like some martinisDOWN1 Prohibition2 Sculpting medium3 Glass makingdevise4 Japanese verse5 Sesame Street'sgrouch6 Lowly worker7 Make smooth8 Stroller9 Water nymph10 Spruce11 Inkling12 Stomach13 Blown away14 Architect Saarinen15 Log-on name16 Hawk18 Card game22 Where sailors go28 Caviar29 Spread the word?30 Rod's partner31 Meat alternative32 Car rental agency38 "Acid"39 Single40 Music genre41 Music genre42 Arctic explorerJohn45 Finicky feline46 Sayonara47 Staff addition48 "Amazing Grace,"e.g.49 Brewer's need51 Cooking meas.52 1959 hit TV themesong54 Take down, as aflag55 "The FaerieQueene" character56 Down's partner60 Tired61 Flared dress62 Scotland yard?64 "I don't need tohear that!,"informally66 Sunbathe67 Crumbly Italiancheese69 Defeat badly71 Prunes73 Trolley sound76 Fake butter78 Civil rights org.79 Doff one's derby80 T in a fraternity84 Reach87 Award a medal88 Knight's title89 Election winners90 Court grp.91 Hated92 Wears (away)93 Corrode95 Hotel waiter?98 Chest material99 Torts100 Most secure102 Satiny103 Romance105 Thing106 Performer107 Garret108 LED part111 Kind of market112 Nails113 Hold114 Twofold115 Ancient Peruvian116 Badger121 Sculler's need122 Meddle

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 21A Wright AngleBy Rick KennedyJune’s puzzle winner is Flossie Frangules of Linda Lane. Congratulations! She haswon a free “breakfast for two” at Seaside Breakfast. You, too, can win a breakfast fortwo. To be eligible to enter the drawing to win breakfast for two, just complete thecrossword puzzle, bring it to Captain Seaside’s Restaurant, on <strong>Nahant</strong> Road,then put itin the PUZZLE BOX on the counter. One winner is selected each month. See Chris,before 11:00 a.m., for more details.S A G E C L U B P R O D E A G L EC R E W H A R E H O P I B O R R O WA C N E A P S E E D A M E N D I V ET H E R E I S A F I N E L I N E O D EH I T O R E L O O N U T R I B SE V I L S F E L L H I P R I AD E C A U S E S W A S T E F O R EB E T W E E N F I S H I N G A N DR P M Y E A E A T A V O NE L O P E B A S S O A I L U N W E DA E S O P G U T K G B L I E G EP A S T A O R B P O E M S A E R I EA R E S A S L U S S E S PJ U S T S T A N D I N G O N T H EB A T H C R I B S A L G A P E R OO C T I R A M A L E P A P E RB O E R P C T P A L C E O S P AB R A S H O R E L I K E A N I D I O TB E I G E S A U R A E R R S A L S OS A N E S T I B I D L I E U D O E RA N G S T R E L Y P E T E A N D YAbout the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>Since March 1994, the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>, a monthly publication, dedicated tostrengthening the spirit of community by serving the interests of civic, religious andbusiness organizations of <strong>Nahant</strong>, <strong>Massachusetts</strong>, <strong>USA</strong>. The <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>,is published monthly and distributed to over 2,300 homes and businesses in <strong>Nahant</strong> andbeyond, by Seaside Business Services, PO Box 88, <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908, (781) 592-4148.<strong>Nahant</strong> resident, Donna Lee Hanlon, is owner, Editor and Publisher. The Editorreserves sole discretion for inclusion of ads, articles, letters and other submissions.All articles are voluntarily submitted to the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> without compensation.Articles and / or letters, submitted anonymously, or unsigned, or lackingauthor contact information, will not be published. Exception: although not a regularpractice, a writer’s identity may be withheld, by request, at the sole descretion of theeditor.Articles, Notices, Letters and Calendar Items may be submitted by: email,donna@nahant.com, or mail, Donna Lee Hanlon, Editor, <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>, POBox 88, <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908, or to the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> Drop Box on theTeller’s Counter, at the Equitable Cooperative Bank on <strong>Nahant</strong> Road. For ad rates,discount programs and deadlines, call 781-592-4148.The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflectthose of the management and staff of the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>, or Seaside BusinessServices.The <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> is the only newspaper dedicated tobuilding the spirit of community in the Town of <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA, <strong>USA</strong>.Please support our efforts by subscribing, or advertising. Thank you.<strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>PO Box 88 • <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908 <strong>USA</strong>donna@ nahant.com • www.nahant.comDEADLINE INFORMATIONAUGUST 2010All Community Calendar items, personal ads,classifieds, business ads, articles and short stories.THURSDAY, JULY 15th • 5:00 P.M.Home Delivery: Saturday, JULY 31st.Staff, Volunteers & ContributorsOwner/Editor &Publisher: Donna Lee Hanlon 781-592-4148A/R Manager: Barbara Thistle 781-592-4148Proofreader: Harriet Steeves 781-581-0715Birthday Greetings: Ray Barron 781-581-0809The Puzzle Guy: Rick Kennedy 781-592-8616Delivery/Dist.: Donna Lee Hanlon 781-592-4148<strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> Delivery CrewTyler Peterson 781-596-0505Route 1 & 2: 1/2 Little <strong>Nahant</strong> & North Big <strong>Nahant</strong>Matt Ryan 781-595-0957Route 1 & 3: 1/2 Little <strong>Nahant</strong> & <strong>Nahant</strong> RoadBob Roland 978-273-5338Route 4: SW Big <strong>Nahant</strong> & Willow RoadKatie Coffey & Augie 781-586-9232Route 5: Castle, Flash, Fox Hill, Range, Relay Yd, etc.Ryan McDermott 781-584-4077Route 6: Bass Point RectangleShea Nugent 781-595-5644Route 7: SE Big <strong>Nahant</strong>Donna & Ron Hanlon 781-581-0648Route 8: Bass Point Apts<strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> DistributionPapers for Home Delivery): 1,724Papers OOT Subscribers & Advertisers: 212Papers to <strong>Nahant</strong> stores & public places: 364*Total Papers Distributed: 2,300**Every month, there are a few hundred more newspapers(printer’s over-run), which are distributed to stores andpublic places in Lynn and Swampscott.<strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> Subscription InformationHelp support <strong>Nahant</strong>’s ONLY independent, communitynewspaper. Become a Home Delivery Subscriber to havethe news delivered right to your door!Send $20 for home delivery, or $30 for an Out-of-TownSubscription, with delivery address, to:<strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>, PO Box 88, <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908.Thank you for your support!Got something to share...with your neighbors and friends?Jot it down, put it in an envelope and drop it in the<strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> Drop Box at theEquitable Cooperative Bank. Located on the Teller’sCounter, save the stamp. Pickup is daily. Submittedphotos and other items will be returned, if accompaniedwith a Self-Addressed, Stamped-Envelope.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 22Council On Aging Calendar July 2010Thur 1 1:00P Foot Clinic - By AppointmentMon 5 HOLIDAY – FOURTH OF JULYThur 8 11:30A Lunch at the Peabody Senior CenterFri 9 1:00P Movie – UP – Community CenterMon 12 12:00P Blood Pressure & Glucose Clinic - Tiffany RoomWed 14 2:00P Matinee – GYPSY – North Shore Music TheatreFri 16 1:00P Movie – INVICTUS – Community CenterTues 27 10:00A SHINE Representative – Medicare &Prescription Assistance*Wed 28 12:00P July Birthdays: Birthday Cake by Roz. Tiffany RoomFri 30 12:30P Mystery Ice Cream Ride*Please call – appointments start at 10:00 a.m.Monday thru Friday - Lunch Tiffany Room 11:30 a.m.Senior First Aid Course being offered.Please call the Senior Center for information, 781-581-7557.Mondays 9:00A Senior Yoga – Community CenterMondays 10:15A Senior Exercise – Community CenterTuesdays 9:00A Quilting – Community Center – No summer classesTuesdays 1:00P Cribbage, cards, puzzles – Community CenterWednesdays 12:30P Shopping Trip from the Tiffany Room, or call for pick-upThursdays 10:15A Senior Exercise – Community CenterCOA VAN TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE. Call 781-581-7557Information and calendar are subject to change. Please call for updates on otherprograms, trips and events. Call 781-581-7557, or e-mail us at ddesmond@nahant.org.NAHANT CLASSIFIED ADSEarn a TESOL ESL certificate and improveyour Spanish in beautiful Costa Rica.Visit our website: GlobalTesolCostaRica.com,or e-mail us at: info@GlobalTesolCostaRica.com.NAHANT CLASSIFIED ADSGot something for sale or do you want something?Reach all <strong>Nahant</strong>! Put it in the <strong>Nahant</strong> Classified ads!1” X 2 COLUMN BOXOnly $25.00Send text by email to donna@nahant.com, or drop inthe <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> box, at Equitable Bank in <strong>Nahant</strong>.SALES REP WANTEDThe <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> needs a sales representative.Work independently out of your home part-time.Call 781-592-4148.To advertise in the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>,call 781-592-4148or email donna @nahant.com.COA News Briefs<strong>Nahant</strong> Council On Agingis planning a Senior First AidCourse. To plan for this course,it is necessary to know howmany will be attending. Ifinterested, call the <strong>Nahant</strong>Senior Center to reserve a placeat 781-581-7557, or e-mail theCenter atddesmond@nahant.org.A trip is planned for<strong>Nahant</strong> Seniors to the openingproduction of “Gypsy” at the“NEW” North Shore MusicTheatre, 2:00 p.m. matinee,Wednesday, July 14th. Call forreservations no later than July9th, at 781-581-7557, or e-mailthe Senior Center atddesmond@nahant.org.Each Tuesday afternoon,at 1:00 p.m., cribbage is playedat the Community Center.Beginners are welcome, as areexperienced players. For moreinformation, call Arthur at 781-581-7557.The Summer Mystery IceCream Rides are back. Refer tothe COA Calendar for date andtime.Are you at home and not able to do it all anymore?There are options for you to get assistance and remain at home. We all know most prefer to live at home.These familiar surroundings provide comfort, security and stability. Not only do people recover more quicklyat home, there is less chance of acquiring a “supergerm” in one’s own kitchen. Friends and relatives can dropin when they like, without having to adhere to visiting times that some other settings impose.So, when you make the choice to remain at home with some assistance, make sure to find the servicesthat will meet your needs. The best way to ensure this is through a dependable, knowledgeable and experiencedcare-giver, that is assigned to you, and is there to keep you stay safe and comfortable in your ownhome. So, how do you find that person? Do you hire privately, or do you use an agency?How do I find a caregiver? In tough financial times like these, we all want to save money. While on thesurface hiring a caregiver directly may seem less expensive there are things you might want to consider. Ifyou hire directly, make sure you understand your responsibilities:* Conduct a hiring interview, check employment references and conduct a criminal background check.* Withhold all mandated taxes on wages.* Purchase liability insurance, worker’s compensation, unemployment insurance and non-owned automobileinsurance if your caregiver is driving the client.* Understand your needs and the level of skill required for the caregiver.* Provide supervision to the worker.* Develop a back up plan when the worker is not available.What are the benefits of using a home care agency? When you work with a home care agency, theagency will be responsible for the hiring process, which includes reference and criminal background checks,and employment authorization. The agency is also responsible for paying worker’s compensation insurance,taxes (social security, federal and state) and professional/general liability bonding. MOST important, theagency will send a skilled nurse, to develop a customized care plan, to meet the client’s needs, supervise andtrain the caregiver. Some agencies with nursing staff can provide case management services, coordinateservices with other providers, and change a plan of care, as the client’s needs change. In addition, the agencywill handle the caregiver’s schedule, including replacement coverage for sick, or vacationing, workers. Theagency works for you and should anything come up, the agency should be available by phone 24-hours-a-day,365 days-a-year.What to look for in a home care agency? As each situation is different, only you can decide what is rightfor you and your family. For more information visit the National Private Duty Association, at http://www.privatedutyhomecare.org.Jeannette Sheehan, MSN, RN, Board Certified Nurse Practitioner, is founder and owner of ABC HomeHealthcare Professionals, 233 Albion Street, Wakefield. She can be reached at 781-245-1880. Visit theirwebsite at www.abchhp.com

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 23Community Calendar • JULY 2010THU 1 2:00P Boston Tea Party on the Island. <strong>Nahant</strong> Country Club.Till 4:00 p.m.. FMI 781-581-0515.SAT 3 5:30P HORRIBLES PARADE Registration begins. SpringRoadSAT 3 6:00P HORRIBLES PARADE begins on Spring Road andmarches to Flash Road Park for refreshments.SAT 3 PHRF Fleet’s Annual Chowder Race. Town Wharf.SUN 4 INDEPENDENCE DAYSUN 4 7:15A Forbush Race Registration begins at Fire StationSUN 4 8:00A Forbush Race begins at Fire StationSUN 4 9:30A Summer Worship Service, <strong>Nahant</strong> Village ChurchSUN 4 10:30A Sunday Social in Swansburg Hall. Village ChurchSUN 4 9:00P Annual July 4th Fireworks Display. Bailey’s Hill ParkSUN 4 Town Class Wilson Tibbo Memorial Race. Town Wharf.TUE 6 9:00A Tot-Lot Program begin. Till Noon. FMI, 781-592-5272FRI 9 8:00A NVC Free Breakfast: NPD Ofc Armand Conti, speaker.SUN 11 8:00A Worship in the Park. Marjoram Park.SUN 11 9:30A Summer Worship Service, Theme: “Caring Neighbors.”<strong>Nahant</strong> Village ChurchSUN 11 10:30A Bake/Food Sale for Shelter Legal Services Program, inSwansburg Hall. Village ChurchSUN 11 1:30P NVC serve at MyBrother’s Table. FMI 781-581-1202MON 12 7:00P SWIM meeting at Northeastern, East Point.WED 14 2:00P <strong>Nahant</strong> Seniors trip to NS Music Theatre “Gypsy”WED 14 3:00P Hampstead Stage Company at <strong>Nahant</strong> Public LibraryTHU 15 5:00P AUGUST DEADLINE NAHANT HARBOR RE-VIEWFRI 16 P Dory Club Wine & Cheese Party. Town Wharf.SAT 17 2:00P Bunker Party for Kids Fundraiser. Bailey’s Hill. $5admission. Till 5:00 p.m. FMI 595-4901 / 595-4142SAT 17 7:00P Bunker Cocktail Party Fundraiser. $20 admission.Bailey’s Hill.SUN 18 9:30A Summer Worship Service, <strong>Nahant</strong> Village ChurchSUN 18 10:30A Sunday Social in Swansburg Hall. Village ChurchWED 20 10:30A Mad Science Workshop at <strong>Nahant</strong> Public LibrarySUN 25 9:30A Summer Worship Service, <strong>Nahant</strong> Village ChurchSUN 25 10:30A Sunday Social in Swansburg Hall. Village ChurchSUN 25 2:00P Garden of Art for NHS, Reserve Due 7/21/10SUN 25 P Full Moon Party. Dory Club. Town Wharf.TUE 27 6:30P Marine Science Center, “The Fish Belong to the People”WED 28 10:30A Mad Science Workshop at <strong>Nahant</strong> Public LibraryAUGUSTGo Green at <strong>Nahant</strong> Public Library during June 23rd to August 20th, 2010WED 4 10:30A Mad Science Workshop at <strong>Nahant</strong> Public LibraryTHU 12 3:00P Mad Science Workshop at <strong>Nahant</strong> Public LibraryFRI 20 Noon Library Kung Fu at <strong>Nahant</strong> Public LibraryPublic Library Hours • 781-581-0306Mon. thru Thurs. 10:00 a.m. to Noon.& 2:00 to 8:00 p.m.Fridays: 10:00 a.m. to Noon & 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.Saturdays and Sundays: 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONSMEETING DATESSchool Committee Meetings • 2nd and 4th Tuesdays •7:00 p.m. • Town HallSchool Council Meetings • 3rd Tuesday • 6:30 p.m. •Johnson School.PTO • first Tuesday • 6:00 p.m. • Johnson School<strong>Nahant</strong> Village Church27 Cliff Street, <strong>Nahant</strong>All Faiths Welcome!Summer Worship Servicebegins at 9:30 a.m. Social Hour: 10:30 a.m.To advertise in the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>,call 781-592-4148, or email donna @nahant.com.EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTVisit the Emergency Management page atwww.nahant.org/ for an updated PreparednessGuide from the North Shore - Cape AnnEmergency Preparedness Coalition. This documentcovers a wide range of safety tips that will be ofinterest to every household. Here is the link to theTown of <strong>Nahant</strong>’s website:http://www.nahant.org/services/ems.shtml Fromthere you can access the Emergency Managmentpage ande print out a Preparedness Guide.FREE <strong>Nahant</strong> Dory Club Decalfor your Cars.Call Rob Scanlan, 781-595-6225.TUE 31 6:30P Marine Science Center, “The End of the Line”The <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> is the only newspaper dedicated tobuilding the spirit of community in the Town of <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA, <strong>USA</strong>.Please support our efforts by subscribing, or advertising. Thank you.The <strong>Nahant</strong> HistoricalSociety is open to the publicon Wednesdays, Thursdaysand on the first Sunday ofeach month, from 1:00 to4:00 p.m. (except holidays).American Legion Post#215 and the <strong>Nahant</strong>Veterans Association meetson the first Tuesday of everymonth, at 7:00 p.m., at the<strong>Nahant</strong> Town Hall.

NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2010 • Page 24Elder Law ServicesEVENING • WEEKEND APPOINTMENTSHappy Fourth of July!Signature HomesCall me for a freemarket analysis.Cell: 781.799.7777Judi Mocciajudi019@aol.comOffice: 50 Western Ave., Lynn, MA 01904 • 781-592-0075Guitar & BassLESSONSBeginners to AdvancedJOE MACK<strong>Nahant</strong>, MAjomackband@aol.com781-581-0848www.joemack.com978-979-7825www.myspace/thejoemackband.comHave a Safe & Fun July 4th!Since 1962, providing all your insurance needs.AUTO • HOME • FLOOD • COMMERCIALCall or fax us for all the details:QUINN OF LYNNInsurance(781) 581-6300Fax: 581-9070UNLIMITED COMPUTER SERVICESCONSULTATION / PURCHASE / INSTALLATIONComputer ill?Call Will!Computer Repairs & Equipment Installs (Desktop/Laptop)Internet / Computer Instruction for all agesSoftware / Hardware Upgrades / Backup CopiesVirus Removal / Protection / Data RecoveryCell: 781-215-1226 • Tel: 781-581-0083William Letourneau • wills_email@hotmail.comCome home toConway Country42 OFFICES FROM THE NORTH SHORE TO CAPE CODWhen Results Count — Count on Conway<strong>Nahant</strong> Associates Inc.169 <strong>Nahant</strong> Road • 781-581-3644Have a happy Fourth!The first of ten rules* to followwhen selling a home...Hire a good agent,a professional whoknows your neighborhoodand has astrong track recordin your community.#1 in 2009 and #1 for the past 27 years.*Call for, or come in for, the other nine rules.<strong>Nahant</strong>Associates@comcast.netNAHANT: $629,000 NAHANT: $539,0005 COOLIDGE RD. 20 TUDOR RD.NAHANT: $420,000 NAHANT: $179,00012 BAY VIEW AVE. 8 BAKER RD. 3 #1VIEW ALL MLS LISTINGS AT WWW.JACKCONWAY.COMConway-Swampscott • 646 Humphrey St. • 781-584-4757Trust the largest independent Realtor in <strong>Massachusetts</strong> to handle all of your real estate needs with care.

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