12-22-2012-Weekend - Wise County Messenger

12-22-2012-Weekend - Wise County Messenger 12-22-2012-Weekend - Wise County Messenger

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2A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>WISE COUNTYDistributing love,compassion by the boxFROM YOURFRIENDS ATBY ERIKA PEDROZAepedroza@wcmessenger.comFor the 13th year, <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> AgriLife Extensionagent Santa and his steadfast4-Her elves delivered Christmasgifts to Head Start studentsin Decatur and Bridgeport.Wednesday, 97 children graciouslyaccepted boxes filledwith gifts donated by 4-Hmembers and their familiesduring two distributions — inDecatur in the morning andBridgeport in the afternoon.Some kids whooped and holleredwhen their names werecalled to accept their boxesfrom Santa, played by ExtensionAgent Todd Vineyard.“You would’ve thought hewas being called down for ‘ThePrice is Right’,” said ChrissyKarrer, 4-H and youth developmentagent. “Short of highfivingeveryone on his wayto the front, he pretty muchwas.”Other kids sat quietly untiltheir names were calleda third or fourth time, thenbashfully received the largeboxes. But once the wrappingpaper was torn off andthe contents exposed, the reactionswere simultaneousgasps, shrieks of excitementand giggles.“I got shoes! They’re thecoolest shoes ever!” one youngboy said. “I can’t wait to gethome to put them on.”A young girl pranced out ofthe room, donning her brandnewstriped hat and gloves.Another boy didn’t notice thection figures and toy carsn his box — he was moremused by the brightly-colredsocks.“One girl started cryingecause she got a Barbie shead been wanting,” said 4-Hember Lauryn Luttrull. “Iemember being little andetting a Barbie and beingike, ‘Woo!’ and playing witht maybe once and never playngwith it again. But she waso grateful and thought it washe best thing ever. It reminddus to be grateful for whate have.”Boot boxes, donated by David’sWestern Store in Decatur,ere distributed in Novemberor any of the county’s 340 4-Hlub members and their famiiesto fill with clothes, shoes,oys and toiletries for a speificchild, an average $60 to70 cost. Once the boxes wereeturned, Extension agentsosted a wrapping party, comletewith refreshments, torepare for distribution.JOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERCHRISTMAS AND NUTRITION — Jamila Tapia was one of 97 Head Start students in Decatur and Bridgeport who accepted a gift boxfrom Extension agent Todd Vineyard as Santa Claus Wednesday. Along with the gifts, students also received a fruit and vegetablesnack pack from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office for their five-a-day program. • Buy reprints at wcmessenger.com/reprintsJOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERALL SMILES — Rosendo Fernandez Jr. of Decatur receives a box of gifts donated by local 4-Hmembers and their families with a grin. The gift boxes contained a set of clothes, shoes, toiletriesand toys donated by 4-H members and their families. • Buy reprints at wcmessenger.com/reprints“The kids would challengeone another to see whocould wrap the fastest or whocould wrap the most,” Karrersaid. “It’s a fun night.”But the 4-Hers agree thatthe most fun is in deliveringthe gifts to the children.“It’s one of my favorite communityservice projects,” FallonSachse said. “Just seeingthose kids’ faces light up.”Lyndi Luttrull added: “Theywere so excited with somethingas little as a toothbrush.”In addition to the distributionof gift boxes, 4-H clubmembers and Extensionagents also led a dance exerciseand gave each child afruit and vegetable snackpackas part of the BetterLiving For Texans “five-aday”program.“Character-building,healthy lifestyle choices,WISE COUNTYChristmas cheer — it’s allvery important,” said ConnieShawn, the local Better Livingfor Texans program assistant.“We definitely want thenutrition element in there.”Its inclusion ensures adherenceto grant guidelines;rules that also outline HeadStart as an appropriate benefactorbased on federal incomeguidelines for poverty.Rebecca Connell with TexasNeighborhood ServicesHead Start commended theproject and its volunteers.“Just seeing the smiles onthe faces of the kids says itall,” she said. “The 4-H kidsare so generous and helpful.They interact with the HeadStart kids in such a positiveway. The kids love them. It’s aneat, neat deal.”4-H members also delivered251 games and books— just past their goal of 250— to Cook Children’s MedicalCenter in Fort Worth Dec.3. Although the kids enjoyedvisiting with nurses andtouring the facility, Wednesday’sproject filled a void.“I understand why weweren’t able to see the kidsat the hospital,” said LoganMoore. “But it’s so neat to seethe people you bought for andtheir reaction.”“It warms your heart,”Christian Cross interjected.Lauryn added: “I saw thebox I made delivered, andthe person that got it was sohappy. It was really special.”As is the rest of the program,organizers and volunteerssaid.“This is what I look forwardto every year,” Shawn said.“When we do this, Christmasbegins.”WC Challenger Charities expands effortART BY KATELYN CIMINI, 10THGRADE, DECATUR HIGH SCHOOLRoy J. EatonPresident & PublisherP.O. Box 149115 S. TrinityDecatur, TX 76234940-627-5987Fax 940-627-1004www.wcmessenger.comnews@wcmessenger.comKristi BennettBusiness ManagerLaura BelcherAdvertising SalesMark JordanVice President/General ManagerBob BuckelExecutive EditorBrian KnoxSpecial ProjectManagerBrandon EvansErika PedrozaEDITORIALKristen TribeNews EditorClay CorbettSports EditorJimmy AlfordMack ThweattJoe DutyPhotographerBUSINESS OFFICEKristi BennettBusiness ManagerTeresa MayberryADVERTISINGLisa DavisAdvertising ManagerKen RoselleSenior Account ExecutiveLori White Laura BelcherKelly GuessCLASSIFIEDSDonna BeanPRODUCTIONTodd A. GriffithProduction Manager/WebmasterAndrew MayVideographerPierre MouaPeter FrancoSUBSCRIBER SERVICESRoger WeberDale JamisonBrenda JewellCirculationBob BuckelExecutive EditorPeter FrancoGraphic ArtsJesse MathenyJames CraftSUBSCRIPTIONS$37 a year In-<strong>County</strong>$43 a year Out-of-<strong>County</strong>$49 a year Out-of-State$25 Digital Subscriptionwww.wcmessenger.com/subscribe________________________________Name________________________________________________________________Address________________________________City St. Zip________________________________Phone________________________________EmailBY KRISTEN TRIBEktribe@wcmessenger.comOver the past nine years,WC Challenger Charities hasdonated hundreds of thousandsof dollars to local nonprofitorganizations while atthe same time bringing electrifyingbull riding action to<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s PBR fans.For the 10th anniversaryin June, organizers AndrewRottner, Wendell Berry Jr.,Calvin Jackson and Alan Sessionsdecided to expand theevent’s reach to mark the occasion.They plan to give a home toa wounded veteran throughthe Military Warriors SupportFoundation, but they willneed to raise an additional$20,000.“You know, at first we werereally looking at the glitz andthe glamour ... to do somethingflashy but then we gotto thinking, how we couldhave more of a meaningfulimpact,” said Rottner.“It will be in memory ofRoy,” he said, “a one-time contributionoutside of our normaldonations.”Roy Young was a founderof WC Challenger Charitiesalong with Rottner, Berry andJackson. He died Sept. 14, theday before the group was tomeet and begin planning the10th anniversary celebration.“He’d be proud of where thisis headed,” said Rottner. “It’sthe epitome of Roy. You neversaw his name. He was neverin the limelight.”Jackson called Young “thedriving force.”“It’s the least we could do,”he said.Jackson and Sessionslearned about the MilitaryWarriors Support Foundationin August at a hunting tradeshow in San Antonio, alsohome to Brooke Army MedicalCenter.“For three days, we sawthese kids coming by ... andthey really are just kids... missing limbs, severelyburned,” Jackson recalled.He and Sessions visitedwith these young men andtheir families and even metretired 3-star-general Gen.Leroy Sisco, the organization’sfounder and chief executiveofficer.According to the foundationwebsite, it gives “homesto wounded heroes injuredduring combat in Iraq andAfghanistan,” and they are“for families who have severeand/or unique circumstancesdue to their injuries receivedwhile serving our country.”Applicants must be a combatwounded veteran, PurpleHeart preferred, or an unmarriedGold Star Spouse of OEF/OIF, honorably retired orseparated from the militaryand must not currently havea mortgage.The families also receivethree years of family and financialmentoring after receivinga home.Jackson and Sessions toldother WC Challenger membersabout the foundation,and all were on board, includingYoung.“I talked to him about threedays before he died,” said Berry,“and he liked it.”Although the group plansto raise enough money for onehome, their goal is to raiseenough for three, which wouldrequire $60,000 in donations.In an effort to raise awarenessof the group’s goal, Berryis running “1,000 miles ‘tilhome.” He started in Septemberand has logged 371.8miles, with plans to run 1,000by the bull riding event inJune.To donate money to WCChallenger’s latest endeavor,visit www.1000milestillhome.com where you can donatevia PayPal. You can also maildonations to WC ChallengerCharities, P.O. Box <strong>12</strong>38, Decatur,TX 76234.Mail to:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>PO Box 149, Decatur, TX 76234or call 940-627-5987TIP LINE:E-mail:tips@wcmessenger.comSUBMIT NEWSSubmit News, Sports, Letters tothe Editor, Lifestyle, Obituaries andUpdate items onlinewww.wcmessenger.com/submitADVERTISINGContact Lisa Davis, Lori White,Kelly Guess or Laura Belcherat 940-627-5987www.wcmessenger.com/advertisingUSPS Publication No.688940ISSN 0746-8679The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> (ISSN 0746-8679) is publishedWednesday and Saturday by <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, Inc.,P.O. Box 149, 115 S. Trinity St., Decatur, Texas 76234-0149.Periodicals class postage paid at Decatur, Texas. Subscriptionrates: one year in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> $37; one year out of county $43;one year out of state $49.An erroneous refl ection upon the character, standing orreputation of any fi rm, person or corporation, which appearsin the columns of this paper will be corrected upon due noticegiven to the publication at the <strong>Messenger</strong> offi ce.Postmaster: Send address changes to: <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,P.O. Box 149, Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. 940-627-5987.http://www.wcmessenger.com. E-mail: news@wcmessenger.com.© 20<strong>12</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>

Addiction: Recovery center opensContinued from page 1ACambio is licensed by theTexas Department of StateHealth Services and offersa full continuum of care forthe treatment of addictiondisorders utilizing the latestevidence-based practices aslisted by the National Instituteof Drug Abuse (NIDA)and the Substance Abuse &Mental Health Services Administration(SAMHSA).Currently, the facility hastwo clients.“Starting one of these rightbefore the holidays is likestarting a football team onSuper Bowl Sunday,” Johnsonlaughed. “It’s hard tostart up during the holidayseason — it takes time to geta program up and running.You have to be very strategic.You can have all yourstaff and have no clients, oryou can have a bunch of clientsand no staff.”Clients will come not justfrom this area or even <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong>, but from throughoutthe region and all overthe U.S. Indeed, the desireto “get away” goes hand-inhandwith addiction treatment.“We have a contract withthe Transport WorkersUnion,” Johnson said. “Theyrepresent baggage handlersat American and other airlines.They’re not our solecontact for referrals, butjust one of the many that wehope to have.”Most staff members will behired locally. The therapeuticpersonnel — counselors, etc.— have to be licensed andhave experience with chemicaldependency patients,Johnson said. The “line” staffare more like a nurse’s aideand can get much of theirtraining on the job. Everyonemust pass a criminalWCMESSENGERMAKING CAMBIO — The Bridgeport Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting forCambio Life Recovery Center Nov. 30. Pictured are Dr. Shawn L. White, medical director;David Cudmore, managing partner; and Don Johnson, executive director.background check and drugscreening, and those on probationare not eligible.“We work to see that theyunderstand the rules,” Johnsonsaid. “There are certainpractices that have to beput in place from day one,to make sure they’re safe, tomake sure they understandthe patients’ rights. Theseare some critical policies. It’sa huge manual.”Right now Cambio hasabout seven people at theBridgeport facility. Once it’sfull, it will take about 25 peopleto staff it 24 hours a day,seven days a week.Cost for the private program,which is non-Medicaidand non-Medicare, is about$600 per day — an averageof $18,000 for a 30-day stay.“A lot of employers willsupport that it takes amonth, and 30 days kindof fits in with the workingclass,” Johnson said. “Theunion will put you out of servicefor 30 days.“When managed care wasfirst introduced, they weregiving people three to fivedays. They aren’t even out ofdetox in that time, and thetraining hasn’t really set inyet. We’ve got 30 days of intensetreatment, re-educatingthe individual.“Some require medication.All need to modify theirthought processes.”Johnson, who earned aBS in health informationmanagement from LouisianaTech, and an MBA instrategic leadership fromAmberton University, has awealth of experience dealingwith the treatment ofaddictions. Sound therapy,he said, includes addressingthe physical, emotional andspiritual issues people bringwith them.“You have to understandthat you’re an addict, thatyou’re helpless to deal withthis problem and that thereWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>is a higher power,” he said.“A lot of people in treatmentare atheists, but my experienceis that ‘you believe insomething.’“My belief is that thereare physical, emotional andspiritual issues you are goingthrough. That’s justthe way man was built. Mybackground is that I’m aChristian. I don’t use that asa whipping board, I use it asan encouragement.“We have seen that within30 days that spiritual manis going to come alive, whichwill allow a higher powerto be active in your life,” hesaid. “I know the road to recoveryis enhanced when onecomes into contact with theirspiritual self.”For more informationabout inpatient, outpatentand aftercare programs atCambio Life Recovery Centerin Bridgeport, call (940)683-4<strong>22</strong>2.Ross: Indicted againContinued from page 1Aformer Precinct 4 foremanRoy Teague, who confirmedthat the three plows werebuilt at the Precinct 4 barnwith material belonging tothe county and by countyemployees, on county time.He said he took home one ofthe plows.Teague was also arrestedin October and charged withtheft of $500 to $1,500 by apublic servant.“Teague stated that theplow he took home was onhis property in a ‘junk pile’because it didn’t work theway it should have,” the affidavitsays.Wallace also interviewedJoe Michael Shepherd, sonof Billy Joe Shepherd. Theyounger Shepherd told thesame story — that in exchangefor using his father’sgrubbing plow as a pattern,Ross built his father a newplow.3AThe affidavit says Wallaceshowed Joe Shepherd apicture of the grubbing plowfrom the Precinct 4 barn,and “Joe Shepherd advisedthat it looked like the sameplow that his father, BillyShepherd, had been storingon his property.”According to the affidavit,Joe Shepherd did say thatsometime during the lastthree months, the grubbingplow had disappeared.At Wallace’s request, EliteMetal Fabrications in Newarkestimated the cost tobuild a plow similar to thosebuilt in the Precinct 4 barnwould be $850, includingmaterials and labor.Wallace discovered theinformation about the grubbingplows while workingon an investigation that ledto the first charges filed onRoss, in which he’s accusedof theft by a public servantand abuse of official capacity.School district joinsprotest against AYPChico School BoardMonday joined with otherdistricts throughout Texasin protesting the U.S. Departmentof Education’s“Adequate Yearly Progress”requirement.The district met the federalAYP standard thisyear but joined the TexasAssociation of CommunitySchool (TACS) petitionanyway.“We feel that two differentaccountability systemsare not fair,” SuperintendentMike Jones said. “It’sCHICOan encroachment of thefederal government.”The board also heardand approved a reportfrom auditor Steve Gilland,who gave the districta clean bill of health, andreviewed a list of districtfacility needs, includinga new roof at the middleschool and increased security.Students who had receivedawards or honorsduring the fall semesterwere also recognized fortheir achievements.Specialized heart solutionsfor complex heart cases.Now openin McKinney.Baylor Medical Center at McKinney is proud to welcome THE HEART HOSPITAL Baylor Plano’sCenter for Advanced Cardiovascular Care (CACC), an outpatient center bringing innovation,expertise and compassionate heart care. The center will complement hospital services by providing imagingservices and evaluations and treatment plans for heart failure, limb/vascular disorders, and heart rhythmconditions with the convenience of an outpatient setting.Talk with your physician about a referral to the Center for Advanced Cardiovascular Care and visitTheHeartHospitalBaylor.com/CACCMcKinney to learn more.Lake Forest Dr.W. University Dr. Hwy 380Central Expressway US755236 W. University Dr., Physician Office Building ISuite 4400, McKinney, Texas 75071Notice Regarding Physician Ownership: THE HEART HOSPITAL Baylor Plano is a hospital in which physicians have an ownershipor investment interest. The list of the physician owners or investors is available to you upon request.Physicians are members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Health Care System’s subsidiary, community or affiliated medical centersand are neither employees nor agents of those medical centers, THE HEART HOSPITAL Baylor Plano or Baylor Health Care System.©20<strong>12</strong> Baylor Health Care System BID THHBP_501 <strong>12</strong>.<strong>12</strong>

4A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>OPINIONChristmas wraps grief in hopeBY BOB BUCKELbbuckel@wcmessenger.comFor some people, Christmashas nothing to do withreligion.It’s time off work, time toeat, watch sports, exchangegifts, hope for snow, chuckleabout Santa.For some, it’s a time todrink too much and try tocorner someone under themistletoe.Others just wish it wouldgo away (although I suspectthey still accept the Christmasbonuses) while forothers, it’s completely aboutreligion. They chide thosewho embrace Santa and boycottstores who refer to “theholidays” or, heaven forbid,“X-mas”.I grewup with alittle differentslant: a fullembrace ofSanta Claus,BUCKELpresents andtrees, but achurch thatwent out of its way to remindus that we don’t really knowwhat day Jesus was born.I’m still on this journey,but lately the faith aspect isbecoming more important.My parents didn’t shyaway from Jesus’ birthstory. The attitude I grewup with was that eventhough history may not giveus an exact date, there’sno harm in anything thatturns men’s hearts to God.Jesus did come, after all. It’sright there in the Bible. Weremember his resurrectionevery Sunday — surely wecan celebrate his birth oncea year.With the increasing commercialismof the holiday inAmerican culture (apologiesto anyone who’s ever gottena new car for Christmaswith giant red bow on it) Ifind myself, like many of you,turning away from all thatmaterialism. And when youturn away from one thing,you turn toward another.Filter out Hollywood andMadison Avenue, and theChristmas story is prettystark: A poor couple whosetimetable for pregnancydidn’t exactly meet thechurch-lady test. A forced march back tothe hometown for a censusand (Oh, boy!) taxes. Labor pains and noplace to lay your head (nevera good combination). Emergency accomodationsin a barn, with afeeding-trough for baby’sfirst crib.We focus on the glory — asinging skyful of angels,wise men with gifts, shepherdskeeping watch — andto be sure, there’s a gloriousaspect to this baby’s arrival.But no matter how oftenpreachers remind us, wetend to avoid thinking aboutwhy that baby came in thefirst place.He came to pay the pricefor sin, for us. He came to die.The world is much morecomfortable with the babyin a manger than with theman on a cross, but theyare the same person. AndChristmas is a wonderfultime to remember that theman on the cross is just asinnocent as the baby was.Our whole nation stillgrieves over the loss of innocentlives on Dec. 14 in Newtown,Connecticut. Grief isappropriate — but for thosefamilies, for that community,for our nation and for allmankind, there’s a glorioushope that overwhelms grief.We can remember Dec. 25for the same reason.And we know that storydoesn’t end with a funeral.Bob Buckel is the <strong>Messenger</strong>’sexecutive editor.OTHER VIEWSShooting promptsfocus on schoolemergency plansBY ED STERLINGSoon after news broke ofa mass shooting by a lonegunman at a Connecticutelementary school on Dec.14, Gov. Rick Perry askedTexas Education CommissionerMichael Williamsto direct Texas school districtsto review their emergencyoperation plans.“It is essential that weensure all Texas schoolsare equipped and ready tocarry out a strategic planto secure the safety of studentsand staff in the eventof a threat such as the onethat occurred today,” Perrysaid.Perry also referredschool districts to the TexasSchool Safety Center atTexas State University inSan Marcos as a resourceto assist in developing aplan of response or improvingan existing plan.A 2005 state law requiresschool districts andpublic junior colleges toadopt and implement amulti-hazard emergencyoperations plan that includesdistrict employeetraining and mandatoryschool drills to preparestudents and employeesfor responding to an emergency.In a statement of condolencefollowing theConnecticut shooting inwhich 20 schoolchildrenand six adults were killed,Perry said, “The fact thatso many victims werechildren weighs heavilyupon the hearts and soulsof each Texan and everyAmerican.”Texas’ chief law enforcementofficer, Attorney GeneralGreg Abbott, had thisto say:“As a board member ofthe Texas School SafetyCenter, I am committedto making sure educators,students and law enforcementare working togetherto prepare Texas schoolsfor the unthinkable. Wemust not wait until it’stoo late to act. We remindall schools to review theirschool safety plan to ensurethey have proper proceduresto keep studentsand campuses safe.”DNA system hits milestoneTexas Department ofPublic Safety on Dec. <strong>12</strong>announced its DNA indexingsystem, that throughcross-referencing andmatching helps solve homicides,sexual assaults,burglaries and robberies,had reached its 10,000th“cold hit” resulting in anarrest or conviction.Since 1998, the DPS reported,its CODIS Lab,which shares data with anationwide FBI database,has helped solve 644 homicides,3,399 sexual assaults,4,273 burglaries,556 robberies and hundredsof other miscellaneouscrimes in Texas andother states.Texas law requires registeredsex offenders andconvicted felons sentencedto Texas Department ofCriminal Justice or juvenilescommitted to theTexas Juvenile Justice Departmentfacilities to providea DNA sample.Sales tax collectionsimproveTexas Comptroller SusanCombs on Dec. <strong>12</strong> reportedthat state sales taxrevenue in November was$2.34 billion, up 13.1 percentcompared to November2011.Collections were strongin retail trade, manufacturing,oil and natural gas,construction and telecommunications,Combs said.December local sales taxallocations totaling $552million will be sent to cities,counties, transit systemsand special purposetaxing districts, up 15.5percent compared to December2011, she added.LBJ Library to cut ribbonThe LBJ Presidential Library,located on the campusof the University ofTexas at Austin, on Dec. <strong>22</strong>will open a redesigned coreexhibit, and much more.The opening, on whatwould have been Lady BirdJohnson’s 100th birthday,features unprecedentedaccess to private telephoneconversations of PresidentLyndon B. Johnson, aninteractive Vietnam Warexhibit showing elementsof the president’s decisionmakingprocess and newtheaters and films aboutthe president, civil rights,LBJ’s legacy and the FirstFamily.YOURVIEWSSensitivity tomental healthissues neededAfter reflecting onrecent events and listeningto the debate over allof the possible solutions,I had a thought. One ofthe biggest aspects wehave overlooked is themental health of our nation.We have gone from“Ricky and Lucy” sleepingin separate beds, hearinga gunshot off cameraand someone falling tothe floor, to … well weall know. We have slowlybeen desensitized to thepoint that we no longerrecognize what a mentallyhealthy person looksor sounds like.We need to put our effortsinto having accessto, being exposed to andbeing educated about theissues that affect a mentallyhealthy person —not just kids but parents,professionals, nonprofessionalsand “everyday”folks. If we continue toput “me” and “I” before“we” and “us” and notbeing a compassionatepeople, we are going tobe dealing with this for along time.M. MartinChicoMemories make great giftsBY BRANDON EVANSbevans@wcmessenger.comEvery day grows dimmer.The sun itself growsweary by late December.Friday, Dec. 21, markedthe winter solstice. It’s theday of the year when theheart of our solar system appearslower in the sky thanit will at any other time ofthe year.The sun floats low acrossthe sky, barely raising hergolden head above thesouthern horizon. And herlight vanishes too soon.Shadows march quicklyacross the yard. Nightdescends suddenly this timeof year, like some cosmicentity tossing a pin-prickedpurple velvet blanket overthe world earlier and earlierevery afternoon.And for those dealing withthe loss of a loved one, theirown world grows darker andcolder during this season.It’s no coincidence thatChristmas, our holiest ofholy days, falls just a fewdays after the winter solstice.Even before the birthof Christ and the rise ofChristianity, mankind foundthis time of year sacred.After the darkest day ofthe year, the sun starts tomake a comeback. Littleby little, minute by minute,days grow longer.The growing daylightmeant thedifferencebetween lifeand death. Itsignified rebirth.Just asthings wereEVANS at their darkest,a glimmerof hope and prosperitywas revealed by the cominglight. Christmas coincideswith this astronomical phenomenon.When I was a kid Ithought the most importantthing about Christmaswas the presents. Of courseI knew the story of themanger and the wise menand all that, but that wassecondary to the idea ofbicycles, skateboards andNintendos.But as I’ve grown older,I’ve learned the materialismof Christmas isn’tall that important. Thevalue of gifts isn’t how muchthey cost or even the giftsthemselves, but ratherthe sentiments attachedto them. The joy felt by amom or dad when they seetheir child’s face light uplike a supernova is the realpresent. The toy or dress orvideo game is soon forgotten,but the happinessof the moment is foreverimprinted. The assemblingof far-flung family membersto break bread is the realjewel.But the holiday seasonhas a doppleganger. lt’s acruel irony that the mostwonderful time of the yearcan also be the most heartwrenchingfor people whoare dealing with the deathof loved ones. Just as theearth’s tilted voyage aroundthe sun has made ournights longer, our heartsalso grow darker when wethink about those no longerhere to enjoy Christmaswith us.But they are still here.They live in the laughterand tears of those whoknew them best. And it’s upto us to make their presenceknown this holidayseason. Make their favoritedessert. Give a gift theywould have given. Tell oneof their corny jokes. That’show you ensure they arestill alive. Make sure youhave a good time for them.That’s what they’d want.The greatest gift are memories.It’s how our lost lovedones live forever.As the earth’s tilted voyagearound the sun makesour world a little brighterevery day, celebrate thelight left behind by thosewe loved. Even thoughthey might have left toosoon, they are still here, allaround us.Brandon Evans is a <strong>Messenger</strong>reporter.

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>5APedro Treviño1930-20<strong>12</strong>OBITUARIESSamuel Abraham Hines1931-20<strong>12</strong>Robert Dwayne Ray1948-20<strong>12</strong>Pedro Treviño, 82, a retiredglass blower, diedTuesday, Dec. 18, 20<strong>12</strong>.Mass was Dec. 21 at Assumptionof the Blessed VirginMary Catholic Church.Burial was under the directionof Coker-HawkinsFuneral Home in Decatur.Pallbearers were Rene Guia,Eric Keefer, Evan Keefer,Gabriel Guia, Rachael Guia,Samuel Powers and MatthewPowers.Pedro was born May 13,1930, in Salinas Victoria,Monterrey, Mexico to Juanand Leonor Treviño. Hemarried Brigida LozanoDec. 28, 1956, in Monterrey.He is survived by his wifeof 55 years, Brigida Treviñoof Decatur; daughters LupeGuia and husband, Antonio,Lee Hamby, 82, a retiredschool teacher and minister,died Tuesday, Dec. 18, 20<strong>12</strong>, inFort Worth.Funeral was Dec. 21 atHawkins Funeral Home inBridgeport with Danny Russellofficiating. Burial was inCottondale Cemetery. Pallbearerswere Jay Foster, DaveAdams, David Zachary, RichrdWest, Claude Cain andex Grove.Lee was born Sept. 18, 1930,Wanda Corinne CummingsWilliams, 71, diedSunday, Dec. 16, 20<strong>12</strong>, afterfighting a courageousbattle with cancer, with herloving husband by her side.Wanda was born June29, 1941, to Homer Thomasand Marguerite CorinneGibson Cummings in FortWorth. She graduatedLewisville High School inof Decatur, Samuel Abraham Hines,Linda Kay Robert Dwayne Ray, 64, ofLeticia Keefer81, a retired chief master ser-Hines of Chico, died Tuesday, Dec. 18,and husgeant,died Monday, Dec. 17,Luling; daugh-20<strong>12</strong>, in Bridgeport.band, Alvin, 20<strong>12</strong>, in Georgetown.ters Eva Roop Service was held Dec. 20 atTREVIÑOof Plano, andLenore Treviñoand MariaGraveside service was Dec.21 at Aurora Cemetery inAurora with the Rev. GaryHINESand husband,Hugh, of JohnsonCity andJones Family Funeral Homein Bridgeport and was officiatedby Joey Vick. BurialRAYPowers and Sessions officiating. Christian-Cindy Turala was in Chico Cemetery.husband, Daniel, all of Carrollton;grandchildren René,Gabriel and Rachael Guia,Eric and Evan Keefer, Samueland Matthew Powers;three great-grandchildren;a brother, Anastacio Treviño;sisters Juanita Vega andLourdes Garcia; numerousHawkins Funeral Home inBoyd did the arrangements.Samuel was born April 11,1931, to John and Eula (Bohen)Hines in Roswell, N.M.He married Linda Kay PoplinMarch <strong>12</strong>, 2005, in Luling.He was a proud veteran of theUnited States Air Force duringof Fort Worth; son RobertHines and wife, Marti, of Atlanta,Ga.; grandchildren JaniceAnn Brooker and husband,Denis, of Georgetown, JohnRobbie Tuttle III of KansasCity, Kan., Samuel AbrahamTuttle of Bastrop and JamesEdward Tuttle of Austin; 11Bobby was born May 26,1948, in Martinez, Calif., toWilliam Hugh and GladysLouise (Brown) Ray. Hemoved to Texas in 1968 andmarried Barbara Bailey inJune 1970. The couple laterdivorced, and in June 1979he married Tammy Bank.nieces, nephews and a host the Vietnam War.great-grandchildren; three He was employed by Giffordof friends.Samuel was preceded in great-great-grandchildren; aHill for 33-and-a-halfHe was preceded in death death by his parents; his first sister; two brothers; other familyyears where he was a heavyby his parents and brother wife, Pearl Francis Hines inmembers and friends. equipment operator. ThePorfirio Treviño.2003; and his brother, Harveyjack of all trades, he trained<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Hines.Survivors include his wife,<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>the first female Euclid driversand was quite fond of allthose “crazy ladies.” He retiredin January of 2009.His passions were ridingto Bill andEdith (Tinsley)Hamby inYuba, Okla. Hemarried GlendaMcDonaldMay 31, 1952,HAMBYin Durant,Okla. Lee was a minister andtaught math at Haltom HighSchool from 1967 to 1985. Heserved in the United StatesArmy during the Korean conflict.Lee was a member of theLee Hamby1930-20<strong>12</strong>Cottondale Church of Christ.He was preceded in death byhis parents; son Anthony LynnHamby and wife, Joy; and sistersAlice Wells and MarthaHamby.He is survived by his wifeof 60 years, Glenda Hamby ofParadise; sons Ronnie Hambyand wife, Audrey, of Aurora,Keith Hamby and wife, Donna,of Fort Worth, and BurlHamby and wife, Wanda, ofFort Worth; daughters GayWanda Corinne Cummings Williams1941-20<strong>12</strong>1959 and married RoyceO’Neal Williams of LewisvilleDec. 18, 1959, at CentralBaptist Church. Theywere married for 53 yearsthis December.Wanda was precededin death by her parents,daughter Shawna ReneeWilliams, son Devin RoyceWilliams and granddaughterKimber Williams.BRIDGEPORTShe is survived by herhusband, Royce Williams;daughter Kimberly Williams;son Lance Williams;grandchildren Jeremy Williams,Sarah, Cody andKyle Perryman, MeganWilliams, Ashley Corceland husband, Ronnie;and great-grandchildrenBrooklyn and Vance Williams.Sanford and husband, John, ofCottondale, Vonna Kebort andhusband, Jeff, of Cottondale;13 grandchildren; <strong>22</strong> greatgrandchildren;brother TinsleyHamby of Clara; sisters ShirleyCoburn of Houston, EulaBell Suiter of Lindale andJackie Degraffinreid of OklahomaCity; numerous nieces,nephews, cousins and a host offriends.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Funeral was Dec. 19, atMulkey-Mason FuneralHome of Lewisville, andburial followed at McCurleyCemetery in Lewisville.Memorials may be madeto Paradise Band Boosters,c/o Paradise High School.For online condolences, visitwww.mulkeymason.com.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>City employees recognizedBarbra Orozco1932-20<strong>12</strong>his Harleyand watchingNASCAR.He loved hisfamily, hisfriends, hisdog Daisyand his Harley.He was quick with ajoke, always ready to helpanyone and would give youhis last dollar.He is survived by childrenMelinda Kay (Cissy)Barrett, Charles GarmanRay and Lacy Annette Ray;grandchild Hayley NicoleBarrett; and great-grandsonEaston Lane Barrett.He was preceded in deathby his father; sisters BrendaLee Gatlin and Belinda LouiseTaylor; and grandsonsJoshua Aaron Largent andCaleb Alexander Barrett.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Darla Kay Bridges1966-20<strong>12</strong>Darla Kay Bridges, 46, ofParadise, died Dec. 17, 20<strong>12</strong>,at her home, surrounded byher family.Funeral was Dec. 20 at IndianCreek Baptist Churchin Mineral Wells with burialat Cottondale Cemetery underthe direction of Baum-Carlock-Bumgardner FuneralHome.Kay was born in MineralWells, the daughter of Carrolland Bobbie (Masterson)Barbra Orozco, a lovingmother, grandmother andgreat-grandmother, diedTuesday, Dec. 18, 20<strong>12</strong>, atthe age of 80.She was preceded in deathby her daughter, CynthiaGoss, of Fort Worth.She is survived by herdaughters Donna Currieof Decatur and Diana Borghesiof Burleson. She wasa loving grandma to 19grandchildren and 24 greatgrandchildren.Funeral was Dec. 21 atLaurel Land Memorial Chapelin Fort Worth. Burialwas immediately after theservice.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Cox. She is survived by herhusband, Robert Bridges;parents Carroll and BobbieCox; sons Scott Nesky, Tylerand Cody Bridges; daughterSydney Nesky; and brothersBobby and Billy Cox.She was preceded in deathby her sister, Carla Gay Cox,and sister-in-law LindaGrines Cox.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>We honor most all funeral plansoffered by any funeral home.BY ERIKA PEDROZAepedroza@wcmessenger.comThe city of Bridgeportrecognized the accomplishmentsand continuing educationefforts of its employeesat its meeting Tuesday.During a personnel report,human resource managerJudi Conger outlinedseveral personnel changes,including the city’s sevennew hires, five terminations,three worker’s compensationclaims, threewho took a short-termleave of absence as outlineby the Family MedicalLeave Act, an update onopen enrollment, mandatenotifications sent and the“much appreciated” wageadjustments approved forthis fiscal year.Conger also noted accoladesto employees including: honors presented bythe police department attheir annual Christmasparty — Officer AntoniaValdez as the Sgt. RandyWhite Officer of the Year;Officer Richard Taylor,Employee of the Year; andShelia Webb, Civilian Employeeof the Year. Elvira Pendergraft,court clerk, completingthe first of three levelsof the Texas MunicipalCourt Clerk CertificationProgram, administeredthrough the Texas CourtClerks Association withTexas State University.Upon completion of theprogram, the recipient isdesignated as a certifiedcourt clerk. Conger earning aBachelor of Applied Artsand Sciences in businessoccupations from TarletonState University onDec.15. She is a member ofDelta Mu Delta (businessadministration honor society),the National Societyof Leadership and Successand Delta Epsilon Iota(academic honor society). Marisol (Perez) Cano,library assistant, completingthe fourth of fivecourses in the Small LibraryManagement TrainingProgram through theTexas State Library. Sandy Hefner, libraryassistant, completingtraining for the EvergreenInterlibrary Loan/CourierService. Jackie Lowrie Read, librarian,attending a trainingsession on ordering ebooksfrom Overdrive. Jesica McEachern,city secretary, participatingin the Texas MunicipalClerks CertificationProgram, administeredthrough the Texas MunicipalClerks Association andis associated with the Universityof North Texas. Itrequires extensive studyin four major areas of municipaloperation. Amy Standard, directorof financial aervices,and Shelly Neckar, accountingmanager, attendingthe Government FinanceOfficers Associationof Texas (GFOAT) Conference. Amber Fogelman,main street and communityrelations manager, attendingsummer and winterMain Street training.Dump Trucksfor Hire1401 Halsell • Bridgeport940-683-1704Rick’s Metal Recycling3280 S Hwy 101 • Bridgeport, TX940-683-3770TOP PRICEACCURATE WEIGHTON ALL METALSMon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.Terry Vaughan Concrete• House Foundations• Driveways• Basements• Retaining Walls• All Concrete Work940-627-5987WCMESSENGER.COM/SUBSCRIBETerry and Derrick Vaughan817-832-1484940-393-2544940-683-4200We Can Haul• Gravel• Topsoil• Cushion Sand• Select Fill• Brick SandCommercial and ResidentialServing all of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> and Surrounding AreasD&T Excavation• Land and Lot Clearing• House Pads• Driveways and Parking Lots• Roads• Demolition

6A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>BRIDGEPORTCity continueswith performancecontracting projectWISE COUNTY DIRECTORYOFAREA CHURCHESBY ERIKA PEDROZAepedroza@wcmessenger.comThe city is about halfwaydone implementing a performancecontract project approvedin August, inchingcloser and closer to the costsavingspromised.The project was implemetedfor “the means to implementcapital improvementsto reduce energy and relatedcosts” by improving lightingsystems, waste management,water conservation, technologyinfrastructure, water metersand heating, ventilationand air conditioning equipment.During the staff reports portionof the meeting Tuesday,councilmembers reviewedthe second and third paymentrequests in the amountof $378,411 and $626,287.50,respectively, to Siemens IndustryInc.These disbursements coverthe electric and water metersand interior and street lightingmaterials, which will beinstalled and tested at cityownedlocations the first weekof January.Thereafter, two crews willinstall water meters (about 20daily) and one will do electricmeters (between 40 and 45a day) to begin the conversionprocess in mid-January,The transition might causea temporary, approximately30-minute loss of service. Additionalinformation will besent out to residents in thenext couple of weeks.That work should be completedand tested the thirdweek of February, then should“go live” on March 1 for thefirst “true reading.”“The project is progressing,”said City AdministratorBrandon Emmons. “March 1is when everything should becompleted, and that’s whenthe clock starts ticking tostart monitoring the metersto make sure that we’re savingwhat’s being guaranteed.”DeniedCouncilmembers deniedseveral requests that camebefore them Tuesday night.They did not grant a specialexception to the masonryordinance to replace a dilapidatedaccessory building withan all-metal structure at thePrecinct 4 barn on U.S. 380.Because of its location ina commercial district, theproperty must be platted andstructures on it are requiredto have a front facade with100 percent and sides androof with 50 percent masonry,an ordinance enforced whensurrounding businesses camein.“Keep in mind it’s along 380in a highly visible area,” CitySecretary Jesica McEachernsaid. “We are lookinglong-term at the quality ofthe buildings as well as theaesthetics of the buildings.The purpose of masonry requirements,and any zoningrequirements, is to protectthe future development of thecity; that it’s all consistent ...”The council also deniedwaiving the penalties appliedto the utility bill of Baru Enterprises— doing businessas McDonald’s — and didnot grant a request by W.B.Arrington to waive multiplewater minimums on utilityaccounts.Odds and endsThe council also: amended the on-site sewagefacility ordinance at thesuggestion of the Texas Commissionon EnvironmentalQuality after a compliancereview. “These are things wealready do,” McEachern said.“The only change is that anycontracted maintenance hasto be done by a TCEQ-registeredmaintenance provider... Really, it won’t create anyother hardships.” appropriated a $50,000economic incentive in the20<strong>12</strong>-2013 EDC budget forU.S. Ply and its applicationfor a Texas Capital Fundgrant. approved a $25,000 expenditurefor membershipinto the Texas Mexico TradeCorridor Consortium. Thiswould help industries inBridgeport access new productsand markets and helpthe EDC recruit additionalindustries and companies. named Shawn Mannchairman of the tax incrementfinancing reinvestmentzone No. 1 board of directors.Travel Value ToursWe’re Going Places!BLUEBONNET TRAILApril 4-63 Days, 2 Nights, 3 Meals (2 Breakfast, 1 Lunch)Texas Ranger Museum, Lady Bird Gardens, Blue Bell Ice Cream Tour,Lavander and Olive Farm, Wildseed Farms and of course, Bluebonnets!Lock in your rate before Jan. 15SINGLE $413 - DOUBLE $299 - TRIPLE $261 - QUAD $241RATES WILL INCREASE $25 EACH AFTER JANUARY 15Marietta Slater • 940 .735.2908www.travelvaluetours.com • email: marietta.slater@travelvaluetours.comFIRST UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCHOF BOYDCHRISTMAS EVE SERVICESMonday, December 24Communion & Candlelight Service5 & 11 pm540 S. Allen St. (FM 730)Trinity Baptist ChurchBoydPastor: Terry PhillipsTraditional Workship ServiceSunday Bible Study ....................9:30 a.m.Sunday Worship ........................10:45 a.m.Evening Worship ..............................6 p.m.Wednesday Prayer Service ...............7 p.m.455 W. Rock Island AvenueBoyd, TX 76023 • 940-433-5281Email: trinitybaptistboyd@embarqmail.comPleasant Grove Cowboy Church4789 South FM 730Decatur, TX 76234940-627-2860Sunday Worship: 10:30 amwww.pleasantgrovecowboychurch.comChurch BriefsTHE FIRST UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCHOF DECATURCHRISTMAS EVE SERVICESMonday, December 24A Family Christmas • 5:30 pmCandlelight Communion • 7 pm104 S. Miller, Decatur(across from Post Office)940-627-3362Bring Your FamilySunday School ...........9:45 a.m.Morning Worship .... 10:45 a.m.Children’s Church .........11 a.m.Evening Prayer ............... 6 p.m.Evening Worship .......6:30 p.m.Wednesday Night .......... 7 p.m.IMMANUEL BAP TIST106 S. Lane, DecaturOffice 627-5248 • Bus Ride 627-3980Bro. Louis Horton* Fundamental * Old-Fash ioned * Missionary *Teaching & Preaching The King James BibleBus Ministry, Christian SchoolTree ofLife ChurchhWisdom is a Tree of Life to those who embrace her;happy are those who hold her tightly. Proverbs 3:18 NLTPastorsDr. Francisco J & Karen L ValenzuelaHere at Tree of Life Church, we endeavor to makeour conversation gracious and attractive so thatwe will have the right response for everyone. Forwe want everything we say and do, to be worthyof being kept in the memory of others.We invite you to join us for Sunday Services at 11 a.m.888 CR 4213 • Decatur940-273-9014www.fjvm.org • doctor@fjvm.orgWhere Faith and Adventure Meet!140 N. FM 730 - Boyd940-433-2607Visit our website at www.fbcboyd.org orFind us on Facebook - First Baptist Church of BoydSunday School - 10 a.m. Sunday Worship - 11 a.m.Pastor, Mark AutryNursery Available all servicesPastor Patti MahaffeyBistro: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.Worship: 10:45 a.m.Wed: Bible Study/Choir 6 p.m.Active Women’s Group - Nursery Available“A Historic Church for every Generation”Sunday School ............................. 8:45 a.m.Worship ........................................... 10 a.m.1st & 3rd Thur. Bible Study ........ 6:30 p.m.Rev.Gerald Eppersonwww.trinitylutheranbridgeport.org940-683-56041307 10th St., BridgeportSycamore Baptist ChurchGlorifying God Through His WordSunday School 9:45amWorship Service 11:00amSee website for Sunday Evening activitiesWednesday Night 7:00pmBible Study, Children In Action, Youth133 CR 2425Decatur, Texas940-627-2400FIRST BAPTISTCHURCHOF DECATURCHRISTMAS EVECANDLELIGHT SERVICEMonday, December 24 • 6 pm<strong>12</strong>00 W. Preskitt, Decatur940-627-3235PARADISEUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH301 Oak St., Paradise940.969.2069(From US 380 in Decatur, gonorth on FM 51 for 8 miles.Turn left on CR 2535, thechurch is 1/2 mile on the left)www.sycamoredecatur.comSundayClass9:30 a.m.Worship Celebration10:30 a.m.WednesdayBible Classes6:45 p.m.Hwy. 380, 1 mile west ofHwy. 287, Decatur940-627-6131www.centralfellowship.comDecatur Church of Christ"Where Your Family Will Find A Home"• Family Bible Study For All Ages• The Childrens Place (A Mother's Day Out) 2 days a weekFM 51 South and Preskitt Rd.Decatur, TexasPhone 940-627-19<strong>12</strong>www.decaturchurchofchrist.comWISE COUNTYCOWBOY CHURCHTRAP SHOOTSunday, Dec 29 • 10 am2070 Old Denton Road, Decatur940-210-8899 or940-389-4588First UnitedMethodistChurch of BoydSundayChristmasSchoolEve10 a.m.Services(All Ages)Communion Sunday Worship & Candlelight 11 a.m.Services Wednesday 5 p.m. Youth & 11 6 p.m. p.m.Rev. Sara Hardaway940-433-5334540 S. Allen St. (FM 730 S.) BoydFirst Pres by te ri anChurch1307 Newby St. • Bridgeport, TX940-683-4779Rev. Lucia McKee KremzarSunday Fellowship... 9:30 a.m.Sunday School…10 a.m.Sunday Worship…11 a.m.Come & Share The Joy“A Warm Welcome Awaits Youat First Presbyterian.”NEW SA LEMFREEWILLBAPTISTCHURCHSUNDAY10 a.m.…Sunday School11 a.m.……Morning Wor ship940-627-5413@ hli kcarwom@embarqmail.comHwy. 51 SouthDecatur, Texas 76234Sunday Bible Study 9 a.m.Sunday Worship 10 a.m.Sunday Evening. Small groups including a5 p.m. meeting at the churchWednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.SEASON’S GREETINGSDuring this holiday season and every day of the year,we wish you all the best.Randy Bowker, CFP®, AAMS®Financial Randy Advisor Bowker, CFP®, AAMS®.1816 Financial S Fm 51 AdvisorSuite <strong>22</strong>00Decatur, 1816 S. TX FM 76234 51940-627-1620Suite <strong>22</strong>00Decatur, TX 76234www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC940-627-1620

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>7ASUNDAYSunday School .......................9:45 a.m.Morning Worship ..................10:45 a.m.Evening Worship .........................5 p.m.WEDNESDAY 7 p.m.Awana Program • Teen MinistryAdult Bible Study“We’re excited aboutwhat God is doing!”701 W. Hale • DecaturLife PointeWORSHIP CENTERServicesSunday ...........................................10 amTuesday Night Prayer ....................7 pmWednesday Cowboy Church ........7 pm<strong>12</strong>01 FM 718 • Aurora, TX 76078For more information call817.995.8831or email revjeffwhite@yahoo.comAn Independent Spirit-Filled ChurchRhomeChurch of Christ170 W. 1st, RhomeSunday Bible Classall ages .............. 9:30 a.m.Sun. Worship .............. 10:30 a.m.Sun. Evening ..................... 6 p.m.Wed. Bible Study .............. 7 p.m.817-638-5159 • 817-636-2325817-636-2496www.rhomechurchofchrist.orgFirstUnitedMethodistChurchof BridgeportSUNDAYSunday School ................. 10 a.m.Worship .......... 8:45 & 10:55 a.m.WEDNESDAYFamily Fellowship Meal .....5-6 p.m.Studies for all ages ............ 6 p.m.Sr. High Bible Study ......7:30 p.m.Nursery provided for all servicesRev. Mike Miller940-683-2780 or 940-683-4193608 17th Street, BridgeportA Spirit-Filled Interdenominational ChurchSunday School 9:30 a.m.Services 10:30 a.m.WednesdayTFH Youth 5:30 p.m.Call 940-627-5365Call 940-627-5365tfhpeople.comDirections: We are easy to find, located right off ofHwy 380. From Decatur head West 4 miles we areon the left. From Bridgeport head East 4 miles weare on the right.GreenwoodChurch of ChristSunday Bible Class ...............10 a.m.Sunday Worship ....................11 a.m.Sunday Evening Worship ....... 6 p.m.Wednesday Worship ............... 7 p.m.Minister Bob RossFM <strong>12</strong>04 • GreenwoodSame location for over 100 years.940-393-34842840 U.S. Hwy. 380 • Decatur(1.5 miles west of U.S. 287)940-627-1006www.ccdecatur.orgToday’s Music & Casual DressSUNDAY9:00 a.m ................Sunday School10:15 a.m .............. Worship Service6:00 p.m .................Home GroupsMONDAY6:30 p.m .................Men’s Bible StudyWEDNESDAY6:00 p.m ......... Youth (7th-<strong>12</strong>th grade)THURSDAY10:30 a.m - 6 p.m....Women’s Bible StudyLooking for some spiritual nourishment in the middleof the week? Come join us in the Wednesday eveninginteractive Bible study at2347 FM <strong>12</strong>04Greenwood, TX940-466-7338Other Services:Sunday School 10 a.m.Morning Worship 11 a.m.Sunday Evening 6 p.m.LUTHERANCHURCH(LCMS)Temporarily Meeting atCandlewood Suites601 W Thompson RdDecatur, TexasSundays 10:30 AM940-886-8591Greenwood Baptist Church7 PM Bible Study6:30 PM - AWANAFirst Baptist Churchof SlidellSUNDAYSBible Study - 10 a.m.Worship - 11 a.m.Evening Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.WEDNESDAYSKidzone and Youth - 6:30 p.m.Prayer Gathering - 6:30 p.m.940-466-3990www.slidellbaptist.com940-627-5103615 CR <strong>12</strong>80 • Alvord, TexasSunday School ..................................... 10 a.m.Sun. Morning Worship ........................ 11 a.m.Sun. Evening Worship ...........................6 p.m.Wed. Evening Worship ..........................7 p.m.Pastor: Dr. Michael FeeseTwin OaksAssembly of God300 Cates St. (Hwy. 920) • BridgeportPastor Gary SessionsSunday School. . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m.Morning Worship. . . . . 10:45 a.m.Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m.Family Night (meal served)Every 2nd Wednesday of the month940-683-3110RhomeUnited Meth od istChurch"A beautiful church, andfriendly people"200 First St.at DogwoodDowntown Rhome817-636-<strong>22</strong><strong>22</strong>www.rhomeunitedmethodistchurch.orgSunday School ............9 a.m.Sunday Worship ........10 a.m.Pastor, Fredric L. UtzNursery & Children’s Church"Remember Jesus Christ,raised from the dead, adescendant of David - that ismy gospel"2 Timothy 8Call940.627.5987to list your churchfor as little as$14.80a week or email ads@wcmessenger.comfor more informationFellowshipBible ChurchBible Based Christ CenteredBible Study 9 a.m.Sunday Service 10 amJohn 15: 8-9 By this my Father is glorified,that you bear much fruit and so prove to bemy disciples. As the Father has loved me, sohave I loved you. Abide in my love.Directions: We are located on the north side ofHwy 380 just west of CR1110; 4 miles west ofDecatur, 4 miles east of BridgeportYou will be welcomed!940-626-1575www.fellowshipbiblentx.orgCENTRALBAPTIST CHURCH4793 FM 1810 • Chico940-644-5647Pastor Fred FerrenSunday School (all ages).........10 a.m.Sunday Morning Worship.......11 a.m.Sunday Evening Worship.........6 p.m.Wednesday Evening Worship...7 p.m.The First United Methodist Churchof DecaturInvites you to aSeason ofCelebration!Christmas EveDecember 24th5:30pm ServiceA Family Christmas7pm ServiceCandlelight Communion104 S. Miller St.across from Decatur Post Office.940.627.3362 • www.DecaturMethodist.orgWISE COUNTY COWBOY CHURCHwisecountycowboychurch.comSunday Morning • 10:30Worship service • Children’s ChurchWednesday evening • 7:00Bible Study • Youth2070 Old Denton RoadDecatur, Texas(Off Hwy 380 Approximately 1.5 miles East of Decatur)CRIME REPORTSUNDAY, DEC. 163000 BLOCK OF COUNTYROAD 4680 — Deputiespulled over a vehicle toquestion the occupantsabout a nearby grass firethat had started. One of themen in the car jumped outand attempted to flee onfoot. He was soon caughtand arrested on outstandingwarrants unrelated to thefire investigation.U.S. 380 AND U.S. 287— An intoxicated man wassitting on the side of theroad.MONDAY, DEC. 17400 BLOCK OF FARMROAD 718 — Items wereburglarized from a car.10800 BLOCK OF TEXAS199 — Several oxygenbottles were stolen from aresidence.INTERSECTION OF FM920 AND CR 3407 —Approximately 40 squarehay bales were stolen.TUESDAY, DEC. 18200 BLOCK OF DEERCREEK DR. — A person washarassed via text messages.1300 BLOCK OF CR 3690— The front door to a homewas open.200 AURORA VISTA— Neighbors argued about“chickens running loose.”100 BLOCK OF PRIVATEROAD 3387 — A womanwas upset because her son’sphoto is being taken by aneighbor while the boy rideshis motorcycle.1800 BLOCK OF CR 3791— Guns and jewelry werestolen from a home.Bus: Eight injuredContinued from page 1ARandy Cooper, 54, of Decatur,swerved to avoid thepileup and had a minorwreck in the ditch runningalongside the highway.Fifty-six Decatur highschool and middle schoolstudents were on the bus.A total of eight sufferedminor injuries. Medics andfirefighters tended to thestudents in the dry grassalongside the road beforethey were transported byambulance to <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur.The bus driver, ElizabethRuiz, 42, was uninjured.Department of PublicSafety Trooper William Coopersaid Kitner was at faultfor the wreck and will be issueda citation for failure tocontrol speed.Decatur superintendentRod Townsend and highschool principal Jason Cochranboth arrived on sceneshortly after the wreck.Townsend said he didn’tthink any of the injurieswere serious.“They’re getting sent tothe hospital to get checkedout for precautionary measures,”he said.The wreck happened justbefore 4 p.m. Traffic wasshut down in both directionsfor more than an hour as officersinvestigated the sceneand firefighters cleaned upa fuel spill.KAREN GARRETTI AM GRATEFULTO SERVE AS YOURSALES CONSULTANTBUICK CHEVY GMCHYUNDAI PRE-OWNEDjameswood.com 940-627-2177PACK ‘N’ MAILThe Packing ProsWe take the hassle out of shipping!FED EX • UPS • US Mail • BoxesPassport Photos • Document ShreddingCopies • Packing MaterialsMailbox Rental • Fax • Notary$2.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE OF $20 OR MOREExcludes Postage Stamps Expires <strong>12</strong>/31/<strong>12</strong>Discover a New Life in ChristSUNDAYBible Study....................9 amWorship.................. 10:15 amEvening Worship........... 6 pmWEDNESDAYAWANA..................6-7:30 pm<strong>12</strong>04 <strong>12</strong>th St. • Bridgeport940-683-4037www.fbcbridgeport.com1816 S. FM 51 STE. 400 • DECATURJUST SOUTH OF LEGEND BANK940-626-3777 • FAX 940-626-3778HOURS: 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. MONDAY - FRIDAY • 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. SATURDAYUnderstandingWhat We ReadTHE HOUSE OF THE LORD“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of Goddwelleth in you? If a man defi le the temple of God, him shall God destroy”(I Cor 3:16,17). What is Paul referring to? Is he telling us that drinking acan of beer or using tobacco will defi le us in God’s eyes? No! We are notadvising one to participate in such activity, but when I hear religious leaderstelling us use of tobacco or alcohol is a sin, something is not spiritual.Jesus himself drank wine. Are we going to call Jesus a sinner? There is away to become drunken without consuming an alcoholic beverage. “Theyare drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.”(Is29:9) This verse is referring to spiritual drunkenness. This is the type ofdrunkenness that defi les man-drunk with false religion. Man, throughouthistory, thinks he knows how to please God, but does he? “This peopledraweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with lips; buttheir heart is far from me. But in vain they worship me, teaching for doctrinesthe commandments of men”(Matt 15:8-9). Example: the trinity doctrine,three gods in one, man-made or biblical? Beware, when God clearly tellsus there are no other gods but one! To adhere to any other teaching isblasphemous to God himself. “Not that which goeth into the mouth defi letha man; but that which cometh out of the mouth defi leth a man. For out of theheart(mind) proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts,false witness, blasphemies; these are the things which defi le a man”(Matt15:8-20). The problem with those that are spiritually drunk is that they donot even know they are drunk with false religion. BEWARE of false religion.Second Advent Christian Church615 S. Owen Dr. Mustang OK 73064405-624-3334 Call for Bible study timeb.ryan1@juno.comSteve Ryan

8A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>CELEBRATIONSBIRTHSAvery Helen BourgeoisDec. <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Mandy and Daniel Bourgeoisof Springtown announcethe birth of a daughter, AveryHelen, on Dec. <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>, at<strong>Wise</strong> Regional Health Systemin Decatur. She weighed7 pounds, 13 ounces and was19 1/2 inches long.She has a brother, Caleb, 3.Grandparents are Tommyand Linda Wilson of Hutto,and Lyn and Betty Bourgeoisof Vidor.Great-grandparents areHelen Wilson of Taylor, FayHuestis of Denver City, NinaBourgeois of Vidor, and Aliceand Robert Rothrock of Orange.Kayleigh Nicole WardDec. 5, 20<strong>12</strong>Steven and Ashleigh Wardof Springtown announce thebirth of a daughter, KayleighNicole, on Dec. 5, 20<strong>12</strong>, at<strong>Wise</strong> Regional Health Systemin Decatur. She weighed6 pounds, 15 ounces and was19 1/2 inches long.Grandparents are Orvilleand Patsy Ward of Springtownand John and TheresaPitzer of North Port, Fla.Great-grandparents areJim and Connie Pitzer of Bradenton,Fla., and Betty Hammondof Springtown.Great-great-grandmotheris Clara Neighbors of Springtown.Isaac Johnnie PhilipbarNov. 17, 20<strong>12</strong>Glenn and Sarah Philipbarof Paradise announce thebirth of a son, Isaac Johnnie,on Nov. 17, 20<strong>12</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur.He weighed 7 pounds,9.2 ounces and was 18 1/2inches long.He has a sister, Codi Marie.Grandparents are Glennand Bernadette Philipbar andKaren Karl.Tristan Wayne PiercyDec. 5, 20<strong>12</strong>Carl Piercy and AutumnPickett of Bridgeport announcethe birth of a son,Tristan Wayne Piercy, on Dec.5, 20<strong>12</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur. Heweighed 7 pounds, 5 ouncesand was 18 inches long.Grandparents are Paul andGinger Jimenez of Bridgeportand Gary and Elaine Cooperof Mineral Wells.Great-grandparents areRuss and Elaine Stone of Burney,Calif., Shirley Piercy ofKeytesville, Mo., and CarolynThompson and Joe Long ofBridgeport.Great-great-grandparentsare George Kellogg of SouthLake Tahoe, Calif., and Donand Mary Pickett of Magalia,Calif.Annabel Marie CheneyDec. <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Jessica and Andy Cheney ofNewark announce the birthof a daughter, Annabel Marie,on Dec. <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur.She weighed 6 pounds,4 ounces and was 19 incheslong.She has a sister, HailynGale, 6.Grandparents are Sara Allisonof Fischer, Lonnie Cheneyof Fort Worth, Lisa Baker ofBullard and Brian Baker ofJefferson City, Mo.Great-grandparents arePeggy Allison of Haslet andJesse Baker of Jefferson City.Talon Christopher DayDec. <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Courtney West of Grapevineannounces the birth ofa son, Talon Christopher Day,on Dec. <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>, at NorthTexas Community Hospitalin Bridgeport. He weighed 7pounds, 4 ounces and was 21inches long.He has a brother, SantiagoRodriguez, 4, and two sisters:Eva Rodriguez, 7, and SofiaRodriguez, 6.Grandparents are Yvonneand Ross Dillard of Rio Vistaand Elizabeth Day of Cleburne.Great-grandmothers areSarah Hughes and MaryHadley, both of Cleburne.Wedding RegistryStevie MisnerBride Elect ofMicah DavisWedding: Dec. <strong>22</strong>Harper Grace McBrideDec. 13, 20<strong>12</strong>Randy and Melinda Mc-Bride of Bowie announce thebirth of a daughter, HarperGrace McBride, on Dec. 13,20<strong>12</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> Regional HealthSystem in Decatur. Sheweighed 7 pounds, 4 ouncesand was 19 inches long.She has three brothers:Coty Romine, 19, A.J. Hacker,17, and Liam McBride, 2; andfour sisters: Alyssa McBride,15, Alyssa Hacker, 14, AmberMcBride, 11, and Karsen Williams,7.Grandparent is JemaeHawkins of Newport.Destiny ElizabethSweeneyDec. 14, 20<strong>12</strong>Carrie and Shawnee Sweeneyof Bridgeport announcethe birth of a daughter, DestinyElizabeth, on Dec. 14, 20<strong>12</strong>,at North Texas CommunityHospital in Bridgeport. Sheweighed 7 pounds, 2.5 ouncesand was 19 3/4 inches long.Grandparents are NormaL. Rivers of Bridgeport, andDebra Sweeney and TimSweeney, both of Springtown.Heston James JonesDec. 14, 20<strong>12</strong>James and Kristin Jones ofBoyd announce the birth ofa son, Heston James, on Dec.14, 20<strong>12</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur. Heweighed 10 pounds and was18 1/2 inches long.He has a brother, Hayden,6.Grandparents are StacyMayfield of Midlothian, andLarry and Shirley Jones ofNewark.Great-grandparents are Billand Delores Burch of Newark.Harrison Eli GriffinDec. 15, 20<strong>12</strong>Tiffany GarrettBride Elect ofJohn TuckerWedding: Jan. 5, 2013Hannah King and ChristopherGriffin of Decaturannounce the birth of a son,Harrison Eli Griffin, on Dec.15, 20<strong>12</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur. Heweighed 6 pounds, 8 ouncesand was 17 1/2 inches long.Grandparents are TommyKing of Gainesville and LeahRoberts of Chico.Great-grandparents areDonna and Curtis Porter ofAzle, and Linford and MaryKing of Gainesville.Great-great-grandparentsare Virgil Flowers of Boyd,and Vera Black and RichardPorter, both of Azle.The Elegant Touch Day SpaEuropean Facial or Chemical PeelBuy one Gift CertificateGet One Certificate FREERose Mitsuki YocumDec. 17, 20<strong>12</strong>Morgan and Yuri Yocum ofWeatherford announce thebirth of a daughter, Rose MitsukiYocum, on Dec. 17, 20<strong>12</strong>,at <strong>Wise</strong> Regional Health Systemin Decatur. She weighed6 pounds, <strong>12</strong> ounces and was18 3/4 inches long.Grandparents are Paul andScotty Tittor, Bruce Yocum,and Yukihiro and Eiko Shimada.Great-grandparents areRandall and Carlene Morehead,Ed and Donna Yocumand Kimito Shimada.Contact Terry at 940-255-1973 • 605 N. Bus. 287 Suite 106, Decatur 76234May The Love Of Christ Be With You And Your Loved Ones...Merry Christmas!Samantha Jo Johnson and Eric Ryan SlimpMarriage vows to be exchanged May 18, 20131650 FM 51 S, Suite 400Decatur940-627-9188Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.(Major Credit Cards Accepted)Baby RegistryMother: Kelly BadgerFather: Matt BadgerDue Date: December <strong>22</strong>• CUSTOM WINDOWTREATMENTS & BEDDING• BLINDS & SHUTTERSDESIGN SERVICES:• HOME ACCENTS• SPECIALTY & CHILDRENS ROOMS• UPHOLSTERYTonja Hartman 817-980-1911 • tonja@SimplyMarvelousDesigns.com204 North Mason Street Bowie940-872-8880Regular Hours:Monday - Friday 10 am - 5:30 pmSaturday 10 am - 5 pmSAMANTHA JO JOHNSON AND ERIC RYAN SLIMPSamantha Jo Johnson ofollege Station, daughterf Cathy and J.P. Johnson oflint, will marry Eric Ryanlimp of College Station,on of Karen and Rick Slimpf Decatur, May 18, 2013, atarty Leonard Chapel inort Worth.Ken May with First BapistChurch of Decatur willfficiate.The bride-elect is a 2008raduate of Clint Highchool. She earned a bachlorof science degree in reourcesdevelopment fromexas A&M University in0<strong>12</strong> and is a member ofexas Longhorn Breeders ofomorrow and Texas A&Mociety for Human Resourceanagement.The prospective groom is2005 graduate of Decaturigh School. He earned aachelor of arts degree inbiology from Texas A&M in2009 and works for MEMdata,LLC.…make the WISE choice.Call <strong>Wise</strong> Hearing Solutions today to schedule your complete hearing evaluation!Exclusive Limited Time Offer:$600 OFFa set ofHalf the joy of the holidaysis hearing them.The holiday season is a merry time filled with social gatherings but thosewith difficulty hearing, the festivities aren’t as joyful as they should be.<strong>Wise</strong> Hearing Solutions wants to help everyone with hearing loss enjoy the sounds of thisholiday season. With our team of hearing professionals and Starkey hearing aids, it’s morepossible than ever before. Starkey hearing aids are designed to:3 Series i110hearing aidsplus FREE Dry & Store DehumidifierPresent this coupon at time of purchase. 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DECATURWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Foundation awards teaching grants9AThe Decatur ISD EducationFoundation awardedmore than $64,000 in innovativeteaching grantsFriday, Dec. 14. A total of 16grants were awarded.McCarroll Middle Schoolteachers Jessica Murphyand Lori Cole were awardeda $4,975 grant titled “GROW(Growth Reaching OutsideWalls) given in honor of<strong>Wise</strong> Regional Health System.Students will use theexisting greenhouse to growa garden to use for learningacross the disciplines.Students will use scientificinvestigation and reasoningto answer questions such ashow does food affect societies.McCarroll teachers ColleenBocanegra, JessicaMurphy, Russ Hacker, HassieSutton, Chris Benjaminand Brian Smith receiveda $7,500 grant titled “ExistenceBeyond?” given inhonor of Devon Energy.Funds will be used to purchasethree telescopes (oneper grade level) to use forcross-curricular projects inorder to answer the question“What characteristics do wefind on earth which makeit unique in sustaining life,and can we encounter thosecharacteristics anywhereelse in our solar system?”Rann Elementary teachersGiselle Gutierrez, KatelynHerd and Sonia Carrillogot a $4,958 grant titled“The Launch Pads of Opportunity”given in honor ofExcellent Dental/Dr. FredRenfro. The bilingual departmentrequested iPadsin order for the students toimprove language acquisitionand learning througha virtual portfolio and othercollaboration tools such asWrite Source and Edmodo.Rann teachers GiselleGutierrez, Aaron Massey,Sonya Holloway and AngelaBaker captured a $1,500grant titled “Ecosystem Detectives”given in honor ofAllen Cocanougher in memoryof Sue Jean Cocanougher.Students will observean ecosystem using RootView farms. They will workin groups to go through thescientific process of drawingconclusions about the ecosystem.Carson Elementary teachersJami Petty, CarrieGreever, Jessica York andJOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERFARM PROJECT — Kindergarten teacher Tiana Lockettshows her joy at receiving the Mesmerizing Mimeo Magicgrant that will be used for a farm project for her students.Kris Smyers were awardeda $4,966 grant titled “iPadsin the First Grade Classroom”given in honor of J.E.and Betty Carson. Studentswill use the iPads for theLife Cycle of the Chickenproject. They will partnerwith the Extension officeto watch the life cycle of achicken beginning with theincubation of an egg.Elementary teachers fromdifferent campuses, MarvinSaunders, Jennifer Terrell,Jackie Patrick and Holly Mc-Niel, were awarded $4,899grants titled “Do We Havethe Music SMARTs” givenin honor of DATCU, NorthTexas Bank and First FinancialBank. Students willuse an interactive SMARTboard to manipulate sounds,create music and demonstrateknowledge. They willalso take virtual field tripsto places like Carnegie Halland the Meyerson SymphonyCenter.Decatur High Schoolteacher Audrey Micinskiwas awarded a $3,000 granttitled “Target Your Successin Science” given in honorof Lovette and August Pediatrics.Students will useprojectile launchers andmaterials to answer thequestion, “How can you useyour knowledge of vectorcomponents, projectile motion,and energy exchangesto calculate the velocity of aprojectile launcher?”Carson teachers KarenCrooks and Jennifer Terrellwere awarded a $2,658grant titled “iTeach, iLearn:Learning from the Student’sPerspective” given in honorof iCopy/Joe Neil and MarianneHenderson. Funds willbe used to purchase iPads toset up a gaming tournamentwhere students will collaboratewith other students onhow to conduct a tournament,record, compare andorder scores through thehundred million’s place tocreate a “top 3” presentation.Young Elementary’s KristiThetford was awardeda $2,884 grant titled “TheMissing Piece of the EcosystemPuzzle” given in honorof Legend Bank. Studentswill use digital microscopeto observe organisms in anoutdoor learning center.Elementary teachers fromdifferent campuses, KasiElder, Danielle Scroggins,Holly Harrison and RhondaWhiteaker, were awarded a$2,054 grant titled “Movin’and Groovin’ with the Birds,Bees, Rocks and Trees” givenin honor of Dr. C.M. andJoAnn Cocanougher. Fundswill be used for materialsfor the Science Day/FitnessWalk for the fifth-grade studentsof Decatur ISD.Young Elementary teachersTiana Lockett, DeenaJordan, Angie Taylor andShannon Ward received a$3,976 grant titled “MesmerizingMimeo Magic” givenin honor of <strong>Wise</strong> Electric.Funds will be used to purchasean interactive mimeosystem that will be used fora farm project in kindergarten.Elementary teachersKara Stone, Christi Perkinsand Mikki Haney-Brookswere awarded a $2,782grant titled “iPadtastic 2”given in honor of LindaWhiddon — in memory ofMarie Comeaux. The specialeducation departmentis requesting iPads for specialeducation students touse as adaptive devices forvarious activities and projects.Young Elementary teachersAlea Peña and DeborahCastorena were given$5,000 to do a project titled“Young MathematiciansReporting from the Field”given in honor of Herb andSusan Williams. Studentswill experience firsthandinteractions with communitybusiness owners and professionalswho use math everyday. Funds will be usedfor transportation costsand iPads. Students willvisit businesses and usethe iPads for writing andresearching about mathrelatedfields.Carson teachers DanielleScroggins, Stephanie Warden,Crystal Klose, CharlotteSutton and JenniferTerrell were awarded aGlossy.indd 1$3,141 grant titled “InspireCreation” given in honorRANDYWILLIAMSBUICK • CHEVY •CADILLACGMC •HYUNDAI•PRE-OWNED940-627-2177The First United Methodist Churchof DecaturLet RANDY SAVE YOU MONEY onYour Next NEW or PRE-OWNED Vehicle!Invites you to aSeason ofCelebration!Christmas EveDecember 24thof Datalink InformationServices/Randy and PamShrull. Funds will be usedto purchase iPads and an5:30pm ServiceA Family ChristmasWISE COUNTY MESSENGER7pm ServiceCandlelight Communion104 S. Miller St.across from Decatur Post Office.940.627.3362 • www.DecaturMethodist.orgApple TV for the campuswhere students can displayproducts based on variousscientific projects.Wedding PlannernerFind out where to get your copy: wcmess.com/wedding

10A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT — The trees at Runaway Bay Community Church have been lit since Thanksgiving night casting a holiday glow.JOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERJOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERSOCK DRIVE — Reid Terrell (center) is surrounded by socks collected by Carson Elementary students for Socks forSeniors. The fourth grade community service project was organized by teacher Brooklynn Stapleton, but the entireelementary participated. More than 1,000 pair were collected. Also pictured are Meagan Penny, Kamri Bronnimanand Maebry Petty.James Wood HyundaiPleasing Customers “The James Wood Way” Just Earned UsThe Hyundai President’s AwardRemarkable ALL-NEW2013 Santa FeTry It & Buy It forLOTS LESS at NationallyRecognized Wood HyundaiHyundai Has 820 Dealers Nationwide.We Are One of 30 to Be Honoredfor Distinguished Customer SatisfactionWOOD BEATS ANYJOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERSANTA VISIT — Santa Claus tells a story to Young Elementarystudents, reminding them to be good.75 New HyundaisANY CITY DEAL2013 ElantrasCOME WITH$500HOLIDAYBONUSCASHWhen Utilizing Hyundai Motor FinanceAmerica’s Best Warranty10-Year/100,000-MilePowertrain Limited Warranty0.9 APRFinancing Availablethru Hyundai Motor Financewith Approved Credit940-627-4600US287South DECATURJamesWoodHyundai.comAll Tranactions are With Approved Credit. WARRANTY: See dealer for details.2013 SonatasCOME WITH$1500 CASHWhen Utilizing Hyundai Motor FinanceHOLIDAYBONUSAND $500 COMPETITIVEVALUEDOWNER OR VALUEDOWNER COUPON

SPORTSSATURDAY, DECEMBER <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>SECTION BBASKETBALLBrock fliespast LadyPanthersBY CLAY CORBETTccorbett@wcmessenger.comIt was a good start for theParadise Lady PanthersTuesday, but they were unableto keep up with the No.2 Brock Eagles, who eventuallypulled away for a 61-35win.The Lady Panthers heldtheir own early, taking a 5-2lead with a Makayla Neighbors3-pointer two minutesinto the game. Paradise’slead did not last long, asBrock’s Braylee Flaska hita lay-up with five minutesleft in the first to give theEagles a 6-5 lead — theynever trailed again.“[Defensively] We gotwhat we fully expected,”Paradise coach EddieFortenberry said. “Ourguards have to shoot well, orwe are sunk. We just didn’tplay well and had too manydumb mistakes.”Brock extended their leadto 15-9 at the end of thefirst quarter. Trailing 23-<strong>12</strong>midway through the secondframe, Paradise startedclawing their way back intoit.A 3-pointer from MadelineRunnels capped off an 8-2 runfor Paradise, bringing themwithin fire, 25-20. Brock neverallowed the Lady Panthersto get any closer. The Eaglesincreased their lead to 29-20at the half.Paradise struggles continuedin the second halfas Brock continued to pullaway. The Lady Panthersonly scored six points inthe third quarter and gotoutscored, 18-9 in the finalperiod.The loss evens Paradise’sdistrict record at 1-1, andFortenberry knows the roadwon’t get any easier fromhere.“It is probably the toughestClass 2A district in thestate,” Fortenberry said.“That makes it tough, especiallywhen you are tryingto turn a program around,because we are not a badteam.”Kaylee McConnell led thescoring for Paradise with <strong>12</strong>.Neighbors finished with 10,and Courtney Kerr addedfour. Runnels and MakennaBurt each tossed in three.Brock was led by sophomoreLexie Ducat with 20and Cora Jenkins with 18.JOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERRIPPED AWAY — Paradise’s Kaylee McConnell tries to hang onto the ball against Brock Tuesday. Brock defeatedthe Lady Panthers, 65-31. • Buy reprints at wcmessenger.com/reprintsLOOK SEE— MakaylaNeighborsscans theBrockdefense foran openteammate.JOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERGIRLSBASKETBALL ROUNDUPBASKETBALLSCHEDULEOPENLANE —Bridgeport’sLandrieWalsh goesin for aneasy basketagainstGrahamTuesday. TheSissies heldfor a 48-39win.JOE DUTY/WCMESSENGERSissies top GrahamAfter an early deficit Tuesday,Bridgeport rallied back for a 48-39win over Graham. The Sissies (9-8)outscored the Blues 28-13 during thesecond and third quarters on theirway to victory.“Our ladies started out slow againtonight, however they made up for itwith a great third quarter,” Bridgeportcoach Dallas Taylor said. “Wetook better care of the basketball,and as a result we were able to executeour offense.”Landrie Walsh led the way with 18,and Tylar Chapa finished with nine.Elaina Peyton scored seven, BaileyThompson added six, and CheyenneDavidson tossed in four. Sabrina Garzahad three.Lady Eagles slip in winFor the second time in the last threegames, the Decatur Lady Eagles wona game in the final seconds.Murphy Graham nailed a 3-pointerwith eight seconds left to lift Decaturover Carrolton Ranchview on Tuesday.The Lady Eagles (<strong>12</strong>-7) trailed24-19 at the half but rallied back totie things at 33-33 by the end of thethird quarter.Graham had a tremendous nightwith 23 points and six rebounds.Shelby Drews finished with eightpoints and eight rebounds. KatieIsham added eight points and pulleddown four rebounds. Makayla Mayfieldtossed in seven, and JasmyneTate scored two and had eight rebounds.On Friday Decatur topped Aubrey38-<strong>12</strong>. The Lady Eagles had a dominatingstart leading 25-3 at the half.Graham finished with 10, and Ishamadded six. Tate tossed in five. Mayfield,See Roundup on page 2BVarsity BoysDec. 27-29Decatur at BridgeportTourn.Bridgeport at BridgeportTourn.Alvord at Godley Tourn.Boyd at Ector Tourn.Paradise at BridgeportTourn.Northwest at WhataburgerTourn.Dec. 28Petrolia at Chico4:30 p.m.Varsity GirlsDec. 27-29Brigeport at NCTCTourn.Alvord at WhataburgerTourn.Boyd at Ector Tourn.Northwest at BoswellTourn.Dec. 28Decatur at Keller Central3:30 p.m.Paradise at Nocona2:30 p.m.Petrolia at Chico3:00 p.m.

EQUAL HOUSINGMULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE®®MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEWISE COUNTY MESSENGERClassified GOLDREAL ESTATE FOR SALE• Real Estate for Sale• Acreage• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplexes• Homes• Lots• Mobile Homes• Wanted to BuyRENTALS EMPLOYMENT SERVICES FARM AND RANCH• Apartments• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplex Housing• Homes• Mobile Homes• Rooms• Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots• For Lease• Wanted to Rent• Wanted to Lease• Facilities• Storage Buildings• Business Opportunity• EmploymentInformation• Adult/Elderly Care• Childcare• Food Service• Medical/Dental• Miscellaneous• Offi ce• Retail/Sales• Trades• Work Wanted• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• TutoringPETS MERCHANDISE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICES• Pets• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud Services• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• Auctions• Boats• Cars• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks• Accessories• Trailers• Wanted to Buy• Card of Thanks• Let’s Swap• Lost & Found• Personal• WantedREAL ESTATE FOR SALEWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>• Farm Equipment • Livestock Stud Service• Fencing• Livestock Supplies• Lawn & Garden • Miscellaneous• Livestock• Mowing• Livestock Care/ • Pasture & FeedTraining • Poultry• Livestock Lost & Found• Legal Notices• Public NoticesALL CLASSIFIED ADS APPEAR ONLINE AT WWW.WCMESSENGER.COM/CLASSCALL 940-627-5987 & GET RESULTS!Business HoursMonday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Deadlines:Classified Line AdsClassifi ed Gold: Noon on Monday<strong>Weekend</strong> Edition: Noon on FridayReal Estate AdsClassifi ed Gold: 3 p.m. on Wednesdaythe week before<strong>Weekend</strong> Edition: 3 p.m. on TuesdayClassified Display AdsClassifi ed Gold: 5 p.m. on Thursday<strong>Weekend</strong> Edition: 5 p.m. on WednesdaySpecial Offers:5-week Service Special: Place an ad of 20words or less for 4 weeks in the BusinessServices classifi cation of the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Messenger</strong> for $82. Receive a bold headingand the 5th week FREE!4-week For Sale Special: Place an adof 20 words or less for 2 weeks in anyFor Sale classifi cation of the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Messenger</strong> for $42. Receive a bold headingand extra 2 weeks FREE!Classified Advertising Policy:Classifi ed ads for the <strong>Weekend</strong>/Classifi edGold edition are $20 per week for 20 wordsor less (each additional word is $1).3BError Responsibility:Customers are asked to check their ad immediatelyafter it appears in the paper andreport at once any error found. Claims foradjustment should be made at that time.The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> is responsiblefor an incorrect ad only the fi rst time itruns, so check your ad carefully.Classified Gold goes into 28,000additional homes.Payments:In person:115 South Trinity St., DecaturBy mail:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149Decatur, TX 76234-0149By phone:940-627-5987$20 for20 Words<strong>Weekend</strong> andAll Around <strong>Wise</strong>Only $1/word over 20 wordsAcreage14+ ACRES IN DECATURWell, septic and electricty in place.Trees and nice building spot. 571CR3170. $<strong>12</strong>5k. Owner/agent,(940)389-5986.• Sunset - 19+/- acres, lot of road frontage.$3,500 per acre•NWBowie-118 acres, good huntingor cattle. $2,395 per acre owner terms•N.Sunset-150 acres, Denton Creek, goodfarm & hunting place. $3,500 per acre•N.Alvord-Prime Hwy. 287 & CRFrontage 16+ acres. $<strong>12</strong>,000 per acre•Sunset-167 acres, good cattle & horseplace, 40x40 building, stock tank, well &septic. Reduced to $2,695 per acre•AlvordISD-4.71 acres, no mobiles.$9,000/acre•Decatur-5+ acres, good Hwy 380frontage. $145,000•E.ofSunset-Two 10 acre tracts, sell oneor both. $4,500 per acre or good offer.•NAlvord-Two 6 acres Hwy 287. $<strong>12</strong>,000per acre. Sell one or both.• ESunset-80 acres, good cattle &recreational place, pecan bottom.$3,500 per acre• NDecatur-Hwy 287, 270 acres $3,500per acre. With Production & Minerals$6,000 per acre•Sunset-Neat 3/2 brick on 15 acres withsmall horse barn. $189,500•EDecatur–7.5 acres, small metalbuilding, well & septic. $140,000•E.Alvord–26.90acres,oldermobilehome, lots & arena. $140,000Sun Set Realty - Jim Boyd, Associate940-845-2<strong>12</strong>0940-393-0421 CellBEAUTIFUL 40 ACRES8milessouthDecatur,offFM730South. Great homesites. Will possiblydivide into 10 acre tracts.(817)929-2716.Business PropertyMOBILE HOME PARKfor sale by owner. Also, mobilehome lot for rent. Call for details.Leave message at (940)399-6175.Homes5 ACRESfenced/cross fenced. Recently updated3/2, detached garage. NearBowie. Price reduced, $93,717. Motivatedseller! Joyce McGrady, broker,(817)946-0381.FOR SALE4 bedroom, 2 bathhome on 5 acres.Scenic neighborhoodnew construction.$279,000Dan: 817-691-6601FSBO, 3-BEDROOM, 2-BATH2-car garage on 3 acres, Paradise.Wood floors, sunroom, coveredwooden deck patio, new storm shelter,detached workshop/garage.Abundant with trees/wildlife. Plentyof open area for livestock.$<strong>22</strong>8,000. (580)320-2709.NEW BRICK CUSTOM HOME!!$1,199/month. 100% financing andtrade-in program. South MartinBranch/Decatur and Runaway Baylocations. (817)733-3444.All real estate advertising in thisnewspaper is subject to the FairHousing Act which makes it illegalto advertise “any preference, limitationor discrimination based onrace, color, religion, sex, handicap,familial status or national origin,or an intention, to make any suchpreference, limitation or discrimination.”Familial status includes childrenunder the age of 18 living withparents or legal custodians, pregnantwomen and people securing custodyof children under 18.PUBLISHER’S NOTICE:This newspaper will not knowinglyaccept any advertising forreal estate which is in violation ofthe law. Our readers are herebyinformed that all dwellings advertisedin this newspaper are availableon an equal opportunity basis. Tocomplain of discrimination callHUD toll-free at1-800-669-9777. Thetoll-free telephonenumber for thehearing impaired is1-800-927-9275.EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY<strong>12</strong>05 Halsell St, Bridgeport • 940-683-4008Fred Meyers, BrokerMike Jones, Realtor 940-393-5<strong>22</strong>9Jared McComis, Realtor • 940-399-75301507 16th St.-This 3/2 frame home situated on a corner lots with lots of possibities in it. This homefeatures 2 living rooms, dress shop that could be turned into a master bedroom or exercise room,lots of storage, needs some TLC but not much. Priced at $99,500 and possible owner finance.144 Nottingham-Nice 3/2/2 brick home that needs some TLC that could be a showplace situatedin an established neighborhood with minimal traffic. Open living & dining area with tile and carpet,large lot with scattered trees would be perfect for a young family or a retired couple. $114,500Lawdwin Street-Looking to build in the city limits of Bridgeport, <strong>12</strong> residential lots with scatteredtrees, in a quiet neighborhood and minutes to everything. Priced at $80,000CR 3214-Looking for seclusion to build your dream home on, here it is. 438.50 +/- acres that isheavily treed, pasture and partially cultivated & river frontage. $5,950/acre Ask for Mike Jones.5660 Littlefield Dr. –Custom2-story4/3.5/2on1.16acresinWestoverRanchinDenton<strong>County</strong>,features custom tile floors, wood floor in dining room, and 30x20 covered patio with outdoorkitchen-great for entertaining. $285,000 Ask for Mike Jones513 Port O Call-Commercial building with lots of possibilities-1st bldg is open with commercialequipped kitchen & 2nd building is original church with Sanctuary & classrooms, handicapaccessible. All sets on 3.77 +/- acres $450,0001711 Boston Ave-Extremely well kept 3/2/2 brick home in a great location to schools andshopping. Would make a great retirement or 1st time home. Priced at $119,000OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANABUILD ON YOUR LOT OR LANDIf you own land - We can build youa new home! Great Financing - ZeroDown for qualified land owners.Reliable and trusted builders.Call today: 817-789-9926OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANATana 940-627-5859tanahomes@yahoo.com • www.tanahomes.comRUNAWAY BAY - JUST LISTED - 3/2/2 located on thegolf course at the 11th “T” updated in 2009 with insulatedvinyl tilt-out windows, carpet, ceramic tile, paint, counter topsand appliances, move-in ready. Split bdrms, walk-in closets,ceiling fans, nicely landscaped. $118,950DECATUR JUST LISTED - 2/1 with metal workshop, some recent updating,shop has an office and half bath, also an in-ground pool that needswork, fenced backyard. $82,900BRIDGEPORT - 158 acres, nice property for developing. CR on twosides, grazing, wildlife, stock pond, views, trees. Call for info. $3,500/acreSILVER LAKES - 1 acre lot, trees, close to boat ramp and club house.Restricted sub. $31,000NORTH ASSOCIATES940-320-0400FOR INFORMATION ON WHO AND HOW TO PURCHASEHUD FORECLOSURE PROPERTIES VISIT:WWW.HUDHOMESTORE.COMYOU GOT LAND? I GOT BUYERS!EACH OFFICE IS INDIVIDUALLY OWNED & OPERATEDOFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANAPreferred Properties940-627-19901814 S. FM 51 • DecaturEach office is independently owned and operated.OPPORTUNITY<strong>12</strong>.7 acres of beautiful improved pasture, fenced and cross fenced with stock tank. $78,900 Call MarilynAfisherman’sparadise!Extremely nice 2/2/2 Austin Stone with metal roof, waterfront home on AmonCarter Lake with boat house & electric lift. Call MarilynGreat location and ideal set up for a home based business. Lovely 2/2 with 2 living areas and largeisland kitchen. On the business side of the property you will find an office/shop/garage and half bath. Seton 2 beautifully fenced and landscaped acres. Beautiful pond view from the covered rear patio. $249,500Call Marilyn40 acre park like setting! Ranch style 3/2/4 home built in 2004. Shop, 2 sheds, 2 stall barn, 1/1 bunkhouse, fishing pond, pipe fencing, electric gate & more! $3<strong>12</strong>,000 Call MarilynFish or play golf! In this small gated rural community you will find this charming 4/2 on large lot. Splitbedrooms, walk-in closets, open living area. Nice covered porch with room for rockers. Just around thecorner from the golf course and Lake Nocona. $69,900 Call MarilynWaterfront lot with nice trees! Community features include secure gated entrance, pool and boat ramp.$9,999 Call MarilynNorth Star Point Water View Lot –1.62acrewoodedlotwithviewofLakeBridgeport.$8,999 Call MarilynSpacious home sitting on a nice treed corner lot at a great price!! 4bedroom,2fullbathswithallnewflooring, paint, texture, new kitchen.You’ve got to come see!! $105,000 Call RhondaHAVE BUYERS - NEED SELLERS!www.remax-preferredproperties-decatur-tx-us.com940-627-5987 • WCMESSENGER.COM/SUBSCRIBESue Ann Denton, Inc.Decatur1606 W. Bus. 380940-627-3080Rhome817-638-5100Bridgeport192 W. Hwy. 380940-683-3080•JanaBearden•JayConquest•RebeccaDavis•JoeyDuncan•SueAnnDenton•CindyGrommesh•BobGrommesh•KimHolt•SteveJones•AngieKasner•JaneKasner•RobertMeek•SueMeek•SandyOnks•TonyaShaffer•KayStanfield•AngieUseltonNorthwest ISD- Beautiful Waterfront Home. Come move toPecan Acres on Eagle Mountain Lake. Gorgeous views of thelake from the second floor master, living room, breakfast areaand covered porch. This home has two enclosed boat houses,dock and oversized yard with over 70 feet of water frontage. Youwill have plenty of room in this home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathsand 2 living areas.Bridgeport ISD- Beautiful Home on 8.77 acres in Paradise.Large pool with hot tub, covered cedar patio, and arbor. 4stall barn, tack-feed room, round pen and large area clearedfor a future arena. Mature oak trees with 3 ponds. Fireplacein master bedroom and bath, large game room, study, fauxfinishes and fully fenced.Boyd- Property has hwy frontage on 730. There is an old dairy barn at front of property. This could alsobe a great location for commercial business.Three cleared fenced acres 1 singlewide, 1 car garage. Nicestorage building barn and doublewide manufactured home at back.Chico- This country home sits on 64 acres. There are various out buildings and a 24x<strong>12</strong> concretefloor shop-barn and a livestock barn. Coastal grass and some cross fencing. Home has wood burningfireplace and 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. This property is on a private road that dead ends at this place.Decatur- Just reduced! This 1 acre property features an immaculate, spacious home with 3 bedrooms,2baths,2livingareas,2diningareasandahugekitchenwithisland.Thehomeissurroundedbybeautiful landscaping and white vinyl fencing.The large landscaped back yard has an above ground poolwith deck and a <strong>12</strong>x16 storage building. Bring a cash offer and take $5,000 off list price.Waterfront Lake Bridgeport- Perfect place to entertain your family and friends in this waterfront homeon Lake Bridgeport.Impressive 2 story 3 bedroom 2.1 rock-stone home with lots on windows overlookingbeautiful Lake Bridgeport. Rock fireplace, wrap around 35x19 covered porch well constructed boat dockwith electric lift.Bridgeport- Just listed! Nice piece of land just under 17 acres. Some pipe fencing with sucker rodacross the front. Land is cross fenced with slick wire.Two stock tanks and good deep well and septic. Oldrock house of NO VALUE. Several storage buildings, implement barn, and loafing shed.Beautiful Lake Bridgeport, Runaway Bay, Briar Crossing, North Star Pointe, Moonlight Bay,Sunset Bay, Silver Lakes, Bridgeport Airport Estates, Lake House Estates- A large variety oflake lots and waterfront lots available. Call our office first!SMARTER • BOLDER • FASTER<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s#1 Real Estate Company(per MLS statistical data)www.century21sueanndenton.comRANDY W. PARKER-OWNER/BROKERLISA G. CARAWAY, MANAGING PARTNER/REALTOR405 W. Walnut St. 940-627-9040For more information about us and our listings visitwww.parkerpropertiestexas.comSherry Layton940-399-8246sherrylayton@embarqmail.comLisa G. Caraway,940-393-2476lisagcaraway@yahoo.comBruceFurgerson817-996-3202bfrealtor.combfyeehaw@embarqmail.comGussieGrovesGRI ERS940-627-4397gussie@embarqmail.comBest ofWISEFEATURE PROPERTYCHICO - Convenience Store, bait shop, at theentrance to <strong>Wise</strong> Co. Park. A Public recreational parkwith boat ramps. Camping, swimming, fishing. Storehas a grill, merchandise shelving, gas pump. baittanks and more. $80,500. Call Gussie 940-627-43972009CeCe Lisby940-399-9141This great property sits on 1.295 acres. Country living with easy This great family home has a beautiful rock and brick exterior and sits ondrive to Decatur and the metroplex. This 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 2.5 acres. Floorplan has split bedrooms with two and a half bathrooms and cecelisby@yahoo.comhome features a split bedroom floorplan. Kitchen is open to dining awoodburningfireplace. Largecoveredpatiohasoutdoorfireplaceandarea, generous size bedrooms, covered porches and oversized garage outdoor shower. Great metal shop could be convereted to horse stall, haywith walk thru door. Call to see TODAY!!storage or equipment. Garage has vinyl floor, central heat & air and built-ins!For Information on All of my properties go towww.bfrealtor.comDon't make a move without Parker Properties. Call today for any of your real estate needs.2homeson5acres Beautiful 3/2/2, 10 ft. ceilings, patio, John Laniermuch more in Decatur. $145,000 940-627-9714jrlanier@gmail.comAFFORDABLE HOME- Nice starter home 3/2 on1 acre. Nice size rooms, 3bedrooms, 2 baths. Fencedin the back with 1 horse stalland storage building. Plentyof room for a shop. Beautifulviews. Mobile if retro fitted.$67,000Paradise – Move to the country!3/2, two story on 6 acres. Thehome has numerous upgrades. Newpaint, all laminate flooring has beeninstalled throughout the dwelling.35X50 workshop with slab floor.Lean-to attachment. <strong>12</strong>X24 buildingcould be used for mother’s home orgame room. Home warranty to beprovided.52 acres and 58 acres for commercial/developmentAlvord – Duplex – 807 W.Lamar. 3/2 with extra lot.$152,500 includes both unitsAlvord - Duplex – 509 W. Live Oak – 3/2. $139,900includes both unitsDecatur - 202 W. Oak – City lot, 2 blocks from courthouse.Sean Williams940-577-4484seanlmwilliams@yahoo.com

WISECOUNTYMESSENGER4B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENTEMPLOYMENTJack CannonBroker940-368-1811Let Us Help You BuyYour HUD Home.HUD Approved RealtorsMerryChristmas&HappyNew Year!Search The MLS ListingFor All Homes OrProperties AtWWW.CANNONREALTY.NETBrand new 4-bedroom, 1,929square foot on 2.8 acres w/attachedcarport. 0 down financing available.Decatur ISD. (940)202-7911.MAKE A RESOLUTIONto buy a beautiful new house in theNew Year! 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath,4-car garage plus office on 3 acresfor sale. 30x40’ storage building canfit RV, trailer, boat, etc. $265,500.Meadowbrook Subdivision. Call(972)418-5189.New brick home. 100% financing orlease to own available.(817)925-9816.New construction! 4-bedroom w/attachedcarport on 2 acres. 0 downfinancing available. (940)202-7911.Refurbished 5/3 on 2 acres. Newpaint, carpet, and appliance packageincluded. No restrictions. NorthwestISD. (940)202-7911.SACRIFICED PRICEfor quick sale, $10,000 below marketvalue. 10 acres w recently updatedTown & Country double wide,garage, frontage on FM <strong>22</strong>64. Broker,(940)389-6515.SELL, LEASE, RENT2/1, bonus bed/bath, 2.01 heavilywooded acres w/shop, BridgeportISD. Sell, $<strong>12</strong>1,900; or$1,050/month rent. Available Jan.1. (817)996-8508.ATTN MOBILE & MFG HOME BUYERSWe offer New Site Built HomesOn YOUR Lot or Land at a comparableprice to New doublewides & modular.Qualified landowners can get ZERO Down.Call Phil: 817-789-9926The First Name in Real Estate!940-891-3<strong>22</strong>9www.denton.ebby.comMoving On Your Got You Mind?HaveWhen choosing a Realtor, youexpect competency, knowledge,experience & care - exceeding yourexpectations is Our Goal.Our business is largely referral basedand YOU are the heart of Our business!•Land•Newhome/buildersales•Relocationneeds•Buying,selling&leasing•InvestmentpropertiesJulie Downe 817.239.2390juliedowne@ebby.comJamie K Miller 817.505.6886jamiek@ebby.comThe #1 Independently OwnedReal Estate Company in theMetroplex and TexasLotsRARE HOME LOTnear schools & medical center, inEagle Addition, Decatur.(940)577-1703.SOUTH PADRE QUALITY SUNSETSat Lake Bridgeport. 2 lake front lotswith mobile home, garage & dock.$275,000, negotiable.(940)433-2652.Mobile HomesHERITAGE MOBILE HOMES650 S. Main, Jacksboro. Year endclearance sale. Save thousands!Call (940)567-6111. RI36520.OWNER FINANCEMobile homes, Newark. No creditneeded. Low down, low payments.(817)975-1798.RBMOBILEHOMES.COMMove, set-ups, re-levels. In & out ofstate. Licensed, bonded, insured.Repos. Free estimates.(940)683-5547. RBI #36191.RENTAApartmentsCabins & efficiency apartments forrent, including some as low as$500/month w/all bills paid. Boydarea. Excellent location.(940)433-3133.Efficiency, $130/week. 1-bedroom,$170/week. All bills paid.(817)975-2431.MOVE-IN SPECIAL2/1 apartment in Chico.$500/month. No pets. Call(940)644-2713 or (817)929-1930.Business propertyFANTASTIC BUILDINGfor rent. Great location, all electric, 4restrooms, 5,500 square feet. Candivide. Must see to appreciate.Available. (940)872-2521.PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACEOne space remaining, 15x40. TownEast Centre, Bridgeport, acrossfrom the Post Office.(940)683-5395.Condos, town homes3-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 2-story condofor lease at Great House Village,<strong>12</strong>3 Emma Call Court, Decatur.$1,500/month plus deposit. CallJoe, (817)999-3141.LAKEFRONT CONDO2/2, upstairs, Harbor Shores. Boatramp, golf course close by. Pool access.$775/month, $600/deposit. Nopets/smoking. (817)988-3530.Duplexes3-bedroom, 2-bath duplex. 800 N.Main, Lake Bridgeport. $850/month,includes water. $750/deposit, additionalpet deposit. References &credit check required.(940)393-8664, (940)393-1180.Bridgeport, for lease, 2 large units.3/2, $850/month; 2/2, $695/month;plus deposits. Newer, best area, includesrefrigerator, stove, dishwasher,central AC, separate laundry,huge closets. No pets/smoking.Credit, background, references required.By appointment,(940)627-5859.DUPLEXLake Bridgeport, 3-bedroom, 2-bath.Bridgeport ISD. $775/month,$600/deposit. (817)988-3530.NICE RHOME DUPLEX2/2 w/appliances, washer/dryerhookups, lawn care. Covered parking/storage.No smoking. Some petsOK. $795/month, $750/deposit.Owner/agent, (940)399-3900.HomesRENTALS• Apartments • BusinessProperty • Condos/TownHomes • Duplex Housing• Homes • Mobile Homes •Rooms • Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots • For Lease •Wanted to Rent • Wanted toLease • Facilities • StorageBuildingsRemodeled, 1-bedroom, 1-bath, privacyfence, 2-car carport w/largeshop.Includes appliances. Co-opelectricity. No pets/smoking.$675/month plus deposit.(940)683-3737, (940)389-2717;brittdoty@embarqmail.com.SpenceProperties.com1509 N. Bus. 287Decatur - 2/1$895/month $500/deposit402 E. AshDecatur - 3/2/1$1,050/month $500/deposit817-825-4647Available Jan. 15, 2-bedroom,2-bath, Bridgeport, covered carport.No smoking, no pets. $700/month,$500/deposit. References required.(940)390-7002.Boyd, Hilltop Village, 3-bedroom,2-bath house. $900/month. Donna,(940)389-1615.CANNON PROPERTY MGMT.Decatur: 2/2/2 townhouse, (2 available.2/2, 1 acre, $875/month.2/1 on 2 acres, $850/month.3/1, fenced yard, $890/month.3/1, carport, barn, 15 acres.4/2, carport, 1.5 acres, $975/month.Bridgeport: 2/2, $700/month.Alvord: 2/1, $675/month.(940)368-1811.Houses for rent, downtown Rhome.2/1, $850/month, $800/deposit. 2ndhouse, $700/month, $600/deposit.(817)614-5260 for showings.Lakefront, 3-bedroom, 1.5-bath, fireplaces,carpet/tile, very clean, largekitchen, washer/dryer connections.Amustsee!$995/monthplusdeposit.References. (940)575-4891.Mobile Homes0creditcheck.2,3&4-bedroomhomes, $550-$1,500/month, forsale/rent. Owner finance land/homepackages, 1.5-4 acres. Ponder ISD,pets OK. (940)648-5263,www.ponderei.com.4/2 double wide on acre lot. Sell orrent. Boyd ISD. (817)281-4311 or(817)4<strong>22</strong>-3034.Storage BuildingsDECATUR SELF STORAGEVOTED BEST SELFREADER’SCHOICE STORAGE IN WISECOUNTYFree lock with rental of unit•Wesellboxesandmovingsupplies•Climatecontrolledunitsavailable•U-HaulDealer-Trucks,Trailers,etc.Ask about our special!1100 E. Bus. 380 • Decatur940-627-6434Toll Free: 877-718-88752011-20<strong>12</strong>www.decaturselfstorage.netEMPLOYM • ChildcareEmployment information!!ATTENTION!!Advertising under this classificationis normally not a bona fideopportunity. Typically, companiesadvertising here offer informationabout potential employment.Some are selling this information.We suggest that ourreaders thoroughly investigatethese advertisers before investingany money.Now Hiring: companies desperatelyneed employees to assemble productsat home. No selling, any hours.$500 weekly potential. Info.(985)646-1700, Dept. TX-3278.ChildcareEMPLOYMENTFull-time staff needed. Apply in person,Little Angels Day Care, 1403Hovey Street, Bridgeport.Medical/Dental• Business Opportunity• Employment Information• Adult/Elderly Care• Food Service • Medical/Dental • Miscellaneous• Offi ce • Retail/Sales• Trades • Work WantedHELP WANTED: Medical Clinic inDecatur looking to hire a part-timeReceptionist for evenings. Bilingualaplus,previousMedicalReceptionistexperience preferred. Pleasesend resume with wage requirementsto:monisalmazan1@yahoo.com or youcan fax to (940)627-7464.Now hiring for the following position:• CNA - 2 -10 p.m.with $600 sign on bonus• Full-TimeLaundry AideApply In Person At701 West Bennett Rd., DECATUR or call940-626-2800EEO M/F/D/VSenior Care Health& Rehabilitation CenterNow hiring for the following positions:• CERTIFIEDNURSE AIDESign On Bonus $1,000• LVNsSign On Bonus $2,000Apply in person at 2108 15th St. • Bridgeport940-683-5023EEO-M/F/D/VExperienced dental assistant/backoffice, minimum 2-years experiencew/Dentrix required. Hygenist, minimum2-years experience. Frontdesk person, will train, bilingual preferred.Good work ethic, reliable.Fax resume, (940)627-8402.Immediate opening for home healthper visit LVN. Home Health Care ofNorth Central Texas.(940)683-3300; Fax:(940)683-3302.Diamond Tank RentalNOW HIRINGWinch Truck & Flat Bed DriversCDL Required. No Tarping.Paid Vacation, Medical InsuranceFor more information call 940-969-2028Part TimeCode Enforcement OfficerThe goal of the City of Newark Code Enforcement Departmentis to protect the health, safety, welfare and property values ofNewark residents through the reasonable and consistentenforcement of codes and ordinances. Code EnforcementCertification required. Flexible hours.All interested parties should send resume to City of Newark,Attn: Diane Rasor, P.O. Box 156, Newark, TX 76071,fax to 817-489-5202, email to citysecretary@newarktexas.comor apply in person at Newark City Hall, 209 HudsonStreet, Newark, TX. The City ofHIRING TRANSPORT DRIVERSTransport Transport 2 Years Verifiable DrivingDrivers Drivers Experience, CleanNeeded Needed MVR andTransport Drivers NeededBackground, Class A License + Tanker Endorsementand age <strong>22</strong> or older. Locations in Cleburne,Weatherford, Bridgeport, Justin and Jacksboro.• Excellent Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance• Drive locally only - <strong>12</strong>-hour shifts• Company-Paid Life Insurance• Matching 401(k)<strong>22</strong><strong>22</strong>yearsyearsminimumminimumage;age;2 years verifiableverifiabledrivingdrivingexperience;<strong>22</strong> years minimum age; experience;ClassClassA CDL;CDL;We 2 yearsWepaypayyou verifiableyouforforyour drivingyourexperience experience;experienceEmployeeEmployeeandandFamilyFamilyhealthhealthinsuranceClass A CDL;insuranceNightNightshiftshiftpremiumpremiumNight We payNightshift youshiftbonus for your experiencebonus• Night Shift Differential• Night Shift Bonus Annually• Safety Bucks Annually• Paid Vacations and Paid Holidays• Quarterly Driver Bonuses• Driver Referral Bonuses• Free Wellness Fair for Employees Annually• $25/month Gym Reimbursement paid QuarterlyEmployee and Family health insuranceNight shift premiumCleburneCleburnearea:area:817.925.5154817.925.5154SContact 940.393.5525 Dannyor 817.925.5154 JonEOEhas an opening for aBreastfeeding PeerCounselorin our Decatur WIC Clinic.Must have been a WICParticipant; a successfulbreastfeeding mom. Musthave a valid driver’s licensein good standing anddependable transportation.We offer holiday/vacationpay, great benefits and401K. Please apply onlineat www.outreachhealth.comApplications are alsoavailable at the clinic.EOEMiscellaneousFront counter help. Must have HighSchool diploma or GED, have customerexperience & neat appearance.Paid vacation, holidays. Nophone calls. Pick up application inperson, Comet Cleaners, 1400 S.FM 51, Decatur.Full-time position for autodetailer/porter with ability to obtainstate inspection license. Currentstate inspection license a plus.9a.m.-7p.m., Mon.-Sat. Send resumeto:applications2job@yahoo.com.Lube tech needed. Mon.-Fri.,8a.m.-5:30p.m.; Sat., 8a.m.-noon.1st Choice Truck Lube, 1300 W. FM1810, Decatur. (940)627-3<strong>22</strong>3.NOW HIRINGAssistant Manager and other positionslisted on our website. Apply atMarket Place in Decatur orwww.marketplacegrocery.com.Now hiring night auditor desk clerkat Best Western, 1801 S. Highway287, Decatur. Apply in person.PART TIME COLLECTORCurrently seeking a part-time experiencedcollector to collect on patientaccount balances in a call centerenvironment at a medical facilityin Decatur. The successful experiencedcollector will conduct phonecollections and occasional face toface, walk-in collections. Bilingualpreferred, but not required. This isapart-timepositionwithaMondaythrough Friday 8:00a.m. to <strong>12</strong>:00noon shift. Please e-mail your resumeto: lmorris@dhca.us.BridgeportBridgeportarea:area:940.393.5525940.393.5525K

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>5BEMPLOYMENTFARM AND RANCHMERCHANDISEFOR SALEOfficeANorthTexasbusinessisnowhiringfor full-time, entry level office position.Must have PC, organizationaland communication skills. Submitcover letter & resume: PO Box 149,attn: NTB, Decatur, TX 76234.First State Bank is looking for an experiencedOperation Clerk for itsChico location. Please contactCathy McKenzie at (940)683-6300.Retail/SalesHIRING: PARTS COUNTERSPECIALISTAg, construction or auto parts experiencepreferred. Computer knowledge,communication skills and abilityto work in fast paced environmentis a must. Full-time, competitivepay, 401K, health insuranceand paid holidays. Apply online atwww.hendershotequipment.com.TradesDealership seeking aService Dispatcher,Shipping/ReceivingClerk & Parts DriverCandidates mustbe growth-minded andhave customerservice experience.Call Phillip at 940-627-1101or apply to Jodi at605 N. Bus. 287, Suite 102, DecaturBlues InspectionServicesNOW HIRINGGeneral LaborerApply at109 Lake Road, BridgeportNABORSFor an exciting careerin private sectorcorrections, considerthe industry leader:CORRECTIONSCORPORATION OF AMERICAis seeking applicants for thefollowing position at its BridgeportPre-Parole Transfer Facility:• CorrectionalOfficerExcellent Benefits PackageFull-time:Health, Dental and Vision InsuranceLife Insurance • 401(k) Retirement PlansStock Options • Personal & Sick LeavePaid Holidays • Service/EmployeeRecognition Programs. CareerAdvancement OpportunitiesApply online at:www.ccajob.com940-683-2162CCA is an equal opportunity employerM/F/D/V-Drug Free EnvironmentELIGIBILITY COUNSELORCurrently seeking candidates withexperience assisting individuals in ahospital environment with governmentprograms such as, but not limitedto, Medicaid, SSI, TANF,<strong>County</strong> Indigent and Crime Victims.The successful candidate will haveexperience in positions such as patientadvocate, Texas Works Advisor,SSI representative or caseworker.This is a full-time positionwith a Monday through Friday8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. shift. Pleasee-mail your resume to:lmorris@dhca.us.Experienced trim carpenter. Must bereliable. (817)205-6776Hiring CDL drivers. Tanker endorsementand end dump. (940)389-2579or (940)427-4953.Now hiring Class A CDL drivers with2-years experience. Oilfield/environmental/constructiontransportation.Paid weekly, insurance, Aflac,paid vacations and much more. CallDaniel, (800)448-6323.Now hiring journeymen electricianswith commercial experience.(940)389-5588.EXPERIENCED MECHANICSVACUUM TRUCK DRIVERSRIG TRANSPORT DRIVERSDecatur, TX & Longview, TXDriver Requirements: 1.5 Yrs. Exp. CDL ACompetitive Pay & Benefits: Major Medical/Dental/Vision/401(k),Vacation/Holiday PayApply online at www.Nabors.comCall 800.899.3941Or E-mail resume to: Angela.Seastrunk@Nabors.com“WE AREN’T THE REST, WE HIRE THE BEST!”EEO/M/F/V/DLABOR POSITIONS AVAILABLEWater TransferDepartmentFull-time•QuarterlyBonuses•PaidVacationsandHolidays•ExcellentMedical,Dental,VisionandLifeInsurance•CompanyPaidLifeInsurance•Matching401(k)•SafetyBucks•FreeWellnessFairAnnually•$25monthGymReimbursementProgramContact Todd at 940-210-1897.EOECOFFMANTANK TRUCKS/FRONTIER OIL & GASNOW HIRINGQualifiedClass A CDL DriversMinimum 2 years driving experience.Excellent Benefits – Competitive WagesHealth Insurance • Dental/Vision InsuranceLife Insurance • Holiday Pay • 401(k)If you are an honest, hardworking individual seekingan established growing company apply within.NON-QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS NEED NOT APPLY503 W. Sherman • Chico, TX 76439Night Transport/Bobtail DriversClass A w/ X EndorsementClean Driving & Criminal HistoryWe Offer:TOP PAY!Medical, Dental, Vision,Life, 401KQuarterly Bonus ProgramApply at: 1709 CrittendonBridgeport, TX 76246(361) 573-8074thomaspetro.comSERVICChildcareIN HOME DAYCAREChristian mother seeking children inmy Alvord home. Immediate spotsopen. Call for more information.(940)594-8913.BusinessJOE TUCKER DRYWALL& INSULATION(940)389-0029Sheetrock ✣ Texture ✣ Insulation.New construction, remodeling,add-ons, spray foam & attic insulation.(940)389-0029.MR. SWEEP’SChimney Cleaning Service. Chimneycaps, dryer vent cleaning & fireplacerepairs. Call (817)692-5624.S&S PAINTINGInterior & exterior. Paint & staincabinets. Dry wall patches. Free estimates.Call Brenda Dugan,(940)389-0845.STONE WORK & CONCRETERetaining walls, patios, rock entries,houses, landscaping. Small brickjobs. Decatur references. 20-yearsexperience. Major credit cards accepted.Insured/bonded.(817)919-4487.HousecleaningI DO HOUSECLEANINGHonest & dependable. References.(940)389-2683; or send email towisehousecleaning2013@gmail.com.MY CLEANING CREWResidential/apartments,move-in/move-out, commercial.Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Freeestimates, insured, bonded.helpme.clean@mycleaningcrew.net;Ara, (817)876-1035.Let me fix itSERVICESHOME LEVELING SOLUTIONSPier/beam homes, mobile homes,small buildings, beams, columns,crack repair, masonry repair.(940)399-9616.MOBILE MAINTENANCE WELDINGAll types. Call (940)389-9413.PRO CONSTRUCTION SERVICES(940)577-4135. Remodeling,interior & exteriorpainting, drywall,cabinets, trim, tile,handyman jobs. Qualitywork done right.pro-construction-services.com.REMODELING & REPAIRSfor your home & rental properties.Call Barry, (940)389-4943.Miscellaneous• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• TutoringLONGARM QUILTINGstarting at .01¢/inch, $45 minimum.Decatur area. (940)389-4150,(940)627-6968.Farm EquipmentOLD, RUSTY, DAVID BRADLEYwalk behind tractor. Parts or restoration.Complete, some implements.$200/firm. Leave message,(940)433-8697.Fencing3D FARM & RANCH SERVICESAll types fencing, metal buildings,carports, custom gates, entrances,cattle guards, mobile & shop welding,general clean-up, skid steerwork. YOU NAME IT, WE DO IT!!Credit cards accepted.(940)210-<strong>12</strong>42.AFFORDABLE FENCINGAll types, including chainlink, wood privacy, vinyl,farm fencing. Installationor repair. (940)626-9290.www.affordablefencing.netAL SALINAS FENCINGAll types fencing. Braces, gates,cattle guards, livestock shelters,carports, pre-made braces.(940)577-0878.Lawn and gardenSS LAWN CAREFull lawn care service. Mowing,landscaping, tree trimming, fertilization,flower beds and more. Referencesavailable. 10-years experience.Commercial/residential. CallShane for free estimate.(940)210-9444.TREES TRIMMED & REMOVED39 years in business, insured. Allmajor credit cards accepted.(817)444-0861, Teater.LivestockALL NATURAL BEEFNo antibiotics or hormones. Whole,half, quarter or smaller packages tosuit your needs. (940)210-9614.GOATS FOR SALEGreat Christmas gifts. Does (somebred), wethers, all ages.(940)210-2506, leave message.LLAMASweanlings (6-months-old), adults,bred females, guardians & pet quality.We provide training & supportfor new owners. (940)433-5897.NEW YEAR’S DAY SPECIAL100 quality Black Angus cattle. Willsell at <strong>12</strong> noon. 200 top bred QuarterHorses will follow. Sale at BowieLivestock Commission, Bowie, TX.Taking consignments now.(817)691-0825; fax (940)6<strong>12</strong>-1178;web:www.brperformancehorses.com.Livestock care/trainingRED RIVER HORSE-SHOEING25-years experience,certified. Reasonablerates. <strong>Wise</strong> & surroundingcounties. Steve Sewell,(940)366-1485.MowingACREAGE MOWINGTractor services. Plowing, seeding,aerating, tilling, fertilizing available.Tommy, (940)482-6578.Pasture and feedHAYHorse & Cow Quality50 years of actual servicein Hay Sales.Try us andsee if our prices can be beat!Thank you,Danny Taylor940-389-3068Charles H. Taylor940-393-2728A QUALITYcoastal hay for sale. Round &square bales. (817)944-9451 or(940)255-7795.Looking for justthe right job?<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifieds Onlinewww.messenger.com/classCUSTOM ROUND/SQUAREbaling , mowing, plowing,grain drill, treestrimmed, gardenstilled. Hay hauling andhay for sale. Call(940)393-9616, (940)683-3148.FERTILIZED, WEED FREE HAYHorse quality and cow hay, squares& round, coastal & Sudan.(940)393-<strong>22</strong>54.HORSE AND CATTLE HAYSquare and round bales.(940)627-2638.LONESOME DOVE FEEDAuthorized Bryant dealer, great feedat low prices! Round bales for sale.Located <strong>12</strong>31 CR4380, Decatur.(940)389-2945.✭COASTAL HAY✭Large round bales, heavily fertilized&herbicided.NearAlvord,willload.(940)872-2197.ROUND & SQUARE BALESCoastal, wheat, coastal/rye mix. Deliveryavailable. Call for pricing.(940)841-2150.PetsPETS!!ATTENTION!!We suggest that our readers thoroughlyinvestigate any advertiserbefore investing any money.CROSSBREDPOINTER/BRITTANY8-months-old, 2 males, 1 female,both parents excellent hunters & retrievers,all shots, very active & eyepleasers. $100/each. Cell(817)903-9242; emailbcjennings@gmail.com.YORKIES, AKCextra tiny, teacup males. Shots,wormed, health guarantee.(940)507-0082.www.URNextpup.com.MERCHANFOR SAFurnitureTWIN MATTRESS& box spring, like new. $<strong>12</strong>5.Round, oak table & 4 chairs, $275.(940)389-4249.We buy & sell USED OFFICE FUR-NITURE, 1117 Halsell Street,Downtown Bridgeport. Delivery, installationavailable. Call(940)683-4911 for more information.Garage sales!!ATTENTION!!Garage sale ads must be called inBEFORE NOON MONDAY to run inthe All Around <strong>Wise</strong>/Wednesdayedition. As of Oct. 1, 20<strong>12</strong>, all classifiedsare in All Around <strong>Wise</strong>. Wedo not run garage sales the weekendbefore the sale.Decatur, FM <strong>22</strong>64, 3 miles fromHighway 287, Fri.-Sat., Dec. 21-<strong>22</strong>,9a.m.-6p.m. ESTATE SALE, allhousehold items, music equipment,piano, tools, riding mower,etc. 10 acres & double wide, alsofor sale.ATTENTION GARAGESALE ADVERTISERS:First,the Bad News...Midweek Classified Deadlinesare moving to Mondays at Noon.Now, theGOOD News...That means your GarageSale ad will be seen bymore than 28,000 AllAround <strong>Wise</strong> readers,county-wide.$20 for20 Words<strong>Weekend</strong> andAll Around <strong>Wise</strong>Only $1/word over 20 wordsFirewoodPETS• Pets• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud ServicesMERCHANDISE FOR SALE• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• AuctionsCall 940-627-5987 beforeNoon on Mondays to getyour ad included in AllAround <strong>Wise</strong> AND the<strong>Weekend</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>!FIREWOOD FOR SALESeasoned oak firewood, deliveryavailable. (940)389-6407.SPLIT FIREWOOD$75/full load. Your truck, I load.Credit cards accepted.(817)444-0861, (817)690-4011.MiscellaneousElectric bike by Cozy$700. Less than 1-year-old. Has theadded power pack for hills. Call(940)627-2387.LIMITED EDITION MARTINCOWBOY III GUITAR#299 of 750, with case. Paid $850new, used very little. PRICE RE-DUCED TO ONLY $450! Call(940)872-9556 or see at Harris MusicCenter, 111 W. Main, Decatur.PURE TAN TANNING BED$500/cash. Rhome, you pick up.(817)747-9000.We buy pecans. Fresh ProduceMarket, Decatur. (940)627-7598.AuctionsNew Year’s Day auction in Springtown.Over 400 lots including antiques& collectibles, furniture, art &advertising memorabilia. 9315 OldSpringtown Road, (just 1/2 mile offHighway 199). Auctioneer: RossBandy, license #15216. 10% buyerspremium.www.texasauctionrealty.com,(817)680-7420.TRANSPORTCarsTRANSPORTATION• Boats• Cars• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks• Accessories• Trailers• Wanted to BuyI’LL BUY THOSE YARD CARSas well as your good used cars.Arvin, (817)925-8768.DEPENDABLE CARS & TRUCKS$3,500 or less. We finance!Cowgirl AutoSales, 804 BusinessHighway 287, Decatur,TX; (940)626-0070.Let’s do business! www.cowgirlautosales.com.107 S. Hwy 287 • Decatur, TX 76234940-626-8000 • 940-626-8003No Credit CheckBad Credit - No CreditNo ProblemHassle Free FinancingReport to Credit BureauMany Clean & ReliableCars, Trucks, SUVs inInventory.Come By and See Us!Trade Ins Welcome!940-626-8000www.bmgautosales.comwww.bmgautogroup.combmgauto1@yahoo.comRecreational vehicles2004 HONDA SHADOW AERO(VT750C), WINDSHIELD, BACK-REST, CRASH BARS, AND LUG-GAGE RACK ADDED! Inspired byboth the Shadow A.C.E. 750 Deluxeand Shadow Spirit 750, this classicmachine features incomparableretro styling, shaft drive; a low, 26”seat height, 50 MPG, and best ofall, full-sized looks and performancewithout the full-sized price. Maroon,7,095 miles. $4,000.(940)393-8663.WWW.WCMESSENGER.COMCLASS@WCMESSENGER.COMADS@WCMESSENGER.COMFence Pipe and Supplies2 3 /8 -2 7 /8 -3 1 /2 -4 1 /2 -5 1 /2Square & Rectangle TubingC-PurlinDomed Caps and SpringsAll Types of SteelAuthorized DealerFlusche Enterprises, Inc.940-759-<strong>22</strong>03 Muenster, TX

6B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>NOTICESLegal noticesNOTICE OF APPLICATION ANDPRELIMINARY DECISION FORTPDES PERMIT FOR MUNICIPALWASTEWATER RENEWALPERMIT NO. WQ0014841001APPLICATION AND PRELIMI-ARY DECISION. IvyValleyUtiliies,LP, 200 Pate Orr Road South,eller, Texas 76248, has applied tohe Texas Commission on EnvironentalQuality (TCEQ) for a reewalof TPDES Permit No.Q0014841001, which authorizeshe discharge of treated domesticastewater at a daily average flowot to exceed 300,000 gallons peray. TCEQ received this applicationn June 14, 20<strong>12</strong>.The facility will be located on theorth bank of the West Fork Trinityiver, approximately 4,200 feetouthwest of the intersection oftate Highway 730 and <strong>County</strong>oad 4481 in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Texas6023. The treated effluent will beischarged to West Fork Trinityiver Below Bridgeport Reservoir inegment No. 0810 of the Trinityiver Basin. The designated usesor Segment No. 0810 are highquatic life use, public water supply,nd primary contact recreation. Alleterminations are preliminary andubject to additional review and/orevisions.The TCEQ Executive Director hasompleted the technical review ofhe application and prepared a draftermit. The draft permit, if aproved,would establish the condiionsunder which the facility mustperate. The Executive Director hasade a preliminary decision thathis permit, if issued, meets alltatutory and regulatory requireents.The permit application, ExcutiveDirector's preliminary deciion,and draft permit are availableor viewing and copying at the Cityf Boyd, City Hall, 100 East Rock IsandAvenue, Boyd, Texas. Thisink to an electronic map of the siter facility's general location is proidedas a public courtesy and notart of the application or notice. Forxact location, refer to application.http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/index.html?lat=33.118803&lng=-97.590336&zoom=13&type=rPUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLICMEETING. You may submit publiccomments or request a publicmeeting about this application.The purpose of a public meeting isto provide the opportunity to submitcomments or to ask questions aboutthe application. TCEQ holds a publicmeeting if the Executive Directordetermines that there is a significantdegree of public interest in the applicationor if requested by a local legislator.A public meeting is not acontested case hearing.OPPORTUNITY FOR A CON-TESTED CASE HEARING. Afterthe deadline for submitting publiccomments, the Executive Directorwill consider all timely commentsand prepare a response to all relevantand material, or significant publiccomments. Unless the applicationis directly referred for a contestedcase hearing, the responseto comments will bemailed to everyone who submittedpublic comments and tothose persons who are on themailing list for this application. Ifcomments are received, the mailingwill also provide instructionsfor requesting a contested casehearing or reconsideration of theExecutive Director's decision. Acontested case hearing is a legalproceeding similar to a civil trial in astate district court.TO REQUEST A CONTESTEDCASE HEARING, YOU MUST IN-CLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMSIN YOUR REQUEST: your name;address, phone number; applicant'sname and permit number;the location and distance of yourproperty/activities relative to thefacility; a specific description ofhow you would be adversely affectedby the facility in a way notcommon to the general public;and the statement “[I/we] requestacontestedcasehearing.”Iftherequest for contested case hearingis filed on behalf of a group orassociation, the request mustdesignate the group's representativefor receiving future correspondence;identify an individualmember of the group who wouldbe adversely affected by the proposedfacility or activity; providethe information discussed aboveregarding the affected member'slocation and distance from the facilityor activity; explain how andwhy the member would be affected;and explain how the intereststhe group seeks to protectare germane to the group's purpose.Following the close of all applicablecomment and request periods,the Executive Director will forwardthe application and any requests forreconsideration or for a contestedcase hearing to the TCEQ Commissionersfor their consideration at ascheduled Commission meeting.The Commission will only grant acontested case hearing on disputedissues of fact that are relevant andmaterial to the Commission's decisionon the application. Further, theCommission will only grant a hearingon issues that were raised intimely filed comments that were notsubsequently withdrawn. TCEQmay act on an application to renewa permit for discharge ofwastewater without providing anopportunity for a contested casehearing if certain criteria are met.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AC-TION. TheExecutiveDirectormayissue final approval of the applicationunless a timely contested casehearing request or request for reconsiderationis filed. If a timelyhearing request or request for reconsiderationis filed, the ExecutiveDirector will not issue final approvalof the permit and will forward theapplication and request to theTCEQ Commissioners for their considerationat a scheduled Commissionmeeting.MAILING LIST. If you submitpublic comments, a request for acontested case hearing or a reconsiderationof the Executive Director'sdecision, you will be added tothe mailing list for this specific applicationto receive future public noticesmailed by the Office of theChief Clerk. In addition, you may requestto be placed on: (1) the permanentmailing list for a specific applicantname and permit number;and/or (2) the mailing list for a specificcounty. If you wish to be placedon the permanent and/or the countymailing list, clearly specify whichlist(s) and send your request toTCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk atthe address below.All written public commentsand public meeting requestsmust be submitted to the Officeof the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TexasCommission on EnvironmentalQuality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin,TX 78711-3087 or electronically atwww.tceq.texas.gov/about/comments.htmlwithin 30 days fromthe date of newspaper publicationof this notice.AGENCY CONTACTS AND IN-FORMATION. If you need more informationabout this permit applicationor the permitting process,please call the TCEQ Public EducationProgram, Toll Free, at1-800-687-4040. Si desea informaciónen Español, puede llamar al1-800-687-4040. General informationabout the TCEQ can be foundat our web site atwww.TCEQ.texas.gov.Further information may also beobtained from Ivy Valley Utilities, LPat the address stated above or bycalling Mr. Larry Cole at817-431-1166.Issuance Date: September 27,20<strong>12</strong>RAILROAD COMMISSIONOF TEXASOIL AND GAS DIVISIONDISTRICT 09Rule 37 Case No. 0279569DATE OF ISSUANCE:Dec 11, 20<strong>12</strong>Status/Permit No. 75<strong>22</strong>69NOTICE OF PROTEST DEADLINE:5:00 PM, Jan 15, 2013Address: Railroad Commission ofTexasATTN: Drilling Permit UnitP. 0. Box <strong>12</strong>967Austin, Texas 78711-2967Fax: ( 5<strong>12</strong>) 463-6780Email:SWR37@RRC.STATE.TX.USNOTICE OF APPLICATIONNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe DEVON ENERGY PRODUC-TION CO, L.P., [RRC Operator No.216378] has made application for aspacing exception permit under theprovisions of Railroad CommissionStatewide Rule 37 (16 Tex. Admin.Code section 3.37). Applicant seeksexception to the lease line distancerequirement because the Applicantis less than the required Rule 37lease line distance to an unleasedor non-pooled interest within thesubject unit for the NEW DRILL permitin Sec. Bk. , SHULTS, E L Survey,A-796, NEWARK, EAST (BAR-NETT SHALE) Field, WISE <strong>County</strong>,being 2 miles W direction fromBOYD,Texas.PURSUANT TO THE TERMS ofRailroad Commission rules andregulations, this application may begranted WITHOUT A HEARING ifno protest to the application is receivedwithin the deadline. An affectedperson is entitled to protestthis application. Affected persons includeowners of record and the operatoror lessees of record of adjacenttracts and tracts nearer to theproposed well than the minimumlease line spacing distance. If ahearing is called, the applicant hasthe burden to prove the need for anexception. A Protestant should beprepared to establish standing as anaffected person, and to appear atthe hearing either in person or byqualified representative and protestthe application with cross-examinationor presentation of a direct case.The rules of evidence are applicablein the hearing. If you have anyquestions regarding the hearing procedure,please contact the Commission'sDocket Services Departmentat (5<strong>12</strong>)463-6848. Ifyouhavequestionswhich are specific to the Applicationor the information set forth inthis Notice, please contact the Commission'sDrilling Permit Unit at rule37 (5<strong>12</strong>}463-6751.IF YOU WISH TO REQUEST AHEARING ON THIS APPLICA-TION, AN INTENT TO APPEAR INPROTEST MUST BE RECEIVEDIN THE RAILROAD COMMIS-SION'S AUSTIN OFFICE AT THEADDRESS, FAX NUMBER, ORE-MAIL ADDRESS SET OUTABOVE BY Jan 15, 2013 at 5:00p.m. IF NO PROTEST IS RE-CEIVED WITHIN SUCH TIME, YOUWILL LOSE YOUR RIGHT TOPROTEST AND THE REQUESTEDPERMIT MAY BE GRANTED AD-MINISTRATIVELY.THIS NOTICE OF APPLICATIONREQUIRES PUBLICATIONThe location and identity of the wellis as shown below:FIELD: NEWARK, EAST(BARNETT SHALE)Lease/Unit Name: WCCO 9-E.G.GASPERSON GU (DEEP)Lease/Unit Well No.: 1HLease/Unit Acres: 1524.92Nearest Lease Line (ft): 1.0Lease Lines: 4530.0 F West L,2677.0 F South LSurvey Lines: 965.0 F East L, 144.0F wlys LWellbore Profile(s): HorizontalLateral: TH1Penetration Point LocationLease Lines: 5939. 0 F WEST L3023. 0 F SOUTH LTerminus LocationBH <strong>County</strong>: WISESection: Block: Abstract: 1182Survey: VAN ZANDTLease Lines: 330.0 F WEST L330.0 F WLYN LSurvey Lines: 330.0 F WEST L883.0 F SOUTH LField Rules for ALL fields on thepermit application are as follows:NEWARK, EAST (BARNETTSHALE) :GAS Special Rules330/0, 320.0 acres.GAS Optional Rules330/0, 20.0 acres.OIL Special Rules330/0, 40.0 acres.OIL Optional Rules330/0, 20.0 acres.This well is to be drilled to an approximatedepth of 9000 feet.If you have questions regarding thisapplication, please contact the Applicant'srepresentative, Mike Feroli,at (405)552-8196.Bids & ProposalsPUBLIC NOTICEREQUEST FOR PROPOSALSJOERIS GENERALCONTRACTORS, LTD.,Construction Manager will be acceptingcompetitive sealed proposalsfrom sub-contractors for theNISD NHS Sub Varsity Stadium UpgradeRFCSP #BO<strong>12</strong>013-08-018,until 10:00AM on January 10, 2013.Proposals will be received at theoffice of Joeris General Contractors,15100 Trinity Blvd. Suite 100, FortWorth TX 76155. In addition, fax &email proposals will be accepted.bidsdfw@joeris.com O: (817) 204-0770; F: (817) 204-0771.Proposals must be received before10:00AM. TheProposalPackageshall demonstrate the Offeror'sability to deliver the "best value" toNISD, in accordance with the selectioncriteria set forth in the RFCSP.Pre-Proposal Conference: Thursdayat 10:00 am January 3rd NISDAdmin Building, 2001 Texan Drive,Justin TX 76247, in the ConferenceRoom, with site visit to follow. Attendeesmust check in at the frontdesk upon arrival.Project Description: The Projectconsists of the conversion of an existingNatural Turf Field to an ArtificialTurf Field with a SubgradeDrainage System, and associatedAthletic Equipment and Scoreboard.Construction of a new “D” Area withAthletic Surfacing for Track andField Events. Addition of a Sectionof Bleachers with a Press Box. AMasonry Concessions/RestroomFacility with Food Services andStorage Areas. Rigid Paving andSite Utilities’ modifications and additions.New Retaining Walls andLandscaping/Irrigation.Scope of Work to include: all SiteworkTrades, Site Utilities, ConcretePavement, all Building Trades,Metal Roofing, MEP, Athletic Surfacing,Turf, Bleachers and Equipment,IT Cabling, Security and AccessControl.Bid documents may be viewed atthe office of Joeris General Contractorsbeginning at <strong>12</strong>:00 noon onWednesday, December 26, 20<strong>12</strong> orby contacting Brian Rosamond at(817)-204-0770, or email,brosamond@joeris.com.Plans may also be viewed at:www.joeris.com, TEXO’s PlanRoom, F.W. Dodge of Dallas,R.H.C.A. DallasParticipation by S/M/W/DBE firms& Certified HUB firms is encouraged.Notice to CreditorsNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given that originalLetters Testamentary for the Estateof James Edward Ferguson, Deceased,were issued on December3, 20<strong>12</strong>, in Cause No. PR3355,pending in the <strong>County</strong> Court at Law#2, <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Texas, to: LindaFerguson.All persons having claims againstthis Estate which is currently beingadministered are required to presentthem to the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: Linda Ferguson281 Co. Road 3799Paradise, TX 76073Dated the 17th day of December,20<strong>12</strong>.John M. GroceAttorney for Linda FergusonState Bar No.: 8519000GROCE & GROCE, P.L.L.C.8201 Mid Cities Boulevard, Suite200North Richland Hills, TX 76182Telephone: (817)581-0040Facsimile: (817)581-0048Get the Rest of the Headlines$37 In-<strong>County</strong> • $25 DigitalSUBSCRIBE orCall 940-627-5987online at wcmessenger.com/subscribeCall 940-627-5987for statewide advertisingthrough Tex-Scan

GIRLSBASKETBALLROUNDUPPonderpull awayfrom BullsThe Bridgeport Bulls fellto Ponder Tuesday, 52-44.Bridgeport trailed by 10 atthe half but fought back inthe third quarter before theLions pulled away late.“We battled hard eventhough we were really undersized,and we executedvery well on the offensivend,” Bridgeport coach BrinMiller said. “We missedeveral key baskets in critialtimes.”Derrick Stanford led theay with 16, and Reeseead had 13. Alex Samplesdded eight, and Stephenowdeshell scored seven.ragons stop EaglesChico picked up a 65-45in over Valley View Friay.The Dragons (9-8) wereed by Dylan Hightowerith 24, and Hunter Yorkcored 15. Hunter Clarkenished with 11.WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, December <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>Texans win district openerBY MARY WENDELLmwendell@wcmessenger.comNorthwest (10-7, 1-0)picked up a district-opening,61-51 win over HaltomTuesday.“We played a great second-half,”head coach MikeHatch. “First quarter wewere a little sluggish. Wedidn’t finish around the basket,and we turned it overtoo much. The second halfwe played really well.”Junior point guard JoshTatum led the team inpoints with 27 points.“He has the ball in hishands for a reason,” Hatchsaid. “He’s a very hard guyto contain, and he makesplays. His basketball IQ isvery high.”The<strong>Messenger</strong>Classifieds...Measuring up toyour expectationsone ad at a time.David Ogunwolu andElijah Christman each finishedwith eight.“I think we get a little bettereach game and I thinkwe’re excited with wherewe’re at,” Hatch said.The Lady Texans (1-14,0-3) fell to Haltom, 42-36, inovertime despite ending thefirst three quarters with aBASKETBALLlead.“We had two turnoversand missed two free throwswithin a thirty second span[in the last quarter], and weshould have won the ballgame,” head coach WayneParker said. “Down thestretch you have to makethe plays, and we didn’tmake the plays whichforced overtime.”Northwest led the firstthree quarters, <strong>12</strong>-6, 23-17,and 31-30. They finished thefourth quarter tied 34-34.In overtime, the Lady Buffsoutscored Northwest 8-2.The Lady Texans committedfive fouls in overtime,allowing Haltom to finishthings off from the charity7Bstripe.“This was an opportunityto win a game, and we didn’texecute down the stretch,”Parker said.Over the Christmas breakthe Texans will take part inthe Whataburger Tournament,while the Lady Texanswill participate in theBoswell Tournament.BRIDGEPORTIRON & METALWE PAYTOP PRICESFOR ALL METALSState Certified ScalesAccurate WeightsMONDAY - FRIDAY8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.SATURDAY8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.3261 S. 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Bus. 287,Suite 104Decatur, TX 76234dallasp@urnet.netAUTOMOTIVEGET YOUR BUSINESSLISTED ON THIS PAGEFOR AS LITTLE AS $30PER WEEK!Call Lori, Lisa, Laura, Kelly or Ken at 940-627-5987 or email ads@wcmessenger.comBohemiaExpress Inc.• DOT Inspection: Semis & Trucks -Trailers, Motorcycles & Equipment• Freight Consolidation• Freight Forwarding • Warehousing• Light Safety InspectionsOpen Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.Shop: 940-627-7808Dispatch: 940-399-3282Josef StranskyOwner & CEO1503 N. 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