Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare (2008) - The Black Vault
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History of the Chemical Threatcapability were well-equipped for chemical warfareprotection; they had defined procedures on decontamination,individual and equipment protection, anddetection and surveillance. Because chemical warfareagents are dangerous for the user as well as the enemy,they required that offensive and defensive programsbe developed simultaneously. Special military teams(eg, logistical, medical, and chemical corps teamstrained to operate in a chemical environment) andthe ability to monitor meteorological conditions werecharacteristic of nations with offensive or defensiveprograms. In assessing enemy capability, chemicalstockpiles, production capacities, and the control ofuse are evaluated when an offensive or defensiveposture is being determined. Such assessments arecomplicated by the possibility that industrial plants,manufacturing products with peaceful applications,may be “dual use”; that is, their manufacturingprocesses may be redirected toward chemical agentproduction.Over recent decades, the chemical threat has shiftedappreciably, from fully structured military offensiveand defensive capabilities to more clandestine activitiesby rogue nations and terrorist elements. Today, thegreatest chemical threat comes from the accidental orintentional release of industrial toxicants, a lesson thatshould be learned from the catastrophe of Bhopal, 70 andaccidents involving extremely common toxicants, suchas those involving chlorine in Henderson, Nevada, in1991 71 and in Graniteville, South Carolina, in 2005. 72Although only 11 chorine railcars are known to havebeen breached between 1956 and 2006, these cars areextremely common and represent a particularly significanturban threat. 73 The widespread acceptance of theChemical Weapons Convention (CWC)—a near-globalchemical weapons ban—and promotion of laws governingchemical export controls 74 have substantiallyreduced the risk of national chemical weapon use,though likely possessor nations, such as North Korea,must continue to be monitored for potential clandestineweapons proliferation. Modern chemical threatsappear to originate most frequently from rogue groupswith little or no sophisticated chemical warfare capability;hence, chemical agent employment from terroristelements may present differently than they would fromnation states. Chemical toxicants can be applied unaltered,or chemical warfare agents can be manufacturedvirtually undetected in relatively crude laboratoriesand used to create disruption. Political instability andradicalism heighten these inherent dangers.National Chemical Warfare Capabilities of NationsSince World War I, the reluctance of possessor statesto employ chemical weapons has been relatively high.However, the Iraqi precedent, the ineffective worldresponse to Iraq’s use of chemical warfare, and theperceived effectiveness of this use all suggest that thechemical warfare threshold has been substantiallylowered. The growing list of states motivated, forreasons of offense or deterrence, to develop relativelylow-technology, low-cost weapons of mass destructiongreatly increases the likelihood that military personnelwill need to contend with casualties of chemicalwarfare.On March 15, 1991, an article in The WashingtonPost described the latest annual report of the Office ofNaval Intelligence, listing 14 nations with “an offensivechemical-warfare capability.” 75 The list includedEgypt, Israel, Pakistan, and South Korea, four nationsthat receive large quantities of military aid fromthe United States. 75 Four additional nations (SaudiArabia, Indonesia, South Africa, and Thailand) werepurported to possibly possess such a capability, andmore nations were believed to be in the process ofdeveloping or seeking to develop chemical weapons.In a 1993 US House of Representatives Committee onArmed Services report, 31 nations were mentioned aspossessing or having the ability to develop offensivechemical weapons. 76Because chemical weapons are less expensive andeasier to acquire than nuclear weapons, they are acredible threat from developing nations. The adaptationand incorporation of chemical-agent–containingmunitions to conventional or missile delivery systemscan give a weaker nation a military threat to counterbalanceneighbors with greater conventional capabilities.Nations may initially acquire a limited chemicalwarfare capability through the transfer or purchaseof bombs or artillery-compatible chemical weaponsshells. In some cases, unweaponized agent may betransferred. 77 Alternatively, nations may invest in thedevelopment of chemical industries that involve themanufacture or acquisition of chemical precursors orintermediates. In this way, wealthier nations or thoseunder a strong, perceived threat may increase theirchemical warfare potential by acquiring the technologyand facilities to synthesize agents and incorporatethem into munitions compatible with existing or newlyacquired delivery systems. Industrial compounds suchas organophosphates (pesticides), phosgene, chlorine,and cyanide are not difficult to obtain.Inevitably, a trickle-down effect occurs in the armsworld as aging munitions and weapons systems arereplaced and move from the major weapons producersto their client states in developing nations, and fromthere to other nations. For example, the Soviet Unionprobably supplied a chemical warfare capability to131

Medical Aspects of Chemical WarfareEgypt, 77 which in turn supplied Syria, 78 which thensupplied Iran. 79 Some weapons systems, especiallyfrom the former Eastern Bloc countries, were designedto operate in a chemical warfare theater. 80Tactical and Strategic Use of Chemical WeaponsChemical agents can be delivered by a range ofweaponry. Liquid agents may be dispensed with landmines, spray tanks, artillery projectiles, aerial bombs,rocket and missile warheads, or even cruise missiles.This means that all battlefield areas, from front linesto rear reserves, are vulnerable to chemical warfareattack, and medical practitioners should be fully preparedto treat chemical warfare casualties from a varietyof locations. Medical personnel must be similarlyprepared for the possibility of isolated and spontaneouschemical attacks on both military personnel andcivilians in areas subject to low-intensity conflict viaacts of terrorism.To be effective, chemical agents must be efficientlydispersed over their intended targets. Most applicationscall for large-scale agent distribution over largetarget areas occupied by, or of interest to, military units.For example, documents recovered from the formerGerman Democratic Republic called for Warsaw Pactforces to employ heavy chemical weapons attacks earlyin any conflict with the West. 81 Considerable quantitiesof an agent may be needed to ensure adequatecoverage in the face of wind, heat, or agent volatility.Effectiveness is also increased by surprising the enemyand catching them unprotected (eg, unmasked).Chemical Agent Delivery SystemsThe four methods of delivering chemical agents are(1) explosive release, (2) bulk release, (3) base ejection,and (4) spray delivery (Figure 4-15). The most commonmethod is explosive release. Bursts from individualexplosive munitions are, effectively, point sources forchemical weapons dissemination. Chemical weaponsartillery shells, which serve as smaller point sources,might be laid down in a grid to cover a large area.The same effect could be accomplished with fewermissiles that carry larger payloads and have longerranges. Agents can also be delivered from multipleexplosive point sources using submunitions to cover alarger area or, if detonated in sequence, to lay the agentdown along a trajectory line. Such line deliveries maybe distributed directly over the target or upwind of thetarget, preferably perpendicular to the wind.Bulk release, base ejection, and spray delivery alsodistribute chemical warfare agents along trajectorylines. In bulk release, the forward covering, or “skin,”of a warhead is blown off, aerodynamically breakingup the agent via high-speed air flow. In base ejection,an explosive charge causes an internal piston-like actionto force the agent out of the back of the warhead,either by pushing it through small apertures, aerosolizingit, or sending it into a high-speed air stream foraerodynamic breakup. Explosive, bulk release, andbase ejection methods are primarily suited for thedispersal of liquid chemical agents. For solid agentssuch as the tear gas CS (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile)and the incapacitating agent BZ (3-quinuclidinylbenzilate), effective aerosolization is often achievedby pyrotechnic munitions.Spray delivery is more efficient than the otherthree methods in providing a very fine aerosolization(with average droplet diameter < 5 µm), which can beinhaled far down into the lungs. This method is particularlysuited to toxin delivery, which requires deepinhalation and differs from most chemical agents inthat toxins are solids and do not vaporize. Spray deliveryrequires slow speeds and low altitudes, conditionsthat render aircraft particularly vulnerable to attack.Spray tanks could also be mounted on trucks or boats,and unpiloted aircraft could be designed to deliveragent. The increased vulnerability of spray-deliverysystems makes their use more likely against unarmedor poorly equipped opponents, or on carefully targetedsites under cover of surprise. Spray delivery couldalso be applied to closed ventilation systems in morefocal applications.From a tactical military standpoint, explosive munitions,the dominant mode of chemical agent delivery,vary with respect to effective agent delivery (Figure4-16). Explosion of a chemical agent shell at groundlevel or some height over the target site generates twoproducts: (1) vapor and (2) droplets. Droplets (averagediameter range of 100 µm to 1 mm for pure agents) fallto the ground in a fine rain to coat the target surfacewith liquid.Agent vapor, which poses the greatest threat forinhalational intoxication, derives from three sources.First, agent vaporizes from explosive burst energy,which varies with shell design and specific agentpayload. Shell casing thickness, shell casing material,and the agent-to-burster ratio are all important shelldesign factors. Second, additional vapor is generatedas falling droplets vaporize. Heat from the explosiondissipates quickly, and ambient air temperature is themost important factor driving this volatilization. Third,the liquid coating of agent on the ground evaporates,making ground temperature an important factor.Vapor produced by explosive energy and dropletvaporization is called “primary” vaporization, andthat rising from the ground is called “secondary”132

History <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chemical</strong> Threatcapability were well-equipped for chemical warfareprotection; they had defined procedures on decontamination,individual and equipment protection, anddetection and surveillance. Because chemical warfareagents are dangerous for the user as well as the enemy,they required that <strong>of</strong>fensive and defensive programsbe developed simultaneously. Special military teams(eg, logistical, medical, and chemical corps teamstrained to operate in a chemical environment) andthe ability to monitor meteorological conditions werecharacteristic <strong>of</strong> nations with <strong>of</strong>fensive or defensiveprograms. In assessing enemy capability, chemicalstockpiles, production capacities, and the control <strong>of</strong>use are evaluated when an <strong>of</strong>fensive or defensiveposture is being determined. Such assessments arecomplicated by the possibility that industrial plants,manufacturing products with peaceful applications,may be “dual use”; that is, their manufacturingprocesses may be redirected toward chemical agentproduction.Over recent decades, the chemical threat has shiftedappreciably, from fully structured military <strong>of</strong>fensiveand defensive capabilities to more clandestine activitiesby rogue nations and terrorist elements. Today, thegreatest chemical threat comes from the accidental orintentional release <strong>of</strong> industrial toxicants, a lesson thatshould be learned from the catastrophe <strong>of</strong> Bhopal, 70 andaccidents involving extremely common toxicants, suchas those involving chlorine in Henderson, Nevada, in1991 71 and in Graniteville, South Carolina, in 2005. 72Although only 11 chorine railcars are known to havebeen breached between 1956 and 2006, these cars areextremely common and represent a particularly significanturban threat. 73 <strong>The</strong> widespread acceptance <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Chemical</strong> Weapons Convention (CWC)—a near-globalchemical weapons ban—and promotion <strong>of</strong> laws governingchemical export controls 74 have substantiallyreduced the risk <strong>of</strong> national chemical weapon use,though likely possessor nations, such as North Korea,must continue to be monitored for potential clandestineweapons proliferation. Modern chemical threatsappear to originate most frequently from rogue groupswith little or no sophisticated chemical warfare capability;hence, chemical agent employment from terroristelements may present differently than they would fromnation states. <strong>Chemical</strong> toxicants can be applied unaltered,or chemical warfare agents can be manufacturedvirtually undetected in relatively crude laboratoriesand used to create disruption. Political instability andradicalism heighten these inherent dangers.National <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong> Capabilities <strong>of</strong> NationsSince World War I, the reluctance <strong>of</strong> possessor statesto employ chemical weapons has been relatively high.However, the Iraqi precedent, the ineffective worldresponse to Iraq’s use <strong>of</strong> chemical warfare, and theperceived effectiveness <strong>of</strong> this use all suggest that thechemical warfare threshold has been substantiallylowered. <strong>The</strong> growing list <strong>of</strong> states motivated, forreasons <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fense or deterrence, to develop relativelylow-technology, low-cost weapons <strong>of</strong> mass destructiongreatly increases the likelihood that military personnelwill need to contend with casualties <strong>of</strong> chemicalwarfare.On March 15, 1991, an article in <strong>The</strong> WashingtonPost described the latest annual report <strong>of</strong> the Office <strong>of</strong>Naval Intelligence, listing 14 nations with “an <strong>of</strong>fensivechemical-warfare capability.” 75 <strong>The</strong> list includedEgypt, Israel, Pakistan, and South Korea, four nationsthat receive large quantities <strong>of</strong> military aid fromthe United States. 75 Four additional nations (SaudiArabia, Indonesia, South Africa, and Thailand) werepurported to possibly possess such a capability, andmore nations were believed to be in the process <strong>of</strong>developing or seeking to develop chemical weapons.In a 1993 US House <strong>of</strong> Representatives Committee onArmed Services report, 31 nations were mentioned aspossessing or having the ability to develop <strong>of</strong>fensivechemical weapons. 76Because chemical weapons are less expensive andeasier to acquire than nuclear weapons, they are acredible threat from developing nations. <strong>The</strong> adaptationand incorporation <strong>of</strong> chemical-agent–containingmunitions to conventional or missile delivery systemscan give a weaker nation a military threat to counterbalanceneighbors with greater conventional capabilities.Nations may initially acquire a limited chemicalwarfare capability through the transfer or purchase<strong>of</strong> bombs or artillery-compatible chemical weaponsshells. In some cases, unweaponized agent may betransferred. 77 Alternatively, nations may invest in thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> chemical industries that involve themanufacture or acquisition <strong>of</strong> chemical precursors orintermediates. In this way, wealthier nations or thoseunder a strong, perceived threat may increase theirchemical warfare potential by acquiring the technologyand facilities to synthesize agents and incorporatethem into munitions compatible with existing or newlyacquired delivery systems. Industrial compounds suchas organophosphates (pesticides), phosgene, chlorine,and cyanide are not difficult to obtain.Inevitably, a trickle-down effect occurs in the armsworld as aging munitions and weapons systems arereplaced and move from the major weapons producersto their client states in developing nations, and fromthere to other nations. For example, the Soviet Unionprobably supplied a chemical warfare capability to131

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