Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare161. Arturson G. Mechanism of injury. In: Settle JAD, ed. Principles and Practice of Burns Management. New York, NY:Churchill Livingstone, 1996: 61–82.162. Brown RFR, Rice P, Bennett NJ. The use of laser Doppler imaging as an aid in clinical management decision makingin the treatment of vesicant burns. Burns. 1998; 24(8):692–698.163. Chilcott RP, Brown RFR, Rice P. Non-invasive quantification of skin injury resulting from exposure to sulphur mustardand Lewisite vapours. Burns. 2000;26(3):245–250.164. Green HA, Bua D, Anderson RR, Nishioka NS. Burn depth estimation using indocyanine green fluorescence. ArchDermatol. 1992;128:43–49.165. Black KS, Hewitt CW, Miller DM, et al. Burn depth evaluation with fluorometry: is it really definitive? J Burn CareRehabil. 1986;7(4):313–317.166. Schomacker KT, Torri A, Sandison DR, Sheridan RL, Nishioka NS. Biodistribution of indocyanine green in a porcineburn model: light and fluorescence microscopy. J Trauma. 1997;43:813–819.167. Jerath MR, Schomacker KT, Sheridan RL, Nishioka NS. Burn wound assessment in porcine skin using indocyaninegreen fluorescence. J Trauma. 1999;46(6):1085–1088.168. Holm C, Mayr M, Tegeler J, Becker A, Pfeiffer U, Muhlbauer W. Laser-induced fluorescence of indocyanine green:plastic surgical applications. Eur J Plast Surg. 2003;26:19–25.169. Holm C, Mayr M, Hofter E, Becker A, Pfeiffer UJ, Muhlbauer W. Intraoperative evaluation of skin-flap viability usinglaser-induced fluorescence of indocyanine green. Br J Plast Surg. 2002;55(8):635–644.170. Sheridan RL, Schomacker KT, Lucchina LC, et al. Burn depth estimation by use of indocyanine green fluorescence:initial human trial. J Burn Care Rehabil. 1995;16(6):602–604.171. Braue EH, Graham JS, Doxzon BF, et al. Non-invasive methods for determining lesion depth from vesicant exposure.J Burn Care Res. 2007;28(2):275–285.172. Graham JS, Schomacker KT, Glatter RD, Briscoe CM, Braue EH, Squibb KS. Efficacy of laser debridement with autologoussplit-thickness skin grafting in promoting improved healing of deep cutaneous sulfur mustard burns. Burns.2002;28(8):719–730.173. Graham JS, Schomacker KT, Glatter RD, Briscoe CM, Braue EH Jr, Squibb KS. Bioengineering methods employed inthe study of wound healing of sulfur mustard burns. Skin Res Technol. 2002;8(1):57–69.174. Rice P. The use of dermabrasion to accelerate the naturally slow rate of epidermal healing mustard injuries in pigs. In:Proceedings of the 1995 NATO Research Study Group 3 Meeting on Prophylaxis and Therapy Against Chemical Agents, PortonDown, Salisbury, England, 18–21 September 1995. Porton Down, Salisbury, England: Chemical and Biological DefenceEstablishment, 1995. CTIC No. AD-B209142.175. Rice P, Brown RFR, Lam DGK, Chilcott RP, Bennett NJ. Dermabrasion—a novel concept in the surgical managementof sulphur mustard injuries. Burns. 2000;26(1):34–40.176. Rice P, Bennett NJ, Lam DGK, Brown RFR. The role of dermabrasion in Lewisite-induced skin injury. In: Proceedingsof the 2000 Medical Defense Bioscience Review, Hunt Valley, Md, 4–9 June 2000. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md: US ArmyMedical Research Institute of Chemical Defense; 2000: 1179–1186.177. Kjellstrom BT, Persson JK, Runn P. Surgical treatment of skin lesions induced by sulfur mustard (“mustard gas”)—anexperimental study in the guinea pig. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 1997;26(1):30–36.178. Lam DG, Rice P, Brown RF. The treatment of Lewisite burns with laser debridement—‘lasablation.’ Burns. 2002;28(1):19–25.304

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Aspects</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong>161. Arturson G. Mechanism <strong>of</strong> injury. In: Settle JAD, ed. Principles and Practice <strong>of</strong> Burns Management. New York, NY:Churchill Livingstone, 1996: 61–82.162. Brown RFR, Rice P, Bennett NJ. <strong>The</strong> use <strong>of</strong> laser Doppler imaging as an aid in clinical management decision makingin the treatment <strong>of</strong> vesicant burns. Burns. 1998; 24(8):692–698.163. Chilcott RP, Brown RFR, Rice P. Non-invasive quantification <strong>of</strong> skin injury resulting from exposure to sulphur mustardand Lewisite vapours. Burns. 2000;26(3):245–250.164. Green HA, Bua D, Anderson RR, Nishioka NS. Burn depth estimation using indocyanine green fluorescence. ArchDermatol. 1992;128:43–49.165. <strong>Black</strong> KS, Hewitt CW, Miller DM, et al. Burn depth evaluation with fluorometry: is it really definitive? J Burn CareRehabil. 1986;7(4):313–317.166. Schomacker KT, Torri A, Sandison DR, Sheridan RL, Nishioka NS. Biodistribution <strong>of</strong> indocyanine green in a porcineburn model: light and fluorescence microscopy. J Trauma. 1997;43:813–819.167. Jerath MR, Schomacker KT, Sheridan RL, Nishioka NS. Burn wound assessment in porcine skin using indocyaninegreen fluorescence. J Trauma. 1999;46(6):1085–1088.168. Holm C, Mayr M, Tegeler J, Becker A, Pfeiffer U, Muhlbauer W. Laser-induced fluorescence <strong>of</strong> indocyanine green:plastic surgical applications. Eur J Plast Surg. 2003;26:19–25.169. Holm C, Mayr M, H<strong>of</strong>ter E, Becker A, Pfeiffer UJ, Muhlbauer W. Intraoperative evaluation <strong>of</strong> skin-flap viability usinglaser-induced fluorescence <strong>of</strong> indocyanine green. Br J Plast Surg. 2002;55(8):635–644.170. Sheridan RL, Schomacker KT, Lucchina LC, et al. Burn depth estimation by use <strong>of</strong> indocyanine green fluorescence:initial human trial. J Burn Care Rehabil. 1995;16(6):602–604.171. Braue EH, Graham JS, Doxzon BF, et al. Non-invasive methods for determining lesion depth from vesicant exposure.J Burn Care Res. 2007;28(2):275–285.172. Graham JS, Schomacker KT, Glatter RD, Briscoe CM, Braue EH, Squibb KS. Efficacy <strong>of</strong> laser debridement with autologoussplit-thickness skin grafting in promoting improved healing <strong>of</strong> deep cutaneous sulfur mustard burns. Burns.2002;28(8):719–730.173. Graham JS, Schomacker KT, Glatter RD, Briscoe CM, Braue EH Jr, Squibb KS. Bioengineering methods employed inthe study <strong>of</strong> wound healing <strong>of</strong> sulfur mustard burns. Skin Res Technol. 2002;8(1):57–69.174. Rice P. <strong>The</strong> use <strong>of</strong> dermabrasion to accelerate the naturally slow rate <strong>of</strong> epidermal healing mustard injuries in pigs. In:Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 1995 NATO Research Study Group 3 Meeting on Prophylaxis and <strong>The</strong>rapy Against <strong>Chemical</strong> Agents, PortonDown, Salisbury, England, 18–21 September 1995. Porton Down, Salisbury, England: <strong>Chemical</strong> and Biological DefenceEstablishment, 1995. CTIC No. AD-B209142.175. Rice P, Brown RFR, Lam DGK, Chilcott RP, Bennett NJ. Dermabrasion—a novel concept in the surgical management<strong>of</strong> sulphur mustard injuries. Burns. 2000;26(1):34–40.176. Rice P, Bennett NJ, Lam DGK, Brown RFR. <strong>The</strong> role <strong>of</strong> dermabrasion in Lewisite-induced skin injury. In: Proceedings<strong>of</strong> the 2000 <strong>Medical</strong> Defense Bioscience Review, Hunt Valley, Md, 4–9 June 2000. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md: US Army<strong>Medical</strong> Research Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> Defense; 2000: 1179–1186.177. Kjellstrom BT, Persson JK, Runn P. Surgical treatment <strong>of</strong> skin lesions induced by sulfur mustard (“mustard gas”)—anexperimental study in the guinea pig. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 1997;26(1):30–36.178. Lam DG, Rice P, Brown RF. <strong>The</strong> treatment <strong>of</strong> Lewisite burns with laser debridement—‘lasablation.’ Burns. 2002;28(1):19–25.304

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