Dr Abu Zofar Md Moslehuddin - Science Development Network

Dr Abu Zofar Md Moslehuddin - Science Development Network

Dr Abu Zofar Md Moslehuddin - Science Development Network

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Research experience:Duration Name of the institute Position held Research topic1991.8.3 to1992.8.30Bangladesh AgriculturalUniversityMaster’s coursestudentSurvey on soil fertility status1992.9.1 to1993.6.28Bangladesh AgriculturalResearch InstituteScientific Officer,Soil <strong>Science</strong>DivisionPot experiment on effect of Zn on sorghumand red amaranth; field experiments on effectof Zn, and some growth regulators on tomatoand cabbage; and uptake of heavy metals bycrops from Zn-oxy-sulfate fertilization.1993.6.29 to1995.9.30Bangladesh AgriculturalUniversityLecturer,Soil <strong>Science</strong> DeptGenesis of Bangladesh soils1995.10.1 to1998.09.30Faculty of Agriculture,Kyushu University,JapanDoctor's CoursestudentMineralogy, K chemistry and trace elementsstatus of Bangladesh paddy soils; and heavymetal pollution of road-side soils1998. 10.1 todateBangladesh AgriculturalUniversityAssistant Professorand AssociateProfessor, Soil<strong>Science</strong> DeptMineralogy and K chemistry of Bangladeshsoils, Long term fertility trials, Nitrogen Useefficiency in riceMembership of Professional Societies:Sl.No. Membership No. Kind of membershipName of Organization/Society(Whether member or other)1. L068 Life Member Soil <strong>Science</strong> Society of Bangladesh2. LM-07 Life Member* Progressive Agriculturists3. 2-1-045-87 Life Member** Agriculturists Forum of Bangladesh4. 01-87-4513 Life Member Krishibid (Agriculturists) Institution, Bangladesh5. Life Member Bangladesh Society for Horticultural <strong>Science</strong>6. 0106/2005 Life Member Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Society7. 1853 Member Asiatic Society of Bangladesh8. L-22 Life Member Bangladesh Society for Scientists and ScientificProfession9. 0617257702 Member Japanese Society for Soil <strong>Science</strong> and PlantNutrition10. 329102 Member American Society of Agronomy11. 329102 Member Crop <strong>Science</strong> Society of America12. 329102 Member Soil <strong>Science</strong> Society of America

* Also acted as General Secretary of the Executive Committee during July 1999-June 2003 and memberExecutive Committee during July 2003-June 2005**Also acting as International Affairs Secretary of the Central Executive Committee since 2000 andTreasurer local chapter since 2002.Countries Visited:Taiwan, Japan, USA and Saudi Arabia.Research Project:Principal Investigator: Screening and selection of advance line of rice on the basis of nitrogen useefficiency. Project funded by Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System. From November 2003till October 2006.Others:Worked as Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Japan from 26 October till6 December 2005.Worked as Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Japan from 16 April till 22June 2003.Acted as supervisor of 22 students and co-supervisor of 8 students for their research work to obtain MS inSoil <strong>Science</strong> degree from Bangladesh Agricultural University.Recognized as research supervisor PhD in Soil <strong>Science</strong> of Bangladesh Agricultural University.References:1. <strong>Dr</strong>. Kazuhiko EgashiraEx-Dean and Preofessor, Faculty of Agriculture,Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 812-8581, Japan.E-mail: egashira3@nifty.comPhone and fax: + 81-92-715-26782. <strong>Dr</strong>. M.H. MianProfessor, Department of Soil <strong>Science</strong>,Bangladesh Agricultural University,Mymensingh-2202, BangladeshFax: + 880-91-558103. <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Md</strong>. JahiruddinProfessor, Department of Soil <strong>Science</strong>,Bangladesh Agricultural University,Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.E-mail: m_jahiruddin@yahoo.comFax: + 880-91-558104. <strong>Dr</strong>. Richard LoeppertProfessor, Department of Soil and Crop <strong>Science</strong>sCollege Station, 77843-2474, USA.E-mail: r-loeppert@tamu.eduTel: 1-979-845-3663; Fax: 1-979-845-0456

List of publication:A. Papers in Journal:<strong>Moslehuddin</strong> A.Z.M., Mian, M.H. and Hoque, A.K.M.M. 1995. Fertility status and fodder productionpotential of soil from Bangladesh Agricultural University Animal Farm. Bang. J. Animal Sci., 24, 51-60.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong> A.Z.M., Islam, M.S., Sarker, N.I. and Shahiduzzaman, M. 1995. Response of sorghum, redamaranth, tomato and cabbage to added zinc in some soils of Bangladesh. Progress. Agric., 6, 47-52.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. and Egashira, K. 1996. Mineralogical composition of some important paddy soils ofBangladesh. Bull. Inst. Trop. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 19, 33-54.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. and Egashira, K. 1997. Characterization of smectites found in Ganges Floodplainsoils of Bangladesh. Clay Sci., 10, 151-162.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., Laizoo, S. and Egashira, K. 1997. Fertility status of Bangladesh soils -- A review. J.Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 41, 257-267.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., Laizoo, S. and Egashira, K. 1998. Heavy metal pollution of soils along three majorhighways in Bangladesh. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 42, 503-508.Egashira, K., Hagimine, M. and <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. 1998. Fixed ammonium in some Bangladesh soils.Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 44 (2), 269-272.Egashira, K., Hagimine, M. and <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. 1998. Quantity-intensity relationship forcharacterizing ammonium chemistry of Bangladesh soils in reference to clay mineralogy. Soil Sci.Plant Nutr., 44 (3), 377-384.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. Saheed, S.M. and Egashira, K. 1998. Disappearing trend of smectite in GangesFloodplains soils of Bangladesh. Clay Sci., 10 (5), 349-362.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., Saheed, S.M. and Egashira, K. 1998. Mineralogical approach to interstratificationof different river sediments in Meghna Floodplains soils of Bangladesh. Clay Sci., 10 (5), 375-384.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., Islam, M.S., Hossain, K.M. and Sarker, N.I. 1998. Uptake of Cadmium, lead andzinc by different crops from Zn-oxy-sulfate fertilization. Bang. J. Environ. Sci., 4, 134-139.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. and Egashira, K. 1999. Potassium chemistry in some important paddy soils ofBangladesh. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 30 (3/4), 329-344.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., Laizoo, S. and Egashira, K. 1999. Trace elements in Bangladesh paddy soils.Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 30 (13/14), 1975-1996.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., Hussain, M.S., Saheed, S.M. and Egashira, K. 1999. Clay mineral distribution incorrespondence with agroecological regions of Bangladesh soils. Clay Sci., 11(1), 83-94.Egashira, K., Shuto, S., Takenaka, J. and <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. 2003. Variation of phosphorus status insoils of Ganges Floodplains, Bangladesh, based on the level of decalcification. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 49(1), 153-156.Egashira, K., Takenaka, J., Shuto, S. and <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. 2003. Phosphorus status of some paddysoils in Bangladesh. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 49 (5), 751-755.

Egashira, K., Matsushita, Y., Virakornphanich, P., Darmawan, <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., Mamun, M. A. A.and Do, N.H. 2003. Features and trends of rainfall in recent 20 years at different locations in humidtropical to subtropical Asia. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 48 (1-2), 219-225.Egashira, K., Han, J.L., Karim, A.J.M.S., <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. and Yamada, Y. 2003. Evaluation of longtermapplication of organic residues on accumulation of organic matter and improvement of soilchemical properties in a clay terrace soil of Bangladesh. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 48(1-2), 227-236.Begum, T., Rahman, M.M., <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. and M.A. Hoque 2003. Verification of the recommendeddose of phosphorus, potassium and sulphur on yield performance of rice cv. BRRI dhan29. TheAgriculturists, 1 (1):58-62.Islam M.N., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.K.M.M. Hoque, I.U. Ahmed and K. Egashira 2003. Mineralogy ofsoils from different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 1 – Old Himalayan Piedmont Plain.Clay Sci., 12: 131-137.Shamsuzzoha M., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.K.M.M. Hoque, I.U. Ahmed and K. Egashira 2003. Mineralogyof soils from different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 3 – Tista Meander Floodplain.Clay Sci., 12: 139-145.Islam M.S., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, M. R. Islam, I.U. Ahmed and K. Egashira 2003. Mineralogy of soilsfrom different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 9 – Old Brahmaputra Floodplain. ClaySci., 12: 147-152.Ripon, M.N.A., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.K.M.M. Hoque, I.U. Ahmed and K. Egashira 2004. Mineralogy ofsoils from different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 11 – High Ganges RiverFloodplain. Clay Sci., 12: 197-203.Khaliquzzaman, M., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, M.Q. Hoque, and K. Egashira 2004. Impact of mineralogy onfixation and release of potassium in soils from three agroecological regions of Bangladesh. Clay Sci.,12: 205-212.Al Mamun, M.N.H., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.A. Rahman, M. Kibria and R.M. Morshed 2004. Arseniccontamination in soil and water and its effect on bio-diversity hazard in some selected area ofBangladesh. J. Soil Health Environ., 1(1), 14-18.Egashira, K., Han, J.L., Satake, N., Nagayama, T., Mian, M.J.A. and <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. 2005. Fieldexperiment on long-term application of chemical fertilizers and farm yard manure in floodplain soil ofBangladesh. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 50(2), 851-860.Rahman, M.H., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, D.K. Saha, I.U. Ahmed and K. Egashira 2005. Mineralogy of soilsfrom different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 12 - Low Ganges River Floodplain. ClaySci., 12(6), 321-326.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., M.M.Hasan, M.J.A. Mian, I.U. Ahmed and K. Egashira 2005. Mineralogy of soilsfrom different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 26 - High Barind Tract. Clay Sci., 12(6),327-332.Rahman, M.A., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, D.K. Saha, I.U. Ahmed and K. Egashira 2005. Mineralogy of soilsfrom different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 28 - Madhupur Tract. Clay Sci., 12(6),333-339.Islam, M.M., A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong> and M.J.A. Mian 2006. Distribution of different forms of ammoniumnitrogen, calcium, and sodium in some paddy soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech.,4(2):173-178.

<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M., S. M. M. Alam and K. Egashira 2006.Mineralogy of Soils from differentagroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 5 - Lower Atrai Basin and Region 6 - LowerPurnabhaba Floodplain. Clay Sci., 13(2), 35-41.Hai, N.Q., H.T.L. Tra, A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong> and K. Egashira 2006. Clay Mineralogy of alluvial soils andgrey degraded soils from the same river sediment in the Red River Delta, Northern Vietnam. Clay Sci.13 (3): 101-105.Alam, S. M. M., A. Z. M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, M. R. Islam And K. Egashira 2007. Some chemical properties ofsoils from two agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 5 - Lower Atrai Basin and Region 6 -Lower Purnabhaba Floodplain. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 52(1), 195-202.Egashira, K. and A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>. 2008. Local market research on vegetables in Jessore of the HighGanges River Floodplain, Bangladesh. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 53 (1): 121-126.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M, M.Z. Islam, S.M.M.A. Chowdhury and K. Egashira. 2008. Mineralogy of soils fromdifferent agroecological regions of Bangladesh: Region 2 – Active Tista Floodplain, Region 4 –Karatoya-Bangali Floodplain and Region 7 – Active Brahmaputra-Jamuna Floodplain. J. Fac. Agr.,Kyushu Univ., 53 (1): 155-161.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M, M. Habibullah, M. Moniruzzaman and K. Egashira. 2008. Mineralogy of soils fromdifferent agroecological regions of Bangladesh: region 25 – Level Barind Tract and region 27 – NorthEastern Barind Tract J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 53 (1): 163-169.Kurosawa, K., K. Egashira; M. Tani; M. Jahiruddin; A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>; M. Z. Rahman. 2008.Variation in Arsenic Concentration Relative to Ammonium Nitrogen and Oxidation ReductionPotential in Surface and Groundwater. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 39 (9&10):1467-1475.Kurosawa, K., K. Egashira, M. Tani, M. Jahiruddin, A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong> and Z. M. Rahman. 2008.Groundwater–soil–crop relationship with respect to arsenic contamination in farming villages ofBangladesh – A preliminary study. Environ. Pollution, in press.B. Thesis:<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. 1993. A Detailed Survey of the Fertility Status of Bangladesh AgriculturalUniversity Farm Soils. M.Sc. (Ag.) thesis, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.<strong>Moslehuddin</strong>, A.Z.M. 1998. Mineralogy and Potassium Chemistry of Bangladesh Paddy Soils. Ph.D. thesis,Kyushu University, Japan.C. Paper in proceedings:Mian, M.J.A. and A.Z.M. <strong>Moslehuddin</strong>. 1999. Soil fertility changes under different cropping patterns inlong-term fertility trials. Paper presented in the BRRI-IRRI joint workshop on “Long-termExperiments on Soil Fertility in Rice-based Cropping Systems” held at Bangladesh Rice ResearchInstitute, Gazipur, Bangladesh, during 8-11 March 1999.

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