SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite

SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite


Setting Operation Options . . . continued7) Select the color space you want todisplay.- Press [sel] key #3 to select colorspace and press ‘‘Key #2’’ to turncolor space Off or On. A colorspace turned Off will not displayduring normal operation.- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.8) Select the illuminant/observercombinations you want to display.- Press [sel] key #3 to selectilluminant/observer and press ‘‘Key#2’’ to turn illuminant/observer Offor On. An illuminant/observerturned Off will not display duringmeasurement sequence.- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.COLOR SPACE OPTIONSL*a*b* IS ONexitoff (on)nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4offonselL*a*b*EcmcILL/OBS OPTIONS =2C IS ON(filtered daylight)exit on off nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4offon2C10 D75STORED OPERATION =STORE DATA ONLYexitselectnext9) Select the storage operation bypressing the [↓] key #2 or [↑] key#3. The available settings are:‘‘STORE DATA ONLY’’ and ‘‘STOREWITH PASS/FAIL.’’- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.Key#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4STORE DATA ONLYSTORE WITH PASS/FAILContinued7-7➩

Setting Operation Options . . . continued10) Select the sphere geometry bypressing the [↓] key #2 or [↑] key#3. The available settings are:‘‘INCLUDED’’ and ‘‘EXCLUDED.’’- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.SPHERE GEOMETRY =SPECULAR INCLUDEDexitselectnextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4INCLUDEDEXCLUDED11) Select the delta expression bypressing the [↓] key #2 or [↑] key#3. The available settings are:‘‘NUMBERS’’ and ‘‘WORDS.’’- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.DELTA EXPRESSION =NUMBERSexitselectKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4NUMBERSWORDSnext12) Select read switch method bypressing [↓] key #2 or [↑] key #3.The available settingsare:‘‘BOTTOM SWITCH’’ and‘‘MENU KEY.’’- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.READ SWITCH METHOD=BOTTOM SWITCHexitselectKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4BOTTOM SWITCHMENU KEYnext13) Select the beeper volume bypressing the [↓] key #2 or [↑] key#3. The available settings are:‘‘SOFT’’ and ‘‘LOUD.’’- Press the [exit] key #1 once toreturn to Operation Options mainmenu, or press key #1 twice toreturn to normal operation.BEEPER OPERATIONVOLUME SOFTexitselectnextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4SOFTLOUDTo Averaging7-8

Setting Operation Options . . . continued7) Select the color space you want todisplay.- Press [sel] key #3 to select colorspace and press ‘‘Key #2’’ to turncolor space Off or On. A colorspace turned Off will not displayduring normal operation.- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.8) Select the illuminant/observercombinations you want to display.- Press [sel] key #3 to selectilluminant/observer and press ‘‘Key#2’’ to turn illuminant/observer Offor On. An illuminant/observerturned Off will not display duringmeasurement sequence.- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.COLOR SPACE OPTIONSL*a*b* IS ONexitoff (on)nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4offonselL*a*b*EcmcILL/OBS OPTIONS =2C IS ON(filtered daylight)exit on off nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4offon2C10 D75STORED OPERATION =STORE DATA ONLYexitselectnext9) Select the storage operation bypressing the [↓] key #2 or [↑] key#3. The available settings are:‘‘STORE DATA ONLY’’ and ‘‘STOREWITH PASS/FAIL.’’- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.Key#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4STORE DATA ONLYSTORE WITH PASS/FAILContinued7-7➩

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