SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite

SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite


1.3 Installing the Battery PackThe instrument is shipped from the factory with the battery packremoved. The battery pack is located in the instrument case (refer topackaging illustration for location) and must be installed before theinstrument is used.To Install Battery Pack:1. Carefully place instrument on it’s top and lock shoe if not locked.2. Remove battery access cover by sliding towards rear of unit.3. Slide battery pack into unit (with connector end down) until properlyseated (refer to illustration).4. Reinstall battery access coverby sliding into position.Battery PackAccess Cover5. Refer to Section 1.5 forbattery charging information.Lock ShoeConnector1-4

1.4 Applying PowerBattery OperationThe SP88/SP98 is activated during battery operation by pressing the ‘‘PowerOn/Off’’ switch located on the rear of the instrument. The unit willautomatically turn off after 5 minutes of non-operation.If the SP88/SP98 is allowed to power down after 5 minutes, simply taking ameasurement or pressing any key will reactivate the unit. The SP88/SP98 willalways wakeup in the same operation function (e.g., L*a*b*, L*C*h°, etc.) aswhen it powered down. The instrument can also be turned off by pressing thepower On/Off switch on the rear of the unit. The switch should always be usedto turn off the unit when it is going to be stored.AC Operation☛ The battery pack must be installed before plugging in the AC adaptor (refer to Sec. 1.3).As long as the AC adaptor is connected to the instrument, the SP88/SP98will remain on. The power on/off will act as a reset and return instrumentto its main mode.1-5

1.3 Installing the Battery PackThe instrument is shipped from the factory with the battery packremoved. The battery pack is located in the instrument case (refer topackaging illustration for location) and must be installed before theinstrument is used.To Install Battery Pack:1. Carefully place instrument on it’s top and lock shoe if not locked.2. Remove battery access cover by sliding towards rear of unit.3. Slide battery pack into unit (with connector end down) until properlyseated (refer to illustration).4. Reinstall battery access coverby sliding into position.Battery PackAccess Cover5. Refer to Section 1.5 forbattery charging information.Lock ShoeConnector1-4

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