Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault


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Toxic Inhalational Injury and Toxic Industrial <strong>Chemical</strong>sTABLE 10-5Main Inflammatory Agents Involved in Acute Lung Injury, <strong>The</strong>ir Source and ActionAgent source actionsCytokines (Proteins)IL-1 in response to infection/injury Regulates systemic inflammatory response, causesfrom activated macrophage. increase in blood neutrophils; causes fever. Inducesinduced by TNF fromother cytokines. Stimulates NO production, producesmononuclear and endothelial PLA 2, PAF, releases histamine.cells.IL-6 induced by IL-1 from epithelial Creates pyrogen, activates stromal bone marrow tocells.produce CSF.IL-8 Secreted by macrophages, Chemotactic for neutrophils and activates macrophages.endothelial cells, T cells andfibroblasts in response to LPS,il-1 or TNF stimulation.TNF-α Large amounts from endotoxin- Induces arachidonic metabolites and synthesis <strong>of</strong> cytokstimulatedmacrophages. ines. Chemotactic for neutrophils and macrophages.Synergistic with IL-1. Causes fever.Lipids (Arachidonic Acid Metabolites)Leukotrienes (B 4, C 4, D 4, E 4) Enzymatic pathway from Causes vasoconstriction, bronchoconstriction, enhancemembranephospholipid. ment <strong>of</strong> capillary leakage.Prostaglandin E 2Enzymatic pathway from A vasodilator, has proinflammaotry and antiinflammamembranephospholipid. tory potential.Thromboxane A 2enzymatic pathway from Potent vasodilator, causes platelet sequestration.membrane phospholipid.PAf epithelial cells via the causes platelet aggregation. Recruits eosinophils, causesarachidonic acid pathway, also vasodilation, increases vascular permeability, causesneutrophils, basophils and degranulation <strong>of</strong> neutrophils. Spasmogenic on bronchialplatelets.smooth muscle.Reduced Oxygen Species (Free Radicals)OH, H 2O 2, superoxide anion LPS stimulated macrophage/monocyte cell.Very reactive, responsible for lung tissue injury. Interactswith arachidonic acid pathway to increase levels <strong>of</strong>eicosanoids.CSF: colony-stimulating factorH 2O 2: hydrogen peroxideIL: interleukinLPS: lipopolysaccharideNO: nitric oxideOH: hydroxyl radicalPAF: platelet-aggregating factorPLA 2: phospholypase A2TNF: tumor necrosis factorfactor-α may aid in fluid clearance in this injury model.<strong>The</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> lung injury in response to an inhalationalevent can be extremely complex. Figure 10-3 providesa visual representation <strong>of</strong> the alveolar region <strong>of</strong> the peripherallung compartment following exposure to toxicgas. <strong>The</strong> difficulty in treating an injury with a large array<strong>of</strong> metabolic chaos is that many <strong>of</strong> these pathwaysare activated and on-going simultaneously.Biochemical ResponsesUnderstanding the biochemical responses to inha-351

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