Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agentsinsecticides 77–79 vs hours for nerve agents 71,72 ). Not onlydo insecticides differ from nerve agents, but they alsodiffer among themselves in some of their biologicaleffects; for example, some cause polyneuropathy, andothers do not. 79 Because of these differences, all ofwhich have probably not been defined, the similaritybetween the effects of insecticides in humans and theeffects of nerve agents in humans cannot be assumed.(As stated earlier, insecticides are included here onlyso that the similarities and differences can be noted;readers should be careful not to confuse the two.)PolyneuropathyInsecticidesOrganophosphorus ester–induced delayed neurotoxicity(OPIDN) has been recognized as a clinical syndromein humans and animals for over 50 years. Afterexposure to certain organophosphates, incoordination,ataxia, spasticity, and flaccid paralysis develop over thefollowing 1 to 3 weeks; the paralysis begins distally inthe lower limbs and eventually spreads to the upperlimbs. Part or all of the lesion may be reversible, but inits most severe form it can cause lifetime quadriplegia.Structural changes begin at the distal, nonmyelinatedportion of the nerve, followed by progressivedemyelination associated with degeneration of moreproximal nerve segments. 79 This syndrome was initiallyassociated with ingestion of triorthocresyl phosphaterather than an insecticide. After organophosphateinsecticides became available, the syndrome was seenafter exposure to some, but not all, of them. 79The best animal model for studying the effects ofexposure to organophosphates is the chicken. 80,81 Extensivestudies have been performed to elucidate themechanism of action that causes OPIDN and to screennew organophosphate insecticides for this effect. 79,80The exact mechanism of action is still unknown, butmuch evidence suggests that the inhibition of neurotoxicesterase in nerve tissue is involved. 81 Administrationof oximes and atropine has no effect on theproduction of this neurotoxicity. 82OPIDN is not seen with all insecticides. 79,80 Generally,insecticides that have been shown to cause polyneuropathyhave been removed from the market; onlythose that have been demonstrated not to cause thiseffect in animal models are available.Nerve AgentsNerve agents have caused polyneuropathy in animalsonly at doses many fold greater than the LD 50(the dose [D] that is lethal [L] to 50% of the exposedpopulation)—doses that require massive pretreatmentand therapy to ensure survival of the animals. Davieset al 83 produced polyneuropathy in chickens with sarinonly at 60 or more times the LD 50 . (The animals wereprotected with atropine and oxime to permit survival.)Neuropathy was not detected at 8 times the LD 50 of soman.Davies’s group also detected no polyneuropathyat doses of VX of 45 µmol/kg. 84In another study, 85 polyneuropathy was foundin hens after 30 to 60 times the LD 50 for sarin wasadministered, but not at 38 times the LD 50 for somanor 82 times the LD 50 for tabun. VX was not examinedin this study because its ability to inhibit neurotoxicesterase is negligible. At 120 times the acute LD 50 inhens, soman and tabun caused polyneuropathy insome surviving animals. 86 Cyclosarin is a strongerinhibitor of neurotoxic esterase in vitro than the othernerve agents. 87 However, cyclosarin, in addition totabun, soman, and VX, did not cause polyneuropathyat very high doses. 88Polyneuropathy has not been noted in the handfulof humans severely exposed to nerve agents or in thehundreds of humans with mild-to-moderate effectsfrom nerve agents. However, one report details a casestudy in which a patient who survived for 15 monthsfollowing the Tokyo sarin terrorist attack showed distalsensory axonopathy on postmortem analysis. 89 The patientsurvived the initial attack, but was maintained onmechanical ventilation and total parenteral nutritionuntil he died of pneumonia. He initially showed signsof tremor and decerebrate rigidity, which changed toflaccid quadriparesis 6 months following the sarin intoxication.He then developed distal-dominant, severemuscle atrophy with clawhand and foot drop deformity.The postmortem analysis confirmed the distalaxonopathy as well as severe hypoxic-ischemic CNSdamage. Obvious limitations of this report include thefact that the patient was maintained for an extendedperiod with life support and was largely immobile,and there is no information regarding the total sarinexposure the man received. Nevertheless, the casereport is one of the first to show temporally delayeddistal neuropathy in humans. Studies using smallerdoses of tabun, sarin, and soman are described in thetoxicology section later in this chapter.Muscle NecrosisInsecticidesNecrosis of rat skeletal muscle in the region of themotor endplate has been noted after administrationof cholinesterase-inhibiting compounds in amountssufficient to cause signs. 90 Swelling, eosinophilia, and317

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfareloss of striations of myofibers can be observed by lightmicroscopy in the motor endplate regions as early as2 hours after administration of the organophosphate,and the lesion is fully developed in 12 to 24 hours. Inaffected fibers, the sarcolemma remains intact and isthe focus of later repair of the fiber. Recovery begins in2 days and is complete by 2 weeks. The lesion can beprevented or lessened by denervation or by administrationof atropine and oxime within the first 2 hours;the lesion is more severe in muscles of high activity,such as the diaphragm, and in type II fast-twitchmuscle fibers. 90Muscle necrosis was seen in the diaphragm of a manwho died after drinking parathion. No cholinesterasecould be demonstrated in the myoneural junctions ofany muscle, but necrosis was limited to the diaphragm.Each focus involved one to four sarcomeres of bothtypes of myofibers, varying from acute swelling tovacuolar disintegration of the fibers. The nerve endingsin the segmental necrotic zones were degenerated. 91Nerve AgentsThe circumscribed muscular necrosis seen withinsecticides has also been seen after sarin 92,93 andtabun 94 administration to experimental animals. Somanproduced necrosis in one study, 95 but not in another. 94On stimulation of the nerve, the muscle was unableto sustain a tetanic contraction at frequencies of 100and 200 Hz. 93Intermediate SyndromeInsecticidesA second type of delayed neurological manifestationof organophosphate insecticide poisoning is the “intermediatesyndrome.” In a series of 200 consecutivecases of organophosphate insecticide poisoning, 36patients developed a weakness of the proximal musclesof the limbs, cranial nerve weaknesses, bilateral pyramidaltract signs, and areflexia. 96 This disturbancebegan 12 to 84 hours after hospital admission. In mostcases, the cholinergic crisis had resolved, and the 21patients who survived recovered completely by 96hours. The lesion was unresponsive to large amountsof atropine; 2-PAM Cl was not available. The authorsof the report 96 divided the signs of organophosphateintoxication into two groups, which they called typeI and type II. According to these authors, type I signswere muscarinic in nature and were amenable to atropinetherapy, whereas type II signs were nicotinicin nature, appeared 12 to 48 hours after exposure, andwere resistant to atropine therapy.Ten additional cases were later described. 97 Thesepatients received atropine (up to 40 mg every 24 h)and 2-PAM Cl (1 g every 12 hour for 24 to 48 h) duringthe cholinergic-crisis phase. About 24 to 96 hours afterpoisoning, the 10 patients developed a syndrome thatincluded palsies of cranial nerves III, IV, VI, VII, andX; weakness of the respiratory muscles (four patientsrequired immediate intubation and assisted ventilationat the onset of the syndrome); weakness of theproximal limb muscles; and pyramidal tract signs.Recovery occurred in 5 to 18 days. Electromyographyin limb muscles and nerve conduction were normal.Tetanic stimulation of the abductor pollicis brevisshowed a marked fade with no posttetanic facilitation.The authors of the report 45 called this conditionthe “intermediate syndrome,” meaning that it is intermediatebetween the acute cholinergic effects andthe later, well-recognized delayed polyneuropathy.Consequently, the term intermediate syndrome, ratherthan type II signs, has been adopted.Two additional cases of this syndrome were reportedseveral years later; both patients required ventilatorysupport during the paralytic phase. 98 In another series,29 of 90 patients with organophosphate poisoninghad the intermediate syndrome. 99 Tetanic fade with noposttetanic facilitation was maximal between days 4 and6, and the response to electrical stimulation had returnedto normal by 8 to 10 days. The author suggested that aneuromuscular junction defect was responsible for thelesion. Other cases have since been reported 100–103 andin some, the weakness or paralysis lasted for days toweeks. Lack of early oxime therapy had been thoughtto contribute to the development of the syndrome, 104 butit has occurred with adequate amounts of oxime. 100,101,105The cause of this neuromuscular dysfunction has notbeen elucidated, nor has an animal model been described.Intermediate syndrome may be related to themyopathy seen at the neuromuscular junction.Nerve AgentsThe occurrence of the intermediate syndrome followingnerve agent exposure is not well characterized.106 In one experiment, single fiber electromyographywas used to examine the syndrome in volunteersexposed to a low level of sarin. 107 Significant, albeitsmall, changes in single fiber electromyography wereobserved at 3 hours and at 3 days following exposure.However, the electromyographic changes did not accompanyclinical neuromuscular symptoms. The smallchanges observed were resolved when the volunteerswere evaluated 2 years later.Another study examined the delayed neurotoxiceffects of repeated sarin inhalation in mice. 108 Female318

Long-Term Health Effects <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> Threat Agentsinsecticides 77–79 vs hours for nerve agents 71,72 ). Not onlydo insecticides differ from nerve agents, but they alsodiffer among themselves in some <strong>of</strong> their biologicaleffects; for example, some cause polyneuropathy, andothers do not. 79 Because <strong>of</strong> these differences, all <strong>of</strong>which have probably not been defined, the similaritybetween the effects <strong>of</strong> insecticides in humans and theeffects <strong>of</strong> nerve agents in humans cannot be assumed.(As stated earlier, insecticides are included here onlyso that the similarities and differences can be noted;readers should be careful not to confuse the two.)PolyneuropathyInsecticidesOrganophosphorus ester–induced delayed neurotoxicity(OPIDN) has been recognized as a clinical syndromein humans and animals for over 50 years. Afterexposure to certain organophosphates, incoordination,ataxia, spasticity, and flaccid paralysis develop over thefollowing 1 to 3 weeks; the paralysis begins distally inthe lower limbs and eventually spreads to the upperlimbs. Part or all <strong>of</strong> the lesion may be reversible, but inits most severe form it can cause lifetime quadriplegia.Structural changes begin at the distal, nonmyelinatedportion <strong>of</strong> the nerve, followed by progressivedemyelination associated with degeneration <strong>of</strong> moreproximal nerve segments. 79 This syndrome was initiallyassociated with ingestion <strong>of</strong> triorthocresyl phosphaterather than an insecticide. After organophosphateinsecticides became available, the syndrome was seenafter exposure to some, but not all, <strong>of</strong> them. 79<strong>The</strong> best animal model for studying the effects <strong>of</strong>exposure to organophosphates is the chicken. 80,81 Extensivestudies have been performed to elucidate themechanism <strong>of</strong> action that causes OPIDN and to screennew organophosphate insecticides for this effect. 79,80<strong>The</strong> exact mechanism <strong>of</strong> action is still unknown, butmuch evidence suggests that the inhibition <strong>of</strong> neurotoxicesterase in nerve tissue is involved. 81 Administration<strong>of</strong> oximes and atropine has no effect on theproduction <strong>of</strong> this neurotoxicity. 82OPIDN is not seen with all insecticides. 79,80 Generally,insecticides that have been shown to cause polyneuropathyhave been removed from the market; onlythose that have been demonstrated not to cause thiseffect in animal models are available.Nerve AgentsNerve agents have caused polyneuropathy in animalsonly at doses many fold greater than the LD 50(the dose [D] that is lethal [L] to 50% <strong>of</strong> the exposedpopulation)—doses that require massive pretreatmentand therapy to ensure survival <strong>of</strong> the animals. Davieset al 83 produced polyneuropathy in chickens with sarinonly at 60 or more times the LD 50 . (<strong>The</strong> animals wereprotected with atropine and oxime to permit survival.)Neuropathy was not detected at 8 times the LD 50 <strong>of</strong> soman.Davies’s group also detected no polyneuropathyat doses <strong>of</strong> VX <strong>of</strong> 45 µmol/kg. 84In another study, 85 polyneuropathy was foundin hens after 30 to 60 times the LD 50 for sarin wasadministered, but not at 38 times the LD 50 for somanor 82 times the LD 50 for tabun. VX was not examinedin this study because its ability to inhibit neurotoxicesterase is negligible. At 120 times the acute LD 50 inhens, soman and tabun caused polyneuropathy insome surviving animals. 86 Cyclosarin is a strongerinhibitor <strong>of</strong> neurotoxic esterase in vitro than the othernerve agents. 87 However, cyclosarin, in addition totabun, soman, and VX, did not cause polyneuropathyat very high doses. 88Polyneuropathy has not been noted in the handful<strong>of</strong> humans severely exposed to nerve agents or in thehundreds <strong>of</strong> humans with mild-to-moderate effectsfrom nerve agents. However, one report details a casestudy in which a patient who survived for 15 monthsfollowing the Tokyo sarin terrorist attack showed distalsensory axonopathy on postmortem analysis. 89 <strong>The</strong> patientsurvived the initial attack, but was maintained onmechanical ventilation and total parenteral nutritionuntil he died <strong>of</strong> pneumonia. He initially showed signs<strong>of</strong> tremor and decerebrate rigidity, which changed t<strong>of</strong>laccid quadriparesis 6 months following the sarin intoxication.He then developed distal-dominant, severemuscle atrophy with clawhand and foot drop deformity.<strong>The</strong> postmortem analysis confirmed the distalaxonopathy as well as severe hypoxic-ischemic CNSdamage. Obvious limitations <strong>of</strong> this report include thefact that the patient was maintained for an extendedperiod with life support and was largely immobile,and there is no information regarding the total sarinexposure the man received. Nevertheless, the casereport is one <strong>of</strong> the first to show temporally delayeddistal neuropathy in humans. Studies using smallerdoses <strong>of</strong> tabun, sarin, and soman are described in thetoxicology section later in this chapter.Muscle NecrosisInsecticidesNecrosis <strong>of</strong> rat skeletal muscle in the region <strong>of</strong> themotor endplate has been noted after administration<strong>of</strong> cholinesterase-inhibiting compounds in amountssufficient to cause signs. 90 Swelling, eosinophilia, and317

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