Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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"The"""We276 THE CURri OF ABS.with us as a great king who sends his messenger to bringone of his subjects to him, saying, You will accompanythis man whithersoever he goes, and bring him back tome safe and sound. What a blessed thing, my children,to have the Holy Spirit for our companion He ! is a goodGuide, and yet there are those who will not follow Him.Holy Spirit is like a man with a good horse andcarriage, who offers to take youto Paris. You havein. It is nonothing to do but to say, yes, and to gethard matter to say yes. Well, the Holy Spirit wishes totake us to Heaven. We have nothing to do but to sayyes, and to let him take us there. The Holy Ghost islike a gardener, who cultivates our souls. The HolySpirit is our servant.Here is a gun. Well, you load it,but there must besome one to fire it off. So there is material in us wherewith to do good the Holy ;Spirit fires the train, and goodworks are the consequence. The Holy Ghost rests in thesoul of the j ust like the dove in her nest. He hatches gooddesires in a pure soul, as the dove hatches her little ones.The Holy Spirit leads us as a mother leads a child oftwo years old in her hand as one who can see leads ablind man.The Sacraments which our Lord institutedThewould not have saved us without the Holy Spirit.death even of our Lord would have been useless to uswithout Him. And therefore our Lord said to HisApostles, It isexpedient for you that I go away ; forif I go not away, the Paraclete will not come to you.The descent of the Holy Ghost was needed to render thatharvest of graces fruitful. As with a grain of wheat :you cast it into the earth, but it needs the sun and rainto make it spring up and bringshould say every morning:Myforth the ear.God, send me

"Look"""SUFFERING. 277Thy Holy Spirit, to teach me what I am and what St. Catherine, who has two crowns thecrown of suffering and the crown of purity. How gladisshe now, that dear little Saint, that she chose rather tosuffer than to consent to sin !There was a poor boy in a parish quite close to uswho was lying sick upon his miserable bed, all coveredwith sores. I said to him, My poor little boy, yousuffer very much He ! answered, No, M. le Cure. 1do not feelmy yesterday s pain to-day, and to-morrowI shall not feel the pain of to-day. But you would liketo get well No ? ;I was naughty before I was ill ; perhaps I should be naughty again. I am better as I am.There was vinegar indeed, but the oil had the better of it.We do not understand this because we are too earthly.Children in whom the Holy Spirit dwells putshame.If the good God sends us crosses,us towe resist, complain, and murmur. We are so averse to every thingwhich crosses us, that we want to be in a box full ofcotton wool, when we should be in a box full of thorns.The Cross is the way to Heaven. Sicknesses, temptations, and sorrows are somany crosses, which are tobring us to Heaven. All this will soon be over. Look atthe Saints who have arrived there before us. The goodGod does not ask of us the martyrdom of the body, Heasks of us only the martyrdom of the heart and the will .Our Lord is our pattern ; let us take up our cross andfollow Him. Let us do like the soldiers of Napoleon.They had to cross a bridge on which the enemy was

&quot;The&quot;&quot;&quot;We276 THE CURri OF ABS.with us as a great king who sends his messenger to bringone <strong>of</strong> his subjects to him, saying, You will accompanythis man whi<strong>the</strong>rsoever he goes, and bring him back tome safe and sound. What a blessed thing, my children,to have <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit for our companion He ! is a goodGuide, and yet <strong>the</strong>re are those who will not follow Him.Holy Spirit is like a man with a good horse andcarriage, who <strong>of</strong>fers to take youto Paris. You havein. It is nonothing to do but to say, yes, and to gethard matter to say yes. Well, <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit wishes totake us to Heaven. We have nothing to do but to sayyes, and to let him take us <strong>the</strong>re. The Holy Ghost islike a gardener, who cultivates our souls. The HolySpirit is our servant.Here is a gun. Well, you load it,but <strong>the</strong>re must besome one to fire it <strong>of</strong>f. So <strong>the</strong>re is material in us wherewith to do good <strong>the</strong> Holy ;Spirit fires <strong>the</strong> train, and goodworks are <strong>the</strong> consequence. The Holy Ghost rests in <strong>the</strong>soul <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> j ust like <strong>the</strong> dove in her nest. He hatches gooddesires in a pure soul, as <strong>the</strong> dove hatches her little ones.The Holy Spirit leads us as a mo<strong>the</strong>r leads a child <strong>of</strong>two years old in her hand as one who can see leads ablind man.The Sacraments which our Lord institutedThewould not have saved us without <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit.death even <strong>of</strong> our Lord would have been useless to uswithout Him. And <strong>the</strong>refore our Lord said to HisApostles, It isexpedient for you that I go away ; forif I go not away, <strong>the</strong> Paraclete will not come to you.The descent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost was needed to render thatharvest <strong>of</strong> graces fruitful. As with a grain <strong>of</strong> wheat :you cast it into <strong>the</strong> earth, but it needs <strong>the</strong> sun and rainto make it spring up and bringshould say every morning:Myforth <strong>the</strong> ear.God, send me

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