Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Cyanide Poisoningas “the cherry death”), and the Roman emperor Neroused cherry laurel water to poison members of hisfamily and others who displeased him. Dioscorides, aGreek physician who served in Nero’s army, compiledinformation on more than 600 species of plants withmedicinal value in the five books titled De MateriaMedica, recognizing the poisonous properties of bitteralmonds. Napoleon III proposed the use of cyanidesto enhance the effectiveness of his soldiers’ bayonetsduring the Franco–Prussian War; it has also been suggestedthat Napoleon died from cyanide. 3The first description of cyanide poisoning, by Wepferin 1679, dealt with the effects of extract of bitteralmond administration. 2 In 1731 Maddern demonstratedthat cherry laurel water given orally, into therectum, or by injection, rapidly killed dogs. 4 Althoughsubstances containing cyanide have been used for centuriesas poisons, cyanide was not identified until 1782,when Swedish pharmacist and chemist Carl WilhelmScheele 2 isolated cyanide by heating the dye PrussianBlue with dilute sulfuric acid, obtaining a flammablegas (hydrogen cyanide) that was water soluble andacidic. Scheele called this new acid Berlin blue acid,which later became known as prussic acid and todayis known as cyanide (from the Greek word “kyanos,”meaning “blue”). Scheele’s discovery may have costhim his life several years later, from either engagingin unsafe experimental practices such as taste testingand smelling HCN, or accidentally breaking a vial ofthe poison. A better understanding of the cyanideswas achieved in 1815 by the French chemist JosephLouis Gay-Lussac. 2 Gay-Lussac identified a colorless,poisonous gas called cyanogen, which had an almondlikeflavor and considerable thermal stability. Hiswork on acids, including HCN, led to the realizationthat acids do not need to contain oxygen, and that thecyanogen moiety could be shifted from compound tocompound without separating the individual carbonand nitrogen atoms.Terrorist and Military UsesAlthough ancient civilizations used plants containingcyanides to kill, it was not until World War I, inlate 1915 and early 1916, that cyanide was producedexpressly for the purpose of killing. France startedthe large-scale use of cyanide as a chemical weapon,producing approximately 8 million pounds of HCN bydistilling a concentrated solution of potassium cyanide(KCN) with dilute sulfuric acid. Even though HCNhad quick-kill properties and was not readily absorbedon charcoal (allowing penetration through enemy gasmasks), its use provided no tactical advantage. Thiswas due, in part, to small payload munitions and thehigh volatility of cyanide with no cumulative effects(cyanide is lighter than air, persisting for only a fewminutes in the open air). Concentrations sufficient toincapacitate or kill were not achieved. In addition,Germany learned of its use and equipped its troopswith masks capable of filtering out the gas.In September 1916, France tried another cyanidebasedpoison, cyanogen chloride, which is heavier andless volatile than HCN and had a cumulative effecton its victims. Cyanogen chloride was produced bychlorinating a saturated solution of KCN at 0°C (32°F).Its toxicity was similar to that of HCN, but cyanogenchloride was more effective at low concentrationsbecause it irritated the eyes and lungs. Cyanogenchloride also had a delayed toxic effect similar to lungirritants such as chlorine and phosgene. At the sametime that France launched cyanogen chloride, Austriaintroduced a poisonous gas derived from KCN andbromine. The resulting cyanogen bromide was stillhighly volatile, yet it had only a quarter of the volatilityof HCN and was less toxic. Cyanogen bromide had astrong irritating effect on the conjunctiva and the mucousmembranes of the respiratory system; however,because it corroded metals and was unstable in storage(gradually polymerizing into a toxicologically inertsubstance), the Austrians abandoned its use. 5During World War II, the Nazis employed HCNadsorbed onto a dispersible pharmaceutical base (ZyklonB) to exterminate millions of civilians and enemysoldiers in the death camps. Cyanide was detected inthe walls of crematoria almost 50 years later. 6,7 ZyklonB was also used as a fumigant and rodenticide torid ships of rodents by the United States and othercountries. Japan allegedly used cyanide against Chinabefore and during the war.In the late 1980s, reports indicated that cyanide-likeagents may have been used against the inhabitants ofthe Syrian city of Hama, 8 the Kurdish city of Halabja,Iraq, 9 and possibly Shahabad, Iran, during the Iran-IraqWar. 10 In addition to military operations, cyanide hasbeen used by individuals and terrorist organizations.One notorious incident was the poisoning of Tylenol(acetaminophen, manufactured by McNeill ConsumerProducts Co, Fort Washington, Pa) in the Chicago areain 1982, which killed seven people. 11 An acid and acyanide salt were found in several subway restroomsin Tokyo, Japan, in the weeks following the release ofnerve agents in the city in March 1995. 12Executions and SuicidesCyanide has been the typical agent used in “gaschambers,” in which a cyanide salt is dropped intoan acid to produce HCN. Gas chambers used in some373

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfarestates to judicially execute murderers provide informationon the effect of HCN. In US gas chambers HCNwas usually released by dropping a bag of sodium cyanideinto sulfuric acid. Unconsciousness was thoughtto be instant, with death following in 5 to 10 minutes.In 1994 District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ruled that thegas chamber was an inhumane method of punishmentand outlawed its practice in California. Two years laterthe 9th US Ciruit Court of Appeals supported Patel’sdecision and ruled that gas chambers violated theEighth Amendment to the Constitution because of thehorrible pain observed for several minutes. However,in several states, death row inmates still have the rightto choose the gas chamber over lethal injection, asWalter LeGrand did in Arizona in 1999.Cyanide has often been used by individuals andgroups to commit suicide. 13 One of the most notoriousof such events happened in 1978 near Port Kaituma,Guyana, when the followers of Jim Jones drank agrape-flavored drink laced with cyanide, resulting inthe deaths of more than 900 children and adults. 14Cyanide Sources and Accidental PoisoningAlthough there are many chemical forms of cyanide,HCN (or the cyanide anion CN - ) is the primarytoxic agent, regardless of its origin. Military personneland civilians may be exposed to common naturaland anthropogenic sources of cyanide through edibleand nonedible plants, industrial operations, fires, andcigarette smoke. Ongoing low-level cyanide exposuresare managed by the body through reaction pathwaysthat detoxify amounts in excess of biological tolerances.Much of the medical information on cyanide poisoninghas come from civilian experiences of poisoning, fires,and industrial accidents.HCN is released into the atmosphere from volcanoes,plants, bacteria, and fungi. 15–21 However,the primary natural source of cyanide poisoning inhumans and animals is from plants. Over 2,000 plantspecies, including edible fruits and vegetables, containcyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanidewhen ingested. 18,22,23 Rapid hydrolysis of cyanogenicglycosides and release of HCN occurs when the plantcell structure is disrupted. Thus consumption of improperlyprocessed plants with cyanogen-containingglycosides will release HCN and may result in illnessor death. Some common cyanogenic edible plantsreported to cause cyanide poisoning include cassava,sorghum, sweet potatoes, yams, maize, millet, bamboo,sugarcane, peas, lima beans, soybeans, almond kernels,lemons, limes, apples, pears, peach, chokecherries,apricots, prunes, and plums. 18,22–30 Cassava (manioc)and sorghum are staple foods for hundreds of millionsof people in many tropical countries and are blamedin part for the high incidence of central and peripheralneuropathies in those areas. 31 Known cyanogenicglycosides in plants include amygdalin, linamarin,prunasin, dhurrin, lotaustralin, and taxiphyllin.Worldwide manufacturing of cyanide to supportindustrial and agricultural demand is in the rangeof 2.5 million US tons annually. In industries usingcyanide, occupational exposures occur primarily bythe dermal and inhalation routes. Nonindustrial accidentalexposures of clinical significance are typicallyassociated with commercial fires involving the burningof plastics. 32,33Inhalation of tobacco smoke, another source ofcyanide, has been associated with tobacco amblyopia,a syndrome of visual failure occurring in associationwith the use of tobacco, thought to result from nutritionalor idiopathic deficiencies in certain detoxificationmechanisms, particularly those that target thecyanide component of tobacco smoke. 34 Cyanidelevels in smokers versus nonsmokers are often usedas a sensitivity test in analytical methods for determinationof cyanide or its metabolites in biologicalfluids. 35 HCN concentrations in inhaled smoke fromUS-manufactured cigarettes range from 10 to 400 µgper cigarette. In non–US-manufactured cigarettes,cyanide concentrations range from 280 to 550 µg percigarette in inhaled smoke and from 53 to 111 µg percigarette in second-hand smoke. 15,36–38 Cyanide hasalso been found to be a metabolic product of certainpharmacological preparations such as laetrile, nitroprusside,and succinonitrile. Some of these formulationshave caused cyanide poisoning, in some cases resulting21, 39–43in death.BIOCHEMICAL BASIS FOR POISONINGCyanide is known to bind and inactivate severalenzymes, particularly those containing iron in theferric (Fe 3+ ) state and cobalt. It is thought to exert itsultimate lethal effect of histotoxic anoxia by bindingto the active site of cytochrome c oxidase, the terminalprotein in the electron transport chain located withinmitochondrial membranes (Figure 11-1). By this means,cyanide prevents the transfer of electrons to molecularoxygen. Thus, despite the presence of oxygen in theblood, it cannot be utilized toward adenosine triphosphate(ATP) generation, thereby stopping aerobic cellmetabolism. 44,45 Initially cells attempt to replenish theATP energy source through glycolysis, but the replenishmentis short lived, particularly in the metabolically374

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Aspects</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong>states to judicially execute murderers provide informationon the effect <strong>of</strong> HCN. In US gas chambers HCNwas usually released by dropping a bag <strong>of</strong> sodium cyanideinto sulfuric acid. Unconsciousness was thoughtto be instant, with death following in 5 to 10 minutes.In 1994 District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ruled that thegas chamber was an inhumane method <strong>of</strong> punishmentand outlawed its practice in California. Two years laterthe 9th US Ciruit Court <strong>of</strong> Appeals supported Patel’sdecision and ruled that gas chambers violated theEighth Amendment to the Constitution because <strong>of</strong> thehorrible pain observed for several minutes. However,in several states, death row inmates still have the rightto choose the gas chamber over lethal injection, asWalter LeGrand did in Arizona in 1999.Cyanide has <strong>of</strong>ten been used by individuals andgroups to commit suicide. 13 One <strong>of</strong> the most notorious<strong>of</strong> such events happened in 1978 near Port Kaituma,Guyana, when the followers <strong>of</strong> Jim Jones drank agrape-flavored drink laced with cyanide, resulting inthe deaths <strong>of</strong> more than 900 children and adults. 14Cyanide Sources and Accidental PoisoningAlthough there are many chemical forms <strong>of</strong> cyanide,HCN (or the cyanide anion CN - ) is the primarytoxic agent, regardless <strong>of</strong> its origin. Military personneland civilians may be exposed to common naturaland anthropogenic sources <strong>of</strong> cyanide through edibleand nonedible plants, industrial operations, fires, andcigarette smoke. Ongoing low-level cyanide exposuresare managed by the body through reaction pathwaysthat detoxify amounts in excess <strong>of</strong> biological tolerances.Much <strong>of</strong> the medical information on cyanide poisoninghas come from civilian experiences <strong>of</strong> poisoning, fires,and industrial accidents.HCN is released into the atmosphere from volcanoes,plants, bacteria, and fungi. 15–21 However,the primary natural source <strong>of</strong> cyanide poisoning inhumans and animals is from plants. Over 2,000 plantspecies, including edible fruits and vegetables, containcyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanidewhen ingested. 18,22,23 Rapid hydrolysis <strong>of</strong> cyanogenicglycosides and release <strong>of</strong> HCN occurs when the plantcell structure is disrupted. Thus consumption <strong>of</strong> improperlyprocessed plants with cyanogen-containingglycosides will release HCN and may result in illnessor death. Some common cyanogenic edible plantsreported to cause cyanide poisoning include cassava,sorghum, sweet potatoes, yams, maize, millet, bamboo,sugarcane, peas, lima beans, soybeans, almond kernels,lemons, limes, apples, pears, peach, chokecherries,apricots, prunes, and plums. 18,22–30 Cassava (manioc)and sorghum are staple foods for hundreds <strong>of</strong> millions<strong>of</strong> people in many tropical countries and are blamedin part for the high incidence <strong>of</strong> central and peripheralneuropathies in those areas. 31 Known cyanogenicglycosides in plants include amygdalin, linamarin,prunasin, dhurrin, lotaustralin, and taxiphyllin.Worldwide manufacturing <strong>of</strong> cyanide to supportindustrial and agricultural demand is in the range<strong>of</strong> 2.5 million US tons annually. In industries usingcyanide, occupational exposures occur primarily bythe dermal and inhalation routes. Nonindustrial accidentalexposures <strong>of</strong> clinical significance are typicallyassociated with commercial fires involving the burning<strong>of</strong> plastics. 32,33Inhalation <strong>of</strong> tobacco smoke, another source <strong>of</strong>cyanide, has been associated with tobacco amblyopia,a syndrome <strong>of</strong> visual failure occurring in associationwith the use <strong>of</strong> tobacco, thought to result from nutritionalor idiopathic deficiencies in certain detoxificationmechanisms, particularly those that target thecyanide component <strong>of</strong> tobacco smoke. 34 Cyanidelevels in smokers versus nonsmokers are <strong>of</strong>ten usedas a sensitivity test in analytical methods for determination<strong>of</strong> cyanide or its metabolites in biologicalfluids. 35 HCN concentrations in inhaled smoke fromUS-manufactured cigarettes range from 10 to 400 µgper cigarette. In non–US-manufactured cigarettes,cyanide concentrations range from 280 to 550 µg percigarette in inhaled smoke and from 53 to 111 µg percigarette in second-hand smoke. 15,36–38 Cyanide hasalso been found to be a metabolic product <strong>of</strong> certainpharmacological preparations such as laetrile, nitroprusside,and succinonitrile. Some <strong>of</strong> these formulationshave caused cyanide poisoning, in some cases resulting21, 39–43in death.BIOCHEMICAL BASIS FOR POISONINGCyanide is known to bind and inactivate severalenzymes, particularly those containing iron in theferric (Fe 3+ ) state and cobalt. It is thought to exert itsultimate lethal effect <strong>of</strong> histotoxic anoxia by bindingto the active site <strong>of</strong> cytochrome c oxidase, the terminalprotein in the electron transport chain located withinmitochondrial membranes (Figure 11-1). By this means,cyanide prevents the transfer <strong>of</strong> electrons to molecularoxygen. Thus, despite the presence <strong>of</strong> oxygen in theblood, it cannot be utilized toward adenosine triphosphate(ATP) generation, thereby stopping aerobic cellmetabolism. 44,45 Initially cells attempt to replenish theATP energy source through glycolysis, but the replenishmentis short lived, particularly in the metabolically374

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