Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Nerve Agent Bioscavenger: Development of a New Approach to Protect Against Organophosphorus Exposureexposure. 46 For example, Genovese and Doctor evaluatedthe effects of highly purified Eq BChE on learnedand unlearned behavior in rats. 47 Administration of 500to 7500 U of Eq BChE (resulting in circulating BChElevels as high as ~ 55 U/mL) did not affect acquisitionor retention of a passive avoidance task. Additionally,no disruption of performance of a food-maintainedoperant behavior task was observed. To evaluateunlearned performance, 24-hour spontaneous motoractivity was evaluated before and after administrationof Eq BChE. There was no disruption of either the totalnumber of activity counts nor the circadian pattern ofactivity when monitored for 10 days following administration.Finally, the enzyme was shown to providesignificant protection against performance degradationproduced by 7-(methylethoxyphosphinyloxy)-1--methylquinolinium iodide (MEPQ), a peripherallyactive OP compound. The safety and efficacy of FBSAChE and Eq BChE was also evaluated in rhesusmonkeys using a memory-intensive serial proberecognition task, in which subjects were required torecall a list of stimuli. 13,15,19 Repeated administration ofa commercial preparation of Eq BChE that produceda 7- to 18-fold increase in circulating BChE levels didnot systematically affect task performance, 41 and rhesusmonkeys pretreated with 460 to 503 nmol of EqBChE were protected against 2 or 3 times the LD 50s ofsoman or sarin. 15Similar studies were conducted to address the safetyand efficacy of pHu BChE in mice, 17 rats, 48 guineapigs, 35 and rhesus monkeys. 19 In all cases, doses ofpHu BChE sufficient to protect against OP exposurewere devoid of behavioral side effects. Brandeis et aldemonstrated that pHu BChE was protective againstsoman and had no apparent effect on spatial memoryas assessed by a Morris water-maze task. 48 Similarly,Raveh et al evaluated the safety of pHu BChE and itstherapeutic efficacy against VX and soman toxicityusing standardized observations and behavioral performanceon a spatial discrimination task in rhesusmonkeys. 19 For subjects in which the ratio of enzymeto OP was near or greater than 1, no or mild signs oftoxicity were observed, largely with recovery by thenext day. Regarding the safety of pHu BChE, three offour monkeys exposed to either 13 mg (10,400 U) or 34mg (27,200 U) of pHu BChE did not show any observabledeficits resulting from pHu BChE administrationalone. 19 The transient behavioral effect observed in thefourth monkey was attributed to a nonspecific malaiseinduced by this enzyme preparation.More recently, the behavioral safety of large dosesof pHu BChE alone were evaluated in mice and rhesusmonkeys. Clark et al showed that in mice, 2000U of pHu BChE (the equivalent of 30 times the doserequired for protecting humans from 2 times the LD 50of soman) did not significantly alter acoustic startleor prepulse inhibition behavior. 49 Similarly, administrationof 30 mg/kg of pHu BChE was devoid of anyadverse effects in rhesus monkeys when performancewas assessed using a six-item serial probe recognitiontask. 50 Taken together, these studies demonstrate thatpHu BChE pretreatment can provide protection againstOP exposure while being devoid of adverse behavioraland physiological effects.RECOMBINANT STOICHIOMETRIC BIOSCAVENGERSPlasma-derived Hu BChE represents a first-generationbiological scavenger. This material is obtainedfrom outdated human plasma (Cohn Fraction IV-4paste), and the overall availability is related to thequantity of fraction of the processed human plasmaavailable at any given time. Sufficient amounts ofCohn Fraction IV-4 paste are generated in the UnitedStates by blood processing establishments to produceat least 100,000 doses of the bioscavenger productper year. Although this amount of material may beadequate for use by first responders in case of civilianexposure or deliberate, accidental, or limited combatengagement, it is not sufficient to protect the entirepopulation or even the entire military. To identify amore reliable source of Hu BChE, recent research effortsfocused on the development of Hu BChE fromrecombinant expression systems. If successful, suchefforts will allow for a constant supply of materialof reproducible purity and activity without dependenceon the supply of outdated plasma. There are avariety of potential sources of recombinant Hu BChE(rHu BChE), including transgenic plants, 51 transgenicanimals, 52 transfected insect larvae, 53 or algae. 54 Inaddition, rHu BChE can be expressed in cell lines. 55,56The cell-derived rHu BChE was shown to be a mixtureof monomers, dimers, and tetramers and containedincomplete glycan structures. 57 Similarly, goat-milk–derived rHu BChE is primarily a dimer, with some proteinpresent as monomers and tetramers. In contrast,pHu BChE is predominantly tetrameric and possessesmostly biantennary complex and some high mannoseglycan structures. Also, goat-milk–derived rHu BChEhas a different glycosylation pattern than that of pHuBChE and contains a carbohydrate moiety that hasbeen demonstrated to be immunogenic in humans. 58Because of the lack of subunit assembly and completeglycan structures, rHu BChE has a much shortercirculatory half-life than pHu BChE. 57 To enhance its249

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfarebiological residence time, rHu BChE was modified toinclude polyethylene glycol adducts. The polyethyleneglycolylated material had a pharmacokinetic profilesimilar to that of the pHu BChE, 55,59 suggesting that differencesin pharmacokinetics between plasma-derivedand recombinant enzymes can be addressed using invitroposttranslational modifications. Efficacy studiesusing rHu BChE from transgenic goat milk in guineapigs against soman and VX have yielded results similarto those previously described that used pHu BChE. 59These results suggest that effective recombinant stoichiometricbioscavengers can be developed, potentiallyproviding a source for sufficient material for militarymembers and civilians (such as first responders, emergencymedical personnel, and agricultural workers)that may be occupationally exposed to OP pesticides.CATALYTIC BIOSCAVENGERSAlthough stoichiometric scavengers are able to affordgood protection as long as the enzyme level inthe body is higher than the amount of OP, they havea relatively high molecular weight; a comparativelylarge quantity is required to neutralize a small amountof nerve agent. A catalytic scavenger, even having thesame high molecular weight, could be administeredin smaller quantities and would potentially producethe same or greater extent of protection. It would alsobe advantageous because it would not be consumedin the process of detoxifying the nerve agent, makingit available to protect against multiple OP exposures.Enzymes with intrinsic, catalytic, anti-OP activitiescome from a variety of sources, such as the OP hydrolasefrom Pseudomonas diminuta, 60 the OP anhydrasefrom Alteromonas haloplanktis, 61 and human paraoxonase1 (Hu PON1). 62–66 Recombinant OP hydrolasefrom Pseudomonas diminuta was shown to protect miceagainst behavioral side effects and lethality caused bysoman. 67 Similarly, pretreatment with only OP hydrolasepurified from Pseudomonas species was shown toprotect mice from lethality due to paraoxon, diethylfluorophosphate,and tabun. 68,69 Most of these enzymespossess short circulation times in vivo, and none hasthe ability to hydrolyze all known toxic OPs, nor doany have the high turnover required to dispose of theOPs from blood in one circulation time. In addition,these bacterial enzymes are likely to initiate potentimmune responses in humans; therefore, they are notsuitable for repeated use. Bacterial enzymes couldconceivably be useful for skin protection as active componentsof topical skin protectants or covalently boundto the cornified layer of epidermis. 70 OPs can also bedetoxified through enzymatic oxidation of their alkylchains. In particular, breakdown of VX by horseradishperoxidase 71 or by Caldariomyces fumago chloroperoxidase72 could be used in a polyfunctional active topicalskin protectant and for skin decontamination.Conversely, Hu PON1 can possibly afford protectionwithout the potential complication of inducingan immune response. However, Hu PON1 does notpossess the desired catalytic activity at a rate that is fastenough for use as a nerve agent pretreatment. Becauseagent must be cleared from the bloodstream withinone circulation time (1 to 2 minutes) before it reachescritical targets, 15 a functional catalytic scavenger musthave both a lower K m(a measure of the strength ofbinding of a substrate to the enzyme) and a highturnover number (k cat). Research efforts were directedtoward creating such an enzyme by specific mutationof enzymes such as Hu BChE and Hu PON1. Hu BChEmutation designs were based on the fact that OP inhibitorsare hemisubstrates for this enzyme. The acylationreaction is similar to that of normal substrates, but thesubsequent reaction, equivalent to deacylation of theactive site serine, cannot be affected because the aminoacid group responsible for dephosphylation is not inthe appropriate position. 73,74The perceived solution to this problem was to inserta second catalytic center into the active site specificallyto carry out the dephosphylation step of the reaction. 74Applying this rationale, wild-type Hu BChE was mutatedin the oxyanion hole to create a mutated enzyme,G117H, with the ability to catalyze the hydrolysis ofsarin, diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP), paraoxon,VX, and other nonaging nerve agents. 74,75 Aging andreactivation are parallel first-order reactions in phosphylatedenzymes. In the reactivation reaction, thephosphoryl group is removed from the active siteserine residue (Ser198), restoring activity, whereas inthe aging reaction one of the alkyl groups is removedfrom the phosphoryl group, rendering the inhibitedenzyme nonreactivatable. To catalyze the hydrolysis ofrapidly aging nerve agents such as soman, it is necessaryto slow the rate of the aging reaction so that reactivationis faster. This was accomplished by replacingthe carboxyl group Glu197 adjacent to the active siteserine with an amide group. 76 Although these effortswere successful, the mutants have catalytic activitiesthat are still too slow for practical use.Hu PON1 is currently being subjected to mutationin efforts to generate faster catalytic antinerve agentenzymes. Because OPs are “accidental” substrates forparaoxonase, 62,64 it is likely that activity improvementcan be realized through protein engineering. Two ofthe major difficulties in designing appropriate site-250

Nerve Agent Bioscavenger: Development <strong>of</strong> a New Approach to Protect Against Organophosphorus Exposureexposure. 46 For example, Genovese and Doctor evaluatedthe effects <strong>of</strong> highly purified Eq BChE on learnedand unlearned behavior in rats. 47 Administration <strong>of</strong> 500to 7500 U <strong>of</strong> Eq BChE (resulting in circulating BChElevels as high as ~ 55 U/mL) did not affect acquisitionor retention <strong>of</strong> a passive avoidance task. Additionally,no disruption <strong>of</strong> performance <strong>of</strong> a food-maintainedoperant behavior task was observed. To evaluateunlearned performance, 24-hour spontaneous motoractivity was evaluated before and after administration<strong>of</strong> Eq BChE. <strong>The</strong>re was no disruption <strong>of</strong> either the totalnumber <strong>of</strong> activity counts nor the circadian pattern <strong>of</strong>activity when monitored for 10 days following administration.Finally, the enzyme was shown to providesignificant protection against performance degradationproduced by 7-(methylethoxyphosphinyloxy)-1--methylquinolinium iodide (MEPQ), a peripherallyactive OP compound. <strong>The</strong> safety and efficacy <strong>of</strong> FBSAChE and Eq BChE was also evaluated in rhesusmonkeys using a memory-intensive serial proberecognition task, in which subjects were required torecall a list <strong>of</strong> stimuli. 13,15,19 Repeated administration <strong>of</strong>a commercial preparation <strong>of</strong> Eq BChE that produceda 7- to 18-fold increase in circulating BChE levels didnot systematically affect task performance, 41 and rhesusmonkeys pretreated with 460 to 503 nmol <strong>of</strong> EqBChE were protected against 2 or 3 times the LD 50s <strong>of</strong>soman or sarin. 15Similar studies were conducted to address the safetyand efficacy <strong>of</strong> pHu BChE in mice, 17 rats, 48 guineapigs, 35 and rhesus monkeys. 19 In all cases, doses <strong>of</strong>pHu BChE sufficient to protect against OP exposurewere devoid <strong>of</strong> behavioral side effects. Brandeis et aldemonstrated that pHu BChE was protective againstsoman and had no apparent effect on spatial memoryas assessed by a Morris water-maze task. 48 Similarly,Raveh et al evaluated the safety <strong>of</strong> pHu BChE and itstherapeutic efficacy against VX and soman toxicityusing standardized observations and behavioral performanceon a spatial discrimination task in rhesusmonkeys. 19 For subjects in which the ratio <strong>of</strong> enzymeto OP was near or greater than 1, no or mild signs <strong>of</strong>toxicity were observed, largely with recovery by thenext day. Regarding the safety <strong>of</strong> pHu BChE, three <strong>of</strong>four monkeys exposed to either 13 mg (10,400 U) or 34mg (27,200 U) <strong>of</strong> pHu BChE did not show any observabledeficits resulting from pHu BChE administrationalone. 19 <strong>The</strong> transient behavioral effect observed in thefourth monkey was attributed to a nonspecific malaiseinduced by this enzyme preparation.More recently, the behavioral safety <strong>of</strong> large doses<strong>of</strong> pHu BChE alone were evaluated in mice and rhesusmonkeys. Clark et al showed that in mice, 2000U <strong>of</strong> pHu BChE (the equivalent <strong>of</strong> 30 times the doserequired for protecting humans from 2 times the LD 50<strong>of</strong> soman) did not significantly alter acoustic startleor prepulse inhibition behavior. 49 Similarly, administration<strong>of</strong> 30 mg/kg <strong>of</strong> pHu BChE was devoid <strong>of</strong> anyadverse effects in rhesus monkeys when performancewas assessed using a six-item serial probe recognitiontask. 50 Taken together, these studies demonstrate thatpHu BChE pretreatment can provide protection againstOP exposure while being devoid <strong>of</strong> adverse behavioraland physiological effects.RECOMBINANT STOICHIOMETRIC BIOSCAVENGERSPlasma-derived Hu BChE represents a first-generationbiological scavenger. This material is obtainedfrom outdated human plasma (Cohn Fraction IV-4paste), and the overall availability is related to thequantity <strong>of</strong> fraction <strong>of</strong> the processed human plasmaavailable at any given time. Sufficient amounts <strong>of</strong>Cohn Fraction IV-4 paste are generated in the UnitedStates by blood processing establishments to produceat least 100,000 doses <strong>of</strong> the bioscavenger productper year. Although this amount <strong>of</strong> material may beadequate for use by first responders in case <strong>of</strong> civilianexposure or deliberate, accidental, or limited combatengagement, it is not sufficient to protect the entirepopulation or even the entire military. To identify amore reliable source <strong>of</strong> Hu BChE, recent research effortsfocused on the development <strong>of</strong> Hu BChE fromrecombinant expression systems. If successful, suchefforts will allow for a constant supply <strong>of</strong> material<strong>of</strong> reproducible purity and activity without dependenceon the supply <strong>of</strong> outdated plasma. <strong>The</strong>re are avariety <strong>of</strong> potential sources <strong>of</strong> recombinant Hu BChE(rHu BChE), including transgenic plants, 51 transgenicanimals, 52 transfected insect larvae, 53 or algae. 54 Inaddition, rHu BChE can be expressed in cell lines. 55,56<strong>The</strong> cell-derived rHu BChE was shown to be a mixture<strong>of</strong> monomers, dimers, and tetramers and containedincomplete glycan structures. 57 Similarly, goat-milk–derived rHu BChE is primarily a dimer, with some proteinpresent as monomers and tetramers. In contrast,pHu BChE is predominantly tetrameric and possessesmostly biantennary complex and some high mannoseglycan structures. Also, goat-milk–derived rHu BChEhas a different glycosylation pattern than that <strong>of</strong> pHuBChE and contains a carbohydrate moiety that hasbeen demonstrated to be immunogenic in humans. 58Because <strong>of</strong> the lack <strong>of</strong> subunit assembly and completeglycan structures, rHu BChE has a much shortercirculatory half-life than pHu BChE. 57 To enhance its249

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