Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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"""come"54 THE CtJRt O? ARS.direction, by the hand of the village carpenter, to the greatdelight of the people of Ars, who looked upon the brightcolouring which was laid on with no sparing hand as amasterpiece of art.They learned of their cure to care foithe house of the Lord, and to aid him to the best of theirpower in celebrating the festivals of the Church with duesolemnity. The feast of Corpus Christi was the dearestof all to his heart. He took great delight in arranging aprocession of children, arrayed, at his own cost, in white,who were to strew flowers before the Blessed Sacrament,when borne in glad procession round the church.Come, my children," he would say, with that smilewhich went to every heart, you will be very good, verymodest, very recollected. You will remember that youare before the good God, and stand in the place of theangels. You will say to Him from the bottom of yourhearts, My * God, I love Thee In order to ! please ourLord, your souls must be as white as the dress you wear."M. Vianney found a ready and zealous helper in hispious labours in the Vicomte d Ars,who had formed a clos<friendship with him when on a visit to his sister. Thispious nobleman, who was the very model of a devout layman, on his return to Paris sent him a splendid tabernacle,candlesticks, and reliquaries for his new altar, togetherwith some rich vestments and banners, a remonstrance,and a splendid canopy.The joy of the holy cur at the sight of all these magnificent presents was almost infantine. He went aboutthe parish calling upon his people to rejoice with him.Come, good mother," he said to one of his good oldwomen, and see something beautiful before youdie."He was not happy till he had thought of a way of ex-

""""""PROCESSION TO FOURVIRES. 65pressing his gratitude to God. Onthe following Sundayhe said to his parishioners :My brethren, you have seen what M. d Ars has justdone for us. Well, I intend to lead you all in processionto Fourvieres,* to give thanks to the Blessed Virgin, andmake an offering to her of these riches. She will blessthem. We will consecrate ourselves to her at the sametime in that sanctuary where she shows herself so mightyand so gracious. She must convert us."The proposal was heartily responded to ;and on thefeast of St. Sixtus, the patron of the parish, the procession set forth, scarcely a soul being left behind.It would have been a good day," says Catherine,to attack the village ;for there was no one left at hometo defend it."That rural procession is stillremembered, the gorgeousbanners contrasting with the humble dress of thevillagers and the emaciated and mortified appearance oftheir saintly pastor.That day," says M. Monnin, has remained as amemorable epoch in the remembrance of the people of Ars.It drew down graces upon their little corner of the world,which, in after years, was to attract pilgrims from all theends of the earth to this new suburb of Fourvieres. Itmarked out to them the precise period of a great religioustransformation. At the same time it shed a sudden lightupon the soul of the holy priest. His heart swelled witha sense of joy unknown before, which seemed like a revelation of the future glory of his humble village."I was a prophet once in my said life," he, not longbefore his death ;then interrupting himself, as if he was* A celebrated shrine of our Blessed Lady, and place of pilgrimage, near Lyons.

&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;PROCESSION TO FOURVIRES. 65pressing his gratitude to God. On<strong>the</strong> following Sundayhe said to his parishioners :My brethren, you have seen what M. d Ars has justdone for us. Well, I intend to lead you all in processionto Fourvieres,* to give thanks to <strong>the</strong> Blessed Virgin, andmake an <strong>of</strong>fering to her <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se riches. She will bless<strong>the</strong>m. We will consecrate ourselves to her at <strong>the</strong> sametime in that sanctuary where she shows herself so mightyand so gracious. She must convert us.&quot;The proposal was heartily responded to ;and on <strong>the</strong>feast <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Sixtus, <strong>the</strong> patron <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> parish, <strong>the</strong> procession set forth, scarcely a soul being left behind.It would have been a good day,&quot; says Ca<strong>the</strong>rine,to attack <strong>the</strong> village ;for <strong>the</strong>re was no one left at hometo defend it.&quot;That rural procession is stillremembered, <strong>the</strong> gorgeousbanners contrasting with <strong>the</strong> humble dress <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>villagers and <strong>the</strong> emaciated and mortified appearance <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir saintly pastor.That day,&quot; says M. Monnin, has remained as amemorable epoch in <strong>the</strong> remembrance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong> Ars.It drew down graces upon <strong>the</strong>ir little corner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world,which, in after years, was to attract pilgrims from all <strong>the</strong>ends <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth to this new suburb <strong>of</strong> Fourvieres. Itmarked out to <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> precise period <strong>of</strong> a great religioustransformation. At <strong>the</strong> same time it shed a sudden lightupon <strong>the</strong> soul <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> holy priest. His heart swelled witha sense <strong>of</strong> joy unknown before, which seemed like a revelation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> future glory <strong>of</strong> his humble village.&quot;I was a prophet once in my said life,&quot; he, not longbefore his death ;<strong>the</strong>n interrupting himself, as if he was* A celebrated shrine <strong>of</strong> our Blessed Lady, and place <strong>of</strong> pilgrimage, near Lyons.

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