Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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"Have"""282 THE CURE OF ARS.The following extract is from a sermon on the Feaetof the Presentation :you meditated on the love which consumedthe heart of the holy old man Simeon during his ecstasy?For, assuredly, he was in ecstasy when he held the InfantJesus in his arms. He had asked of God that he mightbehold the Redeemer of Israel, and God had promised togrant his prayer. Fifty years did he spend in this expectation, burning with desire for its fulfilment. WhenMary and Joseph came into the Temple, God said to him :4He is here. Then taking the Infant Jesus in his arms,and pressingHim to his heart, which overflowed with love,and kindled at the touch of the Holy Child, the good oldman exclaimed Now, Lord, let me die : ! Then hegave back Jesus to His Mother he was;only suffered tokeep Him for one moment. But we, my brethren, did weknow it, are far happier than Simeon. We may keepHim always if we will. He comes not only into ourarms, but into our, how happy art thou, didst thou but understandthy happiness ! Didst thou understand it,thouwouldst die for joy ; ay, thou wouldst surely die for joy!Thou wouldst die of love ! That God gives Himself tothee ;thou mayest carry Him away with thee,if thouwilt ;whither thou wilt, He is one with thee !Sometimes he would allude to passing events whichaffected the welfare of religionor the Church. In 1849he thus spoke of the sorrows of the Holy Father :It would seem that, in the absence of His Vicar, ourLord Himself is returning to earth to manifest Himselfonce more among men in His suffering humanity. Youhave heard of the new miracle which has taken place atRome ;the veil with which St. Veronica wiped the sacred

"""SORROWS OF THE HOLY FATHER. 283face of our Lord was exposed the other day. While theCardinals were kneeling before this sacred portrait, whichhad been nearly effaced by time, the sad and tearful countenance of our Divine Lord reappeared in perfect distinctness. Some, indeed, refuse to believe the miracle.>Youmay as well try to make a blind man distinguish colours.By this apparition and these tears our Lord seemed tosay to the Cardinals Where is your father and My:son? They have driven him away where ; is he ? justas Mary said to St. Peter, after the death of Jesus :Where isthy Father and my Son ? I see Him nolonger. Our Lord wept for His Vicar, as a father whohas lost his son, as a husband who has lost his wife. Hehas worked a miracle in behalf of the Pope. How holy,then, must he be ! What alms can be so acceptable toGod as to give to the Holy Father ? You will have ashare in his holy prayers. Our Lord has always showna deference towards His Vicar :he is the depositary of allHis treasures. We can do nothing, therefore, more acceptable to God than to pray for His Vicar until he isrestored to his dominions. Jesus Christ asks us to do sobyHis tears."In 1830, when crosses had been broken down in someparts of France,They may do what they will,"cried he, in the midstof his catechising, with an indignant energy which electrified his hearers ;they may do what they will The!Cross is stronger than they; they will not always overthrow it. When our Lord shall appear in the clouds ofHeaven, they will not be able to pluckit out of Hishands !M. Monnin gives the following fragments from somegf the holy cure sSunday homilies on the gospel for the

&quot;Have&quot;&quot;&quot;282 THE CURE OF ARS.The following extract is from a sermon on <strong>the</strong> Feaet<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Presentation :you meditated on <strong>the</strong> love which consumed<strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> holy old man Simeon during his ecstasy?For, assuredly, he was in ecstasy when he held <strong>the</strong> InfantJesus in his arms. He had asked <strong>of</strong> God that he mightbehold <strong>the</strong> Redeemer <strong>of</strong> Israel, and God had promised togrant his prayer. Fifty years did he spend in this expectation, burning with desire for its fulfilment. WhenMary and Joseph came into <strong>the</strong> Temple, God said to him :4He is here. Then taking <strong>the</strong> Infant Jesus in his arms,and pressingHim to his heart, which overflowed with love,and kindled at <strong>the</strong> touch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Child, <strong>the</strong> good oldman exclaimed Now, Lord, let me die : ! Then hegave back Jesus to His Mo<strong>the</strong>r he was;only suffered tokeep Him for one moment. But we, my brethren, did weknow it, are far happier than Simeon. We may keepHim always if we will. He comes not only into ourarms, but into our, how happy art thou, didst thou but understandthy happiness ! Didst thou understand it,thouwouldst die for joy ; ay, thou wouldst surely die for joy!Thou wouldst die <strong>of</strong> love ! That God gives Himself to<strong>the</strong>e ;thou mayest carry Him away with <strong>the</strong>e,if thouwilt ;whi<strong>the</strong>r thou wilt, He is one with <strong>the</strong>e !Sometimes he would allude to passing events whichaffected <strong>the</strong> welfare <strong>of</strong> religionor <strong>the</strong> Church. In 1849he thus spoke <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sorrows <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Fa<strong>the</strong>r :It would seem that, in <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> His Vicar, ourLord Himself is returning to earth to manifest Himselfonce more among men in His suffering humanity. Youhave heard <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new miracle which has taken place atRome ;<strong>the</strong> veil with which <strong>St</strong>. Veronica wiped <strong>the</strong> sacred

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