The Village Land Act R.E. 2002

The Village Land Act R.E. 2002 The Village Land Act R.E. 2002
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available for allocation to persons ordinarily resident in the village.(10) The village council shall, on a claim being made within sixty days of the coming intoeffect of a final order of abandonment by an occupier of land declared by that final order to beabandoned, on being satisfied by that claim, pay compensation for any unexhaustedimprovements on that land at the time of the coming into effect of the final order, but shall,where the occupier is an individual after taking account of the means, age and physicalcondition of that occupier, deduct from any payment or compensation–(a)(b)all the costs incurred by the village council in the process of declaring the land to beabandoned, including any costs incurred in any action in court where a personclaiming an interest in the land is applying for relief from a provisional order;all the costs incurred in restoring the land or any buildings on the land to the conditionthat it would be reasonable to expect they should have been in if they had not beenabandoned,any rent, taxes, fees or other dues owing and not paid by the occupier.(11) A village council shall record a provisional and a final order of abandonment in theregister of village land.46. Application for relief(1) An occupier referred to in sections 39 to 45 may apply to a Court having jurisdiction forrelief against any of the actions, notices, orders, or declarations which may be made againsthim by the village council or the Commissioner under any of those sections.(2) Where the effect of an action, notice, order or declaration made under any of thereferred sections adversely affects any other person with an interest in land of the occupieragainst whom the action, notice, order or declaration has been made, that other person may,with leave of the court, apply for relief against so much of the action, notice, order ordeclaration that affects him.(3) Where an application is made by one or more but not all co-occupiers, then unless thecourt orders otherwise, that application must be served on every co-occupier who is notalready a party.(4) An application for relief is not to be taken as an admission by the occupier or any otherperson applying for relief that–(a)(b)there has been a breach of condition or an abandonment of land in respect of whichthe action, notice order or declaration has been served;by reason of that breach or abandonment, the village council or Commissioner hasthe right to revoke the customary right of occupancy or make a declaration of

abandonment;(c)(d)all notices which were required to be served by the village council were properlyserved;a period for remedying the breach was reasonable.(5) A court may grant any relief against the operation of an action, notice, order, ordeclaration which the circumstances of the case require and without limiting the generality ofthat power, may–(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)cancel that notice, order or declaration;vary the operation of that action, notice, order or declaration;postpone the operation of that notice, order or declaration;substitute a different remedy for the one determined upon by the village council orCommissioner;confirm the action, notice, order, or declaration made, notwithstanding that someprocedural errors took place during the making of that action, notice, order ordeclaration if the court is satisfied that–(i)(ii)the occupier or other person applying for relief was made fully aware of thesubstance of the action, notice, order or declaration; andno injustice will be done by confirming that action, notice, order or declaration,and may grant that relief on any condition as to expenses, damages, compensation or anyother relevant matter which the court thinks fit.47. Appeals(1) An applicant for–(a)(b)(c)(d)the grant of a customary right of occupancy; orapproval to the assignment of a customary right of occupancy;approval to any disposition of a derivative right which requires consent;the grant of a derivative right by a village council,who is refused that grant or approval by a village council or where that grant or approvalrequires the confirmation or approval of the village assembly, is refused that confirmation orapproval may appeal against that refusal to the District Council having jurisdiction over wherethe land the subject of appeal is situate and may further appeal to the Commissioner and

available for allocation to persons ordinarily resident in the village.(10) <strong>The</strong> village council shall, on a claim being made within sixty days of the coming intoeffect of a final order of abandonment by an occupier of land declared by that final order to beabandoned, on being satisfied by that claim, pay compensation for any unexhaustedimprovements on that land at the time of the coming into effect of the final order, but shall,where the occupier is an individual after taking account of the means, age and physicalcondition of that occupier, deduct from any payment or compensation–(a)(b)all the costs incurred by the village council in the process of declaring the land to beabandoned, including any costs incurred in any action in court where a personclaiming an interest in the land is applying for relief from a provisional order;all the costs incurred in restoring the land or any buildings on the land to the conditionthat it would be reasonable to expect they should have been in if they had not beenabandoned,any rent, taxes, fees or other dues owing and not paid by the occupier.(11) A village council shall record a provisional and a final order of abandonment in theregister of village land.46. Application for relief(1) An occupier referred to in sections 39 to 45 may apply to a Court having jurisdiction forrelief against any of the actions, notices, orders, or declarations which may be made againsthim by the village council or the Commissioner under any of those sections.(2) Where the effect of an action, notice, order or declaration made under any of thereferred sections adversely affects any other person with an interest in land of the occupieragainst whom the action, notice, order or declaration has been made, that other person may,with leave of the court, apply for relief against so much of the action, notice, order ordeclaration that affects him.(3) Where an application is made by one or more but not all co-occupiers, then unless thecourt orders otherwise, that application must be served on every co-occupier who is notalready a party.(4) An application for relief is not to be taken as an admission by the occupier or any otherperson applying for relief that–(a)(b)there has been a breach of condition or an abandonment of land in respect of whichthe action, notice order or declaration has been served;by reason of that breach or abandonment, the village council or Commissioner hasthe right to revoke the customary right of occupancy or make a declaration of

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