The Village Land Act R.E. 2002

The Village Land Act R.E. 2002 The Village Land Act R.E. 2002
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the village adjudication adviser to conduct further investigations into that claim.(5) In hearing and determining any claim, the village adjudication committee shall use itsbest endeavours to mediate between and reconcile parties having conflicting claims to theland.(6) The village adjudication committee shall cause to be prepared a provisional adjudicationrecord in the prescribed manner of the claims to the adjudicated land which it has determinedunder subsection (3) and shall post that record in a prominent place within the village.(7) A provisional adjudication record shall, unless an appeal is made under the provisions ofsection 55, become a final adjudication record thirty days after it has been published and shallthereupon become a part of the register of village land.(8) A provisional adjudication record shall, where any appeal has been made under section55, become a final adjudication record thirty days after the final disposition of that appeal.55. Appeals(1) Any person who is aggrieved by a determination of a village adjudication committeemay, within thirty days of the publication of the adjudication record, appeal to the village landcouncil against that determination.(2) The village land council shall, in hearing any appeal–(a)(b)have all the powers and comply with all the procedures applicable to a villageadjudication committee; andreach any decision which appears to it to be just in all the circumstances, and, withoutlimiting the generality of that power, may–(i)(ii)(iii)amend the adjudication record;correct any error in the adjudication record;direct that the village adjudication adviser conduct further investigations into thesubject matter of the appeal.(4) Where the village land council proposes to make a decision which may adversely affectthe interests of any person in the adjudication area who has not appealed, the panel shall givethat person an opportunity to be heard before it shall make that decision.(5) Any applicant or person referred to in subsection (4) aggrieved by a decision of thevillage land council given under this section may, with the leave of the district land court,appeal to that court against that decision and the court may make any decision or order whichit considers just in all the circumstances and to that end may make any rectification of the

provisional adjudication record which it considers will achieve a just result.56. District adjudication(1) Where the District Council has issued a directive under paragraph (b) of subsection (4)of section 50 or where a village assembly has determined that district adjudication shall beapplied to land within the village, the provisions of this section shall apply to the process ofdistrict adjudication.(2) The District Council shall appoint a public officer to be an adjudication officer for thatvillage land, and that officer shall be in charge of and shall exercise general supervision andcontrol over the adjudication process and without limiting the generality of that power, thatofficer may–(a)where a village adjudication adviser has been appointed–(i)(ii)give that adviser orders and directives which that adviser shall comply with;dispense with the services of that adviser;(b)where a village adjudication committee has been elected–(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)appoint further members to that committee;remove all or any elected members from that committee;arrange for the election of new members to that committee by the villageassembly;nominate a chairman of the committee who will replace the chairman elected bythat committee;appoint an executive officer for the committee who will replace a villageadjudication adviser;(c)(d)where a village adjudication committee has not been elected, appoint a villageadjudication committee the composition, powers and procedures of which shall, withthe exception of paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) of section 53 comply withthe provisions of that section;exercise those powers of the village adjudication committee–(i)(ii)to the exclusion of that committee, set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection(3) of section 53; andin conjunction with that committee set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection

the village adjudication adviser to conduct further investigations into that claim.(5) In hearing and determining any claim, the village adjudication committee shall use itsbest endeavours to mediate between and reconcile parties having conflicting claims to theland.(6) <strong>The</strong> village adjudication committee shall cause to be prepared a provisional adjudicationrecord in the prescribed manner of the claims to the adjudicated land which it has determinedunder subsection (3) and shall post that record in a prominent place within the village.(7) A provisional adjudication record shall, unless an appeal is made under the provisions ofsection 55, become a final adjudication record thirty days after it has been published and shallthereupon become a part of the register of village land.(8) A provisional adjudication record shall, where any appeal has been made under section55, become a final adjudication record thirty days after the final disposition of that appeal.55. Appeals(1) Any person who is aggrieved by a determination of a village adjudication committeemay, within thirty days of the publication of the adjudication record, appeal to the village landcouncil against that determination.(2) <strong>The</strong> village land council shall, in hearing any appeal–(a)(b)have all the powers and comply with all the procedures applicable to a villageadjudication committee; andreach any decision which appears to it to be just in all the circumstances, and, withoutlimiting the generality of that power, may–(i)(ii)(iii)amend the adjudication record;correct any error in the adjudication record;direct that the village adjudication adviser conduct further investigations into thesubject matter of the appeal.(4) Where the village land council proposes to make a decision which may adversely affectthe interests of any person in the adjudication area who has not appealed, the panel shall givethat person an opportunity to be heard before it shall make that decision.(5) Any applicant or person referred to in subsection (4) aggrieved by a decision of thevillage land council given under this section may, with the leave of the district land court,appeal to that court against that decision and the court may make any decision or order whichit considers just in all the circumstances and to that end may make any rectification of the

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