Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault


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Incapacitating AgentsTABLE 12-1DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS FOR INCAPACITATING AGENTSSign or SymptomRestlessness, dizziness, giddiness, failure to obey orders, confusion, erratic behavior,stumbling or staggering, vomitingDryness <strong>of</strong> mouth, tachycardia at rest, elevated temperature, flushed face, blurredvision, pupillary dilation, slurred or nonsensical speech, hallucinatory behavior,disrobing, mumbling, picking behavior, stupor, comaInappropriate smiling or laughing; irrational fear; distractibility; difficulty expressingself; perceptual distortions; labile increases in pupil size, heart rate, and bloodpressure; stomach cramps and vomitingEuphoria, relaxation, day-dreaming, unconcerned attitude, easy laughter, hypotension,and dizziness on sudden standingTremor, clinging or pleading, crying, clear answers, decrease in disturbance withreassurance, history <strong>of</strong> nervousness or immaturity, phobias, bodily disturbancessuch as blindness and paralysisSleepiness, ataxia, rapid unconsciousness, miosis, reduced quality <strong>of</strong> respirationsdecrease with resulting respiratory depressionPossible EtiologyAnticholinergics, indoles,cannabinoids, anxiety reaction,other intoxications (such asalcohol, bromides, lead,barbiturates)AnticholinergicsIndoles (may mimic schizophrenicpsychosis in some respects)CannabinoidsAnxiety reactionFentanyl (carfentanyl)Data sources: (1) Departments <strong>of</strong> the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and Commandant, Marine Corps. Treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> Agent Casualtiesand Conventional Military <strong>Chemical</strong> Injuries. Washington, DC: HQ: DA, DN, DAF, Commandant, MC1995: 3–1. Field Manual 8-285, NAVMEDP-5041, AFJMan 44-149, FMFM 11-11. (2) US Army <strong>Medical</strong> Research Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> Defense. <strong>Medical</strong> Management <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> CasualtiesHandbook. 4th ed. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md: USAMRICD; 2007.EXHIBIT 12-1SUMMARY OF BZ AND FENTANYL DERIVATIVES• Signs and symptoms¢ BZ and other glycolates: mydriasis; dry mouth; dry skin; increased deep tendon reflexes; decreased level<strong>of</strong> consciousness; confusion; disorientation; disturbances in perception and interpretation (illusions and/or hallucinations); denial <strong>of</strong> illness; short attention span; impaired memory.¢ Fentanyl derivatives (carfentanil): dizziness, sleepiness, ataxia, miosis (if there is no hypoxia; with hypoxiathere is pupil dilation), rapid unconsciousness, vomiting, decreased respirations, central apnea, coma.• Field detection: No field detector is available for either BZ or fentanyl derivatives.• Decontamination¢ BZ: gentle but thorough flushing <strong>of</strong> skin and hair with water or soap and water is all that is required.Remove clothing.¢ Fentanyl derivatives (carfentanil): No decontamination required.• Management¢ BZ• Antidote: physostigmine.• Supportive: monitoring <strong>of</strong> vital signs, especially core temperature.¢ Fentanyl derivatives (carfentanil)• Antidote: opioid antagonist naloxone/naltrexone.• Supportive: monitoring <strong>of</strong> vital signs. Proper positioning <strong>of</strong> patient to maintain airway is critical untileffects <strong>of</strong> central respiratory depression diminish.Adapted from: US Army <strong>Medical</strong> Research Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> Defense. <strong>Medical</strong> Management <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> Casualties Handbook. 4thed. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md: USAMRICD; 2007.429

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