4000 Series Effluent Samplers - WJF Instrumentation

4000 Series Effluent Samplers - WJF Instrumentation

4000 Series Effluent Samplers - WJF Instrumentation


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Advantages to Vacuum SamplingOur patented vacuum sampling system is superior to peristaltic sampling. Thevacuum draws at much greater speeds and allows for larger height gain. Thisis important for accuracy and difficult sampling needs. The fluid travels onlythrough the intake hose to the metering chamber, and then through the dischargehose, eliminating cross-sample contamination from pumps, valves anddistribution plates.5/8”3/8”5/8” hoseThis is a huge factor when considering sample accuracy, in particular for situationswhere the sample may have larger particles that may not flow easilythrough a 3/8” tube. The 5/8” hose collects larger specimens and reduces therisk of blocking the intake line. 5/8” tubes are only available in vacuum samplersbecause of the increased pressure required to handle the larger diameter.Transport VelocityVacuum sampling transport velocities are the highest in the industry, with over3ft/s for sample lifts of up to 20ft. What this means is a more representativesampling of large particles and suspended solids over high lifts.How Vacuum Sampling WorksSampling SequenceSample collection begins with ahigh pressure air purge of the intakeassembly to remove residual liquid andobstructions. The system then convertsto a vacuum state, drawing the samplethrough the intake hose and into themetering chamber until contact is madewith the adjustable level sensor. Thesystem then pressurizes, ejecting excessfluid back through the intake line untilthe predetermined sample volume isachieved. <strong>Samplers</strong> are designed either forcomposite or discrete sampling.Composite sampling takes samplesinto one container. Discrete samplingtakes samples over a pre-determinedperiod of time into up to twenty-fourcontainers. 4

Structural HighlightsCSA-ApprovedAll samplers are built in our CSAapprovedshop and guaranteedto be of the finest workmanship.They are individually crafted tothe highest standards, which not only ensuresexcellence of quality, but allows us to customdesign each sampler according to the specificneeds and environment required by the user.Three-Year WarrantyAll samplers have a fullthree-year warranty forparts and service, and FREEcustomer support for thelifetime of the product.Refrigerators have a oneyearwarranty.S A M P L E RW A R R A N T Y3YEARSBuilt ToughThe enclosure foroutdoor samplers ismade of a durable,heavy-gauge steel orstainless steel, andheat-cured polyesterbasedpowder paintfor added corrosionresistance. Securityfeatures include a doorthat locks and a bolteddowninstrumentpanel. For cold weatherconditions, samplerscan be designed withcabinet insulation and athermostatically-controlled forced-air heater.Built to LastSIRCO <strong>Samplers</strong> aredesigned to takeconsistently accuratesamples for decadesof constant use. Evenin toxic environmentsthe SIRCO Samplerretains its durability.After twenty yearsof intense use, thissampler looks andfunctions almost asgood as new!“We have been using SIRCO<strong>Samplers</strong> for over fifteen yearsand are very pleased with boththe dependability of the productand with their customer service.”— Operations ManagementMetro Denver WWTPA sampler in a wastewater plant for over 20 years.

Features of the <strong>4000</strong> <strong>Series</strong>The Control PadDesigned to be versatile, durableand easy to operate. Not only is thecontrol pad physically able to handleextreme conditions, it guides theoperator through programmingsequences with easily understooddirections. Our customers over andover have told us, “Simple is better.”Whereas many samplers requirean in-depth user-guide, often seendangling from the door of thesampler, our customers say that theSouthwell control pad is, “Simpleenough to figure out by itself!”Criteria for SamplingAll units are able to takesamples based on user-specificcriteria. They can be set to takesamples manually, at regulartime intervals, or based on thevolume of liquid matter that haspassed. Using4-20mA, multiple pulse,or external contact flowproportional inputs, they areguaranteed to take accuratesamples based on the specificneeds of the user.Volumetric Metering Chamber500cc and 1000cc chambersdeliver repeatable samplevolumes regardless ofdifficult conditions. Othersamplers have troublemeasuring accuratelywhen the content of solidschanges, when the samplelift is high, or when thesample source has highvelocity. Most samplersattain a mere 10cc’s inrepeatability. However,even in the toughestenvironments, the samplerepeatability of a SIRCOSampler is within 2cc’s!Designed for precision,flexibility in sample volumeand durability, chamberscan be made to handle eventoxic applications.

Custom Design OptionsAll samplers accept most inputs from industrystandard flow meters & data loggers• Flowmeter• Data Logging• Pressure Gauge• Dupline System: able to control the sampler &data log remotely, up to 4km away.• Dual Station (with single or dual controller)• Harness (available for portable samplers)• 5/8” hose systems:- 3/8 in, 5/8 out- 5/8 in, 3/8 out• Time-step override (now available in ALLsamplers!)• Pull-out tray (available in outdoor models)Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion: Do all samplers need a liquid purge of the hose betweensamples in order to clean it?Answer: Peristaltic samplers require an extra step in order to ensure aclean sample. Vacuum sampling begins with a high pressure pre-purgewhich cleans the system, and using a teflon hose ensures no particles willstick to it.Question: Are toxic applications suitable for only one type of sampler?Answer: Both vacuum and peristaltic samplers can now be designed inorder to handle toxic applications.Question: Do samplers that multi-task and have more analysis options giveyou a better sample?Answer: In the world of sampling, peripherals are helpful for basic analysisof things like pH or temperature, but in the end samples must be removedphysically in order to test the sample itself for contaminants.

For a complete list of distributors, visitwww.sircosamplers.comYour Representative / Distributor is:Southwell has been making samplers for over forty years under the product name SIRCO. All new samplers andparts are designed to retro-fit past samplers, even those older than some of our employees!<strong>Samplers</strong>Manufactured by:www.southwellcorp.comTel: 604-980-3688Fax: 604-980-6578Toll Free: 877-984-7788sales@southwellcorp.comwww.sircosamplers.comUSA4152 Meridian St. Ste 105 #455Bellingham, WA 98226Canada857 West 3rd St.North Vancouver, BC V7P 1E3

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