UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 - Antrifttaler Kunststoff-Vertriebs GmbH

UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 - Antrifttaler Kunststoff-Vertriebs GmbH

UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 - Antrifttaler Kunststoff-Vertriebs GmbH


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<strong>UNIVERSAL</strong> <strong>PRIMER</strong>-<strong>2K</strong>-<strong>4060</strong>Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Polyurethane Based Primer.Description:<strong>UNIVERSAL</strong> <strong>PRIMER</strong>-<strong>2K</strong>-<strong>4060</strong> is a twocomponent,solvent-less primer, for use with theHYPERDESMO® System and otherpolyurethane based products within theline-up.It is fast-curing and non-toxic (has zero V.O.C.).Specially formulated for ensuring strongadhesion on humid or wet concrete.Apply with brush or roller. Total consumption,100-200 gr/m2, subject to substrate porosity.• <strong>UNIVERSAL</strong> <strong>PRIMER</strong>-<strong>2K</strong>-<strong>4060</strong> is arapidly curing product. For easierapplication, thinning with 5-10% ofSOLVENT-01 is advised.• For application on non-porous dryconcrete, further thinning may berequired to improve adhesion.• Warning: Thinning means that theproduct no longer has zero V.O.C..Please refer to the safety informationfurther below.• Do not exceed 200 gr/m2.Compliance:The strength of adhesion provided by<strong>UNIVERSAL</strong> <strong>PRIMER</strong>-<strong>2K</strong>-<strong>4060</strong> exceeds therequirements of ΕΟΤΑ (European Organizationof Technical Approval).Recommended for:• To be used as primer for:• Humid, damp or wet concrete, even ifcovered by a film of water,• metals (also galvanized), aluminium,marble,• strengthening interlayer adhesion ofother products,• application under conditions ofinsufficient ventilation,• asphalt and asphaltic membranes,• other, non-polyurethane based systems,e.g. acrylic paints.Features & Benefits:• Excellent adhesion to almost any type ofsurface.• Solvent-less: Suitable for application inclosed spaces.• Cures even at low temperatures and on wetconcrete.• Highly hydrophobic.• Can provide an effective sealing coat ifcharged with mineral fillers.• Can be used as filler and adhesive forgeotextiles.Application:Clean the surface using a high pressure washer, ifpossible. Remove oil, grease and wax contaminants.Cement laitance, loose particles, mould releaseagents, cured membranes must also be removed. Ifthere are surface irregularities which need to befilled, charge <strong>UNIVERSAL</strong> <strong>PRIMER</strong>-<strong>2K</strong>-<strong>4060</strong> with sand.Mixing:Mix the two components well. In high temperatures,pour mixture in shallow, wide container in order toincrease pot life.Thinning:• ONLY use SOLVENT-01 for thinning, ONLY inopen/well ventilated spaces!• Do NOT thin if used on humid, damp or wetsurfaces!• For increased pot life and/or reducedconsumption, add 5-10%.• Thin further for application on non-porousdry concrete.Application:Apply with brush or roller. Once cured, the mainmembrane (e.g. HYPERDESMO® System) can beapplied.Consumption:100-200 gr/m2, subject to substrate porosity. Do notexceed 200 gr/m2.Cleaning:Clean tools and equipment first with paper and thenusing SOLVENT-01. Rollers will not be re-usable.Shelf Life:

Packaging:1 kg (0.4 + 0.6 kg), 4 kg (1.6 + 2.4 kg) and 20 kg (8+ 12 kg).Can be kept for 12 months minimum in the originalunopened pails in dry places and at temperatures of5-25 °C. Once opened, use as soon as possible.Safety Information:<strong>UNIVERSAL</strong> <strong>PRIMER</strong>-<strong>2K</strong>-<strong>4060</strong> is free ofsolvents. Nevertheless, you are advised,required if thinned, to observe the standardsafety rules: Apply in well-ventilated, nosmoking areas, away from naked flames. Inclosed spaces use ventilators and carbon activemasks. The M.S.D.S. (Material Safety DataSheet) is available on request.Technical specifications:In liquid form (before application):Adhesion test by ASTM D4541:Certified quality, environmental and occupational health & safety management systems:ISO 9001/14001 & OHSAS 18001.NONE OF OUR PUBLISHED INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS, IN WRITING OR OTHERWISE, ARE BINDING EITHER IN GENERAL OR WITH RESPECT TO ANY THIRD PARTYRIGHTS, OR DO THEY RELIEVE INTERESTED PARTIES OF THEIR DUTY TO SUBJECT THE PRODUCT TO AN ADEQUATE EXAMINATION OF ITS SUITABILITY. IN NO EVENT WILL<strong>Antrifttaler</strong> <strong>Kunststoff</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong> BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM THE USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON INFORMATION OR THEPRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS.

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