SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite

SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite SP88/SP98 Spectrophotometer Operating Manual ... - X-Rite


What To Do First . . . continuedAppendix A - lists the technical specifications of the instrument.Appendix B - lists error messages that may occur during operationor calibration and the proper action to take.Appendix C - lists optional accessories available from X-Rite or anAuthorized Service Center.Appendix D - describes the color check procedure used to trackcolor measurement performance.ix

SECTION 1GETTING STARTEDSubjects covered in Section 1 are:1.1 Unpacking and Inspection1.2 Unlocking and Locking the Shoe1.3 Installing the Battery Pack1.4 Applying Power1.5 Charging the Battery Pack1.6 Menu Page Selection1.7 Display Description1.1 Unpacking and InspectionAfter removingthe instrumentfrom the shippingcarton, inspect forpossible damage.If any damage isnoted, contact thetransportationcompanyimmediately. Donothing more untilthe carrier’s agenthas inspected thedamage. If damageis not evident,check and make sure that all items are included (refer to the parts listbelow and the following page for packaging illustration).Your unit was packaged in a specially designed carton to assure againstdamage. If reshipment is necessary, the instrument should be packaged inthe original carton. If the original carton is not available, a new one can beobtained from X-Rite Inc.1-1

SECTION 1GETTING STARTEDSubjects covered in Section 1 are:1.1 Unpacking and Inspection1.2 Unlocking and Locking the Shoe1.3 Installing the Battery Pack1.4 Applying Power1.5 Charging the Battery Pack1.6 Menu Page Selection1.7 Display Description1.1 Unpacking and InspectionAfter removingthe instrumentfrom the shippingcarton, inspect forpossible damage.If any damage isnoted, contact thetransportationcompanyimmediately. Donothing more untilthe carrier’s agenthas inspected thedamage. If damageis not evident,check and make sure that all items are included (refer to the parts listbelow and the following page for packaging illustration).Your unit was packaged in a specially designed carton to assure againstdamage. If reshipment is necessary, the instrument should be packaged inthe original carton. If the original carton is not available, a new one can beobtained from X-<strong>Rite</strong> Inc.1-1

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