Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Medical DiagnosticsTable 22-1Analytical Methods for Assay of Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Products*Sample Matrix Product Identified Analytical MethodBlood, Plasma, Urine, Lung Tissue IMPA, CMPA, PMPA GC-MS 1,2Serum, Urine empa, IMPA, PMPA GC-MS, GC-MS-MS 3Plasma daet GC-MS 4Urine empa, IMPA, MPA GC-FPD 5Urine impa, MPA GC-FPD 6Serum empa, DAEMS GC-MS, GC-MS-MS 7Serum, Urine, Saliva empa, IMPA, PMPA GC-MS 8Urine empa, IMPA, CMPA, PMPA, GA acid GC-MS-MS 9Urine impa lc-MS-MS 10,11Serum empa, IMPA, MPA pmpa indirect Photometric Detection IonChromatography 12Urine, Saliva empa, IMPA, CMPA, MPA, PMPA LC-MS-MS 13Urine empa, RVX acid, IMPA, PMPA, CMPA, GC-MS-MS 14GA acid, GA diacid* Although the sample matrices and analytical methods for some of the assays are similar, the authors specifically identified the productslisted.CMPA: cyclohexyl methylphosphonic acidDAEMS: diisopropyl aminoethyl methyl sulfide (resulting from the metabolic methylation of DAET)DAET: diisopropyl aminoethanethiolEMPA: ethyl methylphosphonic acidFPD: flame photometric detectionGA: tabunGC: gas chromatographyIMPA: isopropyl methylphosphonic acidLC: liquid chromatographyMPA: methylphosphonic acidMS: mass spectrometryPMPA: pinacolyl methylphosphonic acidRVX: Russian VXData sources: (1) Shih ML, Smith JR, McMonagle JD, Dolzine TW, Gresham VC. Detection of metabolites of toxic alkylmethylphosphonates inbiological samples. Biol Mass Spectrom. 1991;20:717–723. (2) Shih ML, McMonagle JD, Dolzine TW, Gresham VC. Metabolite pharmacokineticsof soman, sarin, and GF in rats and biological monitoring of exposure to toxic organophosphorus agents. J Appl Toxicol. 1994:14:195–199. (3)Fredriksson SA, Hammarström LG, Henriksson L, Lakso HA. Trace determination of alkyl methylphosphonic acids in environmental andbiological samples using gas chromatography/negative-ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry. J MassSpectrom. 1995;30:1133–1143. (4) Bonierbale E, Debordes L, Coppet L. Application of capillary gas chromatography to the study of hydrolysisof the nerve agent VX in rat plasma. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl. 1997;688:255–264. (5) Minami M, Hui DM, Katsumata M, Inagaki H,Boulet CA. Method for the analysis of methylphosphonic acid metabolites of sarin and its ethanol-substituted analogue in urine as appliedto the victims of the Tokyo sarin disaster. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl. 1997;695:237–244. (6) Nakajima T, Sasaki K, Ozawa H, Sekjima Y,Morita H, Fukushima Y, Yanagisawa N. Urinary metabolites of sarin in a patient of the Matsumoto incident. Arch Toxicol. 1998;72:601–603.(7) Tsuchihashi H, Katagi M, Nishikawa M, Tatsuno M. Identification of metabolites of nerve agent VX in serum collected from a victim. JAnal Toxicol. 1998;22:383–388. (8) Miki A, Katagi M, Tsuchihashi H, Yamashita M. Determination of alkylmethylphosphonic acids, the mainmetabolites of organophosphorus nerve agents, in biofluids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid-liquid-solid-phasetransfer-catalyzedpentafluorobenzylation. J Anal Toxicol. 1999;23:86–93. (9) Driskell WJ, Shih M, Needham LL, Barr DB. Quantitation oforganophosphorus nerve agent metabolites in human urine using isotope dilution gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J AnalToxicol. 2002;26:6–10. (10) Noort D, Hulst AG, Platenburg DH, Polhuijs M, Benschop H. Quantitative analysis of O-isopropyl methylphosphonicacid in serum samples of Japanese citizens allegedly exposed to sarin: estimation of internal dosage. Arch Toxicol. 1998;72:671–675.(11) Polhuijs M, Langenberg JP, Noort D, Hulst AG, Benschop HP. Retrospective detection of exposure to organophosphates: analyses inblood of human beings and rhesus monkeys. In: Sohns T, Voicu VA, eds. NBC Risks: Current Capabilities and Future Perspectives for Protection.Dordrecht, Holland, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1999:513–521. (12) Katagi M, Nishikawa M, Tatsuno M, Tsuchihashi H.Determination of the main hydrolysis products of organophosphorus nerve agents, methylphosphonic acids, in human serum by indirectphotometric detection ion chromatography. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl. 1997;698:81–88. (13) Hayes TL, Kenny DV, Hernon-Kenny L.Feasibility of direct analysis of saliva and urine for phosphonic acids and thiodiglycol-related species associated with exposure to chemicalwarfare agents using LC-MS/MS. J Med Chem Def. 2004;2:1-23. (14) Barr JR, Driskell WJ, Aston LS, Martinez RA. Quantitation of metabolitesof the nerve agents sarin, soman, cyclosarin, VX, and Russian VX in human urine using isotope-dilution gas chromatography-tandem massspectrometry. J Anal Toxicol. 2004;28:371–378.697

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfaremodifications of the assay for these compounds havebeen developed, and several have been applied tohuman exposure cases. Important factors to considerwhen anticipating using this test are the extent ofexposure and time elapsed since the event. In mostcases, hydrolysis products are not expected to be presentfor more than 24 to 48 hours following exposure;however, one of the most severely poisoned victims ofthe Matsumoto sarin attack had measurable IMPA inthe urine on the seventh day after the incident. In thisparticular case, extremely depressed AChE values, inrange of 5% to 8% of normal, 24 further indicated theextent of exposure (Table 22-2).Assay of Adducts to BiomoleculesThe relatively rapid excretion and short-lived presenceof urinary hydrolysis products imposes timerestrictions for collecting a viable sample. Efforts toincrease the sampling window have taken advantageof the interactions between chemical warfare agentsand biological targets with large molecular weights(adducts to biomolecules), such as proteins. The reactionof chemical agents with large molecules providesa pool of bound compound that can be tested to verifyexposure. Theoretically, the longevity of the markeris consistent with the in-vivo half-life of the targetmolecule, provided that the binding affinity is highenough to prevent spontaneous reactivation. Bindingof nerve agents to ChE targets has been one of theprimary interactions leveraged in assay development.Several assays have been developed based on variationsof this concept.Analytical MethodsPolhuijs et al 29 developed an assay technique basedon observations of earlier findings that sarin-inhibitedChE could be reactivated with fluoride ions. 30–32 Thedisplacement of covalently bound sarin to butyrylcholinesterase(BChE) was accomplished by incubatinginhibited plasma with fluoride to form free enzymeTable 22-2Methods Used to Confirm Human Exposures to Nerve Agents via Assay ofHydrolysis ProductsAgent/Incident Sample Matrix Product Identified Concentration Reported Analytical MethodGB, Tokyo, Japan urine empa, IMPA, MPA NR GC-FPD 1GB, Matsumoto, Japan Urine impa 0.76–0 .01 μg/mL GC-FPD 2mpa0.14–0.02 μg/mLGB, Matsumoto and Tokyo, Serum impa matsumoto (2–135 ng/mL) LC-MS-MS 3,4Japantokyo (2–127 ng/mL)VX, Osaka, Japan Serum empa, diisopro- 1.25 μg/mL GC-MS, GC-MS-MS 5pylaminoethyl 143 ng/mLmethyl sulfideEMPA: ethyl methylphosphonic acidFPD: flame photometric detectionGB: sarinGC: gas chromatographyIMPA: isopropyl methylphosphonic acidLC: liquid chromatographyMPA: methylphosphonic acidMS: mass spectrometryNR: not reportedData sources: (1) Minami M, Hui DM, Katsumata M, Inagaki H, Boulet CA. Method for the analysis of methylphosphonic acid metabolitesof sarin and its ethanol-substituted analogue in urine as applied to the victims of the Tokyo sarin disaster. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl.1997;695:237–244. (2) Nakajima T, Sasaki K, Ozawa H, Sekjima Y, Morita H, Fukushima Y, Yanagisawa N. Urinary metabolites of sarin in apatient of the Matsumoto incident. Arch Toxicol. 1998;72:601–603. (3) Noort D, Hulst AG, Platenburg DH, Polhuijs M, Benschop H. Quantitativeanalysis of O-isopropyl methylphosphonic acid in serum samples of Japanese citizens allegedly exposed to sarin: estimation of internaldosage. Arch Toxicol. 1998;72:671–675. (4) Polhuijs M, Langenberg JP, Noort D, Hulst AG, Benschop HP. Retrospective detection of exposure toorganophosphates: analyses in blood of human beings and rhesus monkeys. In: Sohns T, Voicu VA, eds. NBC Risks: Current Capabilities andFuture Perspectives for Protection. Dordrecht, Holland, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1999:513–521. (5) Tsuchihashi H, Katagi M,Nishikawa M, Tatsuno M. Identification of metabolites of nerve agent VX in serum collected from a victim. J Anal Toxicol. 1998;22:383–388.698

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Aspects</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong>modifications <strong>of</strong> the assay for these compounds havebeen developed, and several have been applied tohuman exposure cases. Important factors to considerwhen anticipating using this test are the extent <strong>of</strong>exposure and time elapsed since the event. In mostcases, hydrolysis products are not expected to be presentfor more than 24 to 48 hours following exposure;however, one <strong>of</strong> the most severely poisoned victims <strong>of</strong>the Matsumoto sarin attack had measurable IMPA inthe urine on the seventh day after the incident. In thisparticular case, extremely depressed AChE values, inrange <strong>of</strong> 5% to 8% <strong>of</strong> normal, 24 further indicated theextent <strong>of</strong> exposure (Table 22-2).Assay <strong>of</strong> Adducts to Biomolecules<strong>The</strong> relatively rapid excretion and short-lived presence<strong>of</strong> urinary hydrolysis products imposes timerestrictions for collecting a viable sample. Efforts toincrease the sampling window have taken advantage<strong>of</strong> the interactions between chemical warfare agentsand biological targets with large molecular weights(adducts to biomolecules), such as proteins. <strong>The</strong> reaction<strong>of</strong> chemical agents with large molecules providesa pool <strong>of</strong> bound compound that can be tested to verifyexposure. <strong>The</strong>oretically, the longevity <strong>of</strong> the markeris consistent with the in-vivo half-life <strong>of</strong> the targetmolecule, provided that the binding affinity is highenough to prevent spontaneous reactivation. Binding<strong>of</strong> nerve agents to ChE targets has been one <strong>of</strong> theprimary interactions leveraged in assay development.Several assays have been developed based on variations<strong>of</strong> this concept.Analytical MethodsPolhuijs et al 29 developed an assay technique basedon observations <strong>of</strong> earlier findings that sarin-inhibitedChE could be reactivated with fluoride ions. 30–32 <strong>The</strong>displacement <strong>of</strong> covalently bound sarin to butyrylcholinesterase(BChE) was accomplished by incubatinginhibited plasma with fluoride to form free enzymeTable 22-2Methods Used to Confirm Human Exposures to Nerve Agents via Assay <strong>of</strong>Hydrolysis ProductsAgent/Incident Sample Matrix Product Identified Concentration Reported Analytical MethodGB, Tokyo, Japan urine empa, IMPA, MPA NR GC-FPD 1GB, Matsumoto, Japan Urine impa 0.76–0 .01 μg/mL GC-FPD 2mpa0.14–0.02 μg/mLGB, Matsumoto and Tokyo, Serum impa matsumoto (2–135 ng/mL) LC-MS-MS 3,4Japantokyo (2–127 ng/mL)VX, Osaka, Japan Serum empa, diisopro- 1.25 μg/mL GC-MS, GC-MS-MS 5pylaminoethyl 143 ng/mLmethyl sulfideEMPA: ethyl methylphosphonic acidFPD: flame photometric detectionGB: sarinGC: gas chromatographyIMPA: isopropyl methylphosphonic acidLC: liquid chromatographyMPA: methylphosphonic acidMS: mass spectrometryNR: not reportedData sources: (1) Minami M, Hui DM, Katsumata M, Inagaki H, Boulet CA. Method for the analysis <strong>of</strong> methylphosphonic acid metabolites<strong>of</strong> sarin and its ethanol-substituted analogue in urine as applied to the victims <strong>of</strong> the Tokyo sarin disaster. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl.1997;695:237–244. (2) Nakajima T, Sasaki K, Ozawa H, Sekjima Y, Morita H, Fukushima Y, Yanagisawa N. Urinary metabolites <strong>of</strong> sarin in apatient <strong>of</strong> the Matsumoto incident. Arch Toxicol. 1998;72:601–603. (3) Noort D, Hulst AG, Platenburg DH, Polhuijs M, Benschop H. Quantitativeanalysis <strong>of</strong> O-isopropyl methylphosphonic acid in serum samples <strong>of</strong> Japanese citizens allegedly exposed to sarin: estimation <strong>of</strong> internaldosage. Arch Toxicol. 1998;72:671–675. (4) Polhuijs M, Langenberg JP, Noort D, Hulst AG, Benschop HP. Retrospective detection <strong>of</strong> exposure toorganophosphates: analyses in blood <strong>of</strong> human beings and rhesus monkeys. In: Sohns T, Voicu VA, eds. NBC Risks: Current Capabilities andFuture Perspectives for Protection. Dordrecht, Holland, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1999:513–521. (5) Tsuchihashi H, Katagi M,Nishikawa M, Tatsuno M. Identification <strong>of</strong> metabolites <strong>of</strong> nerve agent VX in serum collected from a victim. J Anal Toxicol. 1998;22:383–388.698

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