Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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"""80 THE CURri OF AR8.practice of the presence of God, prayer, and the Sacrarments ;and again, the reading of holy books thisnourishes the soul."Of pride he would speak as one who well knew thehuman heart :"Pride is that accursed sin which drew the angelsout of Paradise, and cast them down into hell. This sinbegan with the world itself.See, my children, we sin by pride in many differentways. One person will show pride in his dress, in his language, in his manner, even in his way of walking. Somepeople walk in the street with an air which seems to sayto all who look at them, * See how tall I am ; how statelyI am ;how gracefully I walk !Others, when they havedone any thing well, are never tired of talking of it; andif they fail are miserable, and think that people will havea bad opinion of them. Others are ashamed to be seenwith the poor, and always seek the society of the rich.IIby chance they are admitted into some great house, theyboast of it,and take pride in it. Others take pride intalking. If they are going to visit some rich person, theyexamine what they are going to say, they study fine language ; and if they are at a loss for a word, they aremortified, and fear to be laughedat.But, my children,this is not the way with a humble person. Whether heislaughed at, or esteemed, or praised, or blamed, orhonoured, or despised, or attended to, or neglected, it isall one to him.My children, there are some again who give largealms, to gain credit You must not do so. Thesepeople will gain no fruit by their good works. On thecontrary, their alms will turn into sin.Mjr children, a proud person always thinks thbt wnaf

"""SIN.8ihe does is done well. He wishes to domineer over allwho come in hisway j he is always in the right ;alwaysthinks his own opinion worth more than other people s.This is not the way to go on. A humble, well-informedperson, if his opinion is asked, gives it in all simplicity,and then leaves others to give theirs.right or wrong, he says no more.Whether they areSt. Aloysius Gonzaga, when he was a student, iffound fault with on any occasion, never tried to excusehimself. He said what he thought, and never troubledhimself about what others might think ;if he was wrong,he was wrong;if he was right, he would say to himself,I have often been wrong before.My children, the saints were so dead to themselves,that they cared very little whether others were of theiropinion or not. People in the world say, Oh, the saintswere simple!Yes, they were simple in the things of theworld ; but as to the things of God, they understood themwell.They knew nothing about the things of the world,true enough because ; they thought them of so littleimportance that they paid no attention to them."On Sin.See, my children, how sin degrades man. Of anangel, created to love God, it makes a demon who willcurse Him throughout all eternity. Oh, if Adam, ourfirst father, had never sinned, and if we did not sin daily,how happy should we be ! We should be as happy as thesaints in heaven.There would not be an unhappy personupon earth. Oh, how blessed would this be !"It is sin, my children, which brings all calamitiesupon us, and every kind of scourge, war, pestilence,famine, earthquakes, fire, hail, storms, tempests, every

&quot;&quot;&quot;80 THE CURri OF AR8.practice <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> God, prayer, and <strong>the</strong> Sacrarments ;and again, <strong>the</strong> reading <strong>of</strong> holy books thisnourishes <strong>the</strong> soul.&quot;Of pride he would speak as one who well knew <strong>the</strong>human heart :&quot;Pride is that accursed sin which drew <strong>the</strong> angelsout <strong>of</strong> Paradise, and cast <strong>the</strong>m down into hell. This sinbegan with <strong>the</strong> world itself.See, my children, we sin by pride in many differentways. One person will show pride in his dress, in his language, in his manner, even in his way <strong>of</strong> walking. Somepeople walk in <strong>the</strong> street with an air which seems to sayto all who look at <strong>the</strong>m, * See how tall I am ; how statelyI am ;how gracefully I walk !O<strong>the</strong>rs, when <strong>the</strong>y havedone any thing well, are never tired <strong>of</strong> talking <strong>of</strong> it; andif <strong>the</strong>y fail are miserable, and think that people will havea bad opinion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. O<strong>the</strong>rs are ashamed to be seenwith <strong>the</strong> poor, and always seek <strong>the</strong> society <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rich.IIby chance <strong>the</strong>y are admitted into some great house, <strong>the</strong>yboast <strong>of</strong> it,and take pride in it. O<strong>the</strong>rs take pride intalking. If <strong>the</strong>y are going to visit some rich person, <strong>the</strong>yexamine what <strong>the</strong>y are going to say, <strong>the</strong>y study fine language ; and if <strong>the</strong>y are at a loss for a word, <strong>the</strong>y aremortified, and fear to be laughedat.But, my children,this is not <strong>the</strong> way with a humble person. Whe<strong>the</strong>r heislaughed at, or esteemed, or praised, or blamed, orhonoured, or despised, or attended to, or neglected, it isall one to him.My children, <strong>the</strong>re are some again who give largealms, to gain credit You must not do so. Thesepeople will gain no fruit by <strong>the</strong>ir good works. On <strong>the</strong>contrary, <strong>the</strong>ir alms will turn into sin.Mjr children, a proud person always thinks thbt wnaf

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