Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Toxic Inhalational Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemicalscal activity. This same response mechanism has beendemonstrated in smokers. 66 It is well established thatthe toxic effect of smoking is largely a free radicalmediatedprocess.SPECIFIC INHALED TOXIC-GAS–INDUCED EFFECTS AND THEIR TREATMENTSDefining treatment strategies and clinical medicalmanagement for toxic gas exposure is problematic.In most cases the chemical inhalant is unknown. Inother cases there may be multiple chemical exposure,patients may be too confused to accurately recall theduration of inhalation, and the patient’s health andage may affect the outcome. Many chemicals can causehyposmia or even anosmia following inhalation, makingthe assessment of duration and type of chemicalagent inhaled all the more difficult. Some individualsare known to be much more chemically sensitized thanothers, especially if, for example, asthma, smoking, oran acquired sensitivity is present. Many of the chemicalsdiscussed thus far are listed as causing RADS oroccupationally-induced asthma. 67,68 Currently, mostdoctrines describe management, including ventilationsupport, pulmonary function tests, chest radiographs,supportive fluid replacement, and antiinflammatorytreatment. The mechanisms of toxicity in acute lunginjury processes are largely consistent from chemicalto chemical, and injuries detected early will respondmore readily to supportive or specialized treatment.Several compounds for which experimental or evenclinical supportive therapy has been successfully usedare detailed below.AmmoniaInhalation exposure to ammonia, generally considereda central airway compartment irritant, can causedamage to the airway epithelium and the alveolarcapillarymembrane. Acute signs and symptoms ofinhalation, typical of irritant gases, include coughing,bronchospasm, difficulty in breathing, pulmonaryedema, hypoxemia, and respiratory failure. 69 At death,hemorrhagic pulmonary edema can be a hallmark ofexposure. Interstitial fibrosis has been observed in patientsfollowing accidental exposure to ammonia. 70In rabbits exposed to nebulized ammonia at anestimated accidental exposure level (35,000–39,000ppm over 4 minutes), acute and severe lung injuryoccurred. Decreased Pao 2and increases in airwaypressure and Pac o 2were evident from 1 to 6 hoursafter exposure. 69 In this experimental model, the useof inhaled corticosteroids such as budesonide administered30 minutes after exposure was not effective inimproving gas exchange or reducing elevated airwaypressure. Corticosteroids are controversial for therapyfollowing ammonia inhalation and ingestion exposurein humans.ChlorineAffecting both the central and peripheral airwaycompartments, chlorine inhalation leads to abruptbronchoconstriction, increased airway resistance,and decreased compliance. In humans who have diedfrom chlorine poisoning, severe pulmonary edema,pneumonia, and ulcerative tracheobronchitis havebeen seen. 71 Recently, epithelial cell necrosis, smallairway dilation, and microvascular permeability havebeen found. 44 Efficacious therapeutic treatments havebeen tested in experimental models using large swine.Aerosolized terbutaline or the corticosteroid budesonidereduced acute lung injury when administered30 minutes after a 400 ppm × 20-minute exposure. 72Lung function was improved even more when bothcompounds were administered in combination. Theeffect of terbutaline or budesonide corroborates thebiochemical response mentioned earlier: terbutalinehelps increase cAMP levels through the stimulationof β-adrenergic signaling pathways and adenylate cyclase,thereby increasing tight junction strength and theintegrity of the air–blood barrier, which reduces fluidtransport through compromised basement membranes.Budesonide can work by reducing proinflammatorycytokines and by stabilizing membranes by limitingthe effects of membrane lipid peroxidative processesand the subsequent release of reactive mediators.Hydrogen CyanideAs a metabolic poison, HCN presents a challenge foreffective postexposure treatment. It is also considered tobe a cardiotoxin. Acute exposure to HCN rarely causesspecific changes in histopathological or pathologicalchanges. 73 Many people believe that the slightestcontact with HCN means instant death, but studies ofexperimental animals have disproven this belief. Sublethalconcentrations can produce incapacitation, withdizziness and nausea reported in some exposed people.74 However, treatment should always be provided asrapidly as possible. Supportive and antidote treatmentsagainst HCN include the use of sodium thiosulfate,which hastens the detoxification of CN; sodium nitrite,a methemoglobin former; and rhodanese, an enzyme353

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfarecurrently used in experimental trials. In some instances100% oxygen supportive therapy in conjunction withsodium thiosulfate and sodium nitrite may be synergisticallybeneficial. Treatment with sodium bicarbonatecan be used to reverse lactate acidosis. Ballantyne andSalem 75 provide an in-depth review of HCN exposureeffects, mechanisms of action, antidotes, and sources ofexposure, and Chapter 11, Cyanide Poisoning, providesadditional information.PerfluoroisobutyleneA significant exposure hazard from fires and chemicalindustrial accidents, PFIB causes severe pulmonaryedema in the peripheral airway compartment. In micePFIB exposure caused a significant reduction in protectivesulfhydryl concentrations and myeloperoxidaseactivity, as well as enhancement of the influx of polymorphonuclearleukocytes into the lung. 76 Exposurecan disrupt the air–blood barrier, cause hemorrhagicpulmonary edema, and increase BALF protein leak.Treatment with cholinolytic 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate30 minutes before or 10 hours after exposure resultedin reduced indices of acute lung injury as measured bylung wet weight to body weight ratio, reduced bloodviscosity and reduced mortality.PhosgeneBecause of phosgene’s extensive industrial use andextreme toxicity, a great deal of experimental modeldevelopment, mechanistic toxicology, and therapeutictesting has taken place over the past 25 years. Phosgeneis very chemically reactive, especially with importantcellular components of biomolecules, such as sulfhydryl,amine, and hydroxyl groups. 25 This chemicalreactivity occurs primarily in the distal lung peripheralairway compartment, and exposure has been foundto directly affect type I pneumocytes, 77,78 increase lavagepolymorphonuclear phagocytes, 79 decrease bothcytochrome-c-oxidase and adenosine triphosphataseactivity, 80 and significantly reduce lung adenosinetriphosphate concentrations. 81 Some limited and questionableevidence suggests that phosgene inhalationmay be involved in toxic encephalopathy in humans 82 ;however, this study involved long-term exposure tomany chemical solvents in an industrial environment,which may have confounded the role of phosgene asa single causative agent of neurotoxicity.Recent experimental work with phosgene in animalshas shown that bronchoconstriction, enhancedpulmonary edema formation, elevated leukotriene production,increased lipid peroxidation byproducts, anddecreases in both dynamic compliance and lung tissuecAMP are several of the major responses of the lungto phosgene inhalation. 59,83,84 Phosgene has been foundto be toxic through normal metabolic detoxificationmechanisms unrelated to direct inhalation exposure.In hepatocytes, phosgene binds with phospholipidssuch as phosphatidylcholine and ethanolamine underhypoxic or normoxic conditions. 85–87 These bonds couldbe mechanistically important during the injury processbecause alveolar surfactant is largely phospholipid incontent and alveolar edema causes a locally hypoxicenvironment. Experimental evidence has shown thatphosgene exposure has a significant effect on lungsurfactant levels. 88Based on these detrimental effects, postexposuretherapeutic efforts have succeeded in reducing lunginjury in exposed animals. Studies involving rodentsand rabbits have shown that the effects of increasedpulmonary edema, airway pressure, and pulmonaryartery pressure, as well as the inhibition of the releaseof reactive metabolites (such as the permeabilityenhancingleukotrienes, vasoactive prostaglandins,and free radicals) can all be reduced following treatmentafter exposure. Compounds approved by the USFood and Drug Administration such as isoproterenol,ibuprofen, aminophylline, and N-acetylcysteine canprotect the lung from further damage. 33,83,89,90 In somecases, treatment can enhance survival rates. 89 No datasupports the use of steroids to treat human exposure.However, medical management guidelines from theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention recommendstarting intravenous corticosteroids in cases ofsevere exposure even if the patient is asymptomatic.Steroids administrated intravenously seem to be morebeneficial when administered before exposure, 59 althoughthis finding has yet to be tested clinically ona large scale. Not all effective treatment against phosgene-inducedlung injury involves the use of drugs.In large swine exposed to phosgene, effective therapyinvolved the modification of ventilation parametersafter exposure. Lower tidal volume, decreased ventilationrates, and decreased positive end-expiratorypressure, in addition to intravenous saline and glucosesupport, reduced cardiovascular effects, lung damage(reduced edema formation), and the histopathologicalresponse of the lung tissue. 40In addition to producing acute lung injury to thecentral and peripheral compartments, phosgene, chlorine,riot control agents, smokes, and ammonia canhave long-term effects. Fibrosis, bronchiolitis obliterans,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RADS, pulmonaryfunction abnormalities, alveolitis, and bronchiectasisare some of the sequela of exposure. The exposurecould have been a one-time event, chronic exposureover years, or a multiple chemical exposure. In addition,gases such as PFIB, phosgene, and chlorine may give riseto ARDS in the days to weeks after exposure, especially354

Toxic Inhalational Injury and Toxic Industrial <strong>Chemical</strong>scal activity. This same response mechanism has beendemonstrated in smokers. 66 It is well established thatthe toxic effect <strong>of</strong> smoking is largely a free radicalmediatedprocess.SPECIFIC INHALED TOXIC-GAS–INDUCED EFFECTS AND THEIR TREATMENTSDefining treatment strategies and clinical medicalmanagement for toxic gas exposure is problematic.In most cases the chemical inhalant is unknown. Inother cases there may be multiple chemical exposure,patients may be too confused to accurately recall theduration <strong>of</strong> inhalation, and the patient’s health andage may affect the outcome. Many chemicals can causehyposmia or even anosmia following inhalation, makingthe assessment <strong>of</strong> duration and type <strong>of</strong> chemicalagent inhaled all the more difficult. Some individualsare known to be much more chemically sensitized thanothers, especially if, for example, asthma, smoking, oran acquired sensitivity is present. Many <strong>of</strong> the chemicalsdiscussed thus far are listed as causing RADS oroccupationally-induced asthma. 67,68 Currently, mostdoctrines describe management, including ventilationsupport, pulmonary function tests, chest radiographs,supportive fluid replacement, and antiinflammatorytreatment. <strong>The</strong> mechanisms <strong>of</strong> toxicity in acute lunginjury processes are largely consistent from chemicalto chemical, and injuries detected early will respondmore readily to supportive or specialized treatment.Several compounds for which experimental or evenclinical supportive therapy has been successfully usedare detailed below.AmmoniaInhalation exposure to ammonia, generally considereda central airway compartment irritant, can causedamage to the airway epithelium and the alveolarcapillarymembrane. Acute signs and symptoms <strong>of</strong>inhalation, typical <strong>of</strong> irritant gases, include coughing,bronchospasm, difficulty in breathing, pulmonaryedema, hypoxemia, and respiratory failure. 69 At death,hemorrhagic pulmonary edema can be a hallmark <strong>of</strong>exposure. Interstitial fibrosis has been observed in patientsfollowing accidental exposure to ammonia. 70In rabbits exposed to nebulized ammonia at anestimated accidental exposure level (35,000–39,000ppm over 4 minutes), acute and severe lung injuryoccurred. Decreased Pao 2and increases in airwaypressure and Pac o 2were evident from 1 to 6 hoursafter exposure. 69 In this experimental model, the use<strong>of</strong> inhaled corticosteroids such as budesonide administered30 minutes after exposure was not effective inimproving gas exchange or reducing elevated airwaypressure. Corticosteroids are controversial for therapyfollowing ammonia inhalation and ingestion exposurein humans.ChlorineAffecting both the central and peripheral airwaycompartments, chlorine inhalation leads to abruptbronchoconstriction, increased airway resistance,and decreased compliance. In humans who have diedfrom chlorine poisoning, severe pulmonary edema,pneumonia, and ulcerative tracheobronchitis havebeen seen. 71 Recently, epithelial cell necrosis, smallairway dilation, and microvascular permeability havebeen found. 44 Efficacious therapeutic treatments havebeen tested in experimental models using large swine.Aerosolized terbutaline or the corticosteroid budesonidereduced acute lung injury when administered30 minutes after a 400 ppm × 20-minute exposure. 72Lung function was improved even more when bothcompounds were administered in combination. <strong>The</strong>effect <strong>of</strong> terbutaline or budesonide corroborates thebiochemical response mentioned earlier: terbutalinehelps increase cAMP levels through the stimulation<strong>of</strong> β-adrenergic signaling pathways and adenylate cyclase,thereby increasing tight junction strength and theintegrity <strong>of</strong> the air–blood barrier, which reduces fluidtransport through compromised basement membranes.Budesonide can work by reducing proinflammatorycytokines and by stabilizing membranes by limitingthe effects <strong>of</strong> membrane lipid peroxidative processesand the subsequent release <strong>of</strong> reactive mediators.Hydrogen CyanideAs a metabolic poison, HCN presents a challenge foreffective postexposure treatment. It is also considered tobe a cardiotoxin. Acute exposure to HCN rarely causesspecific changes in histopathological or pathologicalchanges. 73 Many people believe that the slightestcontact with HCN means instant death, but studies <strong>of</strong>experimental animals have disproven this belief. Sublethalconcentrations can produce incapacitation, withdizziness and nausea reported in some exposed people.74 However, treatment should always be provided asrapidly as possible. Supportive and antidote treatmentsagainst HCN include the use <strong>of</strong> sodium thiosulfate,which hastens the detoxification <strong>of</strong> CN; sodium nitrite,a methemoglobin former; and rhodanese, an enzyme353

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