The Village Land Act R.E. 2002

The Village Land Act R.E. 2002

The Village Land Act R.E. 2002


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in this section referred to as 'proposed hazard land' he shall publish a notice in the Gazettespecifying–(a)(b)(c)(d)the location of the proposed hazard land;the boundaries and extent of the proposed hazard land;a brief statement of the reasons for the proposed declaration;the date, being not less than sixty days from the date of the publication of the notice,when the declaration may be made.(6) A copy of the notice referred to in subsection (5) shall be–(a)(b)(c)served on all persons occupying and using the proposed hazard land in a manner andform as will be understandable to those persons;on all local authorities having jurisdiction in the area of the proposed hazard land;put up in conspicuous places within the area of the proposed hazard land.(7) All persons and authorities on whom a notice has been served and all persons andorganisations on whom a notice should have been served but was not and any other person ororganisation with an interest in land may, within not less than thirty days after the date of theservice of the notice, make representations to the Commissioner on the proposed declarationand the Commissioner shall be under a duty to hear and record the representations and takethem into account in determining whether to recommend to the Minister that the land or anypart of it be declared to be hazard land.(8) Where the Minister, after considering a report prepared by the Commissioner undersubsection (7) determines that the proposed hazard land or a part of it shall be declared to behazard land, he may, subject to subsection (9), make a declaration accordingly.(9) Where the proposed hazard land or a part of it is occupied and used by any personunder a granted or customary right of occupancy, the Minister shall, if he considers that thatland or a part of it should be declared to be hazard land, report the matter to the President.(10) <strong>The</strong> President may, after considering the report of the Minister, declare any land towhich subsection (9) applies to be hazard land and any such declaration shall operate tocompulsorily acquire, subject to compensation, any right of occupancy in that land.(11) A notice of a declaration of hazard land shall be published in the Gazette and shallcome into force thirty days after the date of the publication of the notice.PART IVVILLAGE LANDS (ss 7-59)

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