Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!


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&quot;&quot;One&quot;M.&quot;We&quot;&quot;&quot;246 THE CDRri OF ARS.disconcerts <strong>the</strong> devil, and more powerfully attracts gracesand favours from God, than fasting and vigils.When Iwas alone, and could do as I would on this point, I obtained every thing which I desired. Now,&quot; added he,with tears, I cannot do <strong>the</strong> like. If I remain so longwithout food, I lose allmy strer.gth, and am unable toThe next day he came again toM. Tailhades with avery bright countenance.I have found some more money. I said yesterdayto <strong>the</strong> Blessed Virgin, My most holy Mo<strong>the</strong>r, if devotionto your Immaculate Conception is pleasing to you, get mesome money to enrich <strong>the</strong> foundation which I propose tomake in honour <strong>of</strong> your Immaculate Heart. This morning I repeated my prayer but I added, You must fii.d;me two hundred francs this evening. If <strong>the</strong> money comeslater, it will not be for you. And here is a person whohas just brought me three hundred francs.I said to him,Oh, no, this would be too much ; but I will thankfully*accept two hundred.day,&quot; says M. Monnin, in <strong>the</strong> visit which hepaid us after dinner, <strong>the</strong> Abbe Toccanier and I observedthat he looked much brighter than usual.le Cure, said I, you look quite radiant to-day.I believe so, my friend. I have, at any rate, rea&quot; *son to be content. I have discovered this morning thatI have wealth to <strong>the</strong> amount <strong>of</strong> two hundred thousandfrancs. And what is better still, this capital is placedout at enormous interest on <strong>the</strong> most secure bank in<strong>the</strong> universe. I have lent it to <strong>the</strong> three richest PersonsI could meet with.did not at once understand this enigma, andasked Bro<strong>the</strong>r Jerome to explain it who replied by pro-

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