Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!


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&quot;My&quot;158 THE cuiiri or ARS.to great inconvenience to see phenomena, which are <strong>of</strong>tennot worth <strong>the</strong> trouble. This is <strong>the</strong> greatest and rarest <strong>of</strong>phenomena, for it is sanctity in full action. You cannot,in your quality <strong>of</strong> historian, be dispensed from observingit. Do not fail, <strong>the</strong>n, to go to Ars, and that withoutdelay, for <strong>the</strong> Cure <strong>of</strong> Ars will not last much longer.friend was right I felt ; it,and resolved to follow his advice. Instead, <strong>the</strong>refore, <strong>of</strong> proceeding direct toLyons, I stopped at Villefranche. I had hardly got into<strong>the</strong> town when, just as I was on <strong>the</strong> point <strong>of</strong>ascending<strong>the</strong> steep street leading to <strong>the</strong> church, which seemed wellworth visiting, <strong>the</strong> clouds which had been collecting in <strong>the</strong>sky (I notice this circumstance purposely) poured downsuch a deluge <strong>of</strong> water as compelled me to take shelter in<strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> carriages which <strong>the</strong> growing celebrity <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> abbe had caused to run between Villefranche and Ars.At <strong>the</strong> appointed hour we set <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> ; heavy rain con tinned;not a person was to be seen on <strong>the</strong> road ; it had rained frequently during <strong>the</strong> whole day and <strong>the</strong> preceding day also.Well, said I to myself, <strong>the</strong>re will be no crowd around <strong>the</strong>Cure <strong>of</strong> Ars. I shall lose <strong>the</strong> sight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> people eagerlyflocking to see him ;but I shall be able to approach himeasily, speak to him, and set <strong>of</strong>f without much delay.As I was making <strong>the</strong>se reflections we arrived at Ars.The carriage set us down at a good village-inn, where youare well treated, and not, as yet, imposed upon <strong>the</strong> ; cure,I was told, forbade it.Knowing how difficult it is to moderate <strong>the</strong> charges <strong>of</strong> innkeepers, especially at a place <strong>of</strong>pilgrimage, this was to my mind a strong indication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>mastery exercised by this holy man over <strong>the</strong> hearts <strong>of</strong> hispeople. Without fur<strong>the</strong>r delay we now hastened to <strong>the</strong>church, where we were told that we should find M. leCure. On <strong>the</strong> way I arranged matters in my own mind.

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