Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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IndexKKargin, Col. V.A.capture of soman research documents, 51Keeler, J.R.interaction of pyridostigmine bromide with other commonlyused battlefield medications, 201–202Kemp, K.H.2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile research, 452Kennedy, Pres. John F.incapacitating agent research and, 414Ketamineadverse effects, 231combined with diazepam, 230–231, 232description and incapacitating effects, 419–420dosage considerations, 230, 231–232mechanism of action, 230off-label use as a neuroprotectant, 231soman-induced seizure-related brain damage treatment,230–232Kibler, A.L.1-chloroacetophenone research, 462–463Kiese, M.cyanide poisoning research, 394, 395–396“King of the war gases.” See Mustard agentKirwin, W.E.1-chloroacetophenone research, 462Kishi, Y.tetrodotoxin synthesis, 623Kjellstrom, B.T.mustard agent injury treatment, 284Klasen, H.J.enzyme debridement of mustard agent injuries, 284Kling, A.phosgene research, 736Kluchinsky, T.A., Jr.2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile research, 447Koenig, K.L.summary of triage systems, 517Kolokol-1. See FentanylKondritzer, Albert3-quinuclidinyl benzilate research, 423Konzocyanide exposure and, 323Koplovitz, I.memantine research, 228Korean Warchemical weapons and, 54, 105Korte, sample analysis for mustard agent, 726Krar, Williamterrorist attack plan, 128–129Krueger,organophosphorus compound research, 156Krutzsch, Waltercriticism of the Chemical Weapons Convention, 140–141Kubic, V.L.phosgene research, 736Kuhn, Richardsoman discovery and synthesis, 48, 51, 157Kukenthal, Hanstabun research, 47Kumar, P.1-chloroacetophenone research, 460–461Kurbegovic, Muharem. See Alphabet BomberKurdsIraqi use of chemical weapons against, 63, 65, 106, 126, 373,656–657Kuschner, W.G.hexachloroethane smoke research, 327KuwaitIraq’s invasion of, 63–64LLaboratory Response Networkdescription and role, 765–766reference laboratories, 766sentinel laboratories, 766Lacrimators. See Incapacitating agentsLam, D.G.mustard agent injury treatment, 285Land minesnonlethal types, 415used in conjunction with military barrier systems, 135VX nerve agent delivery, 120–121, 157Lange, Willyorganophosphorus compound research, 47, 156Larimer, E.cold-weather protection of decontamination personnel, 549Laser Doppler perfusion imagingmustard agent injury assessment, 283Lashleyseizure-related brain damage research, 226LC. See Liquid chromatographyLDPI. See Laser Doppler perfusion imagingLeague of NationsConference for the Supervision of the International Trade inArms and Ammunition, 136–137Leber hereditary optic neuropathycyanide exposure and, 323–324LeGrand, Waltergas chamber execution, 374Lemercier, G.nerve-agent-induced brain damage research, 223Levenphysostigmine isolation, 46Levin, H.S.organophosphate insecticide exposure research, 320Levine, R.A.1-chloroacetophenone research, 463Lewis, Capt. W. Leelewisite named for, 117, 292Lewisiteadditives for, 135analysis of urine and blood samples, 728antidote for, 291application to human exposure, 728–731biochemical mechanisms of injury, 292, 667biomarkers for, 728clinical effects, 292, 667cold weather and, 548compared with mustard agent, 261, 291description, 728diagnosis, 293early production of, 3Germany’s experimental testing on human subjects in concentrationcamps, 105Institute of Medicine study on the effects of mustard agentand lewisite exposure, 312–313, 314Japan’s use of against China, 46laboratory tests, 293“lewisite shock,” 293long-term effects, 294mechanism of action, 136, 728military use, 292xlv

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfareproperties of, 292published analytical approaches for the analysis of CVAA inurine (figure), 729putative mechanism by which lewisite causes tissue damage(figure), 292sample preparation methods for gas chromatographic/massspectrometric analysis of CVAA (exhibit), 730toxicity, 292treatment, 293, 667US production of, 117Veterans Administration study on the effects of mustard agentand lewisite exposure, 312–313Ley, Robertviews on chemical warfare, 49LHON. See Leber hereditary optic neuropathyLibyaincrease in chemical weapon development, 65use of chemical weapons against Chad, 63Lidocainesaxitoxin treatment, 627tetrodotoxin treatment, 627Limitation of Arms Conferencestockpiling of chemical weapons and, 44Lindsay, C.D.mustard agent injury treatment, 285Liquid chromatographyblood sample analysis for mustard agent, 723, 725, 726combined with gas chromatography for mustard agent assays,711, 713combined with mass spectrometry for mustard agent assays,692, 713, 720–721, 723nerve agent assays and, 695phosgene, 737urine sample analysis for mustard agent, 716–717, 718, 720–721“Little John” rocketsnerve agent delivery, 122Livens projectorsdescription, 118, 119Long-term health effectschloropicrin exposure, 457cyanide poisoning, 387–389dibenz[b,f]-1,4-oxazepine exposure, 468–469lewisite exposure, 294mustard agent exposure, 291, 312–316nerve agent exposure, 177–179oleoresin capsicum exposure, 4551-chloroacetophenone exposure, 463–464retrospective studies and, 313toxic industrial chemical exposure, 354–355, 3652-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile exposure, 452Loos, Battle ofchlorine gas attacks, 18–19Lorazepambrevetoxin intoxication treatment, 630LSD intoxication treatment, 417nerve agent exposure treatment, 190, 223Lott, Josephchemical warfare proposal, 12LRN. See Laboratory Response NetworkLSD. See Lysergic acid diethylamideLudendorff, Gen. ErichLys Defensive and, 26Lund,burn severity assessment, 282Lundy, P.M.VX nerve agent research, 529Lung cancermustard agent exposure and, 313–314Lungs. See Pulmonary systemLuten, Dr. RobertBroselow-Luten system and, 681–683Chemical Warfare Involving Kids Response Project and, 681Lys defensivechemical attacks, 26–27Lysergic acid diethylamideblood level assays, 417Chemical Corps testing of, 416–417historical background of research on, 413–414mode of action, 417physiological effects, 417, 428research on effects of, 56toxicity of, 417treatment for intoxication by, 417unique features of, 416unpredictability of effects, 417–418MM22 automatic chemical agent detector and alarmdescription, 544description and uses, 577M272 chemical agent water testing kitsdescription and detection limits, 577M45 chemical-biological masksdescription, 566Land Warrior program and, 567voicemitters, 566–567M53 chemical-biological protective masksaudio frequency modifiers, 569protective hoods, 568–569sizes, 568US Special Operations Command requirements, 568M8 chemical detector paperdescription and uses, 544, 575M9 chemical detector paperdescription and uses, 544, 575–576M28 collective protection equipmentdescription and uses, 585M295 equipment decontamination kitsdescription and uses, 582M17 lightweight decontamination systemdescription and uses, 583M41 protection assessment test systemdescription, 564fit and, 563M21 remote sensing chemical agent alarmsdescription, 578placement of, 579uses of, 579M20 simplified collective protection equipmentdescription, 586IPE and, 586M291 skin decontamination kitsAmbergard resin and, 652–653components, 536, 581description, 533, 581introduction of, 536Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion and, 536, 653SERPACWA and, 652M100 sorbent decontamination systemdescription and uses, 582–583M256A1 chemical agent detector kitsdescription and uses, 576–577detection limits, 577M42A2 chemical-biological combat vehicle masksxlvi

IndexKKargin, Col. V.A.capture <strong>of</strong> soman research documents, 51Keeler, J.R.interaction <strong>of</strong> pyridostigmine bromide with other commonlyused battlefield medications, 201–202Kemp, K.H.2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile research, 452Kennedy, Pres. John F.incapacitating agent research and, 414Ketamineadverse effects, 231combined with diazepam, 230–231, 232description and incapacitating effects, 419–420dosage considerations, 230, 231–232mechanism <strong>of</strong> action, 230<strong>of</strong>f-label use as a neuroprotectant, 231soman-induced seizure-related brain damage treatment,230–232Kibler, A.L.1-chloroacetophenone research, 462–463Kiese, M.cyanide poisoning research, 394, 395–396“King <strong>of</strong> the war gases.” See Mustard agentKirwin, W.E.1-chloroacetophenone research, 462Kishi, Y.tetrodotoxin synthesis, 623Kjellstrom, B.T.mustard agent injury treatment, 284Klasen, H.J.enzyme debridement <strong>of</strong> mustard agent injuries, 284Kling, A.phosgene research, 736Kluchinsky, T.A., Jr.2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile research, 447Koenig, K.L.summary <strong>of</strong> triage systems, 517Kolokol-1. See FentanylKondritzer, Albert3-quinuclidinyl benzilate research, 423Konzocyanide exposure and, 323Koplovitz, I.memantine research, 228Korean Warchemical weapons and, 54, 105Korte, sample analysis for mustard agent, 726Krar, Williamterrorist attack plan, 128–129Krueger,organophosphorus compound research, 156Krutzsch, Waltercriticism <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chemical</strong> Weapons Convention, 140–141Kubic, V.L.phosgene research, 736Kuhn, Richardsoman discovery and synthesis, 48, 51, 157Kukenthal, Hanstabun research, 47Kumar, P.1-chloroacetophenone research, 460–461Kurbegovic, Muharem. See Alphabet BomberKurdsIraqi use <strong>of</strong> chemical weapons against, 63, 65, 106, 126, 373,656–657Kuschner, W.G.hexachloroethane smoke research, 327KuwaitIraq’s invasion <strong>of</strong>, 63–64LLaboratory Response Networkdescription and role, 765–766reference laboratories, 766sentinel laboratories, 766Lacrimators. See Incapacitating agentsLam, D.G.mustard agent injury treatment, 285Land minesnonlethal types, 415used in conjunction with military barrier systems, 135VX nerve agent delivery, 120–121, 157Lange, Willyorganophosphorus compound research, 47, 156Larimer, E.cold-weather protection <strong>of</strong> decontamination personnel, 549Laser Doppler perfusion imagingmustard agent injury assessment, 283Lashleyseizure-related brain damage research, 226LC. See Liquid chromatographyLDPI. See Laser Doppler perfusion imagingLeague <strong>of</strong> NationsConference for the Supervision <strong>of</strong> the International Trade inArms and Ammunition, 136–137Leber hereditary optic neuropathycyanide exposure and, 323–324LeGrand, Waltergas chamber execution, 374Lemercier, G.nerve-agent-induced brain damage research, 223Levenphysostigmine isolation, 46Levin, H.S.organophosphate insecticide exposure research, 320Levine, R.A.1-chloroacetophenone research, 463Lewis, Capt. W. Leelewisite named for, 117, 292Lewisiteadditives for, 135analysis <strong>of</strong> urine and blood samples, 728antidote for, 291application to human exposure, 728–731biochemical mechanisms <strong>of</strong> injury, 292, 667biomarkers for, 728clinical effects, 292, 667cold weather and, 548compared with mustard agent, 261, 291description, 728diagnosis, 293early production <strong>of</strong>, 3Germany’s experimental testing on human subjects in concentrationcamps, 105Institute <strong>of</strong> Medicine study on the effects <strong>of</strong> mustard agentand lewisite exposure, 312–313, 314Japan’s use <strong>of</strong> against China, 46laboratory tests, 293“lewisite shock,” 293long-term effects, 294mechanism <strong>of</strong> action, 136, 728military use, 292xlv

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