SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite

SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite


Setting Operation Options . . . continuedSphere Geometry - determines if displayed and output data has the specularcomponent included or excluded. Factory default setting is "Included.’’Delta Expression - When set to ‘‘Numbers’’, all ∆L*a*b* and∆L*C*H* measurement will display deltas numerically. When set to‘‘Words’’, all L*a*b* and L*C*H* difference measurement will displaydeltas as words (e.g., ‘‘brighter’’, ‘‘duller’’, ‘‘>>red’’, etc.).When delta words are used, the ‘‘L*’’ attribute for L*a*b* or L*C*H*will display either ‘‘LIGHTER’’ or ‘‘DARKER’’ from the reference. The‘‘a*’’ and ‘‘b*’’ attributes for L*a*b* and the ‘‘H*’’ (hue) attribute forL*C*H* will display as ‘‘>>RED’’, ‘‘>>GRN’’, ‘‘>>BLU’’, or ‘‘>>YEL.’’This is an indication of what color direction the difference is towards.For L*C*H*, the ‘‘C*’’ (chroma) attribute will display as ‘‘BRIGHTER’’or ‘‘DULLER.’’ Factory default setting is ‘‘Numbers.’’☛ No words will display for an attribute that is less than ‘‘1/7’’ of the Delta E value. A value less th en thisamount is considered insignificant compared to the total difference.If the delta value for any attribute is greater than 10.00, the display will change to numeric value s.Read Switch Method - allows a measurement to be taken with a keydepression when the ‘‘Menu Key’’ option is enabled.Beeper Operation - determines the volume level that is output on theinstruments beeper. Available settings are: ‘‘Soft’’ and ‘‘Loud.’’To set the operation options:1) Press [menu] key #1 twice to enterMENU PAGE 2.L* 94.10 INCLUDEDC* 21.88h 193.97menu L*C*h D65 10 difKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4Press Twice2) Press [cnfg] key #3 to enterconfiguration functions.exitMENU PAGE 2calcnfgKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#47-5Press➩

Setting Operation Options . . . continued3) Press the [↓] key #3 or [↑] key #4to select Operation Options, thenpress [yes] key #2.CHANGE OPTIONS FOR:OPERATION?exit yes selectKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PressPress or Press☛ On certain options the [↓] key #2 will page down through the available settings, while the [↑] key #3 willpage up through the available settings.4) Select the number of samplesaveraged (1 - 16) or AutoAveraging. Press [↓] key #2 todecrease and [↑] key #3 toincrease averaging number- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.5) Select Auto Reference option.Press [on] key #2 to ‘‘ENABLE’’ or[off] key #3 to ‘‘DISABLE.’’- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.6) Select the number of referencelocations required (1 - 200). Pressthe [↓] key #2 to decrement and the[↑] key #3 to increment.- Press [next] key #4 to advance tothe next option.AVERAGING MODE =1 SAMPLE AVERAGEDexit select nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4Decrease IncreaseAUTO REFERENCE =ENABLEDexit on off nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4on2Coff10D75REFERENCE LIMIT =50 REFERENCESexit select nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4DecrementIncrementContinued7-6➩

Setting Operation Options . . . continuedSphere Geometry - determines if displayed and output data has the specularcomponent included or excluded. Factory default setting is "Included.’’Delta Expression - When set to ‘‘Numbers’’, all ∆L*a*b* and∆L*C*H* measurement will display deltas numerically. When set to‘‘Words’’, all L*a*b* and L*C*H* difference measurement will displaydeltas as words (e.g., ‘‘brighter’’, ‘‘duller’’, ‘‘>>red’’, etc.).When delta words are used, the ‘‘L*’’ attribute for L*a*b* or L*C*H*will display either ‘‘LIGHTER’’ or ‘‘DARKER’’ from the reference. The‘‘a*’’ and ‘‘b*’’ attributes for L*a*b* and the ‘‘H*’’ (hue) attribute forL*C*H* will display as ‘‘>>RED’’, ‘‘>>GRN’’, ‘‘>>BLU’’, or ‘‘>>YEL.’’This is an indication of what color direction the difference is towards.For L*C*H*, the ‘‘C*’’ (chroma) attribute will display as ‘‘BRIGHTER’’or ‘‘DULLER.’’ Factory default setting is ‘‘Numbers.’’☛ No words will display for an attribute that is less than ‘‘1/7’’ of the Delta E value. A value less th en thisamount is considered insignificant compared to the total difference.If the delta value for any attribute is greater than 10.00, the display will change to numeric value s.Read Switch Method - allows a measurement to be taken with a keydepression when the ‘‘Menu Key’’ option is enabled.Beeper Operation - determines the volume level that is output on theinstruments beeper. Available settings are: ‘‘Soft’’ and ‘‘Loud.’’To set the operation options:1) Press [menu] key #1 twice to enterMENU PAGE 2.L* 94.10 INCLUDEDC* 21.88h 193.97menu L*C*h D65 10 difKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4Press Twice2) Press [cnfg] key #3 to enterconfiguration functions.exitMENU PAGE 2calcnfgKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#47-5Press➩

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