SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite

SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite


SECTION 2INSTRUMENT POSITIONING &MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUESGeneralThe variety of items that the SP88/SP98 can measure is almost endless.However, in order to obtain accurate and repeatable measurements, thebottom of the shoe must be:Parallel with the surface to be measured if the surface is flat.Tangent to the surface to be measured if the surface is curved.The reason for this is that any movement during measurement can causethe reading to vary. To obtain the most accurate and repeatablemeasurements, there are a few guidelines you can follow.If the item to be measured is smaller than the shoe, you may want tomake a platform (the same height of the item) for the instrument to sit on.If the item to measure is curved, you may want to make a jig for the itemto rest in.Specular Excluded ModeMeasurements taken in the specular component excluded mode areinherently geometry sensitive. The specular excluded mode will detectslight differences in surface texture. If specular excluded is used, theaveraging mode should also be used (e.g., average 3-5 readings permeasurement).Dark ColorsFor best accuracy and repeatability when measuring dark or high chromacolors, the instrument should be calibrated more frequently. Also, the ‘‘autoaveraging’’ mode should be used when measuring dark and high chromacolors. When set to auto averaging, the instrument will automaticallyrequire three measurements if an X, Y, or Z value of 2.5% or less isdetected. Refer to Section 7.2 for averaging setup.2-1

Instrument Positioning & Measurement Techniques . . . continuedNon-Uniform SamplesNon-uniform samples such as plaids and patterned materials should alsobe measured using the averaging mode (3-5 readings), for both thespecular included and excluded modes.Positioning ExampleShown below is one method that can be used to position the instrumentwhen measuring a paint chip.Measuring a Paint ChipCORRECTPaint ChipPlatformINCORRECT2-2

Instrument Positioning & Measurement Techniques . . . continuedNon-Uniform SamplesNon-uniform samples such as plaids and patterned materials should alsobe measured using the averaging mode (3-5 readings), for both thespecular included and excluded modes.Positioning ExampleShown below is one method that can be used to position the instrumentwhen measuring a paint chip.Measuring a Paint ChipCORRECTPaint ChipPlatformINCORRECT2-2

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