Manual - LP2824 - logmaster

Manual - LP2824 - logmaster

Manual - LP2824 - logmaster


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Serial (RJ-11) Alternative ConnectorThe printer operates as a Data Communication Equipment (DCE) and thoseprinters with ethernet connectors also have an alternative serial RJ-11interface used to connect to a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) such as acomputer or terminal with a default configuration of 9600 baud, 8 bit data,1 stop bit and No parity.Note that looking into the printer's connector with the key notch pointingdown, pins are numbered from left to right.HostDCDRxDTxDDTRGNDDSRRTSCTSRIDB-9Pin #123456789RJ-11Pin #123456Female DB-9 to RJ-11*+5 volts @ 160 mA max.PrinterRxDTxDBUSYGND+5V*RTSPin 4Pin 5Pin 6Pin 3Pin 2Pin 1Front View of RJ-11Modular Connector980481-001A 45

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