Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!


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&quot;The&quot;334 THE CURE OF ARS.death before, and restored to <strong>the</strong>m by a miracle, and bya continued miracle had he been preserved to <strong>the</strong>m eversince.His life for thirty or forty years would have beendeath to any o<strong>the</strong>r man. And he was so much wanted !What was to become <strong>of</strong> that innumerable concourse <strong>of</strong>pilgrims, sick in body or in soul, who hung upon his lips ?Had his hand been indeed lifted up for <strong>the</strong> last time inbenediction ? We had cradled ourselves,&quot; says M. Mon-&quot;in <strong>the</strong>se hopes ;we had rested on <strong>the</strong> thought thatnin,he was still to be left for a long time to us. We couldnot imagine Ars without its cure ; its church always openand always full ; itsmidnight Angelus ; its closely besieged confessional ; its Saint, who was <strong>the</strong> sun <strong>of</strong> thatprivileged corner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth, who gaveit its life, andfilled itsatmosphere with <strong>the</strong> odour <strong>of</strong> his virtues. Andhe was no more ! He had blessed us for <strong>the</strong> last time ;he had bidden us his last farewell ;between our souls and God, that golden linkand that sacred bondbetween usand all <strong>the</strong> mysterious glories <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> communion <strong>of</strong> Saints,was broken.Cure&quot; <strong>of</strong> Ars was dead ! That life <strong>of</strong> devotionand prayer, <strong>of</strong> charity and patience, <strong>of</strong> humility andsacrifice, was over: he had fought <strong>the</strong> good fight;he hadfinished his course ;he had received his crown. At last <strong>the</strong>toil-worn labourer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lord was at rest. As <strong>the</strong> words,Depart, Christian soul, were uttered, he entered into <strong>the</strong>joy <strong>of</strong> his Lord.&quot;The emaciated body, seamed and scarred with <strong>the</strong>glorious stigmata <strong>of</strong> mortification, lay on his poor pallet,arrayed by<strong>the</strong> hands <strong>of</strong> his beloved missionaries in <strong>the</strong>poor cotta and soutane, which in life he never laid aside.The Comte des Garets drew near <strong>the</strong> bed, took <strong>the</strong> hand<strong>of</strong> his revered pastor, and bade him this touching fare-

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