Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Neuroprotection as a Treatment for Nerve Agent SurvivorsINTRODUCTIONOrganophosphorus nerve agents are the principalchemical warfare agents known to produce braininjury. They block hydrolysis of the neurotransmitteracetylcholine by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase,resulting in greatly increased postsynapticacetylcholine levels. This causes a spectrum of effects,including miosis, excess secretions, nausea, vomiting,and muscle fasciculations. At moderate to high doses,nerve agents also cause seizures and associated convulsions.If left untreated, seizures rapidly progress tostatus epilepticus (SE) and cause irreversible seizurerelatedbrain damage (SRBD). 1,2 The InternationalClassification of Epileptic Seizures defines SE as anyseizure lasting at least 30 minutes or intermittent seizureslasting longer than 30 minutes between whichthe patient does not regain consciousness. 3,4For over a decade acute therapy has effectively savedthose poisoned by nerve agents on the battlefield, 5 afteraccidental exposures, 6 and in terrorist attacks, as in theJapan subway attacks in 1994 and 1995. One lessonlearned from the 1995 Tokyo attack was that, lackingacute antidotal treatment, many survivors arrived athospitals in convulsive SE. The Tokyo experience illustratesthe necessity of acute antidotal therapy, such asthe regimen adopted by the US military. This regimenis aimed primarily at treating cholinergic crisis witha postexposure anticholinergic (atropine sulfate) andan oxime reactivator (2-pralidoxime [2-PAM Cl]). Inspecific intelligence-driven situations, pyridostigminebromide (PB) pretreatment is added. Although thesemedications greatly reduce morbidity and mortality,they do not always prevent seizures and brain damagein nerve agent casualties; therefore, the regimen nowincludes the anticonvulsant diazepam. 2Even with diazepam, however, the treatment regimenhas limitations. The decision to include diazepamwas based on animal data showing that it couldterminate nerve-agent–induced seizures and convulsionsand enhance survival when given in conjunctionwith the acute therapy described above. 7–11 However,the therapeutic window for arresting seizures andSE with diazepam is less than an hour following onset;after that, both are refractory to anticonvulsanttherapy. 7,8,10–19Early use of an anticonvulsant does not guaranteethat seizures, once stopped, will not return. The recurrenceof seizures is often observed in animal studies inseveral species and is of concern in human exposures.Although neuropathology is reduced in diazepamtreatedanimals, the incidence and degree of protectionafforded by diazepam is not complete. 9,20–23 Moreover,switching the fielded anticonvulsant to another benzodiazepine,such as midazolam or lorazepam, does notentirely solve the problem of refractory SE.Seizures and SE are key causes of brain damage resultingfrom nerve agent poisoning, and their preventionor alleviation should be the primary objective. 24–26However, because of the refractory nature of seizuresand especially SE, prevention and alleviation becomeincreasingly difficult as more time elapses beforetherapy begins. Also, there is high probability thatseizures will return when anticonvulsants wear off.Therefore, it is reasonable to anticipate a high incidenceof brain damage connected to the increased survivalrate of nerve agent victims.Casualties exhibiting seizures and SE can be anticipatednot only from terrorist attacks but also frombattlefield scenarios involving troops who were notin full protective ensemble at the time of the attack. 27In the confusion following a terrorist attack or on thebattlefield, prompt treatment of nerve agent casualtiescan be expected to be problematic, and some victimsundergoing seizures may not receive anticonvulsantsinside the antiseizure therapeutic window. It is alsopossible that some victims may undergo nonconvulsiveSE, a state of continuous seizures withoutobservable clinical movement. 28 For these victims,treatment might be inadvertently delayed beyond thetherapeutic window. Under the Small Business InnovativeResearch Program, the US Army funds efforts tofield a far-forward, simple seizure detector to identifythese casualties.This chapter presents a detailed overview of nerveagent–inducedneuropathology and explains the mechanismsof action of candidate neuroprotectants that haveshown promise in various animal and human studies,especially those that have received US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) approval for other indications.Neuropathology And The Mechanism Of Nerve-Agent–Induced DamageAlthough there is little neuropathological datafrom patients who have survived nerve agent attacks,abundant evidence is available from animal models,many of which involve persistent SE. The profoundbrain damage produced by nerve agents was firstdescribed by Petras 29 ; Lemercier et al 30 ; and McLeodet al. 31 Since then, numerous studies have greatly enhancedthe understanding of neuropathology resultingfrom nerve agent intoxication. 23,32–38 These studies haveestablished that prolonged seizures and SE resulting223

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfarefrom nerve agent exposure are directly responsiblefor the vast majority, if not all, of the neuropathologyproduced by these agents. The associated damage istypically bilaterally symmetrical and most severe intemporal lobe structures (ie, piriform and entorhinalcortices, hippocampus, and amygdala) as well as inthe thalamus.Brain damage resulting from agent-induced seizuresis the result of the complex, multiphasic responseof individual neurons to numerous extracelluar andintracellular events. Following inhibition of acetylcholinesteraseand accumulation of acetylcholine atcholinergic synapses, the hyperstimulation of cholinergicreceptors on postsynaptic membranes triggersseizures. 10,39,40 Subsequently, recruitment and excessiveactivation of the glutamatergic neurotransmitter systemoccurs. Glutamate, the most abundant excitatoryneurotransmitter in the brain, is responsible for sustainingsoman-induced seizures and promoting thedevelopment of SE. 1,24,41–44 Large pathological elevationsin the concentration of intracellular sodium and(especially) calcium are caused by excessive stimulationof ionotropic glutamate receptors, as is prolongeddepolarization of postsynaptic membranes. Thisinitiates a harmful cascade of pathological processes,most of which center around a prolonged increase inintracellular free calcium or delayed calcium overload,leading to excitotoxic cell death. 1,24,45–47Transient elevation in intracellular free calcium is aubiquitous signaling mechanism and regulator of intracellularprocesses, from cell growth and metabolismto cell death. 48–50 Cytosolic free calcium is also a criticalneuronal mediator of learning and memory. 51 However,when normal homeostatic control of intracellularcalcium is lost and a sustained elevation occurs, thedelayed calcium overload triggers neuronal cell deathby necrosis or apoptosis (a form of programmed celldeath). 52–56 In neurons, the majority of calcium influxoccurs through N-methyl d-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropicglutamate receptors as well as voltage-gated calciumchannels (eg, L-type). Calcium influx also occurs,though to a lesser extent, through the other two classesof ionotropic glutamate receptors (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionic acid andkainate receptors). 57 Excessive stimulation of NMDAreceptors is the first step in glutamate excitotoxicity. 24,45The release of intracellular stores is also responsiblefor increased cytosolic free calcium. The endoplasmicreticulum (ER) releases calcium following bindingof the second messenger, inositol triphosphate, toionotropic receptors located on the ER membrane.Calcium is released from the ER via ryanodine receptors.These ionotropic receptors are also located on theER membrane and open following binding of cytosoliccalcium; thus, cytosolic free calcium augments its ownconcentration by stimulating calcium release from theER. 49 The ER plays a critical role in normal calciumhomeostasis. Excessive release or impaired uptake ofcalcium has been implicated in pathology resultingfrom calcium overload. 49,52 Brain mitochondria areimportant for calcium buffering as cytosolic concentrationsrise, and their ability to sequester calcium is dependenton adenosine triphosphate (ATP). 58 However,when calcium overload occurs, mitochondria undergoa permeability transition characterized by loss ofmitochondrial transmembrane potential, curtailmentof ATP synthesis, mitochondrial swelling, release ofstored calcium, and neuronal death by necrosis. 59–62The majority of soman-induced SRBD results fromglutamate excitotoxicity and the delayed calcium overloadthat follows. 1,24,42,43 Delayed calcium overload inneurons initiates a pathological sequence characterizedby activation of several potentially damaging enzymes.These include oxygenases, phospholipases, and nitricoxide synthase, which produce reactive oxygen speciessuch as superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide,hydroxyl radical, nitric oxide, and peroxynitrite.Neuronal injury induced by reactive oxygen speciesstems from direct damage to cell membranes, DNA,and intracellular proteins, and also induction of cytochromeC from mitochondria with subsequent caspaseactivation. 62 Release of cytochrome C, caspase activation,and DNA fragmentation are molecular hallmarksof apoptosis (Figure 6-1). 56,62,63Cysteine proteases called calpains are also activatedby sustained elevations in intracellular free calcium.Calpains degrade various intracellular proteins, includingthose of the cytoskeleton, membrane channels,and metabolic enzymes, and cause neuronal death bynecrosis. 56,62,63 (Necrosis produces localized inflammation,which exacerbates damage, while apoptosis isnot associated with inflammation.) The culminationof these events may result in cell death hours or daysafter the initial insult. 53–55Necrosis and apoptosis are not an either/or phenomena,that is, they are not completely distinct formsof cell death with no overlap; a necrosis versus apoptosisdichotomy is a misleading over-simplification. 64,65Martin and colleagues proposed an “apoptosis-necrosiscontinuum,” reporting that dying neurons can exhibitintermediate forms between apoptosis and necrosis. 66Recently, Baille and colleagues confirmed that neuronalinjury, resulting from soman-induced seizures, exhibitsa large variety of hybrid forms between necrosis andapoptosis, but that the majority show more necroticfeatures. 67 Whether soman-induced neuropathology ismostly necrotic, as it is in the piriform cortex of rats, 38or contains elements of apoptosis as first proposed224

Neuroprotection as a Treatment for Nerve Agent SurvivorsINTRODUCTIONOrganophosphorus nerve agents are the principalchemical warfare agents known to produce braininjury. <strong>The</strong>y block hydrolysis <strong>of</strong> the neurotransmitteracetylcholine by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase,resulting in greatly increased postsynapticacetylcholine levels. This causes a spectrum <strong>of</strong> effects,including miosis, excess secretions, nausea, vomiting,and muscle fasciculations. At moderate to high doses,nerve agents also cause seizures and associated convulsions.If left untreated, seizures rapidly progress tostatus epilepticus (SE) and cause irreversible seizurerelatedbrain damage (SRBD). 1,2 <strong>The</strong> InternationalClassification <strong>of</strong> Epileptic Seizures defines SE as anyseizure lasting at least 30 minutes or intermittent seizureslasting longer than 30 minutes between whichthe patient does not regain consciousness. 3,4For over a decade acute therapy has effectively savedthose poisoned by nerve agents on the battlefield, 5 afteraccidental exposures, 6 and in terrorist attacks, as in theJapan subway attacks in 1994 and 1995. One lessonlearned from the 1995 Tokyo attack was that, lackingacute antidotal treatment, many survivors arrived athospitals in convulsive SE. <strong>The</strong> Tokyo experience illustratesthe necessity <strong>of</strong> acute antidotal therapy, such asthe regimen adopted by the US military. This regimenis aimed primarily at treating cholinergic crisis witha postexposure anticholinergic (atropine sulfate) andan oxime reactivator (2-pralidoxime [2-PAM Cl]). Inspecific intelligence-driven situations, pyridostigminebromide (PB) pretreatment is added. Although thesemedications greatly reduce morbidity and mortality,they do not always prevent seizures and brain damagein nerve agent casualties; therefore, the regimen nowincludes the anticonvulsant diazepam. 2Even with diazepam, however, the treatment regimenhas limitations. <strong>The</strong> decision to include diazepamwas based on animal data showing that it couldterminate nerve-agent–induced seizures and convulsionsand enhance survival when given in conjunctionwith the acute therapy described above. 7–11 However,the therapeutic window for arresting seizures andSE with diazepam is less than an hour following onset;after that, both are refractory to anticonvulsanttherapy. 7,8,10–19Early use <strong>of</strong> an anticonvulsant does not guaranteethat seizures, once stopped, will not return. <strong>The</strong> recurrence<strong>of</strong> seizures is <strong>of</strong>ten observed in animal studies inseveral species and is <strong>of</strong> concern in human exposures.Although neuropathology is reduced in diazepamtreatedanimals, the incidence and degree <strong>of</strong> protectionafforded by diazepam is not complete. 9,20–23 Moreover,switching the fielded anticonvulsant to another benzodiazepine,such as midazolam or lorazepam, does notentirely solve the problem <strong>of</strong> refractory SE.Seizures and SE are key causes <strong>of</strong> brain damage resultingfrom nerve agent poisoning, and their preventionor alleviation should be the primary objective. 24–26However, because <strong>of</strong> the refractory nature <strong>of</strong> seizuresand especially SE, prevention and alleviation becomeincreasingly difficult as more time elapses beforetherapy begins. Also, there is high probability thatseizures will return when anticonvulsants wear <strong>of</strong>f.<strong>The</strong>refore, it is reasonable to anticipate a high incidence<strong>of</strong> brain damage connected to the increased survivalrate <strong>of</strong> nerve agent victims.Casualties exhibiting seizures and SE can be anticipatednot only from terrorist attacks but also frombattlefield scenarios involving troops who were notin full protective ensemble at the time <strong>of</strong> the attack. 27In the confusion following a terrorist attack or on thebattlefield, prompt treatment <strong>of</strong> nerve agent casualtiescan be expected to be problematic, and some victimsundergoing seizures may not receive anticonvulsantsinside the antiseizure therapeutic window. It is alsopossible that some victims may undergo nonconvulsiveSE, a state <strong>of</strong> continuous seizures withoutobservable clinical movement. 28 For these victims,treatment might be inadvertently delayed beyond thetherapeutic window. Under the Small Business InnovativeResearch Program, the US Army funds efforts t<strong>of</strong>ield a far-forward, simple seizure detector to identifythese casualties.This chapter presents a detailed overview <strong>of</strong> nerveagent–inducedneuropathology and explains the mechanisms<strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> candidate neuroprotectants that haveshown promise in various animal and human studies,especially those that have received US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) approval for other indications.Neuropathology And <strong>The</strong> Mechanism Of Nerve-Agent–Induced DamageAlthough there is little neuropathological datafrom patients who have survived nerve agent attacks,abundant evidence is available from animal models,many <strong>of</strong> which involve persistent SE. <strong>The</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>oundbrain damage produced by nerve agents was firstdescribed by Petras 29 ; Lemercier et al 30 ; and McLeodet al. 31 Since then, numerous studies have greatly enhancedthe understanding <strong>of</strong> neuropathology resultingfrom nerve agent intoxication. 23,32–38 <strong>The</strong>se studies haveestablished that prolonged seizures and SE resulting223

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