SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite

SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite


Adjusting Tolerance Values . . . continuedPASS/FAIL METHOD = ∆L*a*b* or ∆L*C*H*☛ The ∆L*a*b* and ∆L*C*H* tolerance limit editing is similar and will be covered in the same procedure.5) Press [tol] key #4 to advance‘‘PASS/FAIL METHOD’’ screen.6) Press Key #2 to select Pass/Failmethod.- Press [exit] key #1 to advance to‘‘PASS FAIL LIMITS’’ screen.7) Set tolerance limits by pressingthe [next] key #4 to move cursorto desired attribute. Press [+] key#2 to increase value or [--] key #3to decrease value.- Press [exit] key #1 twice to saveand exit tolerance procedure.OR7) Set tolerance limit for ∆E. Press[+] key #2 to increase value or [--]key #3 to decrease value.- Press [exit] key #1 twice to saveand exit tolerance procedure.ORDEFINE TOLERANCEFOR REF01exitKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4exitPASS/FAIL METHODL*a*b*Key#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PASS/FAIL LIMITS =L* a* b*1.00 1.00 1.00exit +_nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PressTwiceTo ExitexitL*a*b*L*a*b*ED65 10tolIncrease Decrease Move CursorPASS/FAIL LIMITS =+1.00_Key#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PressTwiceTo ExitIncreaseDecrease5-3

Adjusting Tolerance Values . . . continuedPASS/FAIL METHOD = ∆XYZ or ∆Yxy☛ The ∆XYZ and ∆Yxy tolerance limit editing is similar and will be covered in the same procedure .5) Press [tol] key #4 to advance‘‘PASS/FAIL LIMITS’’ screen.6) Set tolerance limits by pressing the[next] key #4 to move cursor todesired attribute. Press [+] key #2to increase value or [--] key #3 todecrease value.- Press [exit] key #1 twice to saveand exit tolerance procedure.DEFINE TOLERANCEFOR REF01exitKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PASS/FAIL LIMITS =X Y Z1.00 1.00 1.00exit +_nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PressTwiceTo ExitXYZD65 10tolIncrease Decrease Move CursorPASS/FAIL METHOD = ∆Yel or ∆Wht☛ The ∆Yel and ∆Wht tolerance limit editing is similar and will be covered in the same procedure.Whiteness only has one field to edit.5) Press [tol] key #4 to advance‘‘PASS/FAIL LIMITS’’ screen.6) Set tolerance limits by pressing the[next] key #4 to move cursor todesired attribute. Press [+] key #2to increase value or [--] key #3 todecrease value.- Press [exit] key #1 twice to saveand exit tolerance procedure.exitDEFINE TOLERANCEFOR REF01exitKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PASS/FAIL LIMITS =1.00 1.00+_nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PressTwiceTo ExitYelC 2tolIncrease Decrease Move Cursor5-4

Adjusting Tolerance Values . . . continuedPASS/FAIL METHOD = ∆L*a*b* or ∆L*C*H*☛ The ∆L*a*b* and ∆L*C*H* tolerance limit editing is similar and will be covered in the same procedure.5) Press [tol] key #4 to advance‘‘PASS/FAIL METHOD’’ screen.6) Press Key #2 to select Pass/Failmethod.- Press [exit] key #1 to advance to‘‘PASS FAIL LIMITS’’ screen.7) Set tolerance limits by pressingthe [next] key #4 to move cursorto desired attribute. Press [+] key#2 to increase value or [--] key #3to decrease value.- Press [exit] key #1 twice to saveand exit tolerance procedure.OR7) Set tolerance limit for ∆E. Press[+] key #2 to increase value or [--]key #3 to decrease value.- Press [exit] key #1 twice to saveand exit tolerance procedure.ORDEFINE TOLERANCEFOR REF01exitKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4exitPASS/FAIL METHODL*a*b*Key#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PASS/FAIL LIMITS =L* a* b*1.00 1.00 1.00exit +_nextKey#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PressTwiceTo ExitexitL*a*b*L*a*b*ED65 10tolIncrease Decrease Move CursorPASS/FAIL LIMITS =+1.00_Key#1 Key#2 Key#3 Key#4PressTwiceTo ExitIncreaseDecrease5-3

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