Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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Nerve Agentsand they were decreased or reversed by atropine (1.2mg, IV).In another study, 104 the EEG of a subject who wasseverely intoxicated with sarin was recorded afterthe loss of consciousness but before the onset of convulsions.The recording showed marked slowing ofactivity, with bursts of high-voltage, 5-Hz waves inthe temporofrontal leads. These waves persisted for 6days despite atropine administration.In one study 45 in which subjects were exposed tosmaller amounts of sarin, the EEG changes coincidedwith severity of symptoms. With mild symptoms, voltagewas slightly diminished. Irregularities in rhythm,variation in potential, and intermittent bursts of abnormalwaves (slow, elevated-voltage waves) occurredwith moderate symptoms. These changes persisted for4 to 8 days after the disappearance of symptoms anddecreased somewhat (decreases in voltage, in irregularfrequency and potential, and in slow waves) afteradministration of atropine (1 mg, IV).The effects of various anticholinesterase agents(nerve agents, other organophosphorus compounds,and carbamates) on EEG activity were reviewed andthe study authors proposed that a three-stage changeis produced in the normal EEG of animals or humansby progressively higher doses of these compounds. 105At Stage I an activation pattern is produced in theEEG that is characterized by a low amplitude desynchronizedpattern of mixed frequencies normally seenin alert subjects. This pattern is induced regardlessof the subject ’ s behavioral state when the anticholinesteraseis administered, and may last from minutesto several hours, depending upon the dose and thetype of compound. This pattern is associated with anapproximately 30% to 60% inhibition of RBC-AChE,which is comparable to levels of inhibition associatedwith minimal to mild signs or symptoms of exposure.This level of ChE inhibition may also be associatedwith some mild, short-term effect on REM sleep.The Stage II EEG pattern is marked by a continuationof the activation pattern seen during Stage I,with intrusions of high-voltage, slow-frequency(delta, theta) waves and an increased amount of highfrequency (beta) waves. The Stage II pattern is associatedwith mild to moderate signs or symptoms ofintoxication in both human and animal studies. TheseEEG changes may persist for hours or days, dependingupon the severity of the dose, and are associated withapproximately 60% to 80% inhibition of RBC-AChE.Such levels of exposure are also expected to producea moderate increase of REM.Stage III EEG changes are associated with the mostsevere levels of exposure and are represented byepileptiform activity in a variety of patterns. This istypically marked by very high-voltage waves, withlow-frequency delta waves being most prominent.There are marked signs of agent intoxication, as wellas seizure and convulsive activity, that require immediatepharmacological treatment. Animal studies showthat all nerve agents are potent convulsant compoundsthat can elicit prolonged seizure activity that has allthe clinical and electrophysiological features of statusepilepticus. 76,77,106,107 Seizure activity in human victimsof severe nerve agent exposure is typically of limitedduration, due to the rapid compromise in respiratorystatus and associated decrease in oxygenation.Following such severe exposures, EEG changesmay persist for months to years, depending upon theseverity of the initial insult and possibly upon the rapidityand effectiveness of pharmacological treatment.Long-term EEG effects show up as isolated spikes,sharp waves, or both during sleep or drowsiness, orwith hyperventilation. 46,103,108–110 Such severe EEG andneurobehavioral effects are associated with initiallevels of RBC-AChE inhibition greater than 70%.The effects of such severe exposures on REM sleepare prominent and can persist for weeks or monthsafter the exposure. In experimental animal studies,unchecked, nerve-agent–induced seizures can persistover a period of many hours, and can result in braindamage and long-term neurobehavioral changes. Boththe brain damage and neurobehavioral effects can beblocked or minimized by rapid treatment with appropriateanticonvulsant medications. 77,111Long-Term EffectsLong-term effects on the human CNS after poisoningwith nerve agents or organophosphorus insecticideshave been reported. 20,79,80,112,113 These reports arebased on clinical observations, occasionally supportedby psychological studies. In general, the behavioraleffects have not been permanent but have lastedweeks to several months, or possibly several years. 114A distinction needs to be made between these moretransient effects that represent reversible neurochemicalchanges of nerve agents on brain function and thosemore permanent effects described below.In the early 1980s, several laboratories reported thatanimals that survived high-dose exposure to nerveagents developed brain lesions. 115–117 Similar findingshad been reported by Canadian researchers in technicalreports in the 1960s. 118,119 Further studies confirmedthese initial findings and led to several hypotheses asto the cause of these brain lesions. First, some authorssuggested that the nerve agents may produce a directneurotoxic effect on brain neurons. 115,120 Second, thepattern of brain damage seen in these nerve-agent–177

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfareexposed animals was similar to that seen after hypoxicencephalopathy. Because nerve-agent–exposed animalsexhibit varying durations of respiratory distress, severalauthors hypothesized that nerve-agent–inducedhypoxia was primarily responsible for producing theselesions. 116,118,119 A third hypothesis was that the lesionswere the consequence of the prolonged seizures experiencedby the animals during the intoxication. 121Subsequent work both in vivo 122 and in vitro 123 hasfailed to demonstrate support for the hypothesis thatnerve agents are directly neurotoxic. Likewise, theoverwhelming evidence that effective treatment ofnerve-agent–induced seizures can block or significantlyreduce the extent of brain lesions argues againstthe direct neurotoxicity hypothesis. 77There is conflicting evidence regarding the possiblerole of hypoxia as an etiologic factor in brain damagefollowing seizure activity, whether nerve agents orother chemoconvulsants cause this seizure activity.Rats given bicuculline convulsed for 2 hours undercontrolled conditions. Those given a lower percentageof oxygen in their inspired air to keep the partialpressure of arterial oxygen close to 50 mm Hg didnot have brain lesions, whereas those with normal airintake and partial pressure of arterial oxygen higherthan 128 mm Hg developed brain lesions. 124 Althoughthis evidence does not eliminate the possibility oflocalized hypoxic areas in the brain as a factor innerve-agent–induced damage, it does suggest thatsystemic hypoxia is not a factor. On the other hand, asimilar study 125 (hypoxic rats with bicuculline-inducedconvulsions that lasted 2 h) suggested that there wereslightly more brain lesions in the hypoxic animals thanin normoxic animals.The hypothesis that prolonged seizure activity isprimarily responsible for nerve-agent–induced braindamage in experimental animals has now becomewell accepted. 77 Studies in rats have shown that braindamage development requires a minimum durationof continuous seizure activity. 124,125 Seizures terminatingbefore 10 minutes have elapsed resulted inno observable damage. In animals that seized for 20minutes before seizures were stopped, about 20% experiencedmild amounts of damage in restricted foci.In contrast, in animals that experienced 40 minutesof seizure before seizures were stopped, over 80%experienced damage, and this damage was moresevere and widespread than the 20-minute-treatmentgroup. Studies in nonhuman primates confirm thatdelay in seizure control increases subsequent brainpathology. 126,127 Studies with effective drugs that canstop nerve agent seizures (benzodiazepines, anticholinergics,N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists) by manyresearch groups have overwhelmingly demonstratedthat seizure control protects experimental animals(rats, guinea pigs, nonhuman primates) from developingbrain damage. 107,128–137There are, however, experimental studies that showthat convulsion development following nerve agentexposure does not invariably lead to brain damageand, conversely, that some animals that never displayconvulsions develop brain lesions. All of these studiesused observational procedures to determine presenceof convulsive/seizure activity following nerve agentexposure. While nonconvulsive/nonseizure-mediatedneuropathology may have been observed followingexposure to nerve agents, the exact neuropharmacologicalmechanism(s) that might produce this damagehas yet to be described.In addition to having morphologically detectablebrain lesions, animals surviving severe nerve agentintoxication have been shown to have decrements inperformance, as measured on a variety of behavioraltests. 136–140 These decrements were apparent in somestudies for at least 4 months, when the last survivorswere sacrificed. These animals, mostly rats, are reportedto display other persistent behavioral changes(hyperresponsiveness, difficulties regulating bodyweight, spontaneous convulsions) that can also beconsidered consequences of the brain lesions.In general, in untreated or inadequately treatednerve-agent–poisoned animals, convulsive (and seizure)activity usually stops shortly after respirationbecomes compromised. Some of these animals diewhile others recover after some degree of apnea, andelectrographic seizure activity, as monitored on theEEG, can resume while overt motor convulsions mayno longer be apparent. Motor movements (fingertwitches, repetitive arm/leg movements, nystagmus)become more subtle, of smaller amplitude, andintermittent. These bear all the same clinical characteristicsas described for late-stage status epilepticusin humans. 141 In some of the reported cases of severenerve agent intoxication in humans, 20,66,104 convulsiveactivity has also been brief and medical treatmentwas promptly available to prevent further convulsiveepisodes. There are several reports, however, from theAum Shinrikyo terrorist attacks of individuals exhibitingprolonged seizure activity before adequate therapycould be delivered. 110,142 It is not known whether thesevictims suffered brain damage similar to that describedin experimental animals, but two individuals experiencedprofound retrograde amnesia, one of which stilldisplayed high-amplitude epileptiform waves in theEEG 1 year after the exposure.Interpreting clinical studies in light of experimentalresults is difficult largely because the role of hypoxiais very hard to separate from any seizure-mediated178

Nerve Agentsand they were decreased or reversed by atropine (1.2mg, IV).In another study, 104 the EEG <strong>of</strong> a subject who wasseverely intoxicated with sarin was recorded afterthe loss <strong>of</strong> consciousness but before the onset <strong>of</strong> convulsions.<strong>The</strong> recording showed marked slowing <strong>of</strong>activity, with bursts <strong>of</strong> high-voltage, 5-Hz waves inthe tempor<strong>of</strong>rontal leads. <strong>The</strong>se waves persisted for 6days despite atropine administration.In one study 45 in which subjects were exposed tosmaller amounts <strong>of</strong> sarin, the EEG changes coincidedwith severity <strong>of</strong> symptoms. With mild symptoms, voltagewas slightly diminished. Irregularities in rhythm,variation in potential, and intermittent bursts <strong>of</strong> abnormalwaves (slow, elevated-voltage waves) occurredwith moderate symptoms. <strong>The</strong>se changes persisted for4 to 8 days after the disappearance <strong>of</strong> symptoms anddecreased somewhat (decreases in voltage, in irregularfrequency and potential, and in slow waves) afteradministration <strong>of</strong> atropine (1 mg, IV).<strong>The</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> various anticholinesterase agents(nerve agents, other organophosphorus compounds,and carbamates) on EEG activity were reviewed andthe study authors proposed that a three-stage changeis produced in the normal EEG <strong>of</strong> animals or humansby progressively higher doses <strong>of</strong> these compounds. 105At Stage I an activation pattern is produced in theEEG that is characterized by a low amplitude desynchronizedpattern <strong>of</strong> mixed frequencies normally seenin alert subjects. This pattern is induced regardless<strong>of</strong> the subject ’ s behavioral state when the anticholinesteraseis administered, and may last from minutesto several hours, depending upon the dose and thetype <strong>of</strong> compound. This pattern is associated with anapproximately 30% to 60% inhibition <strong>of</strong> RBC-AChE,which is comparable to levels <strong>of</strong> inhibition associatedwith minimal to mild signs or symptoms <strong>of</strong> exposure.This level <strong>of</strong> ChE inhibition may also be associatedwith some mild, short-term effect on REM sleep.<strong>The</strong> Stage II EEG pattern is marked by a continuation<strong>of</strong> the activation pattern seen during Stage I,with intrusions <strong>of</strong> high-voltage, slow-frequency(delta, theta) waves and an increased amount <strong>of</strong> highfrequency (beta) waves. <strong>The</strong> Stage II pattern is associatedwith mild to moderate signs or symptoms <strong>of</strong>intoxication in both human and animal studies. <strong>The</strong>seEEG changes may persist for hours or days, dependingupon the severity <strong>of</strong> the dose, and are associated withapproximately 60% to 80% inhibition <strong>of</strong> RBC-AChE.Such levels <strong>of</strong> exposure are also expected to producea moderate increase <strong>of</strong> REM.Stage III EEG changes are associated with the mostsevere levels <strong>of</strong> exposure and are represented byepileptiform activity in a variety <strong>of</strong> patterns. This istypically marked by very high-voltage waves, withlow-frequency delta waves being most prominent.<strong>The</strong>re are marked signs <strong>of</strong> agent intoxication, as wellas seizure and convulsive activity, that require immediatepharmacological treatment. Animal studies showthat all nerve agents are potent convulsant compoundsthat can elicit prolonged seizure activity that has allthe clinical and electrophysiological features <strong>of</strong> statusepilepticus. 76,77,106,107 Seizure activity in human victims<strong>of</strong> severe nerve agent exposure is typically <strong>of</strong> limitedduration, due to the rapid compromise in respiratorystatus and associated decrease in oxygenation.Following such severe exposures, EEG changesmay persist for months to years, depending upon theseverity <strong>of</strong> the initial insult and possibly upon the rapidityand effectiveness <strong>of</strong> pharmacological treatment.Long-term EEG effects show up as isolated spikes,sharp waves, or both during sleep or drowsiness, orwith hyperventilation. 46,103,108–110 Such severe EEG andneurobehavioral effects are associated with initiallevels <strong>of</strong> RBC-AChE inhibition greater than 70%.<strong>The</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> such severe exposures on REM sleepare prominent and can persist for weeks or monthsafter the exposure. In experimental animal studies,unchecked, nerve-agent–induced seizures can persistover a period <strong>of</strong> many hours, and can result in braindamage and long-term neurobehavioral changes. Boththe brain damage and neurobehavioral effects can beblocked or minimized by rapid treatment with appropriateanticonvulsant medications. 77,111Long-Term EffectsLong-term effects on the human CNS after poisoningwith nerve agents or organophosphorus insecticideshave been reported. 20,79,80,112,113 <strong>The</strong>se reports arebased on clinical observations, occasionally supportedby psychological studies. In general, the behavioraleffects have not been permanent but have lastedweeks to several months, or possibly several years. 114A distinction needs to be made between these moretransient effects that represent reversible neurochemicalchanges <strong>of</strong> nerve agents on brain function and thosemore permanent effects described below.In the early 1980s, several laboratories reported thatanimals that survived high-dose exposure to nerveagents developed brain lesions. 115–117 Similar findingshad been reported by Canadian researchers in technicalreports in the 1960s. 118,119 Further studies confirmedthese initial findings and led to several hypotheses asto the cause <strong>of</strong> these brain lesions. First, some authorssuggested that the nerve agents may produce a directneurotoxic effect on brain neurons. 115,120 Second, thepattern <strong>of</strong> brain damage seen in these nerve-agent–177

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