Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Toxins: Established and Emergent ThreatsTable 19-2Center for Disease Control and Prevention Classification of BioterrorismAgents/DiseasesCategory A Category B Category CAnthrax Brucellosis emerging future toxin threatsBotulismepilson toxin of Clostridium perfringensPlagueFood safety threats (Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, O157:H7,SmallpoxShigella)TularemiaGlandersViral Hemmoragic Fevers MeloidosisPsittacosisQ Feverricin toxin from Ricinus communisstaphylococcal enterotoxin BtyphusViral encephalitisWater safety threats (eg, Vibrio cholerae, Cryptosporidium parvum)Data source: Bioterrorism agents/diseases: emergency preparedness & response Web site. Available at: Accessed February 10, 2007.the future because of availability; ease of productionand dissemination; and potential for high morbidityand mortality rates and major health impact.” 7 Theseemerging toxin threats are the focus of this chapter,toxins that possess the properties of the more wellknowncategory A and B agents but that have not beenconsidered likely threats to date (see Table 19-2).Emergent ThreatsThe group of biotoxins not considered immediatethreats with the potential to cause human illness anddeath is potentially very large and includes the sodiumchannel toxins BTX, 9 PbTx, 10 saxitoxin (STX), 11TTX, 12 and pumiliotoxin. 13 Others include palytoxin(PTX), which alters the sodium-potassium exchanger(sodium-potassium ATPase), 14 and the nicotinic receptoragonist, anatoxin-A. 15 Because these toxins areemployed as pharmacological tools for studying ionchannel properties, active efforts to optimize theirsynthesis are being developed. 16 If these efforts aresuccessful in generating large quantities of toxin,members of this group will need to be reevaluated fortheir potential as threat agents.ToxinsPalytoxinSynthesisPTX is an extremely potent marine neurotoxin thatacts on sodium-potassium ion pumps. First isolatedfrom the zoanthid coral (genus Palythoa) by Mooreand Scheuer, 17 PTX has long been categorized as amarine animal toxin. It has been identified in severalspecies living in close contact with zoanthid anemones(eg, some dinoflagellates, Ostreopsis species); 18Polychaete worms; 19 several species of xanthid crab(Lophozozymus pictor and Demaina toxica), 20 and severalspecies of fish. 21–23 PTX is found in the red alga Chondriaaramata. 24,25 PTX has also been associated with the bluehumphead parrotfish, 26 filefish, and serranid fish. 27The primary source is most likely a bacterium associatedwith soft corals that inhabit the digestive tract offilefish (Figure 19-1). PTX is a large (molecular weight2,678.5), water-soluble, nonproteinaceous polyether,with molecular formula C 129H 223N 3O 54. PTX has anexquisitely complex structure (see Figure 19-1). It wasfirst elucidated and synthesized in 1982 28 and is currentlyavailable from several commercial sources.Mechanism of Action and ToxicityPTX affects all excitable cells by inducing the activityof a small conductance (9–25 pS), nonselective,cationic channel, which triggers secondary activationsof voltage-dependent calcium channels and of sodiumcalciumexchange. In addition to electrically excitable617

Medical Aspects of Chemical WarfareFig. 19-1. Structure of palytoxin.Illustration: Courtesy of Richard Sweeny.cells (muscle, heart, neurons), PTX affects virtually allcell types that rely on the sodium-potassium ATPaseexchanger to maintain electrolyte balance, membranepotential, and electrical/ionic gradients. The sodiumpotassiumATPase exchanger pump has been suggestedto be a major molecular target of PTX. 29 PTX leadsto contractions of striated skeletal and smooth musclecells, neurotransmitter release by nerve terminals, 30potassium release and hemolysis of red blood cells,and blood vessel vasoconstriction. PTX leads to contractionin both smooth and skeletal muscle as a resultof slow and irreversible depolarization of the plasmamembrane in these cells from an induction of an inward,sodium-dependent current. 25,30 A cardiotoniceffect in cardiac muscle and depolarization of musclemembranes occurs as a result of PTX intoxication. 30PTX causes a depolarization and a decrease in theamplitude, upstroke velocity, and duration of actionpotential in papillary muscle of the heart secondary toan increase in sodium permeability of the cardiac cellmembrane. Membrane depolarization of the plasmamembrane drives sodium into the cells, promotingcalcium influx through L-type calcium channels and bythe sodium-calcium exchanger. Evidence suggests PTXbinds to the sodium-potassium ATPase exchanger atouabain receptor sites. This active transport ion pumpis converted to an open ion channel, diminishing iongradient across the membrane. 22,29–31PTX affects adrenergic neurons and red blood cells,increasing norepinephrine and potassium release,respectively. 30 PTX also effects blood vessels throughits interactions on vascular smooth muscle, nerveterminals, and vascular endothelial cells, leading tovasoconstriction, an increase in systemic blood pressure,and massive pulmonary hypertension. In addition,depolarization of the plasma membrane opensL-type calcium channels, promoting calcium influx andcontractions. 25 Perivascular nerve terminals undergomembrane depolarization, releasing norephinephrinethat binds to alpha-1-adrenoceptors on smooth musclecells. Activation of phospholipase C by norephinephrinebinding induces mobilization of intracellularcalcium stores and activates protein kinase. 25 PTX alsoacts on vascular endothelial cells by releasing nitricoxide and induces the release of prostaglandins fromthe aorta. 25PTX is a rapid-acting, lethal neurotoxin most commonlyintroduced by ingestion. The median lethal dose618

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Aspects</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong>Fig. 19-1. Structure <strong>of</strong> palytoxin.Illustration: Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Richard Sweeny.cells (muscle, heart, neurons), PTX affects virtually allcell types that rely on the sodium-potassium ATPaseexchanger to maintain electrolyte balance, membranepotential, and electrical/ionic gradients. <strong>The</strong> sodiumpotassiumATPase exchanger pump has been suggestedto be a major molecular target <strong>of</strong> PTX. 29 PTX leadsto contractions <strong>of</strong> striated skeletal and smooth musclecells, neurotransmitter release by nerve terminals, 30potassium release and hemolysis <strong>of</strong> red blood cells,and blood vessel vasoconstriction. PTX leads to contractionin both smooth and skeletal muscle as a result<strong>of</strong> slow and irreversible depolarization <strong>of</strong> the plasmamembrane in these cells from an induction <strong>of</strong> an inward,sodium-dependent current. 25,30 A cardiotoniceffect in cardiac muscle and depolarization <strong>of</strong> musclemembranes occurs as a result <strong>of</strong> PTX intoxication. 30PTX causes a depolarization and a decrease in theamplitude, upstroke velocity, and duration <strong>of</strong> actionpotential in papillary muscle <strong>of</strong> the heart secondary toan increase in sodium permeability <strong>of</strong> the cardiac cellmembrane. Membrane depolarization <strong>of</strong> the plasmamembrane drives sodium into the cells, promotingcalcium influx through L-type calcium channels and bythe sodium-calcium exchanger. Evidence suggests PTXbinds to the sodium-potassium ATPase exchanger atouabain receptor sites. This active transport ion pumpis converted to an open ion channel, diminishing iongradient across the membrane. 22,29–31PTX affects adrenergic neurons and red blood cells,increasing norepinephrine and potassium release,respectively. 30 PTX also effects blood vessels throughits interactions on vascular smooth muscle, nerveterminals, and vascular endothelial cells, leading tovasoconstriction, an increase in systemic blood pressure,and massive pulmonary hypertension. In addition,depolarization <strong>of</strong> the plasma membrane opensL-type calcium channels, promoting calcium influx andcontractions. 25 Perivascular nerve terminals undergomembrane depolarization, releasing norephinephrinethat binds to alpha-1-adrenoceptors on smooth musclecells. Activation <strong>of</strong> phospholipase C by norephinephrinebinding induces mobilization <strong>of</strong> intracellularcalcium stores and activates protein kinase. 25 PTX alsoacts on vascular endothelial cells by releasing nitricoxide and induces the release <strong>of</strong> prostaglandins fromthe aorta. 25PTX is a rapid-acting, lethal neurotoxin most commonlyintroduced by ingestion. <strong>The</strong> median lethal dose618

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