UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 - Antrifttaler Kunststoff-Vertriebs GmbH

UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 - Antrifttaler Kunststoff-Vertriebs GmbH

UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 - Antrifttaler Kunststoff-Vertriebs GmbH


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Packaging:1 kg (0.4 + 0.6 kg), 4 kg (1.6 + 2.4 kg) and 20 kg (8+ 12 kg).Can be kept for 12 months minimum in the originalunopened pails in dry places and at temperatures of5-25 °C. Once opened, use as soon as possible.Safety Information:<strong>UNIVERSAL</strong> <strong>PRIMER</strong>-<strong>2K</strong>-<strong>4060</strong> is free ofsolvents. Nevertheless, you are advised,required if thinned, to observe the standardsafety rules: Apply in well-ventilated, nosmoking areas, away from naked flames. Inclosed spaces use ventilators and carbon activemasks. The M.S.D.S. (Material Safety DataSheet) is available on request.Technical specifications:In liquid form (before application):Adhesion test by ASTM D4541:Certified quality, environmental and occupational health & safety management systems:ISO 9001/14001 & OHSAS 18001.NONE OF OUR PUBLISHED INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS, IN WRITING OR OTHERWISE, ARE BINDING EITHER IN GENERAL OR WITH RESPECT TO ANY THIRD PARTYRIGHTS, OR DO THEY RELIEVE INTERESTED PARTIES OF THEIR DUTY TO SUBJECT THE PRODUCT TO AN ADEQUATE EXAMINATION OF ITS SUITABILITY. IN NO EVENT WILL<strong>Antrifttaler</strong> <strong>Kunststoff</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong> BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM THE USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON INFORMATION OR THEPRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS.

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