Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!


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&quot;The&quot;68 THE CURE OF ARS.Mugnano, in <strong>the</strong> Neapolitan territory, where many signalmiracles were wrought at <strong>the</strong> shrine <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> young martyr.The devotion spread from Italy into France, where newwonders attested her power with God, Who chose, as <strong>the</strong>agent for promoting <strong>the</strong> glory <strong>of</strong> His saint, <strong>the</strong> humblecure <strong>of</strong> an obscure village..Mysterious and wonderful is <strong>the</strong> sympathy which thrillsthrough <strong>the</strong> communion <strong>of</strong> saints, unbroken by distance,undimmed by time, unchilled by death The child went!forth from her mo<strong>the</strong>r s arms to die for Christ ;<strong>the</strong> lictor saxe cropped <strong>the</strong> budding lily, and pious hands ga<strong>the</strong>red itup, and laid it in <strong>the</strong> tomb ;and so fifteen centuries wentby, and none on earth thought upon <strong>the</strong> virgin martyr,who was following <strong>the</strong> Lamb whi<strong>the</strong>rsoever He went, till<strong>the</strong> time came when <strong>the</strong> Lord would have her glory toappear ; and <strong>the</strong>n He chose a championlonely toil-worn priest, to whom He had givenfor her in <strong>the</strong>a heart aschildlike, and a love as heroic, as her own ;and Fie gaveher to be <strong>the</strong> helpmate <strong>of</strong> his labours, and bade her standby him to shelter his humility behind <strong>the</strong> brightness <strong>of</strong>her glory, lest he should be affrighted at <strong>the</strong> knowledge<strong>of</strong> his own power with God.love <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cure <strong>of</strong> Ars,&quot; says M. Monuin, forhis dear tittle saint, as he called her, was almost chivalrous.There was <strong>the</strong> most touching sympathy between <strong>the</strong>m.She granted every thing to his prayers he refused nothing;to her love. He set down to her account all <strong>the</strong> gracesand wonders which contributed to <strong>the</strong> celebrity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pilgrimage <strong>of</strong> Ars. It was all her work ; he had nothingwhatever to do with it.&quot;At <strong>the</strong> close <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fifth year <strong>of</strong> M. <strong>Vianney</strong> s laboursat Ars, his superiors determined to place him where hisburning zeal for <strong>the</strong> salvation <strong>of</strong> souls might have a wider

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