Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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"My"<82 THE CUR^ OF ARS.thing which brings suffering and distress upon us. See,my children, a person in a state of sin isalways unhappy.He may do what he will, but he isweary and disgustedwith every thing;while he who is at peace with Godisalways content, always joyful. O blessed life ! andblessed death !children, we are afraid of death, and no wonder. It is sin which makes us fear death ; it is sin whichmakes death fearful and terrible ; it is sin which affrightsthe sinner at the moment of that last dreadful passage.And, my God, there is cause enough for fear. To thinkthat he is accursed accursed of God I The thoughtmakes one tremble. Accursed of God and 1why ? Whydo men run the risk of being accursed of God ? For ablasphemy, an evil thought, a bottle of wine, a momentof pleasure. For a moment s pleasure, to lose God, thesoul, and heaven for ever ! We shall see our father, ourmother, our sister, our neighbour, who dwelt so near to us,ascend to heaven, body and soul ; while we shall descendbody ard soul into hell, there to burn for ever and ever.The devils will seize hold of us. Ail the devils whosecounsels we have followed will come to torment us.My children, if you were to see a man preparing alarge pile,heaping fagots one upon another, and he wereto tell you, * I am making ready a fire to burn myself,what would you think of him ? And ifyou were to seethis same man approach the pile when lighted, and throwhimself into the flames, what would you think of him ?We do the same when we commit sin. It is not Godwho casts us into hell ; we throw ourselves into itbyour sins. The lost will say, I have lost God, my soul,and heaven, by my fault, by my fault, by my grievousfault/ He will spring upward from the furnace, only to

"""""Andsiw. 88fall back into it again. He will feel an eternal cravingto rise, because he was created for God, the greatestand most exalted of beings, the Most High, as a birdin a room fliesup to the ceiling and falls back again.The justice of God is the ceiling which imprisons thedamned.There is no need to prove the existence of hell. OurLord speaks of it Himself in the history of the wickedrich man, who cried, Lazarus, Lazarus ! We know verywell that there is a hell ;but we live as if there were none;we sell our souls for a few pieces of money. We put offrur conversion till the hour of death; but who can assureus that we shall have time and strength at that fearfulmoment, which all the saints have dreaded, and at whichthe powers of hell, knowing that it is the decisive pointnn which eternity depends, gather themselves together fortheir last assault?There aremany who have lost faith, and never seehell tillthey enter it. They receive the last Sacraments ;but ask them whether they have committed such or sucha sin. Oh, get an answer if you can 1The elect are like the ears of corn which escape fromthe reaper s hand, and like the bunches of grapes leftafter the vintage ; the damned are like the sheaves piledup in the granary, or the grapes pressed down in thewine-vats. Theyfall into hell fast as the snow-flakes ona winter s day. A saint was asked, at the moment ofdeath, at what he was looking so fixedly." *Oh, replied he, how * terrible are the judgments ofGod!St. Hilarion said.Wherefore dost thou fear, O mysoul ? For eighty years hast thou served the Lord.we, perhaps we have never served the good

&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;Andsiw. 88fall back into it again. He will feel an eternal cravingto rise, because he was created for God, <strong>the</strong> greatestand most exalted <strong>of</strong> beings, <strong>the</strong> Most High, as a birdin a room fliesup to <strong>the</strong> ceiling and falls back again.The justice <strong>of</strong> God is <strong>the</strong> ceiling which imprisons <strong>the</strong>damned.There is no need to prove <strong>the</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> hell. OurLord speaks <strong>of</strong> it Himself in <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wickedrich man, who cried, Lazarus, Lazarus ! We know verywell that <strong>the</strong>re is a hell ;but we live as if <strong>the</strong>re were none;we sell our souls for a few pieces <strong>of</strong> money. We put <strong>of</strong>frur conversion till <strong>the</strong> hour <strong>of</strong> death; but who can assureus that we shall have time and strength at that fearfulmoment, which all <strong>the</strong> saints have dreaded, and at which<strong>the</strong> powers <strong>of</strong> hell, knowing that it is <strong>the</strong> decisive pointnn which eternity depends, ga<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>mselves toge<strong>the</strong>r for<strong>the</strong>ir last assault?There aremany who have lost faith, and never seehell till<strong>the</strong>y enter it. They receive <strong>the</strong> last Sacraments ;but ask <strong>the</strong>m whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y have committed such or sucha sin. Oh, get an answer if you can 1The elect are like <strong>the</strong> ears <strong>of</strong> corn which escape from<strong>the</strong> reaper s hand, and like <strong>the</strong> bunches <strong>of</strong> grapes leftafter <strong>the</strong> vintage ; <strong>the</strong> damned are like <strong>the</strong> sheaves piledup in <strong>the</strong> granary, or <strong>the</strong> grapes pressed down in <strong>the</strong>wine-vats. Theyfall into hell fast as <strong>the</strong> snow-flakes ona winter s day. A saint was asked, at <strong>the</strong> moment <strong>of</strong>death, at what he was looking so fixedly.&quot; *Oh, replied he, how * terrible are <strong>the</strong> judgments <strong>of</strong>God!<strong>St</strong>. Hilarion said.Wherefore dost thou fear, O mysoul ? For eighty years hast thou served <strong>the</strong> Lord.we, perhaps we have never served <strong>the</strong> good

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