Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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""And338 THE CURE OF AR8.leased from the body so long worn down in the service ofhis Divine Master ? Euge, serve bone etfidelis ; intra ingaudium Domini tui, Courage, good and faithful servant ;enter into the joy of thy Lord and thy God.Meditate for a few moments, my brethren, on thesesweet and cheering words. They must be our hope andconsolation at this moment. I may add, that they contain a salutary warning, in the name of him who shallspeak to you no more, save by the example of his life,and probably also by the marvels of his tomb. Euge,courage, already does this first word, this single word,reanimate us. Courage, good and faithful servant ! JeanBaptiste Marie Vianney, our holy Cure of Ars, was aservant of God, who numbered seventy -four years of goodand loyalservice. He took service in the house of theLord from his very infancy.As a child, as a very littlechild, he served God as a ; young man, as an ecclesiastical student, he served God ;no repulse or discouragement could turn him aside from hissteadfast purpose toserve God in the highest and most perfect way possible,by devoting himself to the sacerdotal life. He desired tobe a priest most assuredly only to serve God. His lifehas given full proof of this. As priest, as vicaire, andas cur6, always and in all things, he served God.this service at last, as you all know, so entirety filled his life, that the indifferent actions whichwe consecrate to the service of God, by offering them toHim, and thus referring them indirectly to His honour,all these indifferent actions had, as it were, vanishedfrom the life of the holy cur6. He lived almost withoutfood or sleep. Two or three ounces of nourishment a day,one or two hours of sleep, sufficed him. And how didlieemploy the rest of his time ? Wholly in the service

"SERMON OP THE BISHOP OF BELLET. 339of God, in the service of souls,fourteen, sixteen, eighteen hours in the confessional, interrupted only by hiscatechetical instruction that instruction which was soeloquent a sermon. The mere sight of the saintly cure\when his words were inaudible, preached, touched, converted. And how was the remainder of his time employed? In frequent communication with his belovedparishioners, in visiting the sick, in long and ferventprayers, in pious reading ; in one word, his whole daywas spent in acts directly to the glory and service ofGod. And this day, thus devoted to God, was continually recommenced, Sunday and week-day, night andday, without respite or relaxation.*Euge, serve bone et fidelis, quia in pauca fuisti fidelis !Courage, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful in little things O my ! God, permit me this word ;it was not only in little things that the Cure of Ars wasThy faithful and devoted servant. Let it be said toThy glory, my God ;for his life was a new miracle ofThy power and of Thy love to; Thee, indeed, all thisis doubtless little, very little, infinitely little, but to us,weak mortals, this life was a miracle, a glorious, a continual miracle. Through how many years, through howmany centuries may we look back ere we find the life ofthus continuanother priest, thus fruitfully, thus holily,ally occupied, employed, lavished in the service of God ?And that service of God was accomplished with all theperfection and fidelity due to the sanctity of the Masterwhom we serve. Euge, serve lone et fidelis! Courage,good and faithful servant !Good,for a Christian, for apriest, is sacrifice, mortification, the Cross ; goodis themoan of natural sorrow turned into the sigh of expiationand love. Sacrifice is an act of love, and at the same

&quot;&quot;And338 THE CURE OF AR8.leased from <strong>the</strong> body so long worn down in <strong>the</strong> service <strong>of</strong>his Divine Master ? Euge, serve bone etfidelis ; intra ingaudium Domini tui, Courage, good and faithful servant ;enter into <strong>the</strong> joy <strong>of</strong> thy Lord and thy God.Meditate for a few moments, my brethren, on <strong>the</strong>sesweet and cheering words. They must be our hope andconsolation at this moment. I may add, that <strong>the</strong>y contain a salutary warning, in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> him who shallspeak to you no more, save by <strong>the</strong> example <strong>of</strong> his life,and probably also by <strong>the</strong> marvels <strong>of</strong> his tomb. Euge,courage, already does this first word, this single word,reanimate us. Courage, good and faithful servant ! JeanBaptiste Marie <strong>Vianney</strong>, our holy Cure <strong>of</strong> Ars, was aservant <strong>of</strong> God, who numbered seventy -four years <strong>of</strong> goodand loyalservice. He took service in <strong>the</strong> house <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Lord from his very infancy.As a child, as a very littlechild, he served God as a ; young man, as an ecclesiastical student, he served God ;no repulse or discouragement could turn him aside from hissteadfast purpose toserve God in <strong>the</strong> highest and most perfect way possible,by devoting himself to <strong>the</strong> sacerdotal life. He desired tobe a priest most assuredly only to serve God. His lifehas given full pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> this. As priest, as vicaire, andas cur6, always and in all things, he served God.this service at last, as you all know, so entirety filled his life, that <strong>the</strong> indifferent actions whichwe consecrate to <strong>the</strong> service <strong>of</strong> God, by <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>the</strong>m toHim, and thus referring <strong>the</strong>m indirectly to His honour,all <strong>the</strong>se indifferent actions had, as it were, vanishedfrom <strong>the</strong> life <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> holy cur6. He lived almost withoutfood or sleep. Two or three ounces <strong>of</strong> nourishment a day,one or two hours <strong>of</strong> sleep, sufficed him. And how didlieemploy <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> his time ? Wholly in <strong>the</strong> service

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