Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Riot Control Agents153. Owens EJ, McNamara BP, Weimer JT, et al. The Toxicology of DM. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal MedicalResearch Laboratories; 1967. Technical Report EATR 4108.154. Prentiss AM, Fisher GJB. Chemicals in War: A Treatise on Chemical Warfare. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book CompanyInc; 1937.155. Frank S. Chemistry of Chemical Warfare Agents. Vol 1. In: Manual of Military Chemistry. US Department of Commerce,National Bureau of Standards, Institute for Applied Technology, trans. Deutscher Militirverlag: East Berlin, Germany;1967:62–76. NTIS no. AD-849866.156. Hersh SM. Chemical and Biological Warfare: America’s Hidden Arsenal. Indianapolis, Ind: Bobbs-Merrill; 1968: 60–62,185–185.157. Prentiss AM. Respiratory irritant agents. In: Prentiss AM, Fisher GJB, eds. Chemicals in War: A Treatise on ChemicalWarfare. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc; 1937: Chap 10.158. Haas R, Tsivunchyk O, Steinbach K, von Low E, Scheibner K, Hofrichter M. Conversion of adamsite (phenarsarzinchloride) by fungal manganese peroxidase. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2004;63:564–566.159. Henriksson J, Johannisson A, Bergqvist PA, Norrgren L. The toxicity of organoarsenic-based warfare agents: in vitroand in vivo studies. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1996;30:213–219.160. Striker GE, Streett CS, Ford DF, Herman LH, Helland DR. A Clinicophathologic Study of the Effects of Riot Control Agentson Monkeys. III. Diphenylaminochloroarsine (DM). Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal Medical Research Laboratory;1967. Technical Report EATR 4070.161. British Ministry of Defence, Chemical Defence Research Department. Classified List of Compounds Examined PhysiologicallySince 1919. Porton Down, Salisbury, England: Chemical Defence Experimental Station; 1941. Porton MemorandumNo. 15. UK National Archives document WO 189/227 – 233 (1941 “Red Book”).162. Lawson WE, Temple JW. Report on the Relation Between Concentration and Limit of Tolerance for Diphenylamine-chloroarsineand the Development of a Continuous Flow Apparatus for Testing. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md: Edgewood Arsenal;1922. Technical Report ADB959603; EACD 92.163. World Health Organization. Health Aspects of Chemical and Biological Weapons. 1st ed. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO; 1970:24, 55.164. Craighill MD, Folkoff AA. A Digest of Reports Concerning the Toxic Effects of Diphenylamine Chloroarsine on Man and theLaboratory Animals. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md: Edgewood Arsenal; 1922. Technical Report ADB959699, EACD145.165. Gongwer LE, Ballard TA, Gutentag PJ, et al. The Comparative Effectiveness of Four Riot Control Agents. Edgewood Arsenal,Md: US Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories; 1958: 1–7. CWL-TM-24-18.166. Kuhn HA, Henley FA. DM, Its Penetration of the Smoke Filter and Its Effects on Man. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md:Edgewood Arsenal; 1921. Technical Report CB-177203, EACD 80.167. Morrison C, Bright M. Secret gas was issued for IRA prison riot. The Observer [serial online]. January 23, 2005. GuardianUnlimited Web site. Available at:,9061,1396714,00.html. AccessedNovember 22, 2005.168. Upshall DG. Effects of dibenz [b,f] [1,4] oxazepine (CR) upon rat and rabbit embryonic development. Toxicol ApplPharmacol. 1974;29:301–311.169. French MC, Harrison JM, Inch TD, et al. The fate of dibenz [b,f]-1,4-oxazepine (CR) in the rat, rhesus monkey andguinea pig. Part I. Metabolism in vivo. Xenobiotica. 1983;13:345-359.481

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare170. Ballantyne B. Riot control agents. In: Scott RB, Frazer J, eds. Medical Annual. Bristol, United Kingdom: Wright andSons; 1977: 7–41.171. Ashton I, Cotes JE, Holland P, et al. Acute effect of dibenz b,f.-1:4 oxazepine aerosol upon the lung function of healthyyoung men [proceedings]. J Physiol. 1978;275:85P.172. Ballantyne B, Beswick FW, Thomas D. The presentation and management of individuals contaminated with solutionsof dibenzoxazepine (CR). Med Sci Law. 1973;13:265–268.173. Holland P. The cutaneous reactions produced by dibenzoxazepine (CR). Br J Dermatol. 1974;90:657–659.174. Weigand DA, Mershon MM. The Cutaneous Irritant Reaction to Agent O-chlorobenzylidene Malononitrile (CS). I. Quantitationand Racial Influence in Human Subjects. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal Medical Research Laboratory;1970. Technical Report EATR 4332.175. Pattle RE, Schock C, Dirnhuber P, Creasey JM. Lung surfactant and organelles after an exposure to dibenzoxazepine(CR). Br J Exp Pathol. 1974; 55:213–220.176. Colgrave HF, Brown RF, Cox RA. Ultrastructure of rat lungs following exposure to aerosols of dibenzoxazepine (CR).Br J Exp Pathol. 1979;60:130–141.177. Marrs TC, Gray MI, Colgrave HF, Gall D. A repeated dose study of the toxicity of CR applied to the skin of mice.Toxicol Lett. 1982;13:259–265.178. Owens EJ, Weimer JT, Ballard TA, et al. Ocular, Cutaneous, Respiratory, Intratracheal Toxicity of Solutions of CS and EA3547 in Glycol and Glycol Ether in Animals. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal Medical Research Laboratory;1970. Technical Report EATR 4446.179. Higginbottom R, Suschitzky H. Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds II. Cyclization of o-nitrophenyl oxygen. J ChemSoc. 1962;456:2367–2370.180. Biskup RC, Swentzel KC, Lochner MA, Fairchild DG. Toxicity of 1% CR in Propylene Glycol/Water (80/20). EdgewoodArsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal Medical Research Laboratory; May 1975. Technical Report EB-TR-75009.181. Rengstorff RH, Petrali JP, Mershon MM, Sim VM. The effect of the riot control agent dibenz (b,f)-1,4-oxazepine (CR)in the rabbit eye. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1975;34:45–48.182. Lundy PM, McKay DH. Mechanism of the Cardiovascular Activity of Dibenz (B,F) (1:4) Oxazepine (CR) in Cats. Ralston,Canada: Defence Research Establishment; 1975. Suffield Technical Paper 438.183. Marrs TC, Colgrave HF, Cross NL. A repeated dose study of the toxicity of technical grade dibenz-(b.f.)-1,4 oxazepinein mice and hamsters. Toxicol Lett. 1983;17:13–21.184. Grady HG, Stewart HL. Histogenesis of induced pulmonary tumors in strain A mice. Am J Pathol. 1940;16:417–432.185. Stewart HL, Dunn TB, Snell KC, Deringer MK. Tumors of the respiratory tract. In: Turusov SU, ed. The Mouse. Vol 1.In: WHO Monographs on the Pathology of Laboratory. Lyons, France: International Association for Research on Cancer(IARC); 1979: 251.186. McNamara BP, Vocci FJ, Owens EJ, Ward DM, Anson NM. The Search for an Effective Riot-Control Agent—Solvent Systemfor Large Volume Dispersers. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal Biomedical Laboratory; 1972. Technical ReportEATR 4675.187. Weigand DA. Cutaneous reaction to the riot control agent CS. Mil Med. 1969;134:437–440.188. Sifton DW, Kelly GL. PDR Guide to Biological and Chemical Warfare Response. Montvale, NJ: Thompson/Physicians’Desk Reference; 2002.482

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Aspects</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong>170. Ballantyne B. Riot control agents. In: Scott RB, Frazer J, eds. <strong>Medical</strong> Annual. Bristol, United Kingdom: Wright andSons; 1977: 7–41.171. Ashton I, Cotes JE, Holland P, et al. Acute effect <strong>of</strong> dibenz b,f.-1:4 oxazepine aerosol upon the lung function <strong>of</strong> healthyyoung men [proceedings]. J Physiol. 1978;275:85P.172. Ballantyne B, Beswick FW, Thomas D. <strong>The</strong> presentation and management <strong>of</strong> individuals contaminated with solutions<strong>of</strong> dibenzoxazepine (CR). Med Sci Law. 1973;13:265–268.173. Holland P. <strong>The</strong> cutaneous reactions produced by dibenzoxazepine (CR). Br J Dermatol. 1974;90:657–659.174. Weigand DA, Mershon MM. <strong>The</strong> Cutaneous Irritant Reaction to Agent O-chlorobenzylidene Malononitrile (CS). I. Quantitationand Racial Influence in Human Subjects. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal <strong>Medical</strong> Research Laboratory;1970. Technical Report EATR 4332.175. Pattle RE, Schock C, Dirnhuber P, Creasey JM. Lung surfactant and organelles after an exposure to dibenzoxazepine(CR). Br J Exp Pathol. 1974; 55:213–220.176. Colgrave HF, Brown RF, Cox RA. Ultrastructure <strong>of</strong> rat lungs following exposure to aerosols <strong>of</strong> dibenzoxazepine (CR).Br J Exp Pathol. 1979;60:130–141.177. Marrs TC, Gray MI, Colgrave HF, Gall D. A repeated dose study <strong>of</strong> the toxicity <strong>of</strong> CR applied to the skin <strong>of</strong> mice.Toxicol Lett. 1982;13:259–265.178. Owens EJ, Weimer JT, Ballard TA, et al. Ocular, Cutaneous, Respiratory, Intratracheal Toxicity <strong>of</strong> Solutions <strong>of</strong> CS and EA3547 in Glycol and Glycol Ether in Animals. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal <strong>Medical</strong> Research Laboratory;1970. Technical Report EATR 4446.179. Higginbottom R, Suschitzky H. Synthesis <strong>of</strong> heterocyclic compounds II. Cyclization <strong>of</strong> o-nitrophenyl oxygen. J ChemSoc. 1962;456:2367–2370.180. Biskup RC, Swentzel KC, Lochner MA, Fairchild DG. Toxicity <strong>of</strong> 1% CR in Propylene Glycol/Water (80/20). EdgewoodArsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal <strong>Medical</strong> Research Laboratory; May 1975. Technical Report EB-TR-75009.181. Rengstorff RH, Petrali JP, Mershon MM, Sim VM. <strong>The</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> the riot control agent dibenz (b,f)-1,4-oxazepine (CR)in the rabbit eye. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1975;34:45–48.182. Lundy PM, McKay DH. Mechanism <strong>of</strong> the Cardiovascular Activity <strong>of</strong> Dibenz (B,F) (1:4) Oxazepine (CR) in Cats. Ralston,Canada: Defence Research Establishment; 1975. Suffield Technical Paper 438.183. Marrs TC, Colgrave HF, Cross NL. A repeated dose study <strong>of</strong> the toxicity <strong>of</strong> technical grade dibenz-(b.f.)-1,4 oxazepinein mice and hamsters. Toxicol Lett. 1983;17:13–21.184. Grady HG, Stewart HL. Histogenesis <strong>of</strong> induced pulmonary tumors in strain A mice. Am J Pathol. 1940;16:417–432.185. Stewart HL, Dunn TB, Snell KC, Deringer MK. Tumors <strong>of</strong> the respiratory tract. In: Turusov SU, ed. <strong>The</strong> Mouse. Vol 1.In: WHO Monographs on the Pathology <strong>of</strong> Laboratory. Lyons, France: International Association for Research on Cancer(IARC); 1979: 251.186. McNamara BP, Vocci FJ, Owens EJ, Ward DM, Anson NM. <strong>The</strong> Search for an Effective Riot-Control Agent—Solvent Systemfor Large Volume Dispersers. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Edgewood Arsenal Biomedical Laboratory; 1972. Technical ReportEATR 4675.187. Weigand DA. Cutaneous reaction to the riot control agent CS. Mil Med. 1969;134:437–440.188. Sifton DW, Kelly GL. PDR Guide to Biological and <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong> Response. Montvale, NJ: Thompson/Physicians’Desk Reference; 2002.482

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