Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!


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&quot;&quot;The&quot;190 THE CURE&quot; OF ARS.Providence, <strong>of</strong> which you are <strong>the</strong> stay and support, andwhich cannot subsist without you. Think, lastly, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>good <strong>of</strong> religion, which God Himself has called you tomaintain and glorify.Tell me, my dear Cure, are not <strong>the</strong> trials which Godsends you, <strong>the</strong> sufferings <strong>of</strong> body and mind with which Heafflicts you, all for His glory and your future happiness ?It is not for me, my dear Cure, to say <strong>the</strong>se things to you ;but you will forgive me, in consideration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sincerelove which you know I bear you.Many will be comingto see you from Ars. Send me word how you are ; and,once more, let me beseech you to take no step until I haveseen you.whole parish is in consternation ; this is only <strong>the</strong>bare truth. Be assured that <strong>the</strong> sorrow felt here, and <strong>the</strong>fear <strong>of</strong> giving you pain, will prevent many abuses, and bringback many souls to virtue and religion. Be assured that,for my part, I will use every means inmy power for <strong>the</strong>establishment <strong>of</strong> good order, and that I will do better thanI have done hi<strong>the</strong>rto. Whatever may be <strong>the</strong> will <strong>of</strong> God,do not forget me, rny dear Cure, in your good prayers.Do not forget my family; do forget my little Joaimy,i&amp;gt;otfor his first Communionwhom you had promised to preparewhich would have been a great source <strong>of</strong> hope and cousclatiou to Madame des Garets and myself, and a great blessto our child. Do not forgetyour desolate nock, which,ingwidowed <strong>of</strong> its pastor, utters most fervent prayers that hemay be restored to it,and that <strong>the</strong> good God will be pleasedsoon to bring you back among us.P. DES UrARETS.&quot;This letter made a great impression upon M. <strong>Vianney</strong>,who read itmany times over. He had not left his bro<strong>the</strong>r s house, but was actually concealed in <strong>the</strong> room above

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