Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!


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&quot;when&quot;&quot;We&quot;Men&quot;144 THE CTJR OF ARS.tongues, have preserved <strong>the</strong> energy <strong>of</strong> mind, and <strong>the</strong> selfcommandnecessary to labour on with unabated ardourand perseverance, do much more for God,&quot;said he,we do <strong>the</strong> same things without pleasure andwithout satisfaction. It is true that I daily expected tobe driven out ;to remain here for ever.&quot;but meanwhile I worked on as if I wereIt does not appear that during this time <strong>of</strong> fiery trialfrom his fellow- men, M. <strong>Vianney</strong> had toendure <strong>the</strong> farmore excruciating interior sufferings which were his portion at ano<strong>the</strong>r period <strong>of</strong> his life.&quot;I was never so happy,&quot;&quot;said he, as in those days ; <strong>the</strong> good God used to grantme everything I desired.&quot; It was also at this time that<strong>the</strong> concourse <strong>of</strong> pilgrims to Ars began to increase in sowonderful a manner.came,&quot; says M. Monnin,*from all countries, far and near, to this reprobate, thiiignorant, insane manj this hypocrite, to lay open <strong>the</strong> mostsecret recesses <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir conscience, to consult him on <strong>the</strong>most intricate questions, to recommend <strong>the</strong>mselves to hisprayers. His great miracles and his great works supported by large alms date also from this period.&quot;This persecution lasted for about eightyears. The holypriest lived it down. Never, during that long trial, didword or look betray a ruffle upon that supernaturalserenity, which reflected <strong>the</strong> image <strong>of</strong> God upon his soul.ft <strong>of</strong>ten happened that <strong>the</strong>y who came to Ars to revileMid blaspheme, were s<strong>of</strong>tened and subdued by <strong>the</strong> veryaspect <strong>of</strong> one who could be hated and suspected only atu distance. It was impossible,&quot; says M. Monnin, toinsult him to his face.&quot; The sight <strong>of</strong> that serene countenance, with its expression <strong>of</strong> transparent simplicity, wasenough to change slanderers into friends.The prejudices <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> clergy were <strong>the</strong> sooner dispelled,

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