Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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""180 THE CUR OP ARS.enjoy this privilege the rest knelt on the staircase, in the;court, and even in the market-place, praying and weeping.When M Vianney was asked, in the formula of theritual, whether he believed in all the truths of our holyreligion, he replied, I have never doubted them whe;"ther he pardoned his enemies, I have never, thankto anyone."God, wished illThe next day the Cure of Fareins said Mass at thealtar of St. Philomena. At that very time the patientfell, for the first time, into a peaceful slumber, which wasthe precursor of his perfect recovery. It was a generalreport at Ars, that St. Philomena had then appeared tohim, and revealed to him things which, to the end of hislong life, were a subject of joy and consolation to him.The following is the testimony of M. Pertinant, theschoolmaster of Ars, who had been his affectionate andassiduous nurse throughout his illness :"Ourholy cure, finding himself at the last extremity,begged that a Mass might be said in honour of St. Philomena, to whom he had consecrated himself by a specialvow. The Mass was said by a neighbouring priest, andall in Ars, whether residents or strangers, assisted at it.Before the holy sacrifice began, M. le Cure seemed to meto be labouring under a kind of terror. I observed something extraordinary about him a great anxiety, an unwonted disturbance. I watched his movements with redoubled attention, believing that the fatal hour was come,and that he was about to breathe his last. But as soon asthe priest was at the altar, he became suddenly more tranquil he looked like a man who was gazing at something;pleasing and consoling. The Mass was hardly over, whenhe said :My friend, a great change has taken place in*me ; I am cured/ Great was my joy at these words. I

"The"HIS MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. 181was convinced that M. Vianney had seen a vision, for Ihad several times heard him murmur the name of his sweetpatroness, which led me to believe that St. Philomenahad appeared to him ; but I dared not questionhim."The following letter from the castle tells of his continued convalescence :"Ars, May 14th."It is now two days since the physicians pronouncedour holy cure to be much better, and the third morningnow confirms this blessed news. The happinessis thegreater as we were far from any hope of it. If you hadbut seen the desolation of the whole parish ;if you hadour littleonly heard the sobs which have echoed throughchurch for the last ten days, you would understand theexcess of our joy. When the death of M. le Cure wasanticipated, baskets full of medals, rosaries, crosses, andimages, were brought to him to bless. I doubt whetherall the Bishops in France put together bless so many. Thedocility of the venerable patient is exemplary. He takeseverything which is prescribed for him. Yesterday, indeed, he wanted to send away his chicken-broth; but hisconfessor came and scolded him, and he took it withoutanother word.other day, seeing all the faculty round his bed,he laughed, and said, I am at this moment engaged in agreat conflict. (With whom, M. le Cure ? said they.With four physicians.If a fifth comes, I shall die."Ars, May 17th."The strength of our holy cure increases with a speed*which his physicians call marvellous. Say miraculous,replied he. He attributes his cure to the intercession ofSt. Philomena. He said very graciously to his doctors :1You are the means which God has used to cure me.

&quot;The&quot;HIS MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. 181was convinced that M. <strong>Vianney</strong> had seen a vision, for Ihad several times heard him murmur <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> his sweetpatroness, which led me to believe that <strong>St</strong>. Philomenahad appeared to him ; but I dared not questionhim.&quot;The following letter from <strong>the</strong> castle tells <strong>of</strong> his continued convalescence :&quot;Ars, May 14th.&quot;It is now two days since <strong>the</strong> physicians pronouncedour holy cure to be much better, and <strong>the</strong> third morningnow confirms this blessed news. The happinessis <strong>the</strong>greater as we were far from any hope <strong>of</strong> it. If you hadbut seen <strong>the</strong> desolation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole parish ;if you hadour littleonly heard <strong>the</strong> sobs which have echoed throughchurch for <strong>the</strong> last ten days, you would understand <strong>the</strong>excess <strong>of</strong> our joy. When <strong>the</strong> death <strong>of</strong> M. le Cure wasanticipated, baskets full <strong>of</strong> medals, rosaries, crosses, andimages, were brought to him to bless. I doubt whe<strong>the</strong>rall <strong>the</strong> Bishops in France put toge<strong>the</strong>r bless so many. Thedocility <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> venerable patient is exemplary. He takeseverything which is prescribed for him. Yesterday, indeed, he wanted to send away his chicken-broth; but hisconfessor came and scolded him, and he took it withoutano<strong>the</strong>r word.o<strong>the</strong>r day, seeing all <strong>the</strong> faculty round his bed,he laughed, and said, I am at this moment engaged in agreat conflict. (With whom, M. le Cure ? said <strong>the</strong>y.With four physicians.If a fifth comes, I shall die.&quot;Ars, May 17th.&quot;The strength <strong>of</strong> our holy cure increases with a speed*which his physicians call marvellous. Say miraculous,replied he. He attributes his cure to <strong>the</strong> intercession <strong>of</strong><strong>St</strong>. Philomena. He said very graciously to his doctors :1You are <strong>the</strong> means which God has used to cure me.

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