Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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^6 THE CURri OF ARS.7011 that it yon can contrive to send me my pension forthe whole year, it will be a great convenience to me, as Ihave just made an important purchase formy church.Ifyou could even advance me that of the coming year, itwould be still better. My brother-in-law Melin has kindlypromised to give me a hundred crowns for a work ofcharity, but that will not be enough. I venture to hope,my dearest brother, that you will do me this favour."On this occasion, as his small income would not sufficefor the purpose in hand, he sold all that he possessed, andpurchased the house for the sum of 20,000 francs, whichwas about the value of his share of the property at Dardilly.When he had bought the house, he had not moneyto pay the legal expenses of the purchase. The next difficulty was to find suitable persons to take charge of theestablishment. His first idea had been to place it in thehands of religious, and his thoughtshad turned to theSisters of St. Charles, in grateful remembrance of the carewith which, under the Reign of Terror, they had preparedhim for his first Communion. He saw reason, however, toalter his plan, and resolved to place at the head of his infant undertaking two young persons of his own training,whom, without suffering them to aspire to the religiouscharacter, he had long exercised in all the virtues whichbelong to it, obedience, humility, simplicity, and absolutedependence upon Divine Providence.Benoite Lardet and Catherine Lassagne were both distinguished for their sound practical sense and solid piety.The one was to be, in his own words, the head, the otherthe heart, of the new foundation. To Catherine Lassae-ne ^we owe not only the facts here related by M. Mounioconcerning the Providence, but, as we have already seen,many of the details of the holy cure s ministry before the

"""FOUNDATION OF THE "PROVIDENCE." 67period of M. Monnin s personal knowledge of him. Shethus describes the opening of the Providence :All the provisions which the two foundresses foundon their entrance into the house were a pot of butter :mdsome dry cheeses, sent by a charitable young lady. Theybrought with them from home their beds, their linen, anda few other articles of absolute necessity. On the day oftheir entrance there was no bread. After they had cleanedthe house, they thought of returning home till they shouldhave something to eat. But they said one to the other,Let us stay ;perhaps Providence will send us something*for dinner/ Providence did not fail them. The motherof one of them thought of her daughter, and sent her herdinner, which she shared with her companion, who a littlewhile afterwards received her own. They had all theywanted, and the next day made some bread." A fewdays afterwards they were joined by a good widow froma neighbouring village, and then by a young womannamed Jeanne Marie Chaney, who was strong enough toact as an arm to heart and head. She did the hard work,made the bread, washed the clothes, and worked in thegarden. M. le Cure," continues Catherine, began byopening a free school for the little girls of the parish ; hesoon afterwards admitted some children from the neighbouring parishes, who were also taught gratuitously, butwho paid for their own board. He received asmany aswe had room for ; but our space was then very narrow.M. le Cure provided for every thing, and supplied all ourdaily needs. Not long afterwards a person from Lyonscame to reside at Ars, who, without wishing to fix herself at the Providence, took pleasure in the society of thedirectresses. She had property, and took upon herselfthe expense of the housekeeping, which was a great relief

^6 THE CURri OF ARS.7011 that it yon can contrive to send me my pension for<strong>the</strong> whole year, it will be a great convenience to me, as Ihave just made an important purchase formy church.Ifyou could even advance me that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> coming year, itwould be still better. My bro<strong>the</strong>r-in-law Melin has kindlypromised to give me a hundred crowns for a work <strong>of</strong>charity, but that will not be enough. I venture to hope,my dearest bro<strong>the</strong>r, that you will do me this favour.&quot;On this occasion, as his small income would not sufficefor <strong>the</strong> purpose in hand, he sold all that he possessed, andpurchased <strong>the</strong> house for <strong>the</strong> sum <strong>of</strong> 20,000 francs, whichwas about <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> his share <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> property at Dardilly.When he had bought <strong>the</strong> house, he had not moneyto pay <strong>the</strong> legal expenses <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> purchase. The next difficulty was to find suitable persons to take charge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>establishment. His first idea had been to place it in <strong>the</strong>hands <strong>of</strong> religious, and his thoughtshad turned to <strong>the</strong>Sisters <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Charles, in grateful remembrance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> carewith which, under <strong>the</strong> Reign <strong>of</strong> Terror, <strong>the</strong>y had preparedhim for his first Communion. He saw reason, however, toalter his plan, and resolved to place at <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> his infant undertaking two young persons <strong>of</strong> his own training,whom, without suffering <strong>the</strong>m to aspire to <strong>the</strong> religiouscharacter, he had long exercised in all <strong>the</strong> virtues whichbelong to it, obedience, humility, simplicity, and absolutedependence upon Divine Providence.Benoite Lardet and Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Lassagne were both distinguished for <strong>the</strong>ir sound practical sense and solid piety.The one was to be, in his own words, <strong>the</strong> head, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong> heart, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new foundation. To Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Lassae-ne ^we owe not only <strong>the</strong> facts here related by M. Mounioconcerning <strong>the</strong> Providence, but, as we have already seen,many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> details <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> holy cure s ministry before <strong>the</strong>

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